zany (Also zanies, zanier, zaniest) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to zany
- goof«
- cuckoo«
- fathead«
- goose«
- bozo«
- twat«
- jackass«
- goofball«
- cockamamie«
- wacky«
- goofy«
- sappy«
- whacky«
- silly«
- cockamamy«
- clownish«
- buffoonish«
- clownlike«
- wigged-out«
- nutty as a fruitcake«
- jackpudding«
- crazy«
- zany«
- dopey«
- silliness«
- humorous«
- absurdity«
- jerky«
- buffoon«
- merry andrew«
- foolish«
- clown«
- boob«
- humourous«
- goosey«
- blunder«
- goosy«
- gooselike«
- fatuousness«
- fatuity«
- dopy«
- anserine«
- sin«
- droll«
- slapstick«
- comical«
- hilarious«
- inane«
- wry«
- uproarious«
- amusing«
- nonsensical«
- farcical«
- idiotic«
- jocular«
- fatuous«
- witty«
- funny«
- vacuous«
- harebrained«
- ironic«
- ironical«
- tongue-in-cheek«
- pathetic«
- mindless«
- tragicomic«
- laughable«
- mirthful«
- ludicrous«
- asinine«
- facetious«
- sense of humour«
- humour«
- seriocomic«
- preposterous«
- absurd«
- sense of humor«
- humor«
- craziness«
- scatterbrained«
- pratfall«
- ridiculous«
- foolishness«
- antic«
- comic«
- waggish«
- wit«
- risible«
- stupid«
- cockeyed«
- bantering«
- derisory«
- misguided«
- ill-conceived«
- witticism«
- joking«
- jerk«
- jesting«
- harlequin«
- insane«
- motley fool«
- sidesplitting«
- sad sack«
- bumbler«
- unwise«
- botch«
- fond«
- fool«
- mad«
- madness«
- flub«
- pinhead«
- butcher«
- blooper«
- screaming«
- jester«
- dummy«
- folly«
- bloomer«
- dope«
- whiteface«
- booby«
- bungle«
- fumbler«
- bungler«
- dork«
- boner«
- dumbbell«
- dry«
- boo-boo«
- wittiness«
- unwiseness«
- tragicomical«
- stumbler«
- seriocomical«
- scatty«
- rattlepated«
- rattlebrained«
- merriness«
- jocosity«
- jocoseness«
- jocose«
- humorousness«
- fuckup«
- foul-up«
- botcher«
- blunderer«
- killing«
- zaniness«
- breakfast cereal«
- drop the ball«
- zanyish«
- zany fruit«
- clown around«
- zany afternoon«
- zanily«
- educational toy store«
- zany golf«
- dj zany«
- unzany«
- bob zany«
- unusual«
- zany brainy«
- screwball«
- bruce mccall«
- outlandish«
- zanni«
- mimic«
- disc jockey«
- gas«
- comedian«
- illustration«
- video game«
- collection«
- term«
- bug«
- list«
- bizarre«
- playfulness«
- frivolity«
- buffoonery«
- merriment«
- clowning«
- undignified«
- cartoon«
- satire«
- hilarity«
- jovial«
- repartee«
- dumb«
- fun«
- caricature«
- caustic remark«
- dotty«
- sarcasm«
- unthinking«
- pungency«
- prank«
- stupid person«
- witless«
- joke«
- ridiculousness«
- farce comedy«
- comedy«
- boneheaded«
- glee«
- ill-advised«
- laugh«
- mirth«
- drollery«
- inanity«
- caper«
- merry«
- irony«
- pleasing«
- dull«
- jolly«
- doltish«
- farce«
- stupidity«
- lumpish«
- ridicule«
- derision«
- faux pas«
- imprudent«
- imitation«
- unskillful«
- senseless«
- sketch«
- festive«
- fluff«
- wag«
- dispassion«
- tragicomedy«
- obtuse«
- jest«
- indiscretion«
- gag«
- trick«
- lumpen«
- snafu«
- spectacle«
- dolt«
- jocularity«
- spoil«
- rashness«
- harlequinade«
- festal«
- impersonation«
- senselessness«
- pointlessness«
- mindlessness«
- misstep«
- inadvisable«
- topper«
- mot«
- bon mot«
- ribaldry«
- impolitic«
- bobble«
- humorist«
- bollocks«
- thickheaded«
- gaffe«
- bite«
- muff«
- travesty«
- wild«
- heedlessness«
- schmo«
- funniness«
- stumble«
- esprit de l'escalier«
- vacuity«
- dullard«
- jape«
- humourist«
- clanger«
- gaga«
- dryness«
- pudding head«
- jeu d'esprit«
- dim«
- play«
- slip«
- howler«
- dense«
- schmuck«
- blow«
- trip«
- sport«
- card«
- gay«
- yokel-like«
- wooden-headed«
- waggishness«
- waggery«
- vacuousness«
- unadvised«
- unadvisable«
- trip-up«
- thick-skulled«
- stupe«
- solecism«
- soft-witted«
- shmuck«
- shmo«
- seriocomedy«
- risibility«
- put-on«
- pudden-head«
- pillock«
- nitwitted«
- mirthfulness«
- loggerheaded«
- jocundity«
- jocund«
- japery«
- injudiciousness«
- gormless«
- gleefulness«
- gaumless«
- gaucherie«
- fatheaded«
- facetiousness«
- duncish«
- duncical«
- dispassionateness«
- comicality«
- cloddish«
- butcherly«
- botchy«
- blockheaded«
- asininity«
- absurdness«
- slow«
- weak«
- poor fish«
- thick«
- bull«
- fumble«
- sendup«
- delightful«
- satiric«
- shtick«
- fantastical«
- grotesque«
- wordplay«
- funny story«
- funny remark«
- sarcastic«
- charming«
- gleeful«
- spoof«
- banter«
- awkwardness«
- fabulous«
- prankster«
- satirical«
- standup comedian«
- clumsiness«
- cartoon strip«
- ingratiating«
- heedless«
- schtick«
- melodrama«
- obtuseness«
- parody«
- comic strip«
- pungent«
- giggle«
- quip«
- mocking«
- demeaning«
- mortifying«
- visual joke«
- sick joke«
- practical joke«
- ethnic joke«
- dirty joke«
- blue joke«
- jokester«
- delicious«
- situation comedy«
- low comedy«
- high comedy«
- dark comedy«
- black comedy«
- lunkhead«
- shaggy dog story«
- fantastic«
- pointless«
- belly laugh«
- purposeless«
- punning«
- lampoon«
- chuckle«
- burlesque«
- derisive«
- cackle«
- shortsighted«
- sitcom«
- admirable«
- joyful«
- biting«
- humbling«
- joyous«
- improvident«
- dullness«
- conviviality«
- knucklehead«
- ineptness«
- indulgence«
- superfluous«
- bonehead«
- commedia dell'arte«
- pun«
- one-liner«
- ill-considered«
- guffaw«
- chortle«
- gratifying«
- scream«
- trickster«
- unintelligent«
- dirty trick«
- dirty story«
- cartoonist«
- spoiling«
- mockery«
- dumbness«
- ineptitude«
- rash«
- injudicious«
- lunacy«
- klutz«
- frivolous«
- sweet«
- dispassionate«
- tomfoolery«
- charade«
- snicker«
- fad«
- humiliating«
- joviality«
- sight gag«
- laughter«
- practical joker«
- joker«
- fab«
- simpleton«
- rage«
- laugher«
- ironist«
- in-joke«
- mock«
- mock-heroic«
- ape«
- guy«
- nipping«
- simple«
- taunting«
- comedienne«
- howl«
- reckless«
- slowness«
- festivity«
- craze«
- parodist«
- good story«
- blue story«
- dunce«
- inexpedient«
- miscue«
- foolery«
- caricaturist«
- roast«
- dunderhead«
- funnies«
- jubilant«
- snigger«
- wow«
- elated«
- satirist«
- imprudence«
- jollity«
- give-and-take«
- hoaxer«
- jeering«
- screwup«
- blockhead«
- easy«
- clang«
- furor«
- pleasantry«
- furore«
- blackguard«
- enthusiastic«
- celebration«
- tricker«
lightheadedness, roar, unskilled, spoilage, infra dig, good, hollow, empty, cut-up, titter, rib, cult, strip, backwardness, catch, takeoff, wasted, punster, barbed, clangor, mental retardation, unskillfulness, unheeding, tomfool, thigh-slapper, subnormality, slow-wittedness, slip-up, sidesplitter, shtik, shithead, schtik, saphead, ridiculer, reasonless, raillery, pasquinade, paronomasia, parapraxis, otiose, numskull, muttonhead, mordacious, mess-up, maladroitness, leg-pulling, leg-pull, lampooner, jolliness, inadvisability, ill-judged, gibelike, gagwriter, gagster, gagman, fuckhead, fucked-up, dumbass, denseness, cold-eyed, cockup, catcall, ballup, balls-up, backchat, muggins, bray, sap, retardation, top banana, hammerhead, riot, berk, top, loggerhead, pass, express mirth, botch up, fool around, deride, bumble, bollocks up, muck up, mess up, fuck up, express joy, mishandle, arse around, foul up, slip up, horse around, trip up, screw up, louse up, bollix up, ball up, bollix, bodge, poke fun, make fun, laugh softly, laugh loudly, laugh at, satirize, jest at, transcend, impersonate, satirise, overstep, crack up, break up, go past, convulse, cachinnate, bellylaugh, exceed, sardonic, melodramatic, mordant, artless, brainless, histrionic, tease, giddy, clumsy, inelegant, convivial, flippant, teasing, animated cartoon, aimlessness, faddish, rhapsodic, illogical, awkward, theatrical role, flighty, superlative, inept, disrespectful, airheaded, gaiety, doofus, ribbing, mischievousness, strange, lampoon artist, convulsive, wisecrack, acme, foolish woman, sweetness, transcendent, lame, wonderfulness, hollowness, idiocy, half-baked, trivial, bellowing, insincerity, scoffing, nitwit, maladroit, nebbish, airhead, foolhardiness, joyfulness, slow-witted, overenthusiastic, saturnine, forgetful person, toon, lunatic, impertinence, inapt, disorganised, frivolousness, archness, impishness, bellow, poop, holler, ecstatic, twerp, fumbling, pleasantness, pleasant, menial, scoff, inattentiveness, shortsightedness, sad, indifferent, evangelistic, jubilance, discourtesy, corrosive, exultation, semiskilled, beautiful, unemotional, kid, careless, twit, idiot savant, idiot, epigram, disorganized, character, howling, enraptured, falseness, grotesqueness, emptiness, meaningless, cumbersome, flyaway, persona, perkiness, hopeless, ninny, schlep, amateurishness, imbecility, hollering, dingbat, imbecile, ass, clank, bungling, good-time, slang, bungled, snort, humble, botched, badinage, yowl, dizzy, friskiness, hoax, incompetent, grim, rapturous, zealous, merrymaking, jubilation, unreasonable, inordinate, squelch, lightheaded, recklessness, worthless, disrespect, rag, idle, attractive, chaff, grotesquerie, expose, dupe, putz, enthusiasm, moonstruck, best, moron, transcendence, joy, wally, ha-ha, changeling, gung ho, vanity, pinnacle, sheep, headless, victory celebration, dimwit, feebleminded, takedown, ardent, fete, rapt, secular games, mortal, knock, glowing, subnormal, lowly, rough, snipe hunt, baseball game, inefficiency, rustiness, soul, schnook, roaring, retard, schlepper, backward, out of practice, somebody, gala affair, warm, tiptop, triumph, jeer, cretin, abnormality, jamboree, baseball, deaf, someone, excessive, individual, avid, surpassing, blowout, sally, gala, person, rusty, festival, scatterbrain, fox, mental deficiency, mental defectiveness, agon, mistake, hollo, ululation, crude, space cadet, fob, nincompoop, whimsicality, unsarcastic, unlogical, twirp, transcendency, titterer, tantalization, stultification, squelcher, sportiveness, softheaded, shnook, shlepper, shlep, sauciness, put-down, purposelessness, purblind, puckishness, pertness, persiflage, oscitancy, oscitance, nonmeaningful, nonintellectual, nebbech, morosoph, moronity, mishegoss, mishegaas, meshuggener, meshuggeneh, meshugaas, lubberly, light-minded, light-headed, jubilancy, joyousness, jollification, inexpediency, inexpedience, indiscreetness, incoordination, improvidence, ill-chosen, horselaugh, holloa, hee-haw, head-in-the-clouds, half-witted, half-wit, grotesquery, giggler, frolicsomeness, flibbertigibbet, featherbrained, faddy, faddist, exceedance, empty-headed, disfluency, discomposed, clangour, clangoring, cachinnation, befooling, amentia, admirableness, admirability, square, part, schlemiel, superiority, shlemiel, undue, diversion, gull, role, hotfoot, break, recreation, black, light, clash, feria, meridian, breach, evangelical, haw-haw, impartial, put on, keep, check, crash, crack, height, error, fault, fucker, regardless, peak, delay, holla, cod, elevation, summit, mar, irreverent, moronic, playful, mischievous, cute, frisky, winsome, unsavory, impish, saucy, rollicking, sassy, homely, slapdash, wicked, puckish, mesmerizing, wondrous, earnestness, captivating, marvelous, clumsy person, ravishing, frolicsome, enchanting, escapism, dishy, spellbinding, piquant, cunning, marvellous, bewitching, offhand, enthralling, graceless, unsavoury, exquisite, pleasurable, gorgeous, prankish, entrancing, cretinous, copycat, terrific, misfit, haphazard, giddiness, showy, fascinating, nondescript, myopic, personable, perfunctory, hokum, indiscreet, illogic, impudent, discombobulated, grownup, lovely, spirited, levity, wonderful, enjoyable, nonsense, mellifluous, cherubic, coltish, offhanded, irresistible, slickness, pixilated, trickery, impudence, extrovert, sloppiness, casual, flippancy, honeyed, impertinent, pert, hypnotic, contemplative, romp, comely, skulduggery, beauteous, splendid, middlebrow, yawner, visionary, escapade, slipshod, photogenic, chicanery, extravagance, survivalist, transvestite, niceness, superficial, smart, belligerent, amusement, unnatural, chump, asthmatic, unfortunate person, unfortunate, dinky, delight, groaner, idyllic, splendiferous, frolic, creature, attentiveness, denizen, angelic, showman, pastime, unpolished, bedfellow, guile, fetching, handsome, dulcet, compulsive, misapprehension, acquirer, crawler, glossy, namesake, abashed, weasel, skullduggery, hardball, nightlife, malcontent, resplendent, stunning, fazed, creator, kittenish, polyglot, holdup, prodigality, blond, coward, pleasance, sort, confidence trick, flustered, impractical, passionate, visually impaired person, sweater, nonreligious person, weakling, imbecilic, shenanigan, thoughtlessness, pardoner, chagrined, look-alike, emotional person, unusual person, charmer, sloppy, mediocrity, redhead, disparagement, stranger, mouse, persona non grata, cursory, good-looking, flimflam, scratcher, mesmeric, sounding board, bereaved person, bereaved, wuss, blonde, chameleon, personification, brunette, worthlessness, dresser, charismatic, insult, good guy, fall guy, bad guy, gauche, hanky panky, blushing, bunko game, bunko, fleer, introvert, counterterrorist, perturbed, meaninglessness, unwelcome person, picturesque, pretty, saver, unstrung, quitter, engaging, disconcerted, beholder, muscleman, abomination, daunted, cheek, gambol, captor, transgression, scorn, sightly, glorious, doormat, appreciator, boomer, baby boomer, rattling, autodidact, doer, trait, embarrassed, realist, drama, incautious, renege, primitive person, primitive, inexperienced person, inexperienced, artistic production, artistic creation, incompetent person, transsexual, imitator, biter, carelessness, waiter, sober, pansexual, red-faced, bad person, quester, omission, stickball game, stickball, baldhead, outdoorsman, perfect game, smear, eurythmics, derogation, dancing, optimist, intellect, inconsequence, gambler, dodger, sensualist, romper, brunet, gatherer, mongoloid, dieter, sting, possessor, dance, seriousness, orphan, entertainer, tagger, bathing, slider, acquaintance, touch football, soft touch, occultist, smasher, loved one, vilification, patsy, cashier, incorrect, happy, money handler, radical, humbug, antagonist, deliverer, entertainment, literate person, literate, ostrich, pussycat, self, nonmember, mix-up, rounders, lover, bunk, trier, greeter, blot, abnormal, experimenter, perceiver, guinea pig, opposer, sportive, aborigine, dribbler, wile, stigmatic, fastener, loose cannon, doubter, short, nude person, nude, lark, actor, nonperformance, adventurer, segregate, offensive, attractiveness, bunco game, bunco, kink, forerunner, seraphic, roundhead, mug, amenity, buster, baby buster, comforter, handicapped person, adversary, scrapper, profligacy, sphinx, fraudulence, celebrator, pursuer, admirer, transexual, ladino, unskilled person, romanticist, picker, gatekeeper, sentimentalist, individualist, personage, wastefulness, misunderstanding, social dancer, dancer, one-hitter, free spirit, knower, noncompliant, sincerity, effector, counter, pleasure, differentiator, distortion, baby, termer, muscle builder, skip, owner, wise, nonperson, good person, hot and bothered, bothered, communicator, miscalculation, opener, bluecoat, gentile, disputant, kneeler, fresh, steal, hustle, emulator, softball game, no-hit game, game, confidence game, con game, scenic, skin and bones, fiduciary, namer, tyrant, bullfighter, preserver, walk-in, anomaly, dead soul, blasphemy, night life, life, misdemeanour, jewel, struggler, lawbreaker, sniffer, supernumerary, mother hen, mixed-blood, money dealer, art, bather, incursion, slayer, adoptee, modifier, stifler, creeper, turner, hugger, eurhythmics, southpaw, wrong, pursuit, creditor, adult, child's play, computer user, revenant, substance abuser, abstinent, person of color, miracle worker, miracle man, inhabitant, man jack, man, common man, bodybuilder, transgressor, gem, changer, fast one, lapse, left-hander, confusion, slipper, violative, battler, color-blind person, trespass, contempt, monolingual, agreeableness, modern, mailer, professional baseball, infraction, deaf person, contestant, spousal equivalent, wight, grateful, straight person, straight, tapper, right hander, user, drug user, habitant, faulty, image, winning, hater, precursor, killer, sucker, learner, cripple, controversialist, con, tempter, stain, nonresident, cross-dresser, beard, offense, criminal offense, person of colour, nonpartisan, censor, intellectual, retarded, wealthy person, thin person, small person, rich person, religious person, public relations person, male person, large person, juvenile person, insured person, heterosexual person, female person, deceased person, dead person, common person, fighter, toreador, chicane, subject matter, subject, terpsichore, weight gainer, food faddist, content, indigene, innocent, significant other, bomber, rescuer, immune, smiler, runaway, heed, achiever, winker, homosexual, male, substance, nonsmoker, manipulator, lightning rod, tremendous, gaming, female, warrior, serious, machine, interpreter, friend, grunter, mangler, discriminator, softball, toucher, bonny, controller, aggregator, ejector, homunculus, sex symbol, sex object, granter, spitter, recreational, debaser, eurythmy, survivor, thrower, spoiler, decedent, exponent, ouster, shaker, mover and shaker, enrollee, lefty, offside, misdemeanor, match, planner, technologist, yielder, yearner, wriggler, worldling, withholder, well-favoured, well-favored, welcomer, wanter, voider, violable, urinator, untier, unthoughtfulness, unraveller, unraveler, unplayful, unperson, unforethoughtful, unforesightful, unfastener, unemotionality, undoer, two-hitter, totemist, thriftlessness, thriftless, three-hitter, thirster, third-rater, take-in, swayer, surrenderer, succeeder, stooper, stigmatist, squirmer, squinter, squint-eye, spurner, sprawler, socializer, socialiser, snuffler, sniveler, sniffler, sneezer, smotherer, smirch, slyboots, sloucher, slobberer, skidder, six-footer, shitter, serious-mindedness, second-rater, scrag, saluter, revilement, restrainer, redheader, red-header, recoverer, pulchritudinous, propositus, pretty-pretty, prepossessing, powderer, posturer, pisser, perspirer, percipient, percher, pamperer, overbold, onanist, nurser, nonworker, nonsensicality, nonpartizan, nonparticipant, nondrinker, neglecter, needer, mutilator, musclebuilder, muscle-builder, mollycoddler, misreckoning, misogamist, misestimation, mesomorph, meshugge, meshugga, meshuga, mellisonant, masturbator, maimer, light-mindedness, law-breaking, jiggery-pokery, inexperient, inelegance, indweller, indigen, implike, illogicalness, illogicality, huddler, hocus-pocus, grinner, frolicky, freewheeler, four-hitter, forgiver, five-hitter, first-rater, fine-looking, extravert, expectorator, excuser, evildoing, eurhythmy, essayer, erroneousness, errancy, eristic, enjoyer, enjoyableness, endomorph, emotionlessness, effecter, ectomorph, dyslectic, dupery, drooler, driveller, disentangler, disagreeableness, deviser, demander, delayer, degrader, defecator, debitor, contumely, contriver, complexifier, compeer, coddler, chutzpanik, celebrater, carrottop, capturer, blushful, blackamoor, better-looking, betise, beguiler, baulker, balker, attempter, assimilator, assessee, arrogator, archaist, apprehender, applier, anti-American, angelical, allayer, affiant, advisee, abstainer, abjurer, abator, celebrant, capitalist, repeater, vanisher, deceased, testate, ball, follower, sleepyhead, snuffer, seeker, agnostic, collector, registrant, depreciation, free agent, child, seeder, cloud seeder, postponement, escape, magnetic, aper, dweller, rattled, anti, gyp, commoner, partner, domestic partner, insured, gainer, adjudicator, wiggler, faller, heterosexual, scourge, outcaste, searcher, mestizo, measurer, linguist, terror, amateur, hoper, debtor, neglect, tiger, victim, ethnic, traveler, have, peer, philosopher, homo, no-hitter, athletics, juvenile, dissenter, success, time lag, intelligence, negligence, neighbour, prospect, neighbor, spouse equivalent, quality, appeal, righthander, wrongdoer, player, waker, message, ward, wait, offence, criminal offence, paying attention, bonnie, blame, baldy, violator, spot, selector, transferee, signatory, taking, junior, revoke, crime, interest, proponent, oversight, infringement, grand, party, fugitive, knocker, snooker, double, chooser, fair, passer, relative, traveller, signer, advocator, excellence, reliever, face, neutral, personhood, gambling, stay, liver, resister, right-hander, violation, longer, suspect, abuse, engineer, blogger, jumper, mark, rectifier, waste, arch, relation, watcher, convert, rester, worker, saltation, rusher, opponent, explorer, leader, fraud, slave, regard, applicant, scientist, applied scientist, homophile, married, offender, law offender, critical, ancient, aboriginal, protester, native, passing, quarter, birth, observer, divider, riser, active, winner, hope, departed, dissident, lead, venturer, appointee, baldpate, transfer, hold, appointment, conflict, testator, ruler, candidate, case, closer, guesser, threat, national, equal, expert, objector, authority, witness, combatant, advocate, scholar, Weary Willie, Kelly, Gilbertian, Emmett Kelly, Zeppo, William Penn Adair Rogers, William Claude Dukenfield, Will Rogers, W. C. Fields, Thurber, Steve Martin, Stephen Leacock, Stephen Butler Leacock, Stan Laurel, Sir Harry MacLennan Lauder, Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, Sidney Caesar, Sid Caesar, Shaw, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Rogers, Robert Charles Benchley, Robert Benchley, Ringgold Wilmer Lardner, Ring Lardner, Oliver Hardy, Nathan Birnbaum, Moore, Marx, Martin, Marquis, Mark Twain, Leslie Townes Hope, Leonard Marx, Lear, Leacock, Laurel, Lauder, Lardner, Keaton, Julius Marx, Josh Billings, Joseph Francis Keaton, Jimmy Durante, James Thurber, James Grover Thurber, Jack Benny, Hope, Hill, Herbert Marx, Henry Wheeler Shaw, Harry Lauder, Harpo, Hardy, Groucho, George Burns, Fields, Edward Lear, Durante, Dudley Stuart John Moore, Dudley Moore, Donald Robert Perry Marquis, Don Marquis, Clemens, Chico, Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin, Caesar, Buster Keaton, Burns, Bob Hope, Benny Hill, Benny, Benjamin Kubelsky, Benchley, Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel, Arthur Marx, Alfred Hawthorne, April fool, American football game, Freudian slip, Yiddish, William Henry Mauldin, West, Tucker, Thomas Nast, Tenniel, Swift, Steinberg, Sophie Tucker, Sir John Tenniel, Sir Henry Maxmilian Beerbohm, Sir David Low, Sir David Alexander Cecil Low, Silverstein, Shelby Silverstein, Shel Silverstein, Schulz, Saul Steinberg, Rube Goldberg, Reuben Lucius Goldberg, Rabelais, Nast, Max Beerbohm, Mauldin, Mae West, Ludi Saeculares, Lucille Ball, Low, Juvenal, Jules Feifer, Jonathan Swift, Imogene Coca, Gracie Allen, Gracie, Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen, Goldberg, Francois Rabelais, Feifer, Decimus Junius Juvenalis, Dean Swift, David Low, Coca, Charles Schulz, Charles Munroe Schulz, Charles M. Schulz, Bill Mauldin, Beerbohm, Ball, American football, Allen, White person, Black person, White, Water Bearer, Virgo, Virgin, Victorian, Twin, Taurus, Slav, Scorpion, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Ram, Pisces, Pantaloon, Negroid, Negro, Native American, Lion, Libra, Leo, Latin, Jew, Jat, Israelite, Hebrew, Goat, Gemini, Fish, Elizabethan, Crab, Caucasian, Capricorn, Cancer, Bull, Black, Balance, Aries, Archer, Aquarius, Amerindian, African, 5-hitter, 4-hitter, 3-hitter, 2-hitter, 1-hitter,
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