leaky (Also leakiest, leakier) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to leaky
- talebearing«
- tattling«
- blabbermouthed«
- tight«
- leaky«
- drafty«
- porous«
- drippy«
- seeping«
- incontinent«
- oozing«
- oozy«
- draughty«
- holey«
- communicative«
- communicatory«
- unseaworthy«
- permeable«
- expansive«
- gossipy«
- newsy«
- vocal«
- communicational«
- chatty«
- openhearted«
- talkative«
- nonverbal«
- gestural«
- narrative«
- outspoken«
- yarn-spinning«
- sign-language«
- anecdotical«
- anecdotic«
- pass«
- communicable«
- anecdotal«
- expressive«
- sign«
- gesticulating«
- verbal«
- heraldic«
- signed«
- nonleaky«
- leakiness«
- news leak«
- semipermeable«
- leakily«
- leak«
- voluble«
- passing water«
- utter«
- making water«
- poriferous«
- leakage«
- signal«
- wetting«
- escape«
- articulate«
- outflow«
- radio«
- express«
- leak out«
- pervious«
- burbling«
- seepage«
- gushing«
- drip«
- facile«
- draught«
- crack«
- hole«
- talky«
- ooze«
- garrulous«
- incontinence«
- perforate«
- illuminating«
- pass on«
- plainspoken«
- trickle«
- sharing«
- pore«
- cut«
- pass along«
- bust«
- put across«
- loquacious«
- dribble«
- draft«
- gabby«
- intercommunicate«
- bay«
- incontinency«
- wireless«
- communicativeness«
- lower«
- communicate«
- black and white«
- well-spoken«
- instructive«
- romance«
- informative«
- squint«
- level«
- correspondent«
- silver«
- enlightening«
- blunt«
- utterer«
- utterable«
- straight-from-the-shoulder«
- speech-endowed«
- speakable«
- smooth-spoken«
- silver-tongued«
- porose«
- informatory«
- free-spoken«
- burbly«
- blabby«
- bigmouthed«
- inquiring«
- eloquent«
- content«
- medium«
- prompt«
- effusive«
- point-blank«
- forthright«
- present«
- volunteer«
- questioning«
- respondent«
- fluent«
- telling«
- propagandist«
- designate«
- speaking«
- candid«
- frank«
- converse«
- expressible«
- take in water«
- bilge«
- filter«
- intravenous drip«
- ozone hole«
- bullet hole«
- perforation«
- chit chat«
- whistle«
- seep«
- downdraft«
- urinary incontinence«
- ooze out«
- exude«
- rathole«
- send a message«
- pull a face«
- make a face«
- permeability«
- bespeak«
- render«
- mouth«
- updraft«
- aperture«
- joke«
- volubility«
- leaker«
- communicator«
- implant«
- project«
- bring down«
- exudate«
- give tongue to«
- chat«
- get through«
- get hold of«
- get across«
- get«
- carry«
- small talk«
- communication«
- relay«
- chin wag«
- put over«
- enuresis«
- communicating«
- come over«
- blog«
- inflict«
- enquire«
- network«
- throw«
- effusiveness«
- knothole«
- verbalize«
- come across«
- semaphore«
- expansiveness«
- call for«
- plant«
- quest«
- evince«
- chin wagging«
- pay«
- drop«
- impose«
- turn to«
- fluency«
- reach«
- gesticulate«
- deliver«
- gabfest«
- verbalise«
- transude«
- transudation«
- tittle-tattle«
- telepathize«
- telepathise«
- telecommunicate«
- talkativeness«
- signalize«
- signalise«
- schmoose«
- permeableness«
- loquacity«
- garrulousness«
- garrulity«
- fingerspell«
- finger-spell«
- exudation«
- expansivity«
- chit-chat«
- chin-wagging«
- chin-wag«
- causerie«
- bolt-hole«
- articulateness«
- aphorize«
- aphorise«
- loquaciousness«
- riddle«
- outspokenness«
- gossip«
- jest«
- write«
- expressiveness«
- recite«
- message«
- return«
- recount«
- confabulation«
- anecdote«
- schmooze«
- contact«
- motion«
- tell«
- request«
- grimace«
- issue«
- intercommunication«
- address«
- narrate«
- give«
- nod«
- frankness«
- ask«
- cranny«
- yak«
- talk«
- chitchat«
- visit«
- gab«
- convey«
- commune«
- show«
- receipt«
- inquire«
- greet«
- gesture«
- confab«
- acknowledge«
- speak«
- inform«
- spout«
- bilge water«
- vent«
- give vent«
- ventilate«
- seaworthiness«
- blubber out«
- blubber«
- comforter«
- bow down«
- bow«
- rat«
- oral cavity«
- mop«
- fill in«
- screw up«
- overflow incontinence«
- breathe«
- burst out«
- oral fissure«
- pout«
- scrabble«
- beam«
- paint a picture«
- rendering«
- dish the dirt«
- snarl«
- snitch«
- enigma«
- flow«
- porosity«
- wire«
- rant«
- spat«
- stretch out«
- stretch forth«
- troll«
- traffic«
- arse around«
- rewrite«
- rattle on«
- fume«
- intrude«
- auditory communication«
- curse«
- rasp«
- urge incontinence«
- stress incontinence«
- whine«
- suasion«
- tap«
- transmission«
- vocalism«
- swallow«
- e-mail«
- fall apart«
- stoma«
- yeller«
- bark«
- shoot one's mouth off«
- mouth off«
- grass«
- sneer«
- hurl«
- connote«
- jaw«
- froth«
- penetrate«
- clamp«
- excuse«
- email«
- cable«
- feed«
- drone on«
- drone«
- jokester«
- stream«
- flirt«
- lip off«
- get off«
- beg off«
- type«
- pry«
- spiel«
- chant«
- punctuate«
- telex«
- dramaturgy«
- treater«
- link«
- salutation«
- tuner«
- tattle«
- treatment«
- mouthpiece«
- write down«
- talk down«
- set down«
- put down«
- jot down«
- get down«
- ring«
- gag«
- break«
- back talk«
- persuader«
- whisper«
- blunder out«
- blunder«
- anomalous communication«
- open up«
- dissuasion«
- write up«
- wise up«
- speak up«
- chat up«
- call up«
- web«
- write out«
- wear out«
- take out«
- shout out«
- put out«
- pour out«
- point out«
- make out«
- invite out«
- hold out«
- get out«
- cry out«
- call out«
- blurt out«
- ask out«
- modulate«
- waffler«
- motley fool«
- infection«
- gulp«
- explicate«
- lip«
- get around«
- signaling«
- source«
- reek«
- stress«
- screamer«
- whiff«
- murmur«
- siss«
- didacticism«
- accent«
- frown«
- scribble«
- tell on«
- run on«
- rabbit on«
- go on«
- carry on«
- cuss«
- newsman«
- telepathy«
- babble«
- responder«
- eye dropper«
- dropper«
- alarmist«
- hold forth«
- enquiry«
- minimize«
- yap away«
- yack away«
- give away«
- fax«
- inter-group communication«
- leach«
- update«
- cry«
- written communication«
- visual communication«
- psychical communication«
- psychic communication«
- paralinguistic communication«
- linguistic communication«
- communication channel«
- butterfly«
- mail service«
- mail«
- phrase«
- style«
- expressive style«
- teller«
- confer with«
- vox«
- warn«
- mow«
- shoot the breeze«
- chew the fat«
- slur«
- gossiper«
- evoke«
- jocularity«
- line«
- remonstrate«
- signaller«
- phonation«
- telegraph«
- jester«
- horse around«
- channel«
- touch«
- whistling«
- shake«
- sympathiser«
extend, inquiry, telecommunication, invoke, slang, orate, vocalise, secrete, conundrum, mumble, glower, piffle, absorbency, mutter, ask over, cackle, outcry, cover, talker, minimise, signaler, chatter, cheek, clamour, run, pontificate, test, talk turkey, ejaculate, finger spelling, substance, drippings, receiving set, radio set, phone, disabuse, say, postal service, telefax, beckon, word, send word, foist, popularizer, clamor, vocalization, promisee, encore, verbalization, communion, distil, recital, shit, rave, whistler, transmitter, exhortation, raise, imposition, narration, vocalisation, wave, pun, jape, thought transference, story, tone, facsimile, info, write in, speak in tongues, ask in, beg, hiss, interrogation, infliction, propagator, snap, fitness, bless, prove, fool around, fool, subject matter, joker, cross oneself, social intercourse, misinform, inducer, fingerspelling, aphorism, pupil, questioner, accentuate, familiarise, course, betray, mash, radiocommunication, peep, demand, disseminator, promisor, committal to writing, declarer, radio receiver, telephone, remonstrance, laugh, wear, point, emphasise, distill, falter, query, face, understate, shop, imply, lay claim, claim, yarn, swear, menace, voice, give voice, wince, writing, mental telepathist, objection, quip, data, speech production, making known, tale, generalise, visitation, post, announcer, ping, rap, ask round, generalize, mind reader, cue, subscribe, relation, stag, nark, coquet, blurt, dally, rima oris, clack, transmit, offer, suggest, conferee, exclaim, witnesser, wirer, wigwag, vulgarizer, vulgariser, vociferate, vocalizer, vocaliser, verbalizer, verbalism, verbaliser, verbalisation, undeceive, typewrite, twaddler, thought-reader, telepathist, supplicate, stomate, squinch, soliloquize, soliloquise, snivel, smatter, sizz, sibilate, screecher, sassing, rumourmonger, rumormonger, roarer, rhapsodise, remonstration, quoter, querier, publicizer, publiciser, promiser, prate, porousness, pooh-pooh, platitudinize, phonate, paralanguage, obtrude, newsperson, newsmonger, negotiant, mussitate, monologuize, monologuise, micropyle, leresis, laudator, indicant, imprecate, hisser, handwrite, gossipmonger, gesticulation, gabble, extravasate, extoller, exsert, expostulation, driblet, drib, dogmatize, dogmatise, dissertate, conferrer, confabulate, chaffer, brain-teaser, bluffness, bellower, bed-wetting, bawler, backtalk, avower, asseverator, asserter, apprize, apothegm, apostrophize, apostrophise, apophthegm, answerer, anecdotist, allegorizer, allegoriser, affirmer, contagion, mislead, evidence, twaddle, order, talking, arrogate, waver, telecom, discourse, dedicate, smile, give notice, measure, asker, dictate, palaver, raconteur, talk of, familiarize, heliograph, gum, netmail, letter writer, informant, flag, shout, hold, dramatics, rhapsodize, reception, shouter, inflect, call, percolate, continue, transpire, populariser, bumble, vocalize, apply, presenter, pray, prattle, inoculate, speaker, gibber, stammer, narrator, describe, challenge, natter, quantify, formulate, begin, stutter, inquirer, question, sing, talk about, swearer, wink, remind, explain, yack, shrug, sign language, lour, examination, acquaint, exam, picturesqueness, written language, language, clap, intone, broadcaster, verbal expression, book, applaud, storyteller, regret, denote, sass, confessor, downplay, report, sender, reserve, introduce, display, indicate, claver, enquirer, account, relate, tribulation, compliment, appeal, persuasion, publicist, sympathizer, learn, instruct, blaspheme, addressee, proceed, liaison, trial, rambler, emphasize, enthuse, document, articulator, informing, dramatic art, expression, wish, denounce, discussion, advise, prescribe, information, read, asking, theater, release, petition, intercourse, teach, desire, recounting, signing, speech, author, jabber, state, maunder, solicit, testify, reporter, witness, bear witness, theatre, lauder, utterance, blab, greeting, consult, apprise, jot, coquette, indication, notify, warner, writer, negotiator, invite, marvel, publication, signer, confer, announce, philander, blabber, acclaim, represent, flush, seaworthy, saucy, skinny, waste, intrusive, plumb, absorbent, familial, dirt, canary, faltering, treble, stray, absorptive, extensible, resonant, bare, jet, redolent, axiomatic, diffuse, sibilant, reminiscent, exclamatory, extendable, breakable, prying, rasping, sound, flash, normative, doctrinaire, dramaturgical, howling, didactic, docile, polemic, preachy, flowing, propagandistic, smart, sassy, pretend, murmuring, emphatic, telltale, alert, evocative, expository, prescriptive, monotone, extendible, testimonial, clarifying, material, telepathic, nonsense, picturesque, whispering, supplicant, catching, explanatory, fresh, warning, antic, funny, revealing, multiplex, indiscreet, roast, notifiable, authorial, puff, quality, jocular, exemplifying, impudent, jesting, prescription, heart-to-heart, educative, stomatal, bookable, inherited, secret, contagious, vernacular, minimum, net, oral, postal, suggestive, demonstrative, genetic, descriptive, interpretative, answering, transmissible, prolix, infectious, epigrammatic, authoritarian, manifest, meaning, comprehensive, lively, sneak, illustrative, interpretive, impertinent, indicative, interrogatory, well-wishing, supplicatory, suppliant, stomatous, squinter, significative, secreter, remindful, recreant, overbold, ostensive, numerate, mensurable, jocose, invitatory, indicatory, implicative, extensile, expositive, elucidative, dramaturgic, didactical, contractable, consultive, consultatory, blither, bilgy, auctorial, apothegmatical, apothegmatic, annunciatory, abstracter, hereditary, aphoristic, revelatory, apostate, bowing, pupillary, transmitted, exact, final, joking, direct, singing, consultative, receptive, stimulant, caller, intimate, wanton, spread, bluff, describable, advisory, brief, documental, dun, subject, rejoicing, wise, smiling, welcome, documentary, renegade, teachable, stylistic, representable, spoken, transmittable, educational, theatrical, measurable, representative, fluid, fragile, brittle, circulatory, wordy, spongy, runny, unwritten, frangible, squishy, conductive, thirsty, tedious, verbose, redundant, delicate, port, windy, hygroscopic, okay, dark, frail, secure, splintery, friable, long-winded, weary, spongelike, mortal, conversational, brickle, current, light, tautological, fly, short, verbalized, penetrable, go, jade, halt, assimilatory, crumbly, ready, colloquial, separate, teasing, uttered, sheer, rush, opening, quick, viva-voce, verbalised, tete-a-tete, tautologic, squashy, sorbefacient, shock-absorbent, pleonastic, nonabsorptive, nonabsorbent, circulative, brickly, absorbefacient, naming, assimilating, word-of-mouth, kin, assimilative, inheritable, meet, wee, expressed, individual, heritable, Turkic-speaking, Spanish-speaking, Siouan-speaking, Semitic-speaking, Samoyedic-speaking, Russian-speaking, Oscan-speaking, Livonian-speaking, Kannada-speaking, Japanese-speaking, Italian-speaking, Icelandic-speaking, German-speaking, Gaelic-speaking, French-speaking, Flemish-speaking, Finno-Ugric-speaking, English-speaking, Bantu-speaking, Wilder, White, West, More, Hardy, Hale, Haggard, Grey, Forester, O.K.,