phoneme (Also phonemes) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to phoneme
- vowel«
- linguistic object«
- consonant«
- phoneme«
- allophone«
- linguistics«
- phonemics«
- language«
- phonemic«
- dialect geography«
- phonemicist«
- sound«
- allophonic«
- etymology«
- phonemically«
- minimal pair«
- phonemical«
- semantics«
- phone«
- sociolinguistics«
- diaphoneme«
- biuniqueness«
- pragmatics«
- archiphoneme«
- word«
- linguistic scientist«
- -eme«
- syllable«
- linguistic geography«
- phonetic«
- grapheme«
- descriptive linguistics«
- diachronic linguistics«
- neutralization«
- synchronic linguistics«
- unit«
- english«
- prescriptive linguistics«
- triphonemic«
- meaning«
- structural linguistics«
- trigraph«
- sign language«
- historical linguistics«
- trap-bath split«
- correspondence«
- computational linguistics«
- tongue-twister«
- pronunciation«
- neurolinguistics«
- toneme«
- rotokas«
- linguist«
- structuralism«
- taxeme«
- american sign language«
- diachrony«
- talk through one's nose«
- morpheme«
- lexical semantics«
- synizesis«
- stress«
- phonology«
- subphonemic«
- morris halle«
- phrase structure«
- phonemic tone«
- word form«
- simulfix«
- single phoneme«
- syntax«
- sememe«
- descriptor«
- prosodeme«
- separate phoneme«
- derivative«
- orthography«
- formal semantics«
- prephonemic«
- complementary distribution«
- conceptual semantics«
- polygraph«
- single archiphoneme«
- cognitive semantics«
- phonotactics«
- kátur«
- signifier«
- gátur«
- speech sound«
- articulation bundle«
- phonologist«
- form«
- phonologically«
- abstraction«
- machine translation«
- acoustic term«
- prescriptive grammar«
- phonological«
- morphophoneme«
- grammar«
- phonologic«
- descriptive grammar«
- phonics«
- environment«
- philology«
- phonically«
- underspecification«
- phonical«
- phonotactic restriction«
- sentence structure«
- phonic«
- etymologist«
- phonetics«
- tonemes«
- lexicographer«
- phonetician«
- speaker«
- grammarian«
- phonetically«
- morphophonology«
- deixis«
- phonetical«
- alphabetic writing system«
- sign«
- phonetic symbol«
- contrast«
- stokoe«
- computational linguist«
- phonemicize«
- tone«
- sociolinguist«
- distinct phoneme«
- syntactician«
- phonemic split«
- prague school«
- semasiology«
- phonemic merger«
- structuralists«
- semanticist«
- phonemes«
- ubykh«
- psycholinguist«
- noun«
- feature«
- phonemehood«
- oral language«
- neurolinguist«
- phonematic«
- free variation«
- morphophonemics«
- symbol«
- lexicostatistics«
- percussive«
- gesture«
- lexicologist«
- near-minimal pair«
- letter«
- de Saussure«
- multiphonemic«
- vowel length«
- speech«
- square bracket«
- lint«
- position«
- markedness«
- system«
- listeme«
- international phonetic alphabet«
- english speaker«
- lingueme«
- nasal«
- lexical correspondence«
- noam chomsky«
- lexeme«
- restriction«
- cat«
- lemma«
- native speaker«
- lambdacism«
- slash«
- kineme«
- ich-laut«
- word kit«
- hexagraph«
- true minimal constituent«
- graphone«
- total phonemic inventory«
- graphemics«
- tone phoneme«
- term phonème«
- term chroneme«
- grammeme«
- student mikołaj kruszewski«
- epenthetic«
- spelling/pronunciation rule«
- epenthesis«
- single phoneme form«
- semiotician«
- digraph«
- single morphophoneme«
- diaphonology«
- researcher scott liddell«
- diaphonologically«
- diaphonological«
- psychophonetics«
- diaphonologic«
- psycholinguistic function«
- diaphonics«
- phonetic script capable«
- diaphonically«
- phonemic status«
- diaphonical«
- phonemic specification«
- diaphonic«
- phonemic effect«
- diaphone«
- papuan language tauade«
- other sign notation«
- dental fricative«
- nasal phone«
- commutation«
- morphophonemes«
- chroneme«
- minimal triplet sum«
- chereme«
- minimal pair tip«
- minimal pair exists«
- assimilation«
- flap sound«
- articulation«
- exact minimal pair exists«
- english nasal«
- alphabet«
- distributional variant«
- allotone«
- discrete segmental speech«
- allophony«
- computer typing purpose«
- allophonics«
- complete phonetic convergence«
- allophonically«
- common vowel system«
- allophonical«
- classic structuralist phonemics«
- cheiremes«
- character 妈«
- book grammar«
- ach-laut«
- biuniqueness requirement«
- abjad«
- bantu language ngwe«
- archiphonemes«
- ancient greek φώνημα«
- alternative phone«
- allophones«
- a. dufriche«
- flap«
- underspecified phoneme«
- suprasegmental phoneme«
- sign language phoneme«
- polish linguist jan niecisław baudouin de courtenay«
- phōnēma«
- nikolai trubetzkoi«
- latin tabula«
- english plural morpheme -s«
- different speech«
- absolute neutralization«
- theorist«
- traditional phoneme«
- tonal pronunciation«
- suffix -eme«
- sign languages«
- minimal pairs«
- articulatory system«
- articulatory basis«
- bundle«
- standard hawaiian«
- signation«
- inflectional pattern«
- fonema«
- viseme«
- unambiguous answer«
- triphone«
- russian vowel«
- phonetic sequence«
- etic description«
- arbitrary information«
- verb«
- approach«
- theoretical unit«
- modern phonology«
- hamburg notation system«
- diphone«
- cheremes«
- term phoneme«
- phonetic evidence«
- contrastive length«
- description«
- push«
- phonemic feature«
- morphophonological rule«
- morphological factor«
- generative linguist«
- common consonant«
- colloquial samoan«
- unique phoneme«
- phonemic stress«
- human speech organ«
- apparent variation«
- wobe«
- sphoṭa«
- specific phoneme«
- foreign spelling«
- function«
- unpredictable factor«
- emic unit«
- desgenettes«
- adam kendon«
- korean speaker«
- stokoe notation«
- kenneth pike«
- spelling«
- nasal phoneme«
- level pitch«
- kam–sui language«
- english phoneme«
- mouthing«
- term«
- generative phonology«
- underlying object«
- phonemic principle«
- ordinary letter«
- occurrence«
- australian aboriginal sign language«
- kirshenbaum«
- acoustic feature«
- nikolai trubetzkoy«
- signwriting«
- rhotic dialect«
- conventional symbol«
- pirahã«
- interrogative particle«
- alphabetic principle«
- phonological environment«
- distinct vowel«
- dialect difference«
- |a|«
- pure vowel«
- phonetic environment«
- ladefoged«
- emic«
- phonological change«
- alveolar flap«
- hand shape«
- exact pronunciation«
- usual pronunciation«
- phonetic realization«
- allophonic variation«
- similar convention«
- deviser«
- phonemic orthography«
- arbitrary sequence«
- set«
- generative linguistics«
- quileute«
- kru language«
- different language«
- arabic«
- additional variation«
- woll«
- surface form«
- nasalized vowel«
- leonard bloomfield«
- allomorph«
- individual speaker«
- hupa«
- sampa«
- beginning«
- common test«
- vowel reduction«
- neutral tone«
- jakobson«
- morpheme boundary«
- arrernte«
- individual sound«
- oral vowel«
- morphological evidence«
- british sign language«
- angle bracket«
- representation«
- flapping«
- previous example«
- roman jakobson«
- ipa symbol«
- edward sapir«
- sequence«
- dez«
- phonation«
- voiceless consonant«
- location«
- vowel phoneme«
- north american english«
- vowel quality«
- consonant phoneme«
- sapir«
- designator«
- english dialect«
- asl.«
- theoretical concept«
- sibilant«
- dog«
- notation«
- linguistic«
- etymological«
- semantic«
- sociolinguistic«
- diachronic«
- historical«
- etymologize«
- etymologise«
- vowel sound«
- plural form«
- plural«
- singular form«
- singular«
- semivowel«
- derivation«
- lingual«
- morphology«
- abbreviation«
- root word«
- main entry word«
- ghost word«
- entry word«
- deriving«
- language unit«
- acronym«
- voiced sound«
- psycholinguistics«
- lexicography«
- root«
- citation form«
- voice«
- generative grammar«
- linguistic unit«
- semiology«
- etymon«
- dialectology«
- deictic«
- transcriber«
- theme«
- glide«
- mean«
- lexicology«
- stem«
- semiotics«
- orinasal phone«
- philologist«
- synonymist«
- sonant«
- philologue«
- orthoepy«
- orthoepist«
- orinasal«
- neologist«
- historicalness«
- etymologizing«
- radical«
- base«
- velar consonant«
- pharyngeal consonant«
- nasal consonant«
- labiodental consonant«
- labial consonant«
- guttural consonant«
- dental consonant«
- alveolar consonant«
- thematic vowel«
- stem vowel«
- diphthong«
- palatal«
- velar«
- schwa«
- alveolar«
- utterance«
- obstruent«
- aspirate«
- auditory sensation«
- guttural«
- cognate word«
- cognate«
- loanword«
- ablaut«
- labial«
- geminate«
- folk etymology«
- reduplication«
- palindrome«
pharyngeal, inflectional morphology, derivational morphology, compound morphology, toponymy, phrase, written word, superordinate word, subordinate word, spoken word, polysyllabic word, polysemous word, polysemantic word, opposite word, open-class word, nonce word, monosyllabic word, key word, head word, guide word, function word, four-letter word, four-letter Anglo-Saxon word, equivalent word, dirty word, deictic word, content word, closed-class word, labiodental, neologism, tongue, quantifier, logical quantifier, coinage, collocation, contraction, quaver, vocalization, vocalisation, antonym, linguistic communication, partitive, terminology, synonymy, anagram, back-formation, glossa, primitive, superordinate, nomenclature, hapax legomenon, discourse, audio, retronym, classifier, dental, vocal, cognitive psychology, vocalist, waver, clapper, homonym, catchword, lingua, whole name, part name, name, manner name, vocalism, synonym, metonym, polyglot, subordinate, onomastics, diminutive, liquid, toponomy, formative, substantive, loan, hybrid, opposite, singer, vocalizer, vocaliser, vocable, utterer, troponym, trisyllable, synonymousness, synonymity, syncategoreme, syncategorem, surd, shwa, proparoxytone, polysyllable, polysemant, paroxytone, oxytone, neology, monosyllable, meronym, loanblend, loan-blend, hyponym, hypernym, holonym, heteronym, headword, guideword, disyllable, dissyllable, anaphor, accidence, scientific discipline, vox, science, charade, psychologist, head, Saussure, Sapir, Roman Osipovich Jakobson, Roman Jakobson, Otto Jespersen, Noam Chomsky, Leonard Bloomfield, John Rupert Firth, Jespersen, Jens Otto Harry Jespersen, Jakobson, Jakob Ludwig Karl Grimm, Jakob Grimm, J. R. Firth, Hebraist, Grimm, Firth, Ferdinand de Saussure, Edward Sapir, Chomsky, Bloomfield, A. Noam Chomsky, Solresol, Pirahã, Worcester, William A. Craigie, Webster, Sweet, Sir William Alexander Craigie, Sir James Murray, Sir James Augustus Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry Murray, Samuel Johnson, Richards, Pierre Larousse, Pierre Athanase Larousse, Panini, Ogden, Noah Webster, Nathaniel Bailey, Nathan Bailey, Murray, Melville Bell, Maximilien Paul Emile Littre, Littre, Larousse, Korzybski, Joseph Emerson Worcester, Jones, Johnson, John Florio, James Murray, James Augustus Murray, James Augustus Henry Murray, Ivor Armstrong Richards, I. A. Richards, Henry Watson Fowler, Henry Sweet, Hebrew, Fowler, Florio, Dr. Johnson, Donatus, Daniel Jones, Craigie, Charles Kay Ogden, C. K. Ogden, Bell, Bailey, Aristarchus, Alfred Korzybski, Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski, Alexander Melville Bell, Aelius Donatus, Walter William Skeat, Verner, Tolkien, Skeat, Rasmus Christian Rask, Rask, Muller, Modern Hebrew, Max Muller, Karl Adolph Verner, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien, Humboldt, Furnivall, Friedrich Max Muller, Frederick James Furnivall, Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt, Baron Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt,
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