suppliant Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun one praying humbly for something
    supplicant; requester; petitioner.
    • a suppliant for her favors
  2. adjective satellite humbly entreating
    supplicant; supplicatory.
    • a suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness


Sup"pli*ant adjective
F., of supplier to entreat, L. supplicare. See Supplicate, and cf. Supplicant.
  1. Asking earnestly and submissively; entreating; beseeching; supplicating.
    The rich grow suppliant, and the poor grow proud. Dryden.
  2. Manifesting entreaty; expressive of supplication.
    To bow and sue for grace With suppliant knee. Milton.
    Syn. -- Entreating; beseeching; suing; begging; supplicating; imploring. -- Sup"pli*ant*ly, adv. -- Sup"pli*ant*ness, n.
Sup"pli*ant noun
  1. One who supplicates; a humble petitioner; one who entreats submissively.
    Hear thy suppliant's prayer. Dryden.

Webster 1913