kern (Also kerns, kerned, kernes, kerning, kernings) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to kern
- harvest home«
- kern«
- printing process«
- printing«
- kern-baby«
- kern county«
- kern pair«
- california«
- composition«
- vagabond«
- medieval irish army«
- relief printing«
- unkerned«
- international language service company«
- planography«
- shank«
- kern ag«
- planographic printing«
- mortise«
- surname«
- publish«
- militia«
- southern central valley«
- process printing«
- kerning«
- proportional font«
- kernel«
- light infantry unit«
- carbon process«
- kerned«
- alaska«
- impress«
- kirn«
- print«
- kerner«
- cordage«
- offset printing«
- idler«
- unincorporated community«
- intaglio printing«
- central core«
- intaglio«
- glyph«
- boron«
- gravure«
- face«
- disambiguation«
- offset«
- churn«
- spacing«
- typography«
- boor«
- letterpress«
- body«
- noun«
- composer«
- ghost town«
- publishing company«
- get rid of«
- rope«
- supply«
- missouri«
- publishing house«
- german«
- furnish«
- soldier«
- publisher«
- county«
- newspaper publisher«
- u.s.«
- print over«
- process«
- impression«
- character«
- gazette«
- census«
- pressman«
- united state«
- letter«
- publishing firm«
- publishing«
- set«
- photogelatin process«
- photo-offset printing«
- photo-offset«
- letterset printing«
- italicise«
- cyclostyle«
- collotype printing«
- collotype«
- hair space«
- printing machine«
- provide«
- printer«
- render«
- remove«
- boldface«
- publication«
- republish«
- issue«
- setter«
- space«
- type«
- prove«
- quad«
- compositor«
- overprint«
- lithography«
- typeset«
- typesetter«
- photogravure«
- typographer«
- italicize«
- typographical«
- planographic«
- typographic«
- slough off«
- canal«
- railroad«
- van Beethoven«
- songwriter«
- flood«
- glaze«
- collection«
- terrace«
- ballad maker«
- water«
- chuck out«
- compose«
- pour«
- dado«
- border«
- dump«
- fire«
- line printer«
- fine print«
- supplying«
- letter of the alphabet«
- scum«
- fund«
- terrasse«
- cast out«
- cast away«
- cast aside«
- work off«
- buy in«
- coal«
- hydrate«
- reissue«
- dispose«
- magazine publisher«
- weed out«
- toss out«
- top out«
- throw out«
- put out«
- fit out«
- comb out«
- bring out«
- causeway«
- tap«
- ditch«
- new edition«
- wharf«
- write«
- costume«
- trial impression«
- grate«
- rail«
- cull«
- shelter«
- book«
- oversupply«
- desktop publishing«
- electrostatic printer«
- cornice«
- fuel«
- headquarter«
- read«
- small print«
- source«
- delist«
- supplier«
- mackle«
- tip sheet«
- compendium«
- stock up«
- give«
- partner«
- character printer«
- alphabetic character«
- stint«
- pump«
- feed«
- glut«
- cloy«
- reference«
- periodical«
- charge«
- upholster«
- unmuzzle«
- unbridle«
- typewrite«
- transistorize«
- transistorise«
- surprint«
- signalize«
- signalise«
- sanitate«
- remotion«
- reflectorize«
- reflectorise«
- page-at-a-time printer«
- machicolate«
- line-at-a-time printer«
- hobnail«
- heliotype«
- hectograph«
- flense«
- detick«
- desulphurize«
- desulfurize«
- destain«
- deoxygenate«
- delocalize«
- deionize«
- degrease«
- defibrinate«
- defat«
- dechlorinate«
- decerebrate«
- decarbonate«
- decaffeinate«
- deaerate«
- de-aerate«
- crenelate«
- crenel«
- copper-bottom«
- contrapuntist«
- constitutionalize«
- character-at-a-time printer«
- canalize«
- canalise«
- calk«
- brattice«
- bewhisker«
- air-cool«
- air-condition«
- press lord«
- subtitle«
- seat«
- put away«
- dot printer«
- dot matrix printer«
- commercial enterprise«
- retrofit«
- test copy«
- computerize«
- contribution«
- joint«
- edge«
- rim«
- toss away«
- throw away«
- glass«
- theme«
- bush«
- italic«
- typesetting machine«
- addressing machine«
- lithographer«
- stock«
- offer«
- top«
- reader«
- volume«
- patch«
- thermal printer«
- serial printer«
- page printer«
- matrix printer«
- impact printer«
- date«
- cleat«
- hat«
- newspaper«
- bed«
- provider«
- gate«
- removal«
- release«
- ticket«
- edition«
- equip«
- curtain«
- ramp«
- innervate«
- corbel«
- republishing«
- extend«
- fling«
- provision«
- devein«
- mag«
- step«
- heat«
- rafter«
- match«
- yield«
- bottom«
- arm«
- tube«
- wive«
- surcharge«
- toss«
- psalmist«
- outfit«
- discard«
- magazine«
- bold face«
- compile«
- business enterprise«
- business«
- proof«
- paper«
- flesh«
- afford«
- fit«
- fret«
- key«
- skimp«
- songster«
- reprint«
- symphonist«
- scant«
- purvey«
- berth«
- headline«
- pith«
- letterer«
- chromolithography«
- crenellate«
- fettle«
- whisker«
- offset lithography«
- articulate«
- serialization«
- victual«
- capitalize«
- alphabetize«
- leverage«
- index«
- republication«
- computerise«
- capitalise«
- serialisation«
- interleave«
- uniform«
- bold«
- slat«
- surfeit«
- reprinting«
- rotogravure«
- photolithography«
- tool«
- proofreader«
- toggle«
- reservoir«
- tributary«
- songbook«
- fleck«
- irrigation«
- railroad track«
- railroad line«
- musical composition«
- wye«
- organ«
- bring home the bacon«
- song«
- set to music«
- piece of music«
- waste«
- sanitation«
- water boy«
- harbor«
- counterpoint«
- factory farm«
- pier«
- distributor«
- railway system«
- railway line«
- railway«
- emptying«
- plant«
- heating plant«
- opus«
- school text«
- torrent«
- commission«
- bunker«
- archives«
- author«
- graphic artist«
- junction transistor«
- junction«
- taw«
- harbour«
- composing«
- inundation«
- evacuation«
- materiel«
- investment company«
- glazier«
- refer«
- telex machine«
- telex«
- anthology«
- psalm«
- catalogue«
- rinse«
- line of business«
- vocal«
- kennel«
- baring«
- score«
- slick magazine«
- slick«
- transportation«
- deluge«
- electric charge«
- trash«
- built in bed«
- high temperature«
- piece of furniture«
- field of operation«
- day of the month«
- book of facts«
- article of furniture«
- costume designer«
- stocking«
- agribusiness«
- working capital«
- capital«
- block capital«
- give it the deep six«
- tome«
- heth«
- reference work«
- investment trust«
- delta«
- gas up«
- writer«
- issuer«
- house«
- alphabet«
- review copy«
- review«
- dock«
- catalog«
- turn out«
- sell out«
- kit out«
- close out«
- writing«
- lithograph machine«
- lithograph«
- disposal«
- hook«
- field«
- compilation«
- beth«
- valance board«
- glazer«
- long plane«
- he«
- typewriter«
- drum printer«
- juncture«
- agriculture«
- incline«
- calkin«
- case«
- typeface«
- storage«
- battery charger«
- breed«
- air conditioning«
- air conditioner«
- rail technology«
- store«
- decontamination«
- tax shelter«
- patio«
- aleph«
- junk«
- allow for«
- trade book«
- reference book«
- prayer book«
pop-up book, phrase book, comic book, appointment book, polyphonic letter, block letter, cobble up, cobble together, caterer, sell up, disposition, investment firm, catechism, cite, costumer, truss, construction, authority, legend, speckle, heater, pamphlet, withdrawal, pharmacopeia, pe, pulp magazine, pulp, withdraw, venture, storybook, star, sin, black marketeer, armament, inventory, font, piece, proofread, appoint, overabundance, pi, articulation, shaft, refuel, arrange, on/off switch, cutting off, set up, put up, open up, look up, kit up, munition, nun, affluent, organic law, fundamental law, printmaker, evisceration, leave, furniture, feeder, rinsing, stave, dateline, refueling, weapon system, information processing system, heating system, join, harmonize, ply, dispenser, heat energy, spigot, mooring, riddance, restock, place, data processor, rig, say, news magazine, zayin, yodh, xerographic printer, waterer, voidance, victualer, vibrissa, understock, triple-space, touristry, touch-type, teth, tapster, stockist, stinter, steam-heat, serialise, samekh, sadhe, reseat, repletion, refurnish, qoph, purveyance, provisioner, polyphone, pelmet, motorize, motorise, melodize, melodise, mechanise, maculation, machicolation, liquidize, lamedh, kaph, intercommunicate, instrumentate, glassworker, glass-cutter, ezed, eatable, double-u, double-space, double-glaze, domiciliate, distributer, dislodgment, dislodgement, digram, deep-six, de-access, datemark, date-mark, daleth, daisywheel printer, crenelle, crenellation, crenelation, costumier, comestible, comb-out, articulatio, anthologize, anthologise, accoutre, accouter, overstock, scratch sheet, building, logistics, fishing, phi, heating, recruiter, balk, compiler, computer science, sensory hair, ex, create verbally, protection, shipping, husking, yearbook, throwing away, take away, glass cutter, armour, instrument, health care delivery, mechanize, extraction, tapper, arming, edger, digraph, transport, teletype machine, computing machine, appointment calendar, appointment, consult, edit, stock ticker, mu, purveyor, chi, spar, nu, compiling, canalization, initial, wire printer, wire matrix printer, stylus printer, laser printer, ink-jet printer, chain printer, bar printer, schoolbook, particular date, date stamp, chapeau, beta, connection, recharge, horseshoe, care delivery, skimming, newspaper headline, re-equip, textbook, outfitter, clothe, butchery, flaming, text edition, text, solicit, booklet, vowel, trade edition, employee-owned enterprise, employee-owned business, edible, excess, equipment, omega, zee, refit, warmth, brochure, zeta, turnout, abandon, weapon, journal, feeding, battlement, ayin, warmer, take, jointing plane, jointer plane, leaflet, signal, teleprinter, allow, spur, open, lambda, electronic transistor, electronic computer, tau, ascender, spline, real-estate business, manufacture, dope sheet, butchering, serial publication, serial, monotype, equipage, commerce, fin, pall, commercialism, finance, getup, strain, wire, adorn, packaging, kappa, sign, armor, number, abstraction, zed, issuance, omicron, equipping, iota, retire, jettison, healthcare delivery, curiosa, mantle, drape, publicizing, outfitting, upholsterer, innervation, kit, grapheme, sigma, industry, upholstery, constitution, series, gamma, computer, flame, trade magazine, unlearn, cylindrical lining, xi, transistor, advertising, rearm, furnishing, fitting, alimentation, discount business, valance, consonant, issuing, offering, canalisation, typist, fuse, izzard, ticker, elimination, deletion, muzzle, digest, victualler, charger, subvention, headliner, shin, scrap, confluent, bunk, harmonise, cater, reject, invest, fueling, uncovering, patching, leveraging, folder, moorage, gimel, communicate, slip, grating, tube-shaped structure, playbook, colour supplement, fount, wharfage, baulk, resh, epsilon, stair, spot, mem, stall, alpha, on-off switch, theta, prayerbook, underside, bestiary, disembowelment, victuals, typewriting, eta, abscission, dapple, typing, workbook, collar, formulary, denudation, railroading, psi, computing device, stable, dermabrasion, khi, computing, pictorial, undersurface, pabulum, teletypewriter, tourism, upsilon, indexing, sutler, railing, pop-up, stripping, glossy, graphic symbol, backspace, signaling, descender, topper, hotness, jointer, lid, drapery, bushing, accost, copybook, rho, shift, toggle switch, serialize, rejig, mercantilism, waw, indexer, autotomy, Jerome Kern, Jerome David Kern, Kern, Christoph Willibald von Gluck, Carl Maria von Weber, Baron Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Weber, Roland de Lassus, Manuel de Falla, Ludwig van Beethoven, Orlando di Lasso, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Lord Britten of Aldeburgh, Baron Lloyd Webber of Sydmonton, Strauss the Younger, Strauss the Elder, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolf, William Walton, William Randolph Hearst, William Maxwell Aitken, William Christopher Handy, William Caxton, William Byrd, William Bradford, Wilhelm Richard Wagner, Weill, Weber, Walton, Walter Piston, Wagner, W. C. Handy, Vivaldi, Viscount Northcliffe, Virgil Thomson, Virgil Garnett Thomson, Vincenzo Bellini, Villa-Lobos, Verdi, Vaughan Williams, Varese, Thomson, Thomas Tallis, Telemann, Tchaikovsky, Taylor, Tallis, Sullivan, Stravinsky, Strauss, Steve Reich, Stephen Sondheim, Stephen Michael Reich, St. Ambrose, Sousa, Sondheim, Smetana, Sir William Walton, Sir William Turner Walton, Sir Noel Pierce Coward, Sir Edward William Elgar, Sir Edward Elgar, Sir Arthur Sullivan, Sigmund Romberg, Sibelius, Shostakovich, Sessions, Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov, Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff, Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev, Sergei Rachmaninov, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Segovia, Scripps, Scriabin, Scott Joplin, Schumann, Schubert, Schonberg, Schoenberg, Schnabel, Satie, Samuel Barber, Saint-Saens, Saint Ambrose, Rupert Murdoch, Rubinstein, Roy Orbison, Rossini, Romberg, Roger Sessions, Roger Huntington Sessions, Rodgers, Robert Schumann, Robert Alexander Schumann, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rimski-Korsakov, Richard Wagner, Richard Strauss, Richard Rodgers, Respighi, Reich, Ravel, Rameau, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Rachmaninov, Rachmaninoff, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky, Purcell, Pulitzer, Puccini, Prokofiev, Poulenc, Porter, Piston, Pierre Boulez, Peter Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, Percy Grainger, Percy Aldridge Grainger, Paul Hindemith, Paul Dukas, Palestrina, Ottorino Respighi, Orbison, Offenbach, Ochs, Noel Coward, Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Andreyevich Rimski-Korsakov, Nielsen, Mussorgsky, Murdoch, Mozart, Moussorgsky, Moore, Monteverdi, Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich Moussorgsky, Modest Mussorgsky, Modest Moussorgsky, Milhaud, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka, Mikhail Glinka, Meyerbeer, Menotti, Mendelssohn, Max Bruch, Maurice Ravel, Massenet, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Cherubini, March King, Marc Blitzstein, Mahler, MacDowell, Lully, Lulli, Luigi Cherubini, Luce, Louis-Hector Berlioz, Loewe, Lloyd Webber, Liszt, Leonard Constant Lambert, Leonard Bernstein, Leo Delibes, Lehar, Ledbetter, Leadbelly, Lasso, Lambert, Kurt Weill, Khachaturian, Keith Rupert Murdoch, Karl Czerny, Karl Baedeker, Kachaturian, Jules Emile Frederic Massenet, Joseph Pulitzer, Joseph Joachim, Joseph Haydn, Joseph Deems Taylor, Joplin, John Philip Sousa, John Milton Cage Jr., John Dowland, John Cage, John Bartlett, Johannes Gutenberg, Johannes Brahms, Johann Strauss, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Gutenberg, Johan Julius Christian Sibelius, Joachim, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Jean Sibelius, Jean Baptiste Lully, James Edmund Scripps, Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Jakob Liebmann Beer, Jacques Offenbach, Jacques Francois Fromental Elie Halevy, Jacques Francois Antoine Ibert, Ives, Igor Stravinsky, Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky, Ibert, Humperdinck, Hugo Wolf, Huddie Leadbetter, Houghton, Honegger, Hindemith, Henry Robinson Luce, Henry Purcell, Henry Oscar Houghton, Henry Luce, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Hector Berlioz, Hearst, Haydn, Harris, Harmsworth, Handy, Handel, Halevy, Gutenberg, Gustav Mahler, Guiseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, Grieg, Grainger, Gounod, Goudy, Gluck, Glinka, Giuseppe Verdi, Giloacchino Antonio Rossini, Gianbattista Bodoni, Gian Carlo Menotti, Giambattista Lulli, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Gershwin, Georges Enesco, Georges Bizet, George Percy Aldridge Grainger, George Gershwin, George Frideric Handel, George Frederick Handel, George Enescu, Georg Philipp Telemann, Georg Friedrich Handel, Gaetano Donizetti, Fromental Halevy, Frederick Loewe, Frederick Delius, Frederic William Goudy, Frederic Goudy, Frederic Francois Chopin, Franz Seraph Peter Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Peter Schubert, Franz Liszt, Franz Lehar, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franklin, Francois Couperin, Franck, Francis Poulenc, Felix Mendelssohn, Falla, Ernest Bloch, Erik Satie, Erik Alfred Leslie Satie, Engelbert Humperdinck, Enesco, Elgar, Edward Wyllis Scripps, Edward MacDowell, Edward Benjamin Britten, Edvard Hagerup Grieg, Edvard Grieg, Edgar Varese, Dvorak, Dukas, Dowland, Douglas Moore, Donizetti, Dmitri Shostakovich, Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich, Delius, Delibes, Deems Taylor, Debussy, Darius Milhaud, Czerny, Coward, Couperin, Corelli, Copland, Constant Lambert, Cole Porter, Cole Albert Porter, Clement Philibert Leo Delibes, Claudio Monteverdi, Claude Debussey, Claude Achille Debussy, Clara Josephine Schumann, Chopin, Cherubini, Chavez, Charles Francois Gounod, Charles Edward Ives, Charles Camille Saint-Saens, Cesar Franck, Caxton, Carlos Chavez, Carl Nielsen, Carl August Nielsen, Cage, Byrd, Bruckner, Bruch, Britten, Brahms, Bradford, Boulez, Borodin, Bodoni, Bloch, Blitzstein, Bizet, Bernstein, Berlioz, Berg, Benjamin Harris, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Britten, Bellini, Bela Bartok, Beethoven, Bedrich Smetana, Beaverbrook, Bartok, Bartlett, Barber, Baedeker, Bach, Artur Schnabel, Arthur Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Sullivan, Arthur Honegger, Arnold Schonberg, Arnold Schoenberg, Arcangelo Corelli, Aram Khachaturian, Aram Kachaturian, Aram Ilich Khachaturian, Antonio Vivaldi, Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, Antonin Dvorak, Anton Rubenstein, Anton Grigorevich Rubinstein, Anton Gregor Rubinstein, Anton Bruckner, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Andres Segovia, Ambrose, Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, Aleksandr Scriabin, Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich Scriabin, Aleksandr Borodin, Alban Berg, Adolph Simon Ochs, Addressograph, Aaron Copland, Woody Guthrie, Woodrow Wilson Guthrie, Williams, Wagnerian, Utopia, Stephen Foster, Stephen Collins Foster, Sir James Paul McCartney, Simon, Senefelder, Psalm, Paul Simon, Paul McCartney, Nathaniel Currier, McCartney, Linotype machine, Linotype, Lennon, John Lennon, James Merritt Ives, James Ives, Israel Baline, Irving Berlin, Honore Daumier, Holly, Hoagy Carmichael, Hoagland Howard Carmichael, Hiram Williams, Hiram King Williams, Hank Williams, H2O, Guthrie, George Michael Cohan, George M. Cohan, Foster, Fats Domino, Erewhon, Dylan, Domino, Daumier, Das Kapital, Currier, Cohan, Charles Hardin Holley, Carmichael, Capital, Buddy Holly, Bob Dylan, Berlin, Antoine Domino, Aloys Senefelder, Alois Senefelder,