vestry (Also vestries) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to vestry
- sacristy«
- vestiary«
- revestiary«
- vestry«
- vestryman«
- vestry act«
- vestry meeting«
- room«
- vestral«
- vestry committee«
- committee«
- vestment«
- parochial church council«
- commission«
- temporal«
- parish vestry«
- store«
- parish«
- select vestry«
- meeting«
- parochial«
- secular parish business«
- parishioner«
- vict«
- secular duty«
- ecclesiastical parish«
- elected«
- civil body«
- church«
- clergy«
- parish council«
- class«
- ecclesiastical duty«
- churchwarden«
- parish meeting«
- single parish«
- parish clerk«
- changeroom«
- act«
- affair«
- poor law«
- administer«
- bill«
- local body«
- responsibility«
- england«
- local board«
- unregulated ad«
- town moot«
- term vestry«
- poor law levy«
- parish notice act«
- medieval parochial governance«
- london vestry committee«
- gradual formalisation«
- feudal manorial court leet«
- ecclesiastical parish vestry«
- confusing fragmentation«
- township«
- late 17th century«
- rural parish council«
- inhabitant rate«
- corrupt select vestry«
- close vestry«
- parish priest«
- poor law responsibility«
- parochial basis«
- parish vestry committee«
- parish ratepayer«
- parish cottage«
- obvious body«
- multitudinous duty«
- h h fowler«
- continual agitation«
- geo«
- secular burial«
- elizabethan system«
- hoc process«
- endowed charity«
- lord«
- power«
- shire«
- select vestry bill«
- elected board«
- annual vestry meeting«
- will«
- parish business«
- archaic custom«
- nightwatchmen«
- burial board«
- parish fund«
- parish chest«
- local independence«
- manor«
- local government responsibility«
- parish official«
- ecclesiastical government«
- saxon system«
- individual key«
- parish church«
- rural administration«
- scale reform«
- civil responsibility«
- london parish«
- gradual movement«
- moral discipline«
- principal unit«
- mending«
- church rate«
- american episcopal church«
- manorial system«
- secular matter«
- metropolis management act«
- improved efficiency«
- widespread unemployment«
- national scandal«
- body«
- manorial court«
- municipal body«
- huge growth«
- removal«
- business«
- church matter«
- sanitary district«
- church parish«
- england parish«
- market cross«
- collective title«
- major responsibility«
- public health act«
- statutory power«
- original unit«
- dual nature«
- administrative committee«
- poor law amendment act«
- poor law union«
- property qualification«
- rural england«
- county magistrate«
- urban district council«
- rural society«
- local government board«
- ecclesiastical affair«
- municipal corporation act«
- law«
- civil power«
- reform bill«
- wales«
- vagrancy«
- church affair«
- destitution«
- ratepayer«
- rural economy«
- administration«
- feudal system«
- parliamentary debate«
- inhabitant«
- vermin«
- duty«
- sexton«
- local custom«
- local tax«
- tun«
- householder«
- decline«
- ancient parish«
- town meeting«
- fire engine«
- workhouse«
- specific purpose«
- scavenger«
- local administration«
- parliament«
- nuisance«
- burial ground«
- activity«
- tithe«
- sophistication«
- reeve«
- keeping«
- overseer«
- effect«
- common law«
- furnishing«
- local government act«
- system«
- repression«
- produce«
- proliferation«
- national government«
- constable«
- pump«
- saxon«
- incumbent«
- napoleonic war«
- cage«
- enforcement«
- origins«
- footnote«
- suppression«
- elite«
- reformation«
- denomination«
- holding«
- overview«
- governance«
- lock«
- london«
- complexity«
- house«
- clock«
- sailor«
- remnant«
- civil parish«
- congregation«
- local government«
- relief«
- pound«
- reform«
- payment«
- stock«
- ruler«
- maintenance«
- budget«
- guardian«
- reading«
- crown«
- debate«
- destruction«
- boundary«
- driver«
- extent«
- scale«
- security«
- root«
- organisation«
- official«
- task«
- item«
- weight«
- measure«
- option«
- rate«
- successor«
- growth«
- wale«
- rise«
- independence«
- justice«
- income«
- peace«
- portion«
- soldier«
- situation«
- account«
- existence«
- health«
- introduction«
- settlement«
- officer«
- centre«
- century«
- sun porch«
- schoolroom«
- vestibule«
- belfry«
- foyer«
- dining-room«
- anteroom«
- manor hall«
- rotunda«
- trading floor«
- floor«
- presidium«
- antechamber«
- entrance hall«
- door«
- lavatory«
- council chamber«
- scullery«
- dining room«
- privy«
- hall«
- dance hall«
- billiard hall«
- storeroom«
- torture chamber«
- presence chamber«
- chamber«
- anechoic chamber«
- billiard saloon«
- billiard room«
- billiard parlour«
- billiard parlor«
- sun parlor«
- parlor«
- library«
- bedroom«
- sun lounge«
- lounge«
- bathroom«
- lobby«
- white room«
- war room«
- waiting room«
- tv room«
- testing room«
- test room«
- television room«
- storage room«
- steam room«
- squad room«
- smoking room«
- sleeping room«
- sitting room«
- shower room«
- shipping room«
- sewing room«
- recreation room«
- reception room«
- rec room«
- reading room«
- locker room«
- living room«
- hospital room«
- furnace room«
- front room«
- engine room«
- dressing room«
- cutting room«
- control room«
- conference room«
- clean room«
- back room«
- picture gallery«
- gallery«
- art gallery«
- scriptorium«
- politburo«
- cubicle«
- saloon«
- kitchen«
- sleeping accommodation«
- bedchamber«
- ballroom«
- sunroom«
- classroom«
- clubroom«
- durbar«
- solarium«
- standing committee«
- board«
- workroom«
- cloakroom«
- panel«
- ethics panel«
- steering committee«
- closet«
- vapour bath«
- vapor bath«
- steam bath«
- bath«
- toilet«
- barroom«
- guardroom«
- compartment«
- subcommittee«
- taproom«
- sun parlour«
- parlour«
- snug«
- select committee«
- political action committee«
- finance committee«
- ethics committee«
- blue ribbon committee«
- praesidium«
- cubbyhole«
- bar«
- walk-in«
- waiting area«
- dance palace«
- living-room«
- cardroom«
- darkroom«
- courtroom«
- poolroom«
- zoning commission«
- planning commission«
- fairness commission«
- election commission«
- blue ribbon commission«
- sickroom«
- left-luggage office«
- stowage«
- boardroom«
- greenroom«
- dinette«
- sickbay«
- john«
- jury«
- trust«
- court«
- cubby«
- conservancy«
- sunporch«
- snuggery«
- ginmill«
- coatroom«
- checkroom«
- study«
- prison cell«
- den«
- commissioner«
- jail cell«
- roomette«
- cell«
- sick berth«
- engineering«
- surgery«
- rathole«
- can«
- lav«
- narthex«
- cookhouse«
- wheelhouse«
- stall«
- playroom«
- public lavatory«
- elevator car«
- board of selectmen«
- pilothouse«
- dining table«
- dormitory room«
- dormitory«
- study hall«
- mess hall«
- great hall«
- exhibition hall«
- concert hall«
- beer hall«
- canteen«
- master bedroom«
- caboose«
- washroom«
- departure lounge«
- cocktail lounge«
- cockpit«
- withdrawing room«
- wash room«
- sweat room«
- stock room«
- rumpus room«
- recovery room«
- operating room«
- motel room«
- morning room«
- lumber room«
- lecture room«
- laminar flow clean room«
- hotel room«
- home room«
- game room«
- family room«
- emergency room«
- drawing room«
- dorm room«
- common room«
- child's room«
- sawdust saloon«
- pantry«
- restroom«
- trustee«
- regent«
- strongroom«
- zoning board«
- school board«
- planning board«
- governing board«
- draft board«
- board of education«
- board of directors«
- board of appeals«
- appeals board«
- appeal board«
- advisory board«
- stockroom«
- cabin«
- table«
- water closet«
- cabinet«
- deputation«
- ship's galley«
- galley«
- barrelhouse«
- panelist«
- toilet facility«
- public toilet«
- panellist«
- luggage compartment«
glove compartment, kitchenette, delegation, booth, triclinium, comfort station, detention centre, homeroom, divan, dungeon, kiosk, chandlery, newsroom, guestroom, exhibition area, loge, operating theatre, storage locker, locker, bay, trunk, automobile trunk, larder, buttery, gondola, honky-tonk, public convenience, speakeasy, sauna, mission, operating theater, box, boudoir, cooler, mess, boarder, salon, head, disco, discotheque, sweatbox, hold, cab, legal guardian, convenience, loo, diwan, detention cell, well, module, bathe, trustingness, trustfulness, roomer, dining-hall, delegacy, cable car, confidence, bullpen, directorate, keep, tank, lodger, charge, car, couchette, 19th century, 16th century, 17th century, Economic and Social Council commission, ECOSOC commission, PAC, Turkish bath, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Commission on the Status of Women, Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Commission on Human Rights, Ways and Means Committee, Statistical Commission, Social Development Commission, Population Commission, OR, Federal Reserve Board, Economic Commission for Latin America, Economic Commission for Europe, Economic Commission for Africa, ER,
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