jigs: Prefix, Suffix and Derived words

Prefixes of jigs

  • thingamajigs
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    • noun something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known
      gubbins; gismo; thingumabob; whatchamacallit; doohickey; doodad; thingumajig; widget; whatsis; thingamabob; thingummy; thingmabob; whatchamacallum; doojigger; gimmick; thingmajig; gizmo.
      • she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket
      • there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use

Suffixes of jigs

  • jigsaw
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    • noun a portable power saw with a reciprocating blade; can be used with a variety of blades depending on the application and kind of cut; generally have a plate that rides on the surface that is being cut
      saber saw; reciprocating saw.
    • noun fine-toothed power saw with a narrow blade; used to cut curved outlines
      scroll saw; fretsaw.

  • jigsaws


    • noun a portable power saw with a reciprocating blade; can be used with a variety of blades depending on the application and kind of cut; generally have a plate that rides on the surface that is being cut
      saber saw; reciprocating saw.
    • noun fine-toothed power saw with a narrow blade; used to cut curved outlines
      scroll saw; fretsaw.

About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `jigs`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `jigs`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it's meaning.