whorl (Also whorls) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to whorl
- gyre«
- ringlet«
- scroll«
- coil«
- curl«
- curlicue«
- roll«
- lock«
- volute«
- spiral«
- helix«
- whorl«
- calyx«
- corolla«
- turbinate«
- curve«
- forelock«
- dreadlock«
- sausage curl«
- loop«
- kink«
- wave«
- crimp«
- verticil«
- hank«
- axial rotation«
- axial motion«
- waviness«
- skein«
- pappus«
- hair curler«
- crape«
- whirling«
- quiff«
- hull«
- gyration«
- cog«
- spit curl«
- pin curl«
- kiss curl«
- curling«
- twirl«
- roller«
- twist«
- crisp«
- nappy«
- curler«
- curliness«
- crimper«
- bend«
- frizz«
- mill«
- whorly«
- hair whorl«
- coiling«
- whorls«
- mollusc shell«
- helical«
- whorled«
- complete 360°«
- undulate«
- lobe«
- whirly«
- spiral growth«
- curly«
- weight«
- fingerprint pattern«
- curl up«
- volution«
- spiral shell«
- spiraling«
- spindle whorl«
- verticillus«
- hair«
- gyrate«
- blind curve«
- verticillate«
- other meaning«
- voluted«
- hairpin bend«
- verticillaster«
- circular pattern«
- draw in«
- horse«
- roll out«
- finger wave«
- univalve«
- body whorl«
- coiled«
- wound«
- turrilite«
- spindle«
- wavy«
- wheel«
- turban«
- mollusc«
- curled«
- whirl«
- tepal«
- sepal«
- permed«
- elbow«
- swirl«
- fingerprint«
- frizzy«
- suture«
- frizzle«
- stem«
- aperture«
- kink up«
- twine«
- spire«
- petal«
- ringleted«
- type«
- frizzly«
- drip loop«
- botany«
- calycine«
- shell«
- attachment«
- calycinal«
- slip noose«
- rosette«
- identification«
- calyceal«
- running noose«
- paucispiral«
- biology«
- kinky«
- noose«
- pattern«
- organ«
- leaf«
- wrap«
- obdiplostemonous«
- aid«
- belt«
- merosity«
- spin«
- mare's-tail«
- animal«
- band«
- branch«
- knot«
- structure«
- keel«
- intrastaminal«
- interfoliaceous«
- permanent wave«
- swerve«
- flywheel«
- flower«
- perm«
- extrastaminal«
- twiddle«
- diplostemonous«
- cut«
- dermatoglyphics«
- blind bend«
- cyclic«
- reel«
- flex«
- concentric«
- trend«
- columella«
- slew«
- circle«
- card«
- phytology«
- anisomery«
- nap«
- bight«
- thistledown«
- turn«
- wind«
- wallow«
- permanent«
- curved shape«
- major lobe«
- curvature«
- spool«
- curve ball«
- convolution«
- whirligig«
- transporter«
- round shape«
- distorted shape«
- fold«
- rim«
- twisting«
- deformation«
- spinner«
- whirling dervish«
- flexure«
- tangle«
- rotation«
- snake«
- crease«
- vortex«
- crochet«
- contortion«
- indent«
- caterpillar tread«
- mat«
- paleobotany«
- conveyor belt«
- conveyor«
- goffer«
- clew«
- welter«
- fan belt«
- driving belt«
- conveyer belt«
- straight«
- veering«
- snarl«
- mycology«
- swerving«
- conveyer«
- distortion«
- lace«
- phycology«
- marcel«
- move«
- track«
- caterpillar track«
- breaking ball«
- ball«
- wrench«
- twirler«
- crank«
- winder«
- commotion«
- plant scientist«
- bowl«
- whirler«
- pteridology«
- pomology«
- plication«
- phytologist«
- palaeobotany«
- gnarl«
- gauffer«
- algology«
- clue«
- course«
- troll«
- construction«
- clench«
- rolling«
- transit«
- river«
- botanical«
- wheeling«
- weave«
- bender«
- hook«
- yaw«
- hurler«
- crook«
- revolution«
- botanist«
- pitcher«
- wring«
- clinch«
- dent«
- involute«
- curvy«
- convoluted«
- deform«
- revolve«
- spin around«
- sheer«
- rolled«
- intertwine«
- loopy«
- turn over«
- slue«
- convolute«
- veer«
- curvey«
- distort«
- rounded«
- curved«
- curving«
- waxy«
- change shape«
- pliable«
- bendable«
- flexible«
- peel off«
- change form«
- pliant«
- crooked«
- entwine«
- incurvate«
- flexile«
- convolve«
- circumvolute«
- botanize«
- botanise«
- interlace«
- contort«
- botanic«
- entangle«
- interweave«
- displace«
- lasting«
- enlace«
- concave shape«
- ovoid«
- slit«
- entablature«
- lamination«
- double helix«
- sphere«
- cylinder«
- bell-shaped curve«
- incision«
- spheroid«
- post and lintel«
- superstructure«
- mane«
- colonnade«
- body hair«
- body«
- quadric surface«
- ellipsoid of revolution«
- ellipsoid«
- pelage«
- honeycomb«
- roughness«
- oval«
- corkscrew«
- flap«
- conformation«
- pubic hair«
- orbital rotation«
- orbital motion«
- winding«
- disk«
- cycloid«
- braid«
- cone shape«
- cone«
- scallop«
- altar«
- undulation«
- pinwheel«
- normal curve«
- closed curve«
- pulse«
- cilium«
- eyebrow«
- arc«
- false bottom«
- bulb«
- torus«
- edifice«
- contour«
- storey«
- glide«
- set-back«
- brow«
- orb«
- projection«
- wellhead«
- orbit«
- torsion«
- configuration«
- disc«
- masonry«
- shape«
- bell shape«
- pouch«
- taper«
- nosewheel«
- concavity«
- mesh«
- transept«
- counterclockwise rotation«
- pillar«
- jar«
- balcony«
- prick«
- splay«
- toroid«
- pirouette«
- supporting structure«
- defensive structure«
- head of hair«
- hair style«
- guard hair«
- facial hair«
- crotch hair«
- scan«
- porch«
- sprocket wheel«
- sprocket«
- quadric«
- luggage carrousel«
- luggage carousel«
- crescent«
- observation tower«
- span«
- vaulting«
- bulge«
- conoid«
- supercilium«
- envelope«
- water wheel«
- wagon wheel«
- toothed wheel«
- ratchet wheel«
- potter's wheel«
- paddle wheel«
- grinding wheel«
- geared wheel«
- gear wheel«
- emery wheel«
- driving wheel«
- daisy wheel«
- daisy print wheel«
- car wheel«
- buffing wheel«
- bicycle wheel«
- balance wheel«
- mound«
- boarding«
- plait«
- arch«
- purl«
- hangar«
- splatter«
- maze«
- removal firm«
- removal company«
- catchment«
- meander«
- straightness«
- clockwise rotation«
- coma«
- floor«
- about-face«
- inside clinch«
- thread maker«
- platen«
- carrousel«
- suppleness«
- wind tunnel«
- pile«
- caster«
- string«
- complex«
- building complex«
- beard«
- pleat«
- door«
- ruck«
- deviate«
- tower«
- paddlewheel«
- coif«
- zigzag«
- logrolling«
- spinning top«
- spinning«
- cycle«
- warp«
- deathtrap«
- cartwheel«
- right-hander«
- hairdo«
- saucer«
- hairstyle«
- shoebox«
- batter«
- waterwheel«
- coat«
- movable«
- perversion«
- lower«
- permanence«
- crocheting«
- partition«
- gouge«
- indentation«
- funnel«
- eyelash«
- bow«
- crotchet«
- sail«
- sinuosity«
- spinster«
- durability«
- column«
- erection«
- slide«
- cowlick«
strain, gooseneck, contortionist, obstruction, centre, cheese, pedal, shear, weapons platform, platform, flick, transfer, half track, riffle, landing place, landing, birling, point, ruffle, limber, rotary motion, paint roller, garden roller, arcade, port, coiffure, flow, gear, wattle, corner, slipway, top, part, drag, bike, left hander, catenary, flora, tinsel, pinch, form, area, stretch, sling, divider, signboard, cogwheel, drop, ravel, impediment, crookedness, level, jungle gym, propagator, story, movement, place, double clinch, wedge, pitch, tumble, dinge, ship, bowler, moving company, rock, left-hander, separate, spill, repair shed, left-handed pitcher, splice, pivot, turn around, lift, shed, whirlpool, lay, singsong, felt, everlasting, start, face, slop, buckle, equilibrium, tug, house of cards, outside clinch, bascule, turning, roulette, line roulette, shipway, building, crowd, cross, launch, hill, lodging, pliability, center, hustle, fountain, down, standing, stir, channel, guide, rake, swivel, strength, plant life, plant, pump, living accommodations, bobbin, divide, offset, feed, mycologist, twiner, trestlework, tortuousness, tortuosity, teetotum, sinuousness, setoff, screwballer, rowel, roundedness, raddle, pomologist, pliantness, pliancy, plash, paleodendrology, palaeodendrology, obstructor, obstructer, levorotation, lastingness, intrados, incurvature, incurvation, impedimenta, handwheel, foretop, flexibleness, extrados, enduringness, distortionist, dextrorotation, deVries, crenelle, crenel, crenature, crenation, cardhouse, cardcastle, card-house, bulginess, bendability, amygdaloid, airdock, sink, theodolite, motion, upstage, defence, observatory, position, pop, flip, bicycle, slip, prefab, permanency, trundle, toss, starting pitcher, wash, right-handed pitcher, memorial, relief pitcher, equipoise, campana, advance, shift, bridge, squeeze, grain, station, lookout station, work, transport, monument, draw, set, establishment, blow, cast, sway, swing, whistle, drive, avalanche, pucker, lookout, whoosh, race, arena, carousel, strike, ruddle, force out, force, hit, public works, castor, flexibility, public mover, mover, hurl, brandish, line, carry, balance, pitting, quoin, play, shelter, herd, ding, put, upset, overturn, bush, flourish, stadium, sports stadium, sign, housing, reliever, defense, lefthander, shoot, take, beat, push, pull, southpaw, starter, reposition, bell, gee, run, lefty, counterbalance, lash, rush, pose, post, revolutionary, scratch, nick, ways, raise, fireman, eddy, conic, fuselage, underframe, courtyard, ornamentation, epithelial duct, oblate, bulkhead, protrusion, ascending, fossa, minaret, skeletal frame, protuberance, domed stadium, shank, verandah, gun enclosure, enclosure, propellor, flange, segmental arch, tumulus, symmetry, crust, pylon, power pylon, portico, midpoint, circular, twitch, angular shape, payload, peristyle, procession, triumphal arch, limb, loggia, barbette, extrusion, shaper, megalithic structure, docket, veranda, impeller, mooring mast, flexion, geodesic line, geodesic, microflora, biennial, scanning, swoop, insertion, obelisk, somersault, coffin, intervertebral disk, dimension, vascular plant, stonework, cornice, skeleton, amorphous shape, bodywork, bead, empty tomb, burial mound, high altar, barbican, sine curve, simple closed curve, occlusion, hyperboloid, spillway, displacement, nave, segment, lateralization, tornado cellar, storm cellar, cyclone cellar, cellar, rupture, ornament, progression, tooth, smooth, duct, excision, tube, transplanting, scar, tenon, inverted pleat, intervertebral disc, fluctuation, quadrangle, wobble, observation dome, dome, propellant, electron orbit, sinusoid, plume, nose, bustle, bound, corbel arch, quiver, watchtower, tugger, scalp lock, mezzanine floor, mezzanine, slant, convexity, folder, turret, gun turret, brickwork, basement, frame, blockage, celestial orbit, rotunda, car transporter, crawl, loading, section, blast, compact, hairiness, physical object, object, natural object, dragger, triangle, spillage, jut, deck, proscenium arch, propeller, dry masonry, bullring, wedge shape, natural shape, funnel shape, chariot, expulsion, face fungus, ejection, angle, prickle, stalactite, gametophyte, decoration, upper balcony, second balcony, first balcony, orbiter, family circle, shouldered arch, house of prayer, megalith, memorial tablet, scatter, transferral, docking facility, attic, beehive, aisle, keenness, ooze, patio, swelling, moustache, dislocation, waggle, front porch, back porch, trough, quarters, living quarters, topography, fat, sliver, lighter, mortuary, overhang, dwelling house, dwelling, formation, pigeon loft, loft, hippodrome, fan vaulting, chancel, centerline, ascension, broadsheet, partitive, trimmer arch, steeple, bateau bridge, gravestone, pearl, ponytail, sphericity, epiphytic plant, manoeuvre, layby, choir, suspension bridge, embryo, flutter, stub, transplantation, slippage, flat arch, flat, elastic, high-rise, aviary, pull-off, fortification, grave mound, lean, prong, reef, onward motion, pageboy, pusher, chignon, straight arch, steel arch bridge, skew arch, skene arch, skeen arch, sconcheon arch, scoinson arch, scheme arch, safety arch, rowlock arch, round arch, rampant arch, pointed arch, pier arch, four-centered arch, diminished arch, camber arch, broken arch, abutment arch, luxation, looseness, snowbank, styler, stalagmite, embankment, digression, angularity, pantheon, condominium, turnover, climb, covered stadium, covered bridge, foot race, splat, flyover, cuff, temple, hurrying, rear, flute, externalization, shuttle, boil, garret, threshing floor, ground floor, first floor, side, repose, plane, pedestrian bridge, shoulder, whiskers, scanner, image scanner, digital scanner, sheet, morgue, skyscraper, ascent, pronation, camber, fluttering, fringe, tip, abattoir, shipment, thread, jaundice, bluntness, habitation, barrel, phytoplankton, sconce, deviation, narrowing, seesaw, creep, straggle, vessel, magnetic core, core, sashay, presbytery, terrace, lifter, silo, transference, brass, knife pleat, kick pleat, box pleat, bending, release, cargo, dullness, sporophyte, operation, propellent, flue, pit, orchestra pit, deflector, feathering, tower block, supporting tower, signal tower, shot tower, mooring tower, control tower, clock tower, church tower, bell tower, filter, uncus, cathouse, motility, munition, sharpness, furrow, thrust, scoop, plaque, emplacement, lurch, recess, maelstrom, stoop, outbuilding, consignment, slice, rotary actuator, lay-by, ribbon development, laminate, cantilever bridge, despatch, goalmouth, wall, dockage, sideslip, youth hostel, hostel, approaching, gush, closure, extirpation, conglomeration, perimeter, scrape, arm, lug, fluke, epiphyte, tense, poisonous plant, troop movement, quad, loge, viaduct, shingle, aquatic, mantlet, roundness, autotrophic organism, rivulet, pitchfork, dining area, travelling, thump, flux, transplant, tumbler, natural elevation, elevation, lower berth, pushchair, headstone, tosser, archway, wrinkle, dribble, collapsible shelter, incline, detour, lunge, depressor, folding, perennial, tract housing, room, dead room, circulation, skid, pleating, flattop, crowding, deflection, sender, bathing machine, butt, chapterhouse, handbill, meshing, encumbrance, connexion, locomotion, pipe, proportion, shunt, panopticon, attractiveness, fawn, meshwork, canalisation, bed, tress, fleece, tent, following, shanty, square, dip, hovel, ridge, pram, turtle, stratification, mutton chop, transpose, ground level, ground, ladle, dish, sandwich board, baggage claim, truss bridge, chop, hump, place of worship, house of worship, ornamental, worm, broadside, carriage, baby carriage, saltation, stirrer, firetrap, bucket, spike, beacon light, speeding, perch, cord, pompadour, cookhouse, swinging, dormitory, arrangement, rest stop, rest house, rest area, rest, spiller, crinkle, tilt, load, rocket, singalong, sidetrack, flowing, storage space, space, dead-air space, blank space, float, screw, cuneus, perfumery, hut, field hut, army hut, apartment house, apartment building, apartment, compress, attack aircraft carrier, channelization, trip, bulk, turning point, topographic point, niche, lighthouse, gazebo, spot, flare, gutter, maneuver, shambles, descent, bottle, stem turn, billboard, supination, manufactory, rope bridge, blob, dugout, jerk, rate of flow, flow rate, positioner, thatch, middle, hideaway, shrink, shuffle, drip mould, drip mold, drip, figure, peak, street corner, raft, fastness, obstacle, whipping top, whip top, peg top, humming top, bathhouse, transmittal, impulse, pot plant, truck, bump, overpass, eating place, eating house, steamroller, floating bridge, conveyance, minge, stream, left, elevator, barrow, sluice, mustache, approach, berth, exit, glasshouse, topspin, jet, shaping machine, shaping, straight line, wheelbarrow, flapping, imprint, oasis, quail, arrest, actuation, draught, ciliate, round, opium den, brim, tease, crash, separation, pharos, shack, butchery, engagement, progress, eatery, jostle, auditorium, traveling, migration, wince, barge, posit, breakfast area, endemic, churn, sanctuary, bird sanctuary, pillow, plaything, cenotaph, bouffant, cup, heft, tear, drover, turnout, solid, planetarium, fortress, crick, airlift, footbridge, bust, bowling alley, bowling, scotch, backspin, abode, stroller, needlework, disruption, dorm, stronghold, feather, reversal, common carrier, carrier, aircraft carrier, vest, bus, pinnacle, annual, quartering, haircut, barrier, haulage, amphitheater, speed, stable, haul, placement, houseplant, billet, streak, insert, tuck, nudge, wriggle, knob, place of business, skating rink, rink, impulsion, office block, block, freight, double, list, nook, breakfast nook, mope, step, mechanical device, shooting gallery, press gallery, peanut gallery, gallery, turnoff, cleat, translation, fit, hirsutism, flinch, forward motion, forward, adduct, golf stroke, monocarpic plant, leap, pound, framework, expatriate, fetch, impact, three-point turn, transmitter, bubbler, fly, shipper, discharge, split up, split, dress, club, exile, disorganisation, trickle, toll bridge, rock plant, interlock, exclusion, disorganization, waver, amphitheatre, pursuit, signal box, box, sweep, location, hindrance, dock, packinghouse, flurry, reach, whiff, recoil, blockade, ski lift, lift bridge, leaven, version, fork, cattle grid, summerhouse, screen, budge, zone, baton twirler, joint, crank handle, attractive feature, architecture, site, hike, stylist, underlay, trench, restaurant, burnside, close, vacillation, line of defense, line of defence, house of prostitution, house of ill repute, house of God, totem pole, pole, impetus, bullpen, relocation, jam, press, outpouring, telco building, office building, medical building, government building, farm building, drawbridge, route, wilding, remove, healthcare facility, health facility, aversion, bar, cart, oxbow, seed, racer, feedlot, lowering, pronator, blot, greenhouse, boards, head, student lodging, fidget, center line, travel, air travel, watch, mount, sporting house, water fountain, drinking fountain, dot, letting down, spanner, wool, pack, funk, punt, transmission channel, communication channel, hospice, leave, scoreboard, snow bank, hop, coast, transmission, key, whorehouse, pigeonhole, fallout shelter, non-flowering plant, monocarpous plant, manufacturing plant, industrial plant, garden plant, autophytic plant, air plant, crouch, retreat, smash, paddle, right, startle, project, fling, widow's walk, rainbow, poise, rise, scrunch, camp, bolt, wasteweir, volary, upstager, turnup, transferrer, transferer, tracheophyte, toter, streamlet, stoep, squinch, spinnability, sphericalness, sideburn, side-whiskers, shedder, scollop, runnel, rotundness, rotundity, refractivity, refractiveness, rattrap, pursual, pointedness, plantlet, plaiter, pilosity, pied-a-terre, phrontistery, perambulator, overstrain, overcrossing, needlecraft, myrmecophyte, movableness, movability, monocarp, mantelet, lobularity, lateralisation, larboard, lanugo, intromission, incumbrance, hypocycloid, hygrophyte, hotel-casino, holophyte, hirsuteness, hinderance, go-cart, globularness, globosity, gibbousness, gibbosity, flashboarding, flashboard, filature, externalisation, exteriorization, exteriorisation, excrescence, epicycloid, entresol, encolure, divagation, disarrangement, deracination, deflexion, deck-house, cylindricalness, cylindricality, cryptogam, convexness, conglobation, concaveness, circumvolution, chevaux-de-frise, cheval-de-frise, channelisation, casino-hotel, brattice, brail, bawdyhouse, barbacan, bagnio, autotroph, autophyte, attracter, apomict, aerophyte, acrogen, acclivity, brush, design, coming back, coming, handicraft, sending, draft, outwork, resettlement, weightlifter, shipping, charge, laterality, spring, gambling hell, dance, pontoon bridge, globe, kick up, kick turn, kick, muss, nursery, return, fur, trice, about turn, swinger, pock, puller, canalization, drum, brake drum, bema, interference, pushing, preventative, lading, sledge, shake, clubhouse, potter, connection, interlocking, net, yield, spread, footrace, shove, propulsion, ski tow, canal, setting, bunker, cant, court, starting handle, chauffeur, crop, skybox, tweak, remover, pluck, trestle bridge, tombstone, push back, telecom hotel, hotel, catapult, air, ministry, link, chin, brothel, blower, library, pulling, throwaway, falter, shifting, race driver, driver, automobile driver, ban, repulse, national monument, softball game, baseball game, collapse, bordello, locating, neophyte, escape, attractor, dump, plop, stoppage, cock, jump, coliseum, domicile, deposit, ferry, gin, even, satellite, artificial satellite, recession, student residence, residence hall, business establishment, slaughterhouse, quirk, score, blackball, attraction, dispatch, tussle, rocker, stand, drawing card, drawing, ballpark, evert, prod, fall, preventive, plunk, impression, depression, rushing, hutch, network, haste, introduction, situation, asylum, magnet, indenture, reverse, golf shot, averting, institution, pin, turnaround, tap house, house, gaming house, gambling house, electric fan, rail, advancement, snap, circus, parkway, prominence, winch, baby buggy, support, schoolhouse, ruin, raising, poke, stop, nod, burr, click, rill, hairdresser, duck, student union, works, rout, export, squirm, garrison, hale, stumble, hoist, theatre, jolt, drain, tide, gather, gust, food turner, softball, diversion, flush, tavern, tote, mobile home, manufactured home, home, watercraft, catch, hitch, surge, factory, tee, ride, transmitting, dig, tie, maker, school system, school, poorhouse, putter, siphon, pocket, cattle guard, snuggle, import, beacon, seat, waste, disconnect, hang, careen, record, flier, flyer, bang, pass, nestle, change, dodge, go, thunder, upgrade, stuff, theater, football stadium, zag, break, academy, boss, riddance, hall, running, hairstylist, fire, implement, aviation, herder, office, gambling den, mobile, telemark, impress, wrestle, heave, portable, transportation system, pick, flair, roach, do, boost, zig, hunt, throw, university, sow, hurry, worker, give, refuge, fort, switch, bearer, clap, grab, herdsman, fleck, bear, transportation, get, address, mark, college, porter, mail, haven, positioning, toy, chase, park, settle, baseball, scramble, hoarding, bill, yank, fix, whip, teeter, turner, railroad, jack, steal, buck, marshal, bob, Gaussian curve, Gaussian shape, Cupid's bow, Zhu Jiang, Zambezi River, Zambezi, Zaire River, Yukon River, Yukon, Yenisey River, Yenisey, Yenisei River, Yenisei, Yellowstone River, Yellowstone, Yellow River, Yazoo River, Yazoo, Yangtze River, Yangtze Kiang, Yangtze, Yalu River, Yalu, Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, William Curtis, Willamette River, Willamette, White River, White, Weser River, Weser, Wabash River, Wabash, Volta, Volkhov River, Volkhov, Volga River, Volga, Vistula River, Vistula, Vetluga River, Vetluga, Uruguay River, Upper Tunguska, Upper Avon River, Upper Avon, Tyne River, Tyne, Tunguska, Trinity River, Trent River, Trent, Tradescant, Tombigbee River, Tombigbee, Tocantins River, Tocantins, Tigris River, Tigris, Tiber, Thames River, Thames, Tevere, Tennessee River, Tennessee, Tallapoosa River, Tallapoosa, Tagus River, Tagus, Susquehanna River, Susquehanna, Suriname River, Surinam River, Sun River, Styx, Stony Tunguska, St. Lawrence River, St. Lawrence, St. Johns River, St. Johns, St. John River, St. John, St. Francis River, St. Francis, South Platte River, South Platte, Snake River, Snake, Sir Joseph Banks, Shenandoah River, Shari River, Shari, Seyhan River, Seyhan, Severn River, Severn, Seine River, Seine, Scheldt River, Scheldt, Savannah River, Savannah, Saone River, Saone, Sao Francisco, San Joaquin River, Sambre River, Sambre, Salmon River, Salmon, Saint Lawrence River, Saint Lawrence, Saint Johns River, Saint Johns, Saint John River, Saint John, Saint Francis River, Saint Francis, Sacramento River, Sabine River, Sabine, Saale River, Saale, S-shape, Russian River, Ruhr River, Ruhr, Robert Brown, River Tyne, River Trent, River Thames, River Styx, River Severn, River Lethe, River Kasai, River Cocytus, River Cam, River Avon, River Arno, River Aire, River Adige, River Acheron, Rio Grande, Rio Bravo, Rhone River, Rhone, Rhine River, Rhine, Rhein, Republican River, Republican, Red River, Red, Rappahannock River, Rappahannock, Purus River, Purus, Potomac River, Potomac, Po River, Po, Platte River, Platte, Ping River, Ping, Penobscot River, Penobscot, Pee Dee River, Pee Dee, Pecos River, Pecos, Pearl River, Parnaiba, Parnahiba, Parana River, Parana, Outaouais, Ouse River, Ouse, Ouachita River, Ouachita, Ottawa river, Ottawa, Osage River, Osage, Orinoco River, Orinoco, Orange River, Orange, Ohio River, Ohio, Oder River, Oder, Ob River, Ob, North Platte River, North Platte, Niobrara River, Niobrara, Nile River, Nile, Niger River, Niger, Niagara River, Niagara, New River, Neva River, Neva, Neosho River, Neosho, Neckar River, Neckar, Nan River, Nan, Namoi River, Namoi, Murrumbidgee River, Murrumbidgee, Murray River, Murray, Moreau River, Monongahela River, Monongahela, Mohawk River, Mobile River, Mobile, Missouri River, Missouri, Mississippi River, Mississippi, Milk River, Milk, Meuse River, Meuse, Merrimack River, Merrimack, Mendel, Mekong River, Mekong, Magdalena River, Magdalena, Madeira River, Madeira, Mackenzie River, Mackenzie, Lower Tunguska, Loire River, Loire, Little Wabash River, Little Wabash, Little Sioux River, Little Missouri River, Little Missouri, Little Horn, Little Bighorn River, Little Bighorn, Linnaeus, Limpopo, Lethe, Lena River, Lena, Lehigh River, Kura River, Kura, Klamath River, Klamath, Kissimmee River, Kissimmee, Kaw River, Kasai River, Kasai, Karl Linne, Kansas River, Kansas, Kanawha River, Kanawha, Kan River, Jussieu, Jordan River, Jordan, John Tradescant, Johann Mendel, James River, James, Isere River, Isere, Irtysh River, Irtysh, Irtish River, Irtish, Irrawaddy River, Irrawaddy, Indus River, Indus, Indigirka River, Indigirka, Illinois River, IJssel river, IJssel, Hwang Ho, Hugo deVries, Hugo De Vries, Hudson River, Hudson, Huang He, Housatonic River, Housatonic, Heilong Jiang, Heilong, Gregor Mendel, Green River, Green, Gray, Grand River, Gila River, Gila, George Washington Carver, Garonne River, Garonne, Ganges River, Ganges, Gan Jiang, Fox River, Forth River, Forth, Flint River, Flint, Ferdinand Julius Cohn, Euphrates River, Euphrates, Ergun He, Elizabeth River, Elbe River, Elbe, Ebro River, Ebro, Don River, Don, Dnieper River, Dnieper, Detroit River, Demerara, Delaware River, Delaware, De Vries, Darling River, Darling, Danube River, Danube, Danau, Curtis, Cumberland River, Cumberland, Crocodile River, Coosa River, Coosa, Connecticut River, Connecticut, Congo River, Congo, Columbia River, Columbia, Colorado River, Colorado, Cohn, Cocytus, Clyde, Clinch River, Cimarron River, Cimarron, Chu Kiang, Chattahoochee River, Chattahoochee, Charles River, Charles, Chari River, Chari, Chao Phraya, Changjiang, Chang Jiang, Chang, Carver, Carolus Linnaeus, Carl von Linne, Cape Fear River, Canton River, Canadian River, Canadian, Cam River, Cam, Caloosahatchee River, Caloosahatchee, Brown, Brazos River, Brazos, Brahmaputra River, Brahmaputra, Bighorn River, Bighorn, Big Sioux River, Banks, Avon, Asa Gray, Arno River, Arno, Arkansas River, Arkansas, Argun River, Argun, Araxes, Arauca, Aras, Araguaya River, Araguaya, Araguaia River, Araguaia, Apalachicola River, Apalachicola, Antoine Laurent de Jussieu, Angara River, Angara, Amur River, Amur, Amazon River, Amazon, Allegheny River, Allegheny, Alabama River, Alabama, Aire River, Aire, Adige, Acheron, Aare River, Aare, Aar, Jordan curve, Tudor arch, Afro hairdo, Seven Wonders of the World, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Statue of Liberty, Pyramids of Egypt, Houses of Parliament, Hall of Fame, Roman building, Washington Monument, Space Needle, Pyramid, Nilotic, Mendelian, Lincoln Memorial, Independence Hall, Great Pyramid, English, Eiffel Tower, CN Tower, Bailey bridge, Afro,