shogi (Also shogis) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to shogi
- shogi«
- xiangqi«
- piece«
- pawn«
- chess game«
- silver general«
- player«
- chess«
- janggi«
- move«
- square«
- gold general«
- jsa«
- rook«
- byoyomi«
- western notation«
- knight«
- board«
- lance«
- game«
- gold«
- silver«
- furthest rank«
- promotion«
- king«
- bishop«
- makruk«
- drop«
- promotion zone«
- alternate form«
- file«
- jishōgi«
- dan«
- ambiguity resolution«
- white«
- black«
- international chess«
- notation string«
- cursive 金.«
- kyū«
- chaturanga«
- meijin«
- checkmate«
- rank«
- chinese chess«
- promotion status«
- amateur«
- unpromoted pawn«
- heian shogi«
- rule«
- shikamaru«
- lpsa«
- shogi piece«
- dai shogi«
- asuma«
- movement«
- opponent«
- computer«
- shogi player«
- king piece«
- check«
- ambiguity«
- impasse«
- chess variant page«
- japanese system«
- single move«
- upward movement«
- character«
- scap«
- amateur game«
- western system«
- lpsa.«
- g7i-7h«
- drop indication«
- dragon 龍«
- byōyomi period«
- tournament«
- unpromoted silver«
- unpromoted knight«
- p-5e«
- movement description«
- japanese game record«
- piece toss«
- japanese notation«
- japan«
- repetition«
- capture«
- titleholder system«
- hand«
- drunken elephant«
- alternate symbol«
- center file«
- typical move«
- ōhashi«
- kanji«
- standard shogi«
- shogi move«
- handicap game«
- destination square«
- etiquette«
- direction«
- tokin«
- gote«
- george hodges«
- western chess«
- female professional«
- handicap«
- play«
- shogi variant«
- friendly piece«
- sente«
- color«
- destination«
- setup«
- perspective«
- pair«
- notation«
- kishi«
- prisoner abuse«
- legal move«
- japanese name«
- japanese character«
- symbol«
- manga«
- abbreviation«
- letter«
- corner«
- professional tournament«
- nara prefecture«
- minute«
- professional status«
- ellipsis«
- indication«
- hour«
- shogunate«
- zone«
- professional«
- dai«
- incense«
- name«
- professional player«
- draw«
- rectangle«
- chinese character«
- 直 indicator«
- 成 prefix«
- 待将棋 draw«
- 千日手 repetition draw«
- 伊藤流. placement«
- writing plaque«
- white/black convention«
- westernized piece«
- western notation sequence«
- western chess notation convention«
- unpromotion«
- tōryō. other«
- typical japanese notation«
- tsumi 詰み«
- traditional shogi«
- tournament shogi«
- top professional shogi player«
- titleholder system game«
- television series 81diver«
- sudden sound effect«
- shōchūreki«
- shoreikai system«
- shogi professional player«
- shogi piece set«
- shogi magazine«
- rook recapture«
- relative positional indicator«
- real time play«
- rank coordinate«
- promoted status«
- prolonged beep«
- prestigious meijin title match«
- positional origin indicator«
- piece indicator«
- other notation convention«
- omitted move«
- notated game«
- narikei«
- narigin«
- movement piece indication«
- movement origin indicator«
- movement descriptor«
- move exists«
- most shogi piece«
- modern title match«
- meijin kinjirō sekine«
- masuda ’s assertion«
- manga march«
- male shogi professional«
- main notation symbol«
- loss bishop exchange game«
- left knight«
- larger game tree complexity«
- language shogi site«
- language shogi server«
- language shogi«
- kaichūreki«
- jsa professional rank«
- japanese term tokin«
- japanese notation convention«
- international chess pawn«
- historical document nichūreki«
- handicap shogi«
- genuine shogi player rank«
- generalized shogi«
- g6i-5h/5八金左«
- furigoma 振り駒«
- formal professional player«
- filip marek«
- female professional rank«
- female champion ichiyo shimizu«
- fair withdrawal«
- ellipsis prefix«
- drop symbol«
- drop notation«
- destination coordinate«
- dan league«
- contest—a draw«
- computer shogi program bonanza«
- common alternate symbol«
- chaturanga family«
- champion yoshiharu habu«
- book notate shogi move«
- bilingual piece«
- akara2010 system«
- addition byōyomi«
- abbreviatory convention«
- reason«
- board game«
- time limit«
- edo period«
- と tokin«
- unpromoted bishop«
- tokins«
- takayuki yamasaki«
- shogi match«
- shogi king«
- shogi engine«
- shogi day«
- sho shogi«
- ryūma«
- qualified amateur«
- promotion zone result«
- promoted bishop«
- ponanza«
- origin square«
- origin specification«
- origin coordinate«
- meijin title match«
- legal destination«
- leftmost file«
- kozo masuda«
- komadai«
- king score«
- kana satomi«
- illegal move result«
- hifumi kato«
- heian shogi piece«
- game tactical richness«
- furigoma«
- fujiwara akihira«
- east asian variant«
- dōbutsu shōgi«
- dropped piece«
- computer program ponanza«
- common folk culture«
- chess variant native«
- castle shogi tournament«
- anime prince«
- amateur ryu«
- time«
- world computer shogi champion bonanza«
- uchifuzume«
- tomohide kawasaki«
- shoreikai«
- shogi video game«
- shogi professional«
- sen competition«
- nichūreki«
- makoto nakahara«
- gps shogi«
- georg dunkel«
- game end«
- dan shoreikai«
- a–i«
- anime shion«
- amateur set«
- courtesy«
- shogi association«
- scap headquarters«
- remoter relative«
- original piece decrease«
- notation format«
- japanese language text«
- file adjacent«
- angle intermediate«
- possibility«
- tsumeshogi«
- quick ishida«
- professional shogi«
- opposing defense«
- itō family«
- strong amateur player«
- shogi game«
- owning player«
- left square«
- kōji shimizu«
- hidetchi«
- forward destination«
- subtler effect«
- promoted pawn«
- explicit notation«
- complete move«
- horse«
- starting square«
- movement type«
- mid game«
- Japanese chess«
- Japanese«
- 2d square«
- 8.nbsp& rook«
- 8-dan professional shogi player«
- 7.nbsp& rook«
- 7.nbsp& bishop«
- 6.nbsp& lance«
- 5.nbsp& pawn«
- 5.nbsp& lance«
- 5-part format«
- 3-way ambiguity«
- 12th century xiangqi«
- 3-move«
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