spec (Also specs) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to spec
- specification«
- spectacles«
- spectacle«
- specs«
- pair of spectacles«
- pair of specs«
- pair of glasses«
- pair of eyeglasses«
- glasses«
- spec«
- network architecture«
- computer architecture«
- condition«
- qualification«
- term«
- neural network«
- stipulation«
- making«
- consideration«
- precondition«
- neural net«
- circumstance«
- on spec«
- texas a university basketball«
- qualify«
- proviso«
- solid phase extraction chromatography«
- specify«
- provision«
- spec keene«
- stipulate«
- deal«
- defunct south florida«
- provide«
- count«
- hampton inn court«
- stipulatory«
- make«
- america football conference player«
- agreed upon«
- statement«
- steinke physical education center«
- liquor store chain«
- justification«
- specifications«
- houston astros major league baseball team«
- eligibility«
- spec sander«
- take«
- study«
- retail music«
- boundary condition«
- spec richardson«
- mitigating circumstance«
- video rental chain«
- ineligibility«
- spec(r«
- formula«
- spec sheet«
- chemical formula«
- finer food«
- caliber«
- standard performance evaluation corporation«
- compare«
- explicit set«
- proposition«
- volleyball arena«
- verbal description«
- spec shea«
- description«
- spec o'donnell«
- commentary«
- american national football league«
- qualifier«
- columbia daily spectator«
- calibre«
- datasheet«
- qualifying«
- american college football«
- abstract«
- input«
- spec script«
- warrant«
- harkness«
- mathematical statement«
- mathematical structure«
- reply«
- american major league baseball pitcher«
- quotation«
- technical standard«
- weighing«
- american film actor«
- word«
- american professional baseball pitcher«
- advisement«
- student newspaper«
- value statement«
- benchmark«
- assurance«
- basketball coach«
- summary«
- syntax«
- representation«
- spectrum«
- negation«
- wine«
- understatement«
- baseball«
- resolution«
- ring«
- solution«
- requirement«
- prediction«
- all«
- recital«
- unincorporated community«
- reservation«
- spirit«
- quality«
- virginia«
- solvent«
- disambiguation«
- play«
- manager«
- estimate«
- product«
- prognostication«
- texas«
- survey«
- material«
- tell«
- organization«
- bidding«
- service«
- amendment«
- music«
- say«
- united state«
- answer«
- people«
- declaration«
- thing«
- uninsurability«
- sum-up«
- marriageability«
- explicandum«
- explanans«
- explanandum«
- cogitation«
- proclamation«
- agreement«
- excuse«
- state«
- true statement«
- cautious statement«
- explanation«
- factor«
- promulgation«
- response«
- pleading«
- trifle«
- bid«
- truth«
- restatement«
- insurability«
- falsity«
- announcement«
- forecasting«
- comment«
- rhetorical question«
- account«
- misstatement«
- passing«
- pass«
- deliberation«
- understanding«
- untruth«
- result«
- falsehood«
- remark«
- annunciation«
- foretelling«
- look at«
- measure up«
- consider«
- weigh«
- uncontroversial«
- noncontroversial«
- dally«
- tentative«
- probationary«
- rationalize«
- provisional«
- liken«
- factor in«
- factor out«
- justify«
- eligible«
- ineligible«
- provisionary«
- capacitate«
- rationalise«
- apologise«
- warm to«
- equate«
- apologize«
- vindicate«
- contemplate«
- unchallengeable«
- undisputed«
- unquestioned«
- unchallenged«
- notation«
- rundown«
- math«
- dodge«
- compact«
- sketch«
- molecular formula«
- empirical formula«
- roundup«
- rejoinder«
- maths«
- note«
- written agreement«
- handout«
- fable«
- equivalence«
- universal proposition«
- particular proposition«
- premise«
- bromide«
- annotation«
- quote«
- overview«
- word picture«
- picture«
- fiction«
- defective pleading«
- job description«
- axiom«
- horoscope«
- apologia«
- equation«
- cliche«
- wanted poster«
- capsule«
- alibi«
- rubric«
- curriculum vitae«
- characterization«
- pleading in the alternative«
- alternative pleading«
- shaft«
- review«
- theorem«
- obiter dictum«
- dictum«
- comparing«
- compendium«
- ratiocination«
- manifesto«
- preface«
- summation«
- lemma«
- synopsis«
- malaprop«
- derivation«
- line score«
- program«
- capitulation«
- canvas«
- warp«
- postulate«
- denouement«
- comparison«
- apologist«
- reconsideration«
- bargain«
- rebuttal«
- clean bill of health«
- affirmative pleading«
- precis«
- release«
- press release«
- guess«
- fabrication«
- storyteller«
- meiosis«
- characterisation«
- gauge«
- vindicator«
- weasel word«
- mathematics«
- preemptive bid«
- notification«
- small print«
- fine print«
- scheme«
- outline«
- peer«
- canvass«
- special pleading«
- truism«
- replication«
- definition«
- abstraction«
- summing up«
- apology«
- defensive«
- zinger«
- teller«
- malapropism«
- simplification«
- phrase«
- sum«
- devise«
- dig«
- tautology«
- judge«
- formulary«
- sales agreement«
- quip«
- gloss«
- feedback«
- slip of the tongue«
- submission«
- reference«
- programme«
- literary argument«
- argument«
- inferiority«
- entente cordiale«
- contradiction in terms«
- unilateral contract«
- oral contract«
- contract«
- slam«
- working agreement«
- sally«
- wanted notice«
- low quality«
- high quality«
- exploration«
- gibe«
- universal«
- wisecrack«
- narrator«
- think«
- gospel truth«
- gospel«
- sale«
- lie«
- color«
- rationalization«
- suicide pact«
- rescript«
- entente«
- stopper«
- conversation stopper«
- takeout«
- report«
- work«
- explication«
- posit«
- match«
- dodging«
- affirmation«
- conclusion«
- word-painting«
- surrejoinder«
- surrebutter«
- surrebuttal«
- say-so«
- rebutter«
- pronunciamento«
- mythologization«
- mythologisation«
- lucubration«
- litotes«
- justifier«
- gentlemen's agreement«
- extropy«
- exculpation«
- etymologizing«
- demythologization«
- demythologisation«
- compeer«
- averment«
- asseveration«
- apprisal«
- equating«
- walk-through«
- platitude«
- defense«
- vindication«
- prognosis«
- depiction«
- call«
- severance agreement«
- fair-trade agreement«
- error«
- interpretation«
- shot«
- assertion«
- conspiracy«
- rationalisation«
- ploy«
- confession«
- advisory«
- comparability«
- crack«
- forge«
- edict«
- view«
- defence«
- settlement«
- relative«
- jurisprudence«
- complaint«
- resume«
- barb«
- gambit«
- thoughtfulness«
- supply«
- commonplace«
- mistake«
- superiority«
- courtesy«
- colour«
- musing«
- give«
- bastardization«
- pronouncement«
- notice«
- comparative«
- postulation«
- mention«
- worthy«
- meteorology«
- charge«
- repeat«
- telling«
- probation«
- accounting«
- forecast«
- conspectus«
- elect«
- weather forecasting«
- passing comment«
- particular«
- law«
- prophecy«
- converse«
- equal«
- jibe«
- condensation«
- overcall«
- banns«
- delineation«
- add«
- fortunetelling«
- moot«
- rumination«
- promise«
- covenant«
- reflexion«
- abridgement«
- self-justification«
- protestation«
- confederacy«
- prevarication«
- lick«
- observation«
- demurrer«
- reason«
- banality«
- ad-lib«
- overbid«
- deceit«
- abridgment«
- counsel«
- rib«
- expression«
- predication«
- capacity«
- pre-empt«
- present«
- preempt«
- deriving«
- deception«
- misrepresentation«
- exposition«
- debate«
- threat«
- resurvey«
- divination«
- reflection«
- undesirable«
- contradiction«
contemplation, postscript, version, barrack, applied math, obit, foreword, glossary, structural formula, frame, regression of y on x, predicate, phraseology, file, declarative, story, linear equation, written report, rent, ipse dixit, logic, write up, necrology, playbill, spin, solver, problem solver, regression equation, retort, typo, ditto, phrasal idiom, dictionary definition, citation, appraisal, paraphrase, design, docket, quadratic equation, exponential equation, differential equation, biquadratic equation, reviewer, estimation, approximation, digest, hypothesis, sentential function, lease, idiom, sport, humbug, advert, iteration, contractor, binomial theorem, portraiture, character, quadratic, hanky panky, griot, formulation, guy, recap, conjecture, insert, explicit definition, bidder, convergent thinker, calculation, inventor, fib, guesstimate, cheap shot, reading, preamble, rough, verbiage, read, responder, escrow, stock, computing, simultaneous equations, oracle, diction, nota bene, obituary, swan, martial law, prognosticator, reconstruction, pleader, exponential expression, epithet, tale, weather outlook, prevision, bill of goods, credit, doom, mathematician, facade, shariah law, shariah, fashioning, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, portrayal, artificer, footnote, conditional sale, elucidation, name, window dressing, construction, stipulative definition, recursive definition, ostensive definition, contextual definition, repeating, whopper, accord and satisfaction, accord, riposte, indenture, iterative, computation, clarification, mental representation, internal representation, caveat, fitness, cast, discoverer, guidance, canard, lodge, set phrase, set, manufacture, repetition, hire, portrait, erratum, tax law, presentation, suitability, slip, military law, idiomatic expression, see, strike, wording, primitive, omen, lower limit, supposition, find, respondent, securities law, conceptualization, reduplication, choice of words, devising, minimum, epitome, mangle, fabulist, double, couch, sheriff's sale, judicial sale, forced sale, execution sale, white lie, judgement, idea, commercial law, canon law, bet, pact, sentence, literal interpretation, literal error, literal, contrivance, premonition, hedge, fake, rule, succinctness, phrasing, news report, blackguard, raconteur, redact, obligation, sharia law, sharia, trickery, poste restante, muse, judging, judgment, athletics, invention, fudge, bridge, popularization, sign, sham, inferior, duplicity, negative, predictor, snow job, evasive answer, field, announcer, sass, accommodation, directive, solving, walloper, vaticination, tarradiddle, taradiddle, surmisal, summarisation, suitableness, simplism, racecard, prolusion, premiss, pithiness, overrefinement, non vult, name-dropping, mentioner, jiggery-pokery, jactitation, ipsedixitism, hocus-pocus, half-truth, fittingness, falsifier, excogitator, excogitation, eisegesis, ecphonesis, disaffirmation, deviser, devisal, counselor-at-law, corrigendum, contriver, commination, avouchment, apercu, answerer, anecdotist, accusal, magnification, knock, label, concision, draw, counselor, planner, counselling, cite, prognostic, harp, case law, counsellor, recount, evaluator, skulduggery, looping, construal, exclamation, menace, oversimplification, typographical error, conspiracy of silence, accusation, anticipation, retrospection, overstatement, figure, direction, murder, scoff, charter, testimony, bridle, decree, contention, law merchant, popularisation, slickness, denial, out-of-court settlement, twist, trumpet, misprint, riddle, conciseness, information, superior, property settlement, assess, return, pretence, law of the land, footer, loop, watch, legal expert, recapitulation, plea, wrestle, contradictory, put, pretense, counseling, articulation, conceptualisation, reiteration, statutory law, concentrate, law of nations, treaty, ijtihad, dissembling, mistaking, spoonerism, observer, libel, render, keep, presage, jurist, exegesis, foreboding, justice, biquadratic, wager, weather forecast, financial forecast, paradox, brief, surmise, claim, soothsayer, snake oil, expounding, mercantile law, international law, ecclesiastical law, common law, civil law, administrative law, evasion, lineament, falsification, place, subterfuge, gag, illumination, assumption, free, assent, voice, minimization, skirt, cut, twisting, skullduggery, counter, precedent, warning, clarion, restriction, equivocation, summarization, protest, golden handshake, warping, caller, jeer, duck, commentator, minimisation, parry, exaggeration, pattern, giving, avowal, meteorologist, confinement, raise, acknowledgement, demur, distortion, fraudulence, innovation, falseness, augur, settle, allusion, presentiment, enunciation, acknowledgment, break, guesser, grounds, speculation, torture, faithlessness, straining, redefinition, antinomy, forecaster, mull, misinterpretation, underestimate, advocate, ridicule, resolve, normal, blind, cook, wangle, convention, nolo contendere, deflection, sidestep, inconstancy, observance, deliberateness, feigning, divine, roast, conception, boding, misunderstanding, concordat, fickleness, cause, Australian rules football, Bill of Rights, Nineteenth Amendment, Midrash, Fourteenth Amendment, First Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Eighteenth Amendment, Annunciation, Euclidean axiom, Euclid's axiom, Euclid's postulate, Bayes' postulate, Red Notice, Parkinson's law, Mosaic law, Law of Moses, Islamic law, International Wanted Notice, Communist Manifesto, Articles of Confederation,