orderly Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer
    • the orderly laid out the general's uniform
  2. noun a male hospital attendant who has general duties that do not involve the medical treatment of patients
    hospital attendant.
  3. adjective devoid of violence or disruption
    • an orderly crowd confronted the president
  4. adjective satellite clean or organized
    • her neat dress
    • a neat room


Or"der*ly adjective
  1. Conformed to order; in order; regular; as, an orderly course or plan. Milton.
  2. Observant of order, authority, or rule; hence, obedient; quiet; peaceable; not unruly; as, orderly children; an orderly community.
  3. Performed in good or established order; well-regulated. "An orderly . . . march." Clarendon.
  4. Being on duty; keeping order; conveying orders. "Aids-de-camp and orderly men." Sir W. Scott.
Or"der*ly adverb
  1. According to due order; regularly; methodically; duly.
    You are blunt; go to it orderly. Shak.
Or"der*ly noun
plural Orderlies
  1. (Mil.) A noncommissioned officer or soldier who attends a superior officer to carry his orders, or to render other service.
    Orderlies were appointed to watch the palace. Macaulay.
  2. A street sweeper. Eng. Mayhew.

Webster 1913