reuse (Also reused, reuses, reusing) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to reuse
- recycle«
- reprocess«
- reuse«
- recycling«
- reclaim«
- rehash«
- recover«
- use«
- item«
- reclamation«
- preserve«
- material«
- bottle collection«
- reuser«
- reuse center«
- subirrigation«
- product«
- save«
- reutilization«
- reusable product«
- hash over«
- reusing«
- virtual exchange«
- retrograde«
- landfill«
- utilize«
- reused«
- utilise«
- repurpose«
- consumer«
- conserve«
- repurposing«
- palimpsest«
- excreta«
- waste«
- economize«
- ecycle«
- packaging reuse«
- employ«
- cullet«
- conventional reuse«
- apply«
- cartonero«
- environmental cost«
- economise«
- cancel«
- reusable package«
- put down«
- asset«
- refill pack«
- enter«
- packaging«
- record«
- husband«
- agriculture«
- raw material«
- minor disadvantage«
- financial incentive«
- co2 emission«
- scheme«
- refillable bottle«
- toner cartridge«
- reusable«
- camera«
- tire«
- factory«
- saving«
- plastic«
- warehouse«
- energy«
- physical space«
- bottle«
- oem«
- carbon footprint«
- adapter«
- cubic metre«
- original purpose«
- salvation army«
- software«
- wastematch«
- waste minimization program«
- waste exchanges«
- waste brokerage«
- virtual exchangees«
- usa. roll royce«
- tractor refurbishing plant«
- thumb reuse«
- teleplan camera repair«
- standard subroutine library«
- software wheel«
- social impact data«
- sewage sludge fertilizer«
- secondhand window xp computer«
- scrap intermediary«
- same/similar specification«
- sainsbury ltd«
- reuse metrics«
- reuse interact«
- reusable plastic basket«
- returnable/reusable plastic box«
- repurposing application«
- remida wa«
- regiving«
- regifting«
- refurbishing factory«
- reduced disposal«
- reclosable top«
- raw material saving«
- product home«
- plastic carrier bag cash refund scheme«
- packaging uneconomic«
- package deposit programs«
- original process impossible«
- online material exchange website«
- oem product eligible«
- new jersey:"thus«
- monitor crt«
- minimal package«
- low additional transport cost«
- loop reuse«
- life reuse«
- largest reuse centre«
- landfill inline«
- kabadiwalas«
- involved reuse organization«
- internalized environmental costs«
- infant auto seat«
- iloveschools«
- hindsight obsolescence«
- garbage queensland«
- functional throughput«
- freon appliance«
- free camera recycling program«
- formal life cycle assessment«
- force manufacturer«
- families/individuals/organizations«
- extreme low price«
- environmental freecycling organisation«
- durability greener network calculator«
- current environmental awareness«
- consumer dispose«
- consequent consumer demand«
- complex life cycle analysis«
- closed loop reuse scheme«
- c.f waste cement kiln dust«
- broader economic term«
- bower reuse«
- customer«
- tube tv«
- sellable commodity«
- secondhand automobile«
- reverse garbage«
- reusable software object«
- remanufacturing«
- relative carbon footprint«
- purpose unintended«
- organic household waste«
- nonprofit movement«
- lower shelf price«
- intact item«
- humanity restores«
- central manufacturing facility«
- system«
- redistribution«
- waste exchange«
- printer ink cartridge«
- motivated movement«
- lemonade bottle«
- earthship style«
- consumer resource«
- complete product life cycle«
- alchemy good«
- resource«
- annum«
- tremendous return«
- multiple barrier approach«
- hand hardware«
- empty lorry«
- empty crate«
- deposit program«
- “ waste«
- translation memory system«
- composting bin«
- boat fender«
- jazz photo corp.«
- fuji photo film co.«
- deposit law«
- calmax«
- aircraft hull«
- scrap«
- convenience«
- windowfarm«
- ecological sanitation approach«
- convenient shape«
- black market item«
- packaging regulation«
- penny«
- plastic crate«
- poverty charity«
- example«
- do«
- transport packaging«
- reuse program«
- reusable item«
- wastewater reuse«
- national location«
- stuff«
- transport emission«
- fiberboard box«
- creative reuse«
- such charge«
- window xp computer«
- transport distance«
- retreading«
- regular transportation«
- plastic drum«
- extra processing«
- cleaning fluid«
- tonne«
- repair centre«
- documentation«
- waste minimization«
- soap powder«
- disposable product«
- factory environment«
- software reuse«
- finished item«
- financial motivation«
- doorstep delivery«
- reusable shopping bag«
- ink reservoir«
- cost«
- stockholm water prize«
- matching service«
- underdeveloped economy«
- legacy product«
- printer cartridge«
- original tool«
- job«
- environmental tax«
- disposal cost«
- loop«
- pigovian tax«
- gray market«
- manufacture«
- second harvest food bank«
- who guideline«
- viro«
- unsafe manner«
- entity«
- international water management institute«
- organization«
- richer country«
- considerable benefit«
- carrier bag«
- code reuse«
- usable material«
- truck«
- cummins engine«
- % relative«
- ink cartridge«
- money«
- clothing«
- broader base«
- purchase cost«
- greywater«
- country«
- jazz«
- pound«
- modern device«
- goodwill industry«
- metal«
- business«
- milk bottle«
- woolloongabba«
- manufacturer«
- physical resource«
- norwell«
- scientific methodology«
- potential advantage«
- india«
- patent holder«
- toner«
- limited mean«
- office furniture«
- regulation«
- average american«
- program code«
- micronutrient«
- transport cost«
- tool«
- recent attempt«
- possession«
- label«
- marrickville«
- integrated system«
- main driver«
- pakistan«
- intense debate«
- environmental benefit«
- original equipment manufacturer«
- cathode ray tube«
- steel drum«
- computer«
- engine block«
- design phase«
- rechargeable battery«
- special skill«
- other organization«
- water bottle«
- glass wall«
- u.s. population«
- international experience«
- counterfeit«
- main principle«
- energy efficient«
- vast collection«
- quality product«
- information«
- waste product«
- glass bottle«
- waste water«
- pallet«
- company«
- market«
- emulator«
- grassroots«
- voucher«
- xerox«
- rebate«
- nonprofit«
- industry«
- fuji«
- united way«
- management system«
- warranty«
- wastewater«
- market economy«
- fodder«
- supply chain«
- organic matter«
- feces«
- mattress«
- black market«
- german reunification«
- key issue«
- junk«
- retrieval«
- business activity«
- time«
- owner«
- trolley«
- language«
- usb«
- schoolchildren«
- practice«
- retail outlet«
- shopper«
- trough«
- potassium«
- phosphorus«
- goodwill«
- melting«
- rust«
- environmental impact«
- micro«
- compact«
- process«
- caterpillar«
- rag«
- low cost«
- cleaning«
- significant portion«
- garbage«
- cartridge«
- durability«
- urine«
- programming language«
- sanitation«
- cola«
- disclosure«
- refurbishment«
- nitrogen«
- overhaul«
- red cross«
- nutrient«
- efficacy«
- district court«
- lime«
- emission«
- commodity«
- people«
- ink«
- directory«
- shopping«
- basket«
- school teacher«
- sustainability«
- east germany«
- supermarket«
- container«
- incentive«
- donor«
- law«
- textile«
- disadvantage«
- disposal«
- buyer«
- listing«
- seller«
- european country«
- service«
- wage«
- neighbour«
- toy«
- pig«
- hardware«
- new york«
- java«
- bag«
- milk«
- ghana«
- automobile«
- demise«
- complexity«
- drink«
- preference«
- transaction«
- availability«
- manufacturing«
- perth«
- clothes«
- maker«
- framework«
- bangladesh«
- saver«
- overuse«
- misuse«
- exploit«
- avail«
- dedicate«
- implement«
- inscribe«
- manifest«
- tap«
- cannibalize«
- devote«
- assign«
- register«
- work«
- put to work«
- log up«
- log«
- ply«
- file away«
- file«
- recur«
- consecrate«
- maintain«
- pull out all the stops«
- document«
- enjoy«
- extend«
- retrench«
- keep«
- tape«
- address«
- exercise«
- chalk up«
- photograph«
- put«
- take«
- give«
- post«
- clock up«
- clock on«
- clock in«
- overdrive«
- ring up«
- commit«
- exert«
- strain«
- punch in«
- shoot«
- score«
- book«
- film«
- accession«
- chronicle«
- snap«
- fall back«
- misapply«
- cannibalise«
- play«
- videotape«
- notch«
- resort«
- mark«
tally, commercialize, computerize, maximize, maximise, x-ray, microfilm, purpose, using, disk, lend oneself, promote, reshoot, memorialize, function, feed, rededicate, enroll, computerise, practise, hoard, immortalize, harness, sharing, hive up, overextend, work out, sparing, striving, make hay, tax, help, engineering, scrimp, cache, invalidate, downsizing, skimp, stash, go for, crisscross, write, quarry, habituate, enrol, rack, patent, pool, stub, tape recording, tape record, filming, account, taping, recruit, recording, prey, tighten one's belt, task, enforce, straining, abuse, mine, ticket, overwork, fine, cut, warm up, double up, stinting, commemorate, list, snick, squirrel away, lay away, retake, filing, picture, buff, pains, repose, scotch, prerecord, overstrain, overexploit, memorialise, immortalise, cybernate, communalize, communalise, cinematize, cinematise, fan, run, cross, flick, vow, hold, nolle prosequi, stint, shot, nick, Weldon process, 15p deposit,
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