shrewd (Also shrewdest, shrewder) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to shrewd
- sharp«
- astute«
- scheming«
- conniving«
- calculative«
- calculating«
- sly«
- sagacious«
- keen«
- ingenious«
- shrewd«
- smart«
- hard«
- canny«
- cunning«
- clever«
- incisive«
- cagey«
- streetwise«
- street smart«
- steely«
- perspicacious«
- penetrating«
- penetrative«
- discriminating«
- clear-eyed«
- hardened«
- hard-boiled«
- piercing«
- sapient«
- knifelike«
- acute«
- calculable«
- with-it«
- clear-sighted«
- case-hardened«
- cagy«
- shrewdness«
- shrewdly«
- crafty«
- shrew«
- astuteness«
- wheeler-dealer«
- acuteness«
- perceptive«
- up to snuff«
- perspicacity«
- insightful«
- tricky«
- sharpness«
- intelligent«
- too clever by half«
- acuity«
- wily«
- calculate«
- snollygoster«
- keenness«
- wise to«
- smartling«
- perspicaciousness«
- wise«
- forecast«
- callous«
- slyboots«
- acumen«
- cleverness«
- unfeeling«
- guile«
- apt«
- craftiness«
- shrewdish«
- callousness«
- discerning«
- savvy«
- soothsayer«
- insensitive«
- sagaciously«
- prognostication«
- dodgy«
- street smarts«
- tough«
- resourcefulness«
- calculation«
- difficult«
- prudent«
- predictor«
- merciless«
- practical«
- prognosticator«
- estimable«
- politicly«
- knowingness«
- hardhearted«
- politic«
- slyness«
- promising«
- pawky«
- wiliness«
- knowing«
- matter«
- prediction«
- slick«
- knowledgeable«
- prognosis«
- deliberation«
- hopeful«
- smartness«
- predictive«
- gnostic«
- computing«
- insensible«
- frood«
- forecasting«
- foxy«
- dido«
- foretelling«
- computational«
- cute hoor«
- computation«
- bright«
- cute«
- brightness«
- unmerciful«
- craft«
- unaffected«
- steel trap«
- prognostic«
- hardness«
- intentional«
- forecaster«
- acuminate«
- unfeelingness«
- computable«
- artful«
- insightfulness«
- tricksy«
- argute«
- foxiness«
- stonyhearted«
- prognosticative«
- callosity«
- pachydermatous«
- numerable«
- insensibility«
- indurate«
- guileful«
- denumerable«
- bottom«
- countable«
- enumerable«
- nimble«
- ruthless«
- brilliant«
- pugnacious«
- unsentimental«
- agile«
- prescient«
- awkward«
- smart as a whip«
- trenchant«
- pitiless«
- brainy«
- remorseless«
- ambitious«
- subtle«
- baffling«
- apprehensive«
- quick«
- nasty«
- problematic«
- scintillating«
- delicate«
- soulless«
- tough-minded«
- embarrassing«
- herculean«
- troublesome«
- innate«
- touchy«
- fierce«
- challenging«
- observant«
- elusive«
- dull«
- foreshadowing«
- arduous«
- ticklish«
- hard-bitten«
- anticipatory«
- rugged«
- unenviable«
- catchy«
- omniscient«
- owlish«
- rough«
- fractious«
- all-knowing«
- vexed«
- cutthroat«
- trying«
- hard-fought«
- informed«
- foreboding«
- clear«
- prehensile«
- prophetic«
- numb«
- problematical«
- serious«
- tight«
- understanding«
- auspicious«
- clear-cut«
- knotty«
- tigerish«
- searching«
- approximate«
- sticky«
- determinable«
- intended«
- ready«
- divine«
- tall«
- observing«
- thorny«
- distinct«
- aspirant«
- sage«
- natural«
- thick-skinned«
- born«
- rocky«
- mortal«
- average«
- prophetical«
- unpitying«
- uncompassionate«
- tough-skinned«
- sharp-sighted«
- sharp-eyed«
- sapiential«
- quick-sighted«
- prefigurative«
- percipient«
- numerate«
- extropic«
- bowelless«
- apperceptive«
- adumbrative«
- prevenient«
- dead«
- zero«
- compound«
- sagacity«
- omen«
- fortune teller«
- mathematical process«
- mathematical operation«
- judgment«
- business enterprise«
- business«
- wisdom«
- reckon«
- incisiveness«
- judgement«
- work out«
- commercial enterprise«
- predict«
- anticipate«
- discernment«
- astrologer«
- astrologist«
- number crunching«
- augur«
- dullness«
- financial forecast«
- divination«
- cipher«
- fathom«
- weather forecasting«
- operation«
- fortuneteller«
- recalculation«
- account«
- figure«
- foretell«
- portend«
- promise«
- penetrate«
- transposition«
- call«
- prophecy«
- fortunetelling«
- presage«
- foreshadow«
- weather outlook«
- compute«
- weather forecast«
- bode«
- count on«
- prognosticate«
- horoscope«
- cypher«
- trenchancy«
- sapience«
- sagaciousness«
- forebode«
- extropy«
- betoken«
- auspicate«
- estimate«
- prefigure«
- meteorology«
- trickery«
- ruthlessness«
- mother wit«
- good sense«
- chicanery«
- calculating machine«
- contrivance«
- figuring«
- real-estate business«
- accountant«
- sense«
- horse sense«
- common sense«
- guess«
- trick«
- capitalize«
- hopefulness«
- insight«
- combination«
- profundity«
- wager«
- gumption«
- relaxation method«
- method of accounting«
- line of business«
- employee-owned business«
- discount business«
- perceptiveness«
- discretion«
- bet«
- eye«
- perceive«
- portent«
- stratagem«
- shiftiness«
- wannabe«
- glibness«
- prospect«
- medical prognosis«
- skullduggery«
- accountancy«
- accounting system«
- accounting«
- heartlessness«
- fast one«
- venture«
- intelligence«
- ruggedness«
- employee-owned enterprise«
- prophesy«
- process«
- agribusiness«
- judiciousness«
- capitalise«
- circumspection«
- reckoning«
- difficulty«
- butchering«
- anticipation«
- slickness«
- butchery«
- computing device«
- computing machine«
- electronic computer«
- computer«
- advertising«
- infinitesimal calculus«
- star divination«
- estimator«
- skulduggery«
- controller«
- balance«
- premonition«
- industry«
- maximization«
- publicizing«
- debit«
- boding«
- intention«
- matrix operation«
- field of operation«
- arithmetic operation«
- calculus«
- resolve«
- solve«
- depth«
- take off«
- take into account«
- account statement«
- extrapolate«
- prudence«
- insensitivity«
- calculator«
- relaxation«
- differentiate«
- oracle«
- differentiation«
- printing«
- astrology«
- factor out«
- factor in«
- factor«
- credit«
- comptroller«
- data processor«
- integrate«
- integration«
- penetration«
- invoice«
- average out«
- information processing system«
- shenanigan«
- extract«
- dodge«
- fraction«
- publishing«
- fox«
- allow«
- chicane«
- packaging«
- cruelty«
- manufacture«
- judge«
- finance«
- slipperiness«
- miscalculate«
- nought«
- consciousness«
- presentiment«
- charge«
- bill«
- intentionality«
- awareness«
- add together«
- gauge«
- permutation«
- field«
- dodger«
- hanky panky«
- trickiness«
- budget«
- publication«
- multiply«
- prefiguration«
- tourism«
- prodigy«
- deduct«
- wile«
- rascality«
- survey«
- transpose«
- add«
- count«
- read«
- divide«
- fishing«
- factory farm«
- agriculture«
- number«
- construction«
- building«
- exponentiation«
- wiseness«
- wannabee«
- vaticination«
- vaticinate«
- unmercifulness«
- touristry«
- second-guess«
- quantise«
- profoundness«
- pitilessness«
- perceptivity«
- palmister«
- palmist«
- overbalance«
- misestimate«
- jiggery-pokery«
- insensitiveness«
- injudiciousness«
- indiscreetness«
- hocus-pocus«
- hardheartedness«
- foreshow«
- figurer«
- discreetness«
difficultness, coldheartedness, chiromancer, aspirer, adumbration, threaten, meteorologist, involution, shipping, cognizance, sibyl, outguess, storage, recalculate, deepness, mercilessness, auspex, subtract, prorate, transportation, enumerate, cognisance, transport, interpolate, quantize, auspice, reckoner, prevision, manipulative, devious, judicious, glib, well-intentioned, well-meaning, daring, audacious, circumspect, discreet, enlightened, shifty, well-read, conscious, coldhearted, clairvoyant, heartless, commonsensical, indiscreet, laborious, well-educated, revelatory, fortunate, precocious, prodigious, deliberate, mindful, venturesome, implacable, cognizant, wishful, heady, reasoning, commonsense, sinister, thinking, portentous, unresponsive, profound, injudicious, inauspicious, effortful, menacing, aware, unkind, educated, backbreaking, familiar, derivative, advisable, aspiring, fateful, baleful, designing, calculated, conversant, learned, counter, ominous, ill, oracular, rosy, punishing, diviner, slicker, slippery, critical, integral, financial, demanding, advised, combinatorial, antecedent, grueling, bloody, differential, deep, precious, forbidding, triangulate, butcher, privy, hip to, hip, deadened, apocalyptic, witting, measured, perceptible, designed, gruelling, definable, precognitive, fiscal, premonitory, truncate, up on, au fait, discoverable, ascertainable, threatening, bare, inclement, hep, set, cognisant, precursory, astrological, capital, mantic, heavy, subtractive, pat, express, numeral, sibylline, well-meant, well-advised, venturous, vatical, vatic, toilsome, smooth-tongued, sibyllic, second-sighted, operose, minatory, minacious, judicable, glib-tongued, commonsensible, approximative, apocalyptical, addible, addable, divinatory, aggregate, multiplicative, divisible, au courant, plus, additive, total, allowable, abreast, lettered, square, minus, adroit, quick-witted, expedient, visionary, unintelligent, facile, sophisticated, unsparing, adventurous, eloquent, enigmatic, convoluted, unsympathetic, crass, complicated, superb, unforgiving, apathetic, rational, formidable, indifferent, stupid, adventuresome, motivated, ferocious, plodding, wicked, good, intransigent, relentless, powerful, vivid, appraising, bloodthirsty, appreciative, eclectic, hurtful, labor-intensive, boring, adamant, labour-intensive, tempestuous, furious, exacting, vehement, spiritless, onerous, splendid, tiring, murderous, fluent, workable, unrelenting, burdensome, rigorous, feasible, selective, hard to please, taxing, intellectual, boisterous, exhausting, mathematical, better, best, hypothetical, oppressive, conjectural, meek, harsh, magnificent, strenuous, sensitive, viable, tortuous, grim, infuriated, enraged, stinging, laboured, angry, well, glorious, wearying, angered, considered, involved, discriminative, elaborate, trigger-happy, touristy, terrible, practicable, pretend, propitious, labored, internecine, sanguinary, anesthetic, anaesthetic, inexorable, unaware, homicidal, benumbed, savage, premeditated, solvent, unkindly, violent, diffuse, discriminatory, inborn, leaden, meteoric, inhumane, persistent, quality, ascendant, hale, farming, adamantine, maddened, tangled, forward, cutting, bloodsucking, unintended, gory, judicial, supposed, algebraic, arithmetic, comprehensive, stringent, stern, cerebral, unlearned, suspect, strict, unconditioned, wild, evaluative, wearing, advanced, game, exigent, refractory, breeding, bloodstained, needy, mental, prudential, ascendent, dragging, edged, back, navigational, pre-existing, crimson, congenital, severe, touristed, straining, planned, pre-existent, spread, unperceptive, unperceiving, unmitigable, unappeasable, supposititious, suppositious, suppositional, smooth-spoken, slaughterous, silver-tongued, sanguineous, preexistent, incognizant, hypothetic, hard-to-please, butcherly, bloody-minded, blood-filled, anticipant, algebraical, diacritic, anterior, meteorologic, provident, prior, meteorological, asleep, preexisting, executable, tearing, red, silver, raging, diacritical, Nostradamus, Michel de Notredame, Delphic, Sisyphean, Byzantine,
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