radicle (Also radicles) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to radicle
- radicle«
- general anatomy«
- anatomy«
- seedling«
- topology«
- embryonic root«
- topographic anatomy«
- seed«
- regional anatomy«
- plumule«
- physiological anatomy«
- hilum«
- osteology«
- seed coat scar«
- neuroanatomy«
- baby shoot«
- morphophysiology«
- darkened spot«
- microscopic anatomy«
- cotyledon(s«
- macroscopic anatomy«
- preemergence«
- gross anatomy«
- plant perception«
- functional anatomy«
- plant«
- developmental anatomy«
- plant embryo«
- comparative anatomy«
- hypocotyl«
- clinical anatomy«
- embryonic stem«
- applied anatomy«
- germination«
- anatomist«
- main type«
- anatomical«
- charles darwin«
- zone«
- botany«
- zona«
- physiology«
- vallecula«
- shoot«
- tube-shaped structure«
- soil«
- tube«
- leaf«
- tentorium«
- disease«
- structure«
- movement«
- soma«
- process«
- shape«
- ground«
- septum«
- power«
- ruga«
- water«
- pouch«
- book«
- pocket«
- death«
- physique«
- external link«
- physical body«
- partition«
- osteologist«
- osteologer«
- material body«
- lobe«
- joint«
- human body«
- histology«
- histologist«
- groove«
- fundus«
- frame«
- form«
- flesh«
- fissure«
- figure«
- dental anatomy«
- cytology«
- corona«
- cornu«
- concha«
- complex body part«
- comparative anatomist«
- cingulum«
- chassis«
- cavum«
- cavity«
- build«
- body structure«
- bodily structure«
- bodily cavity«
- bod«
- articulation«
- articulatio«
- apparatus«
- apophysis«
- anatomical structure«
- anatomize«
- anatomise«
- anatomic«
- neuroanatomical«
- neuroanatomic«
- faucal«
- costal«
- chiasmic«
- chiasmatic«
- chiasmal«
- axillary«
- ampullary«
- ampullar«
- zonule«
- zonula«
- zona pellucida«
- vestibule«
- vessel«
- ventriculus«
- ventricle«
- vascular structure«
- vas«
- valve«
- vacuole«
- uvea«
- utriculus«
- utricle«
- uterine cavity«
- unguis«
- tympanum«
- tympanic cavity«
- tubule«
- tubular cavity«
- tooth root«
- tooth«
- thoracic cavity«
- temporal lobe«
- temporal ccortex«
- syrinx«
- synovial joint«
- suture«
- sutura«
- sulcus«
- stifle«
- socket«
- skeletal structure«
- sinus«
- segmentation cavity«
- scrotum«
- salpinx«
- sac«
- rut«
- rotator cuff«
- root«
- rib«
- rete«
- renal pelvis«
- receptor«
- pulp cavity«
- prefrontal lobe«
- prefrontal cortex«
- plica«
- plexus«
- pleural cavity«
- plate«
- pit«
- person«
- peritoneal cavity«
- peristome«
- pericardial space«
- pericardial cavity«
- pelvis«
- pelvic cavity«
- passageway«
- passage«
- parietal lobe«
- parietal cortex«
- pad«
- outgrowth«
- osseous labyrinth«
- oropharynx«
- orbital cavity«
- orbit«
- omental bursa«
- occipital lobe«
- occipital cortex«
- nucleus«
- nucleolus organizer«
- nucleolus organiser«
- nucleolar organizer«
- nucleolar organiser«
- neural structure«
- nasopharynx«
- nasal septum«
- nasal concha«
- nasal cavity«
- middle ear«
- membranous labyrinth«
- mediastinum«
- marsupium«
- male body«
- lumen«
- loculus«
- locule«
- lobule«
- lobe of the lung«
- limbus«
- lesser peritoneal cavity«
- lens nucleus«
- layer«
- laryngopharynx«
- landmark«
- lacrimal apparatus«
- knee«
- kinetochore«
- juvenile body«
- intracranial cavity«
- interstice«
- infundibulum«
- horny structure«
- hock-joint«
- hock«
- hilus«
- hepatic lobe«
- head«
- gyrus«
- greater peritoneal sac«
- glans«
- gizzard«
- gill slit«
- gill cleft«
- gill bar«
- gill arch«
- germ«
- gastric mill«
- furrow«
- funiculus«
- frontal lobe«
- frontal cortex«
- fossa«
- fold«
- filum«
- filament«
- fibrous joint«
- fetlock joint«
- fetlock«
- female body«
- fauces«
- eye socket«
- elbow«
- earlobe«
- ear lobe«
- diarthrosis«
- decussation«
- cytoskeleton«
- cytogenetics«
- cranial orbit«
- cranial cavity«
- costal groove«
- costa«
- coronary«
- convolution«
- coelom«
- cochlea«
- cloaca«
- cleavage cavity«
- chiasma«
- chiasm«
- chest cavity«
- cheek pouch«
- chamber«
- centromere«
- celoma«
- celom«
- cecum«
- cauda«
- cartilaginous structure«
- carina«
- capsule«
- calyculus«
- calycle«
- caliculus«
- caecum«
- bursa omentalis«
- bulb«
- buccal cavity«
- bridge«
- branchial cleft«
- branchial arch«
- bony labyrinth«
- body part«
- blind gut«
- blastocoele«
- blastocoel«
- blastocele«
- blade«
- biology«
- biological science«
- ball«
- axillary fossa«
- axillary cavity«
- axilla«
- auricular appendix«
- auricular appendage«
- auricula atrii«
- auricula«
- auricle«
- auditory apparatus«
- atrial auricle«
- aster«
- articulatio synovialis«
- armpit«
- archenteron«
- appendage«
- apodeme«
- antrum«
- ampulla«
- amniotic cavity«
- alveolar bed«
- adult body«
- abdominal cavity«
- abdomen«
- zygomatic process«
- zoology«
- zoological science«
- yolk sac«
- woman's body«
- withers«
- web«
- voice box«
- vocal fold«
- vocal cord«
- vocal band«
- vitelline sac«
- visceral brain«
- villus«
- vestibule of the vagina«
- vestibule of the ear«
- vesicula umbilicus«
- vesicle«
- vesica«
- vertebral column«
- vermis cerebelli«
- vermis«
- vermiform process«
- vermiform appendix«
- venter«
- vein«
- vasa efferentia«
- vane«
- valvule«
- valvula«
- valvelet«
- uveoscleral pathway«
- uterine tube«
- uriniferous tubule«
- underpart«
- umbilical vesicle«
- umbilical cord«
- umbilical«
- tush«
- tubing«
- tuberosity«
- tubercle«
- trunk«
- true rib«
- trudge«
- trochanter«
- transverse process«
- tramp«
- tragus«
- trachea«
- torso«
- tooth socket«
- tooshie«
- toe«
- tissue«
- throat«
- thorax«
- third ventricle«
- thalmencephalon«
- thalamus«
- tentacle«
- temporomandibular joint«
- temporal gyrus«
- telencephalon«
- tarsus«
- tail end«
- tail«
- system«
- swim bladder«
- sutura sagittalis«
- sutura lamboidea«
- sutura internasalis«
- sutura intermaxillaris«
- sutura frontalis«
- sutura coronalis«
- supply«
- subthalamus«
- substantia nigra«
- styloid process«
- style«
- stump«
- stomach«
- stern«
- spud«
- sprout«
- spine«
- spinal cord«
- spinal column«
- spiculum«
- spicule«
- spheroid joint«
- spermatic cord«
- space biology«
- sociobiology«
- soak«
- small«
- sinusoid«
- sinus paranasales«
- sinus ethmoidales«
- shunt«
- shoulder«
- shin«
- shank«
- shaft«
- seminiferous tubule«
- seat«
- scar«
- sagittal suture«
- saddle«
- sacculus«
- saccule«
- rump«
- rudiment«
- rotatory joint«
- rotary joint«
- root canal«
- ridge«
- rib cage«
- rhombencephalon«
- rete testis«
- render«
- renal corpuscle«
- region«
- reflex arc«
- rectum«
- rear end«
- rear«
- radiobiology«
- radiation«
- rachis«
- quill«
- pyriform lobe«
- pyriform area«
- pulp«
- pterygoid process«
- pterygoid plexus«
- pseudopodium«
- pseudopod«
- protoplast«
- prosencephalon«
- processus coronoideus«
- prat«
- posterior«
- porta«
- pons Varolii«
- pons«
- pock«
- plod«
- plica vocalis«
- plexus lumbalis«
- plexus choroideus«
- plant process«
- placenta«
- pivot joint«
- pit of the stomach«
- piriform lobe«
- piriform area«
- pipe«
- pinna«
- pilus«
- phytology«
- physiologist«
- pharynx«
- pericardial sac«
- pectus«
- pawn«
- parietomastoid suture«
- parietal gyrus«
- paranasal sinus«
- papilla«
- pallium«
- paleoencephalon«
- paleocerebellum«
- paleobiology«
paleencephalon, palaeobiology, palaeencephalon, oviduct, osteophyte, orifice, organ, orb, optic cup, optic chiasma, optic chiasm, operculum, opening, olfactory bulb, olecranon process, olecranon, oesophagus, odontoid process, occipitomastoid suture, occipital gyrus, nucleus niger, neurobiology, nervure, nerve plexus, nerve centre, nerve center, nephron, neoencephalon, neencephalon, nates, nasal sinus, nail, myelencephalon, morphology, molecular biology, midbrain, microtubule, microbiology, metatarsus, metaphysis, metacarpus, metacarpophalangeal joint, mesencephalon, mentum, medulla spinalis, medulla oblongata, medulla, meatus, maxillary sinus, mastoidal, mastoid process, mastoid bone, mastoid, mark, mandibular joint, mandibular fossa, man's body, mammillary body, mamillary body, malpighian corpuscle, malpighian body, lumbus, lumbar plexus, long plane, loins, loin, locus niger, lineament, limbic system, limbic brain, life scientist, lens capsule, lateral ventricle, larynx, lamina, lamboid suture, knuckle joint, knuckle, keister, keel, juncture, junction, jointing plane, jointer plane, jointer, join, interparietal suture, internasal suture, intermaxillary suture, interbrain, ileocecal valve, hypothalamus, hypophyseal stalk, hypodermis, horseback, horn, hoof, hippocampus, hip socket, hip, hinge joint, hindquarters, hindbrain, hind end, hemisphere, heel, heart ventricle, heart valve, haunch, hair, gyrus cinguli, gum ridge, gullet, gorge, gliding joint, glenoid fossa, glenoid cavity, glans penis, glans clitoridis, girdle, ginglymus, ginglymoid joint, germinal disc, germinal area, geniculate body, genetics, genetic science, gaskin, ganglion, fundament, frontal suture, frontal sinus, frontal gyrus, frill, fourth ventricle, fornix, forestry, forebrain, float, flank, flagellum, fistula, fimbria, feature, fanny, eyecup, eyeball, external body part, exobiology, excrescence, ethmoidal sinus, ethmoid sinus, esophagus, epithelial duct, epiglottis, epigastric fossa, epicondyle, epicardia, epicanthus, epicanthic fold, environmental science, energid, encephalon, enation, enarthrosis, enarthrodial joint, eminence, embryology, ecology, ear, duct, dorsum, dock, dilator, diencephalon, derriere, denticle, cyst, cryobiology, croupe, croup, crest, craniometric point, cotyloid joint, cotyloid cavity, costal cartilage, cortex, corpus mamillare, coronoid process, coronal suture, condyle, comb, column, coelenteron, claw, cisterna, cistern, cirrus, cingulate gyrus, choroid plexus, chorion, child's body, chiasma opticum, chest, cheek, channel, cerebrum, cerebral mantle, cerebral hemisphere, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, cerebellar hemisphere, centre, central gyrus, center, cecal appendage, caruncula, caruncle, carpal tunnel, carina fornicis, cardiac valve, cannon, canal, can, calamus, buttocks, buttock, butt, bursa, buns, bum, brainstem, brain-stem, brain stem, brain, bottom, body, blood vessel, blastodisc, blastoderm, bladder, birth canal, bionomics, biologist, biogeography, betweenbrain, beta-adrenoceptor, beta-adrenergic receptor, beta receptor, belly, behind, ball-and-socket joint, backside, backbone, back, axial skeleton, autonomic nervous system, auditory tube, atrium, astrobiology, ass, articulatio trochoidea, articulatio temporomandibularis, articulatio spheroidea, articulatio plana, arse, arista, areola, area, arch, appendix, appendicular skeleton, aortic plexus, annexa, anatomical reference, amniotic sac, amnios, amnion, ambulacrum, alveolus, alveolar ridge, alveolar process, alveolar arch, alpha-adrenoceptor, alpha-adrenergic receptor, alpha receptor, ala, air sac, air cell, air bladder, adult male body, adult female body, adnexa, aculea, acrosome, acromion, acromial process, acinus, acetabulum, abdominal, Wolff, Vesalius, Muller, Meissner, Kaspar Friedrich Wolff, Johannes Peter Muller, Herbert McLean Evans, Georg Meissner, Galen, Gabriello Fallopio, Gabriele Fallopius, Fallopius, Fallopio, Evans, Eustachio, Bartolommeo Eustachio, Andreas Vesalius, Theodor Schwann, Sir Richard Owen, Schwann, Schleiden, Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Ramon y Cajal, Owen, Matthias Schleiden, Marcello Malpighi, Malpighi, M. J. Schleiden, Golgi, Camillo Golgi, Fallopian tube, Eustachian tube, ANS,
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