ordered Meaning, Definition & Usage
verb give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
say; enjoin; order; tell.
- I said to him to go home
- She ordered him to do the shopping
- The mother told the child to get dressed
verb make a request for something
- Order me some flowers
- order a work stoppage
verb issue commands or orders for
prescribe; order; dictate.
verb bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
regularize; regularise; regulate; order; govern.
- We cannot regulate the way people dress
- This town likes to regulate
verb bring order to or into
- Order these files
verb place in a certain order
- order the photos chronologically
verb appoint to a clerical posts
ordinate; consecrate; ordain; order.
- he was ordained in the Church
verb arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events
put; order; set up; arrange.
- arrange my schedule
- set up one's life
- I put these memories with those of bygone times
verb assign a rank or rating to
grade; range; rank; rate; place; order.
- how would you rank these students?
- The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide
adjective having a systematic arrangement; especially having elements succeeding in order according to rule
- an ordered sequence
adjective disposed or placed in a particular kind of order
- the carefully arranged chessmen
- haphazardly arranged interlobular septa
- comfortable chairs arranged around the fireplace
adjective marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
coherent; consistent; logical.
- a coherent argument