nervy (Also nervier, nerviest) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to nervy
- jumpy«
- highly strung«
- edgy«
- uptight«
- high-strung«
- jittery«
- restive«
- overstrung«
- brash«
- cheeky«
- game«
- nervy«
- tense«
- bold«
- forward«
- nail-biting«
- suspenseful«
- plucky«
- heady«
- spirited«
- gritty«
- fretful«
- fidgety«
- feisty«
- saucy«
- audacious«
- queasy«
- brassy«
- skittish«
- foolhardy«
- antsy«
- impudent«
- spooky«
- impertinent«
- taut«
- uneasy«
- spunky«
- daring«
- bumptious«
- flighty«
- presumptuous«
- anxious«
- bodacious«
- insolent«
- curmudgeonly«
- brave«
- crusty«
- brazen«
- nervous«
- gamey«
- gruff«
- sassy«
- barefaced«
- gamy«
- emboldened«
- overreaching«
- fearless«
- heroic«
- daredevil«
- dauntless«
- aflutter«
- rash«
- reckless«
- suspensive«
- intrepid«
- itchy«
- strained«
- smart«
- aroused«
- isotonic«
- flip«
- wise«
- fresh«
- unquiet«
- vaulting«
- pumped up«
- pumped«
- hardy«
- unrelaxed«
- unfearing«
- temerarious«
- snotty-nosed«
- self-assertive«
- pumped-up«
- overvaliant«
- overfamiliar«
- overbold«
- mettlesome«
- ill-humoured«
- ill-humored«
- heroical«
- cliff-hanging«
- brazen-faced«
- bald-faced«
- assumptive«
- wound up«
- assuming«
- electric«
- wired«
- nerviness«
- nervily«
- sharpness«
- madcap«
- nerve«
- mettle«
- cocky«
- nervousness«
- pushy«
- edginess«
- apprehensive«
- impertinence«
- adventurous«
- spunk«
- excitable«
- skittishness«
- adventuresome«
- boldness«
- unashamed«
- brass-necked«
- brashness«
- precarious«
- uneasiness«
- courageous«
- freshness«
- unafraid«
- agitated«
- cheekiness«
- insolence«
- excited«
- jitteriness«
- jumpiness«
- impudence«
- disrespectful«
- restiveness«
- edge«
- lunatic«
- crust«
- unstable«
- gall«
- worried«
- cheek«
- troubled«
- face«
- pushful«
- inquietude«
- ill-natured«
- disquietude«
- harum-scarum«
- brass«
- champion«
- heart«
- front«
- cockiness«
- forwardness«
- gutsy«
- dour«
- audacity«
- morose«
- tenseness«
- willies«
- frenetic«
- pushiness«
- bad-tempered«
- chutzpah«
- tension«
- sprightly«
- stress«
- frantic«
- confront«
- frenzied«
- tetchy«
- hectic«
- hutzpah«
- glum«
- hardihood«
- chutzpa«
- overwrought«
- bumptiousness«
- exuberant«
- audaciousness«
- petulant«
- dyspeptic«
- hardiness«
- testy«
- steel«
- zesty«
- knockabout«
- churlish«
- snappy«
- feverish«
- boisterous«
- sullen«
- vinegary«
- harried«
- freewheeling«
- choleric«
- ebullient«
- lively«
- swashbuckling«
- hotheaded«
- cantankerous«
- unembarrassed«
- ornery«
- zestful«
- swaggering«
- heedless«
- sulky«
- brusque«
- splenetic«
- carefree«
- high-spirited«
- fraught«
- abrupt«
- surly«
- crabbed«
- peevish«
- spoilt«
- scornful«
- peckish«
- disquieted«
- snappish«
- techy«
- fevered«
- disdainful«
- disagreeable«
- hot-tempered«
- vivacious«
- cranky«
- uncomfortable«
- grumpy«
- misanthropic«
- ill-tempered«
- yeasty«
- venturesome«
- quick-tempered«
- irascible«
- hysterical«
- dashing«
- short-tempered«
- fussy«
- irritable«
- devil-may-care«
- confrontational«
- waspish«
- shameless«
- resilient«
- grouchy«
- unflinching«
- nettlesome«
- crotchety«
- unsatisfied«
- irreverent«
- thrilled«
- annoyed«
- ugly«
- spoiled«
- overexcited«
- tormented«
- glowering«
- happy-go-lucky«
- racy«
- scratchy«
- prickly«
- unintimidated«
- unabashed«
- upset«
- vexed«
- contemptuous«
- emotional«
- distraught«
- gallant«
- unblinking«
- wild-eyed«
- desperate«
- fractious«
- quick«
- saturnine«
- misogynistic«
- jeering«
- shrewish«
- dread«
- restless«
- titillated«
- assertive«
- bilious«
- withering«
- hard-pressed«
- annihilating«
- nagging«
- taunting«
- valiant«
- clouded«
- derisive«
- undaunted«
- crabby«
- utter«
- bristly«
- agog«
- careful«
- impious«
- ambitious«
- mocking«
- tearaway«
- lionhearted«
- teased«
- pestered«
- stalwart«
- vibrant«
- misogynous«
- straining«
- haunted«
- pert«
- buffeted«
- sour«
- disturbed«
- psychedelic«
- devastating«
- warm«
- valorous«
- jolted«
- con brio«
- shaken«
- stirred up«
- stirred«
- whipping«
- stimulated«
- barmy«
- distressed«
- intoxicated«
- dark«
- hard put«
- in a bad way«
- struggling«
- moody«
- crazy«
- drunk«
- insulting«
- short«
- curt«
- suffering«
- harassed«
- opponent«
- sporting«
- vinegarish«
- venturous«
- unshrinking«
- ungratified«
- unfrightened«
- undutiful«
- undeferential«
- unblushing«
- unapprehensive«
- troublous«
- thrillful«
- tempest-tost«
- tempest-tossed«
- tempest-swept«
- stouthearted«
- storm-tossed«
- snorty«
- slaphappy«
- shirty«
- self-asserting«
- phrenetic«
- pettish«
- mothy«
- misanthropical«
- liverish«
- huffish«
- high-keyed«
- heavy-laden«
- hagridden«
- hag-ridden«
- gibelike«
- currish«
- contumelious«
- care-laden«
- brusk«
- atrabilious«
- worked up«
- stressed«
- opposing«
- opposite«
- direct«
- cross«
- abruptness«
- effrontery«
- anxiousness«
- swashbuckler«
- fearlessness«
- queasiness«
- gumption«
- temerity«
- brusqueness«
- perkiness«
- shamelessness«
- gruffness«
- adventurousness«
- match«
- brazenness«
- tautness«
- presumptuousness«
- curmudgeon«
- hothead«
- gutsiness«
- pluck«
- archness«
- grit«
- rashness«
- restlessness«
- fidget«
- foolhardiness«
- moxie«
- nerves«
- disquiet«
- confrontation«
- sass«
- lip«
- play off«
- braveness«
- shortness«
- recklessness«
- presumption«
- yips«
- bravery«
- pit«
- take the bull by the horns«
- guts«
- try«
- breaking point«
- paladin«
- courage«
- hero«
- intrepidity«
- dare«
- back talk«
- venturesomeness«
- tensity«
- sauciness«
- sassing«
- pluckiness«
- pertness«
- mettlesomeness«
- fidgetiness«
- dauntlessness«
- daredeviltry«
- daredevilry«
- curtness«
- courageousness«
- backtalk«
- backbone«
- sand«
- strain«
- assumption«
- fighter«
- oppose«
- opposition«
- breast«
- mouth«
- electricity«
- head«
- tense up«
- manoeuvre«
- escapade«
- manoeuver«
- desperation«
- nervous strain«
- maneuver«
- apprehension«
- coolness«
- impatience«
- rudeness«
- jitters«
- precariousness«
- invigoration«
- risky venture«
- forepart«
- playoff«
- unhinge«
- make bold«
- agitate«
- tone«
- verbalize«
- strikebreaking«
- dangerous undertaking«
- perturb«
- fortitude«
- brio«
- distract«
- electrify«
- trouble«
- stressor«
- discourtesy«
- volatility«
- psychological science«
- anxiety«
- uncertainty«
- lead«
- adventurism«
- excitability«
spiritedness, adventure, presume, heroism, screaming meemies, point, tonus, apprehend, front end, bully off, take for granted, face off, instability, animation, steer, fight back, quail at, crusade, valour, vivification, verbalise, valorousness, valiancy, valiance, uppityness, uppishness, unstableness, uncertainness, tonicity, stoutheartedness, nervelessness, jactitation, jactation, heebie-jeebies, get-up-and-go, excitableness, channelize, channelise, cark, apprehensiveness, disorder, talk, rack, push, head up, mental strain, speak, gallantry, fight down, fight, valor, assume, physiology, security, defend, campaign, energy, guide, press, psychology, disquieting, nerveless, untroubled, dreadful, emphatic, awkward, bouncy, frightening, tumultuous, industrious, unpleasant, horrendous, foreboding, incautious, unsteady, snotty, self-conscious, unremorseful, peppy, sarcastic, careless, forceful, unmannered, strenuous, awful, enlivened, riotous, zippy, energetic, shaky, impatient, persnickety, fearsome, squally, rude, overambitious, turbulent, discontented, dreaded, resolute, manoeuvrable, coolheaded, horrific, ill-mannered, maneuverable, fearful, uncivil, disruptive, terrible, wishful, immodest, belligerent, defendable, enthusiastic, unrepentant, squalling, bouncing, uppity, snooty, raring, overweening, would-be, discourteous, final, stuck-up, uppish, unsure, tonic, chance, ill-fitting, dire, compulsive, physiologic, manque, unsound, sheer, volatile, animate, tight, defensible, stretch, ill at ease, cool, irresponsible, uncertain, mentally ill, defensive, too big for one's breeches, psychological, hostile, explosive, up-and-coming, physiological, secure, discontent, frontal, starboard, crank, offensive, aspirant, utterer, utterable, unmannerly, speakable, snot-nosed, justificatory, justificative, incertain, impenitent, gumptious, discomposed, direful, bigheaded, bad-mannered, adventuristic, speaking, aspiring, determined, fore, given, presumptive, reformist, combatant, driven, concerned, unsealed, military, bay, present, bearing, chief, scintillating, perfunctory, mortifying, sloppy, breezy, discombobulated, slapdash, hellish, vacuous, chagrined, ungracious, embarrassing, fatuous, flustered, disconcerted, spiritless, offhanded, inane, impetuous, convulsive, haphazard, wobbly, delirious, wonky, slipshod, cursory, painful, sardonic, offhand, effervescent, overenthusiastic, frothy, unceremonious, mordant, shuddering, tremulous, abashed, impulsive, tipsy, perturbed, pungent, effusive, acerbic, top-heavy, unhinged, asinine, daunted, enterprising, palpitating, oafish, grim, satiric, blistering, mindless, do-or-die, unhappy, shifty, boorish, bubbly, swinish, uneven, undeterred, caddish, indefatigable, single-minded, scrupulous, vitriolic, sparkly, fazed, red-faced, unflagging, acrid, ungrateful, profane, impolite, merry, wobbling, solicitous, loutish, insecure, heart-to-heart, militaristic, senseless, beastly, spasmodic, brisk, rough, demented, zealous, antagonistic, unfriendly, bitter, sulfurous, caustic, corrosive, preoccupied, unrestrained, arrhythmic, embarrassed, spastic, rickety, vigorous, antipathetic, hallucinating, biting, scurrilous, tottering, tireless, high-energy, unshaken, flickering, blushing, burbling, tart, stiff, rattling, unbalanced, rattled, casual, repellant, harsh, steady, jerky, unshakable, sharp, nipping, hot and bothered, bothered, jerking, hell-bent, head-on, faltering, sneak, glowing, neuropsychological, shivering, dotty, sulphurous, psychometric, angry, unfaltering, quavering, sore, spartan, fluctuating, aggressive, romance, satirical, forbidding, imperative, gung ho, unstrung, ardent, spanking, steadfast, barbed, trembling, sacrilegious, at loggerheads, tender, unwavering, neanderthal, repellent, canty, neurophysiological, behaviourist, tippy, seismic, inimical, virulent, rocky, afraid, blasphemous, patrician, evangelistic, psychopathological, rush, dirty, bubbling, obsessed, gushing, gaga, psychopathic, resolved, ill, stout, abusive, dead set, superordinate, passing, pressing, mercenary, urgent, physical, wild, important, unwearying, unheeding, ungallant, unforbearing, undismayed, undiscouraged, unchivalrous, unbendable, tottery, sharp-worded, seismal, rebarbative, reasonless, psychopathologic, palpitant, opprobrious, neandertal, mordacious, god-awful, coseismic, coseismal, burbly, brainsick, brainish, blushful, awless, aweless, antipathetical, aflicker, afflictive, acerb, wound, sick, volcanic, foursquare, avid, acid, counter, taken up, out to, alive, alert, hot, boss, alternate, shifting, mad, go, hurt, bent on, bent, meet, driving, leading, live, caller, superior, behaviorist, black, initiative, evangelical, firm, volunteer, model, Dutch courage, Yiddish, Job, Hermann, Arminius, Armin, Best,
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