temperature : Idioms & Phrases

Absolute temperature

  • noun temperature measured on the absolute scale
  • (Physics), the temperature as measured on a scale determined by certain general thermo-dynamic principles, and reckoned from the absolute zero.
Webster 1913

Animal temperature

  • (Physiol.), the nearly constant temperature maintained in the bodies of warm-blooded (homoiothermal) animals during life. The ultimate source of the heat is to be found in the potential energy of the food and the oxygen which is absorbed from the air during respiration. See Homoiothermal.
Webster 1913

basal body temperature

  • noun body temperature in the morning before rising or moving about or eating anything
    basal body temperature.

basal body temperature method

  • noun natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
    basal body temperature method.

basal body temperature method of family planning

  • noun natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
    basal body temperature method.

basal temperature

  • noun body temperature in the morning before rising or moving about or eating anything
    basal body temperature.

body temperature

  • noun temperature of the body; normally 98.6 F or 37 C in humans; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
    blood heat.

curie temperature

  • noun the temperature above which a ferromagnetic substance loses its ferromagnetism and becomes paramagnetic
    Curie point.

high temperature

  • noun the presence of heat
    heat; hotness.

low temperature

  • noun the absence of heat
    frigidness; cold; coldness; frigidity.
    • the coldness made our breath visible
    • come in out of the cold
    • cold is a vasoconstrictor

room temperature

  • noun the normal temperature of room in which people live

standard temperature

  • noun exactly zero degrees centigrade

temperature change

  • noun a process whereby the degree of hotness of a body (or medium) changes

temperature gradient

  • noun change in temperature as a function of distance (especially altitude)

temperature reduction

  • noun the process of becoming cooler; a falling temperature
    cooling; chilling.

temperature scale

  • noun a system of measuring temperature

Temperature sense

  • (Physiol.), the faculty of perceiving cold and warmth, and so of perceiving differences of temperature in external objects. H. N. Martin.
Webster 1913

temperature unit

  • noun a unit of measurement for temperature