strap : Idioms & Phrases
central american strap fern
noun fern with shorter and narrower leaves than Florida strap fern; Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Argentina
Central American strap fern; Campyloneurum augustifolium.
chin strap
noun a strap attached to a hat; passes under the chin and holds the hat in place
Choke"-strap` noun
(Saddlery) A strap leading from the bellyband to the lower part of the collar, to keep the collar in place.
Webster 1913
Eccentric strap
- the ring, operating as a journal box, that encircles and receives motion from an eccentric; called also
eccentric hoop .
Webster 1913
florida strap fern
noun common epiphytic or sometimes terrestrial fern having pale yellow-green strap-shaped leaves; Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Uruguay
hart's-tongue fern; cow-tongue fern.
narrow-leaved strap fern
noun fern with shorter and narrower leaves than Florida strap fern; Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Argentina
Central American strap fern; Campyloneurum augustifolium.
Razor strap , ∨ razor strop
- a strap or strop used in sharpening razors.
Webster 1913
Shoulder strap
noun a band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag
- a strap worn on or over the shoulder. Specifically
(Mil. & Naval) , a narrow strap worn on the shoulder of a commissioned officer, indicating, by a suitable device, the rank he holds in the service. See Illust. in App.
Webster 1913
Stirrup leather , ∨ Stirrup strap
- the strap which attaches a stirrup to the saddle. See
Stirrup , 1.
Webster 1913
Strap bolt
- a bolt of which one end is a flat bar of considerable length.
Webster 1913
strap fern
noun fern with long narrow strap-shaped leaves
Strap head
(Mach.) , a journal box, or pair of brasses, secured to the end of a connecting rod by a strap. See Illust. ofGib and key , underGib .
Webster 1913
Strap hinge
noun a hinge with two long straps; one strap is fastened to the surface of a moving part (e.g., a door or lid) and the other is fastened to the adjacent stationary frame
joint hinge.
- a hinge with long flaps by which it is fastened, as to a door or wall.
Webster 1913
Strap rail
(Railroads) , a flat rail formerly used.
Webster 1913
Strap"-shaped` adjective
Shaped like a strap; ligulate; as, a .strap-shaped corolla