streaming Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun the circulation of cytoplasm within a cell
  2. verb to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind
    • their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind
  3. verb exude profusely
    • She was streaming with sweat
    • His nose streamed blood
  4. verb move in large numbers
    swarm; teem; stream; pour; pullulate.
    • people were pouring out of the theater
    • beggars pullulated in the plaza
  5. verb rain heavily
    rain cats and dogs; pelt; rain buckets; stream; pour.
    • Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!
  6. verb flow freely and abundantly
    well out; stream.
    • Tears streamed down her face
  7. adjective exuding a bodily fluid in profuse amounts
    • his streaming face
    • her streaming eyes
  8. adjective satellite (computer science) using or relating to a form of continuous tape transport; used mainly to provide backup storage of unedited data
    • streaming audio
    • streaming video recording


Stream"ing adjective
  1. Sending forth streams.
Stream"ing noun
  1. The act or operation of that which streams; the act of that which sends forth, or which runs in, streams.
  2. (Mining) The reduction of stream tin; also, the search for stream tin.

Webster 1913