hornbeam : Idioms & Phrases

american hornbeam

  • noun tree or large shrub with grey bark and blue-green leaves that turn red-orange in autumn
    Carpinus caroliniana.

eastern hop hornbeam

  • noun medium-sized hop hornbeam of eastern North America
    ironwood; Ostrya virginiana; ironwood tree.

european hornbeam

  • noun medium-sized Old World tree with smooth grey bark and leaves like beech that turn yellow-orange in autumn
    Carpinus betulus.

Hop hornbeam

  • noun any of several trees resembling hornbeams with fruiting clusters resembling hops
  • (Bot.), an American tree of the genus Ostrya (O.Virginica) the American ironwood; also, a European species (O. vulgaris).
Webster 1913

old world hop hornbeam

  • noun medium-sized hop hornbeam of southern Europe and Asia Minor
    Ostrya carpinifolia.