scant (Also scanter, scanted, scants, scanting, scantest) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to scant
- skimp«
- stint«
- light«
- short«
- slight«
- little«
- geason«
- few«
- scant«
- insufficient«
- deficient«
- meager«
- scanty«
- meagre«
- inadequate«
- low«
- skimpy«
- poor«
- smooth over«
- slur over«
- skimp over«
- skate over«
- gloss over«
- bare«
- spare«
- stingy«
- shy«
- depleted«
- lean«
- meagerly«
- scrimp«
- scrimpy«
- exiguous«
- paltry«
- underwear«
- leanness«
- lacking«
- stinter«
- scantness«
- measly«
- scantiness«
- sparse«
- poorness«
- tenuous«
- sheet«
- meagreness«
- weak«
- meagerness«
- thin«
- exiguity«
- flimsy«
- sparseness«
- scants«
- sparsity«
- deficiency«
- miserable«
- spareness«
- wanting«
- inadequacy«
- fragile«
- insufficiency«
- watery«
- thinness«
- hand-to-mouth«
- wateriness«
- trim«
- abstemiousness«
- hardscrabble«
- washy«
- resourceless«
- unprofitable«
- scantly«
- abstemious«
- scantling«
- minimal«
- scantle«
- scarce«
- provide«
- scantity«
- marginal«
- scantily«
- insignificant«
- scanted«
- restricted«
- minimum«
- penurious«
- slim«
- men«
- pale«
- long johns«
- supply«
- limit«
- jockstrap«
- jockeys«
- furnish«
- jimp«
- slender«
- indolent«
- unimportant«
- geazon«
- idle«
- diluted«
- diminished«
- render«
- briefs«
- work«
- unequal«
- boxers«
- restrict«
- boxer shorts«
- distributed«
- dilute«
- athletic supporter«
- amount«
- temperate«
- dead«
- low-pitched«
- forgetful«
- unretentive«
- unremunerative«
- low-toned«
- quantity«
- scarcity«
- shortage«
- shortfall«
- deficit«
- shortness«
- slenderness«
- scarceness«
- lowness«
- inadequateness«
- paucity«
- dearth«
- abundance«
- rarity«
- infrequency«
- oxygen deficit«
- sufficiency«
- adequacy«
- pettiness«
- triviality«
- rareness«
- unprofitability«
- feebleness«
- unprofitableness«
- trimness«
- tenuity«
- teemingness«
- sorriness«
- slightness«
- puniness«
- paltriness«
- copiousness«
- ample«
- sufficient«
- copious«
- plentiful«
- negligible«
- abundant«
- faint«
- widespread«
- leverage«
- reduced«
- yield«
- rare«
- give«
- voluminous«
- infrequent«
- surfeit«
- feeble«
- wasted«
- offer«
- muck about«
- pitiful«
- trifling«
- superficial«
- deep«
- token«
- distressing«
- capitalize«
- capitalise«
- answer«
- key«
- small«
- restrained«
- moderate«
- provision«
- soft«
- plug away«
- peg away«
- beaver away«
- shelter«
- niggling«
- get together«
- pull one's weight«
- piddling«
- nominal«
- afford«
- scattered«
- stock up«
- divided up«
- puny«
- cut«
- diffuse«
- tight«
- spread«
- bottom«
- keep one's shoulder to the wheel«
- keep one's nose to the grindstone«
- overmuch«
- trivial«
- rationed«
- edge«
- dispensed«
- wispy«
- bush«
- fret«
- wait«
- stock«
- extend«
- top out«
- parceled out«
- meted out«
- fit out«
- doled out«
- dealt out«
- top«
- muck around«
- monkey around«
- mess around«
- suffice«
- white«
- index«
- lowly«
- whisker«
- well-kept«
- rich«
- water«
- work on«
- work through«
- run through«
- go through«
- work at«
- fuel«
- heat«
- feed«
- buy in«
- withered«
- diffused«
- fanned«
- unequal to«
- abound«
- unfocused«
- caption«
- shriveled«
- weakened«
- sad«
- unproductive«
- date«
- articulate«
- supplying«
- stripped«
- useless«
- thinned«
- down«
- restrictive«
- spaced«
- do«
- depressed«
- divided«
- emaciated«
- flood«
- lamentable«
- fund«
- glut«
- tool«
- match«
- tap«
- pour«
- step«
- teeming«
- serve«
- lame«
- reeking«
- intern«
- subtitle«
- uniform«
- ticket«
- slog«
- gaunt«
- shrivelled«
- shipshape«
- bed«
- joke«
- charge«
- patch«
- splashed«
- degraded«
- unsuccessful«
- page«
- skeletal«
- straggly«
- coal«
- join forces«
- haggard«
- occupy«
- secondary«
- berth«
- short-handed«
- pinched«
- headline«
- scrawny«
- taboo«
- stripped-down«
- fit«
- classify«
- low-level«
- grate«
- incapable«
- deplorable«
- glaze«
- border«
- volunteer«
- curtain«
- busy«
- fire«
- specialize«
- assist«
- oversupply«
- cornice«
- apportioned«
- seat«
- contralto«
- stringy«
- theme«
- devalued«
- rail«
- wiry«
- glass«
- shrunken«
- dado«
- svelte«
- broken«
- cooperate«
- lilliputian«
- throaty«
- spread-out«
- computerize«
- trig«
- dispersed«
- sorry«
- fiddling«
- skinny«
- anorectic«
- far-flung«
- purvey«
- understaffed«
- outfit«
- pump«
- clean-cut«
- localize«
- separated«
- minister«
- borderline«
- underweight«
- monkey«
- ramp«
- reedy«
- gate«
- putter«
- hat«
- rawboned«
- railroad«
- localise«
- spindly«
- cadaverous«
- subaltern«
- joint«
- wizen«
- wisplike«
- wasp-waisted«
- upholster«
- unfocussed«
- twiglike«
- transistorize«
- transistorise«
- tokenish«
- sunken-eyed«
- spindle-shanked«
- spindle-legged«
- slim-waisted«
- slender-waisted«
- signalize«
- signalise«
- short-staffed«
- scraggy«
- scarecrowish«
- sanitate«
- rock-bottom«
- reflectorize«
- reflectorise«
- reedlike«
- plenteous«
- piffling«
- no-count«
- no-account«
- machicolate«
- junior-grade«
- inappreciable«
- hollow-eyed«
- hole-in-corner«
- hole-and-corner«
- hobnail«
- good-for-naught«
- footling«
- electioneer«
- deep-eyed«
- crenelate«
- crenel«
- copper-bottom«
- constitutionalize«
- canalize«
- canalise«
- calk«
- brattice«
- bewhisker«
- air-cool«
- air-condition«
- headquarter«
- canal«
- lanky«
- rim«
- cleat«
- petty«
- weedy«
- incompetent«
- costume«
- crenellate«
- equip«
- tube«
- encyclical«
- bony«
- arm«
- baritone«
- skipper«
- hydrate«
- boondoggle«
- low-density«
- gangly«
- beaver«
- terrace«
- innervate«
- computerise«
- specialise«
- debased«
- undermanned«
- whore«
- gangling«
- retrofit«
- alto«
- toggle«
- partner«
- waitress«
- wizened«
- lank«
- anorexic«
- good-for-nothing«
- corbel«
- lower-ranking«
- rafter«
- collaborate«
- wharf«
- potter«
- interleave«
- alphabetize«
- clerk«
- bass«
- carpenter«
- kern«
- meritless«
- picayune«
- contrabass«
- slat«
- tinker«
- causeway«
- double-bass«
- wive«
- twiggy«
- no-good«
- terrasse«
- cloy«
- victual«
- boney«
- adequate«
- giving«
- enough«
- decent«
draw, offering, profuse, lot, mild, excess, measure up, unsatisfactory, easy, comfortable, level, sight, tide over, bridge over, bountiful, aid, sign, thick, toil, bring home the bacon, surplus, go a long way, place, put up, put to work, care, long, fruitless, goalless, luxuriant, big, signal, set up, open up, kit up, gas up, issue, cut back, abounding, rife, seasonal, spot, done for, allow for, job, warmer, lavish, deluge, keep going, temporary, stable, frustrated, inventory, fueling, scoreless, turn out, concerted, out, kit out, play around, go around, pile, dry, labor, meaningless, slip, signaling, allow, slew, elaborate, whip through, do work, do by, issuing, spur, vain, fitting, disappointed, help, pall, stave, handsome, feeding, deal, labour, unfulfilled, liquid, undone, batch, logging, futile, muzzle, date stamp, overabundant, unrewarded, unrealized, heating, torrential, freeze, lush, luxurious, solicit, leave, inferior, qualify, mint, subvention, wad, rank, unrealised, voluntary, rampant, ruined, shining, incline, belabor, go along, save, curtail, mass, exuberant, campaigning, protective, house, service, undertaking, commission, independent, capital, black marketeer, unplaced, invest, investigating, unusable, ironing, hitless, discomfited, free-lance, pot, indexing, substituting, strain, victuals, task, handle, unavailing, action, treat, conserve, grating, sunk, edible, set, raft, bounteous, tending, grade, pitch, stall, heap, star, open, breed, curb, play along, protect, leveraging, economise, galore, tart, electioneering, furnishing, restrain, locating, clothe, recharge, confine, tributary, mess, sleeveless, verdant, function, sybaritic, cater, affluent, husband, liberal, winless, cooperative, clerking, store, thwarted, employable, bunker, restock, collar, stocking, voluptuous, slave, empty-handed, unserviceable, plush, housekeeping, puddle, ineffectual, collaborative, mindless, polychrome, mantle, balk, harbor, overstock, railing, refit, wire, fin, polishing, circumscribe, patching, throttle, canvassing, shaft, bunk, appoint, instrument, abet, project, plant, bound, act, armour, armor, fix, no-win, flock, dateline, baulk, unmindful, freelance, prostitute, handcraft, drape, kit, bighearted, rejig, soldier, rearm, unuseable, understock, twiner, superabundant, steam-heat, solderer, smatter, scrag, reseat, refurnish, plushy, plethoric, otiose, openhanded, nonmeaningful, motorize, motorise, ministrant, mechanise, lucullan, inutile, heatable, freehanded, ectomorphic, eatable, double-glaze, domiciliate, datemark, date-mark, comestible, bootless, belabour, accoutre, accouter, dabble, harbour, equipping, economize, flaming, attempted, epicurean, refueling, captain, conjunctive, adorn, nonproductive, master, kennel, join, arming, perform, tabu, outfitting, foiled, stack, mooring, washed-up, washing, blackleg, flame, peck, freelancer, subbing, trimmer, gutter, rig, defeated, re-equip, voluptuary, riotous, hook, scab, fuse, trammel, munition, distributive, dock, rat, wash, adjunct, assistant, fleck, down-and-out, execute, refuel, confluent, ply, mechanize, horseshoe, accost, caning, cyprian, conjunct, railroading, spar, speckle, bushing, self-defeating, dapple, truss,