impair (Also impairings, impairing, impaired, impairs) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to impair
- mar«
- deflower«
- vitiate«
- spoil«
- maim«
- injure«
- cripple«
- impair«
- harm«
- disfigure«
- taint«
- sully«
- deface«
- damage«
- defile«
- spoiling«
- blemish«
- defect«
- corrupt«
- cloud«
- mishandle«
- hurt«
- ruin«
- botch up«
- botch«
- mangle«
- flaw«
- burn«
- ravel«
- dent«
- blow«
- scar«
- gouge«
- blot«
- bumble«
- bungle«
- scratch«
- flub«
- check«
- smear«
- louse up«
- muff«
- slur«
- screw up«
- scrape«
- pock«
- crack«
- fumble«
- daub«
- muck up«
- mess up«
- fluff«
- run«
- chip«
- smirch«
- bollix up«
- bollix«
- bodge«
- fuck up«
- foul up«
- bollocks up«
- ball up«
- ding«
- maul«
- ladder«
- bobble«
- bollocks«
- smudge«
- mark«
- pit«
- spot«
- nick«
- impairment«
- disturb«
- worsen«
- weaken«
- spoilage«
- erode«
- vegetative«
- impairer«
- unwholesome«
- defloration«
- unimpaired«
- detriment«
- deform«
- unimpairable«
- disfigurement«
- afflict«
- spoliation«
- distortion«
- seeing-eye dog«
- deformity«
- corrode«
- redundancy«
- burn mark«
- reduce«
- stigma«
- shatter«
- rain man«
- defacement«
- damaging«
- paracusis«
- deformation«
- pairer«
- wart«
- sicken«
- pair«
- birthmark«
- opportunistic infection«
- blackhead«
- mutilate«
- nonimpaired«
- whitehead«
- besmirch«
- nerve gas«
- nevus«
- negative«
- verruca«
- incinerate«
- narced«
- milium«
- disfiguration«
- mad«
- comedo«
- inebriated«
- chatter mark«
- smite«
- incompetent«
- mole«
- impairs«
- unravel«
- impairing«
- distorted«
- fret«
- expense«
- impairedness«
- deformed«
- impaired«
- burn down«
- ravel out«
- warping«
- fault«
- warp«
- blur«
- pockmark«
- chink«
- bruise«
- whittle down«
- whittle away«
- wear away«
- eat away«
- eat«
- break«
- scratch up«
- knot«
- cut up«
- fingerprint«
- indent«
- immunocompromising«
- grate«
- immunocompromised«
- hurtful«
- blunder«
- handicapped«
- gum«
- effect«
- dysmorphophilia«
- dyscoordination«
- drunk«
- frost«
- discoordination«
- tangle«
- disable«
- diminish«
- fire«
- deteriorate«
- smutch«
- criminal«
- cicatrize«
- countermeasures«
- cicatrise«
- corruption«
- rust«
- smash up«
- color blindness«
- bang up«
- charge«
- bilge«
- boccia«
- total«
- appair«
- apair«
- fleck«
- analbuminaemia«
- alloy«
- pitting«
- affect«
- smash«
- acraze«
- dig«
- splotch«
- rout«
- blob«
- craze«
- blotch«
- butcher«
- distort«
- tarnish«
- backfire«
- eroding«
- falsify«
- blacken«
- choke«
- corroding«
- cremate«
- spatter«
- snarl«
- sear«
- scald«
- fracture«
- stumble«
- prick«
- stain«
- scuff«
- change«
- notch«
- garble«
- gag«
- scorch«
- sin«
- freeze«
- slit«
- staining«
- speckle«
- spotting«
- wash«
- soiled«
- breaking«
- soil«
- plague«
- wounding«
- snick«
- wound«
- bug«
- knock«
- torch«
- blister«
- dapple«
- raveling«
- snafu«
- blight«
- paw«
- callus«
- char«
- visit«
- drop the ball«
- boob«
- slip up«
- slip«
- flame«
- rusting«
- goof«
- scarify«
- resmudge«
- ravelling«
- moil«
- maculate«
- incise«
- gnarl«
- bespeckle«
- bespatter«
- bemire«
- begrime«
- claw«
- trip up«
- trip«
- dust«
- patch«
- hole«
- bash«
- grime«
- belt«
- splotched«
- streak«
- blotched«
- bull«
- colly«
- wearing«
- flaming«
- fox«
- rough«
- dirty«
- freckle«
- bang«
- mottle«
- detrimental«
- prejudicial«
- malformed«
- cigarette burn«
- misshapen«
- roughness«
- port-wine stain«
- genital wart«
- pratfall«
- venereal wart«
- common wart«
- blooper«
- plantar wart«
- sad sack«
- bungler«
- boo-boo«
- juvenile wart«
- warty«
- fossa«
- hemangioma simplex«
- nevus flammeus«
- fumbler«
- wartlike«
- verrucose«
- verruca acuminata«
- stumbler«
- splodge«
- scathe«
- prejudicious«
- mutilator«
- mess-up«
- maimer«
- ill-shapen«
- fuckup«
- foul-up«
- fingermark«
- condyloma acuminatum«
- cockup«
- cicatrix«
- cicatrice«
- botcher«
- blunderer«
- ballup«
- balls-up«
- indentation«
- smudgy«
- boner«
- strawberry mark«
- strawberry«
- mangler«
- screwup«
- bloomer«
- inkblot«
- bumbler«
- mauler«
- harmful«
- corrosive«
- defective«
- erosion«
- breakage«
- malformation«
- affliction«
- tragic flaw«
- misstep«
- faulty«
- excoriation«
- corrosion«
- erosive«
- epigastric fossa«
- pit of the stomach«
- painful«
- pathology«
- mordant«
- breakable«
- abrasion«
- unclean«
- glitch«
- burnable«
- eating away«
- unskillful«
- spectacle«
- sore«
- mandibular fossa«
- mutilation«
- incision«
- ignitable«
- faux pas«
- hamartia«
- gaffe«
- caustic«
- glenoid cavity«
- vitriolic«
- keloid«
- glenoid fossa«
- vaccination«
- blotter«
- incineration«
- burner«
- unsmooth«
- unshapely«
- unraveller«
- unraveler«
- trip-up«
- sword-cut«
- solecism«
- misshapenness«
- maculation«
- ignitible«
- gaucherie«
- disentangler«
- cheloid«
- butcherly«
- botchy«
- afflictive«
- blotchy«
- incinerator«
- wearing away«
- blotting paper«
- scraper«
- smasher«
- clanger«
- scratcher«
- howler«
- maze«
- deaden«
- pollute«
- alter«
- repress«
- rejuvenate«
- regenerate«
- incapacitate«
- modify«
- traumatize«
- straining«
- contaminate«
- strengthen«
- brutalize«
- stagnate«
- darken«
- deepen«
- trample«
- professionalize«
- destabilize«
- change integrity«
- stiffen«
- normalize«
- reorient«
- entangle«
- incur«
- stabilize«
- transpire«
- contort«
- sublimate«
- conform«
- stratify«
- democratize«
- fail«
- rupture«
- lighten up«
- lighten«
- denigrating«
- professionalise«
- oxidize«
- relax«
- refresh«
- flex«
- liberalize«
- ignite«
- overstretch«
- destabilise«
- suffuse«
- soiling«
- torment«
- abrade«
- hydrolyze«
- industrialize«
- promote«
- evaporate«
- adjust«
- adapt«
- unpick«
- regress«
- discolor«
- develop«
- stabilise«
- purify«
- reflate«
- calcify«
- loosen«
- combust«
- soften«
- modernize«
- transmute«
- freshen up«
- freshen«
- tighten«
- modernise«
- singe«
- untangle«
- recede«
- harden«
- unscramble«
- synthesize«
- liberalise«
- sequester«
evolve, spattering, normalise, feminize, concretize, assume, distil, change posture, immunize, pain, gnaw at, gnaw, blemished, hydrate, transform, pip, pinpoint, snarl up, ascend, distill, desalinate, mutate, crumble, ionize, sprain, resume, graze, splattering, dirtying, worry, wring, recombine, inoculate, smoothen, assimilate, cleft, colorize, cure, steepen, stab, erupt, oxidise, shear, smolder, make, shattering, itch, democratise, obtain, skin, excoriate, give way, give out, give, bend, experience, melt, happening, prickle, reverse, change surface, change state, change shape, change magnitude, change form, change by reversal, acquire, drift, grow, produce, take up, take on, take in water, take fire, take, smoulder, industrialise, fuel, handicap, undergo, go bad, snarled, depart, splintering, divide, undulate, immunise, mature, twisting, chapped, fingerprinting, digest, arrange, dim, cracking, receive, girdle, convert, chafe, play out, roughened, adopt, decay, mold, bruising, turn on, turn, felt up, felt, gel, wear out, wear, eat at, mildew, strain, invalid, break up, break off, break into, break down, move up, move, befouled, fall for, become flat, die, stabbing, rub off, rub down, rub, vaccinate, sublime, force out, scratch out, metamorphose, crash, fly, leave, strike hard, flare, commute, cut out, shift, unknot, glaze over, glaze, burning, boil, get dressed, get, nipping, grease, dull, catch on, catch fire, catch, shoot, part, chipping, rise, wrench, come round, come in, come around, come apart, come, torture, have, knotted, find, light, splashing, pass, climb up, cool off, cool down, cool, go out, go, fall in, colour in, color in, cave in, occult, cross, transpose, broken, fissure, pull up stakes, dry out, dry, vitriol, shagged, prim, pull, hydrolyse, form, fall apart, reticulate, warm up, warm, yield, pall, separate, dope, collapse, drop, color, muck, mottling, plant, shock, pockmarked, clinker, settle, carbonate, run over, run down, fall, slice, junk, short, frost over, narrow, brand, mellow out, mellow, hush, wrick, whop, vulcanize, vulcanise, vitrify, vesiculate, vascularize, vascularise, vaporise, ulcerate, twilled, traumatise, transaminate, swinge, superannuate, suburbanize, suburbanise, subluxate, solarize, solarise, saponify, salinate, refreshen, ramify, plasticize, plasticise, oxidate, opacify, obsolesce, matt-up, keratinize, keratinise, isomerize, isomerise, ionise, introject, indurate, incandesce, imbricated, gradate, gelatinize, gelatinise, flocculate, feminise, excruciate, embrangle, draggled, dissimilate, discolour, dilapidate, desalt, desalinize, desalinise, deoxidize, deoxidise, defervesce, decrepitate, decarboxylate, decalcify, creolize, corrade, contuse, conflagrate, concuss, concretise, complexify, colourize, colourise, colorise, clapperclaw, caseate, capacitate, calk, brutalise, begrimed, befoul, barbarize, barbarise, assibilate, animalize, animalise, alligatored, alkalinize, alkalinise, acetylize, acetylise, acetylate, abrase, dress, fouled, pocked, split up, roll up, muddy up, matte up, mat up, ice up, fold up, conk out, slime, mire, chap, splash, foul, shoal, lame, dash, contract, bedraggled, dummy, murder, snap off, glass over, glass, crisp, section, fray, ice over, shallow, stipple, roll, swing, colour, jump, matte, speck, gnarled, patterned, alligator, slam, bonk, clangor, conjugate, blaze, muddy, seamed, smashing, goose, shade, blast, bar, flip out, groove, stripe, knife, fold, cuckoo, twist, blazing, founder, hit, ribbed, sock, clown, mat, bop, whap, rick, nail, flip, dawn, mud, cracked, bust, crushed, boom, black, crock, format, imbricate, corded, clang, lined, lessen, aggravate, exacerbate, constrict, ameliorate, irritate, complicate, elevate, retard, depress, frustrate, confuse, inflame, subvert, optimise, embellish, immobilize, misrepresent, shorten, debase, insulate, demoralize, deflate, validate, arouse, lessening, reestablish, glamorize, resuscitate, polarize, malign, optimize, restrict, sanctify, undo, inactivate, inflate, rationalize, detach, devalue, vitalize, improve, manipulate, solidify, humanize, personalize, activate, discontinue, widen, synchronize, immortalize, sharpen, waver, contribute, crimp, homogenize, reignite, illuminate, cause to sleep, differentiate, sentimentalize, obliterate, centralize, brighten, fortify, vaporize, accelerate, alienate, enable, intensify, energize, politicize, denature, decelerate, obfuscate, outgrow, strengthening, terminate, invalidate, desecrate, chasten, neutralize, polarise, readjust, liquefy, regrow, depersonalize, infect, glorify, arise, translate, suffer, sunburn, simplify, inform, equate, impinging, consolidate, solidifying, unfit, awaken, objectify, bestow, visualize, compensate, automate, misdirect, solemnize, thicken, individualize, animate, acclimate, restore, exasperate, revert, harmonize, deactivate, commercialise, imbue, customize, emancipate, saturate, dismember, brain, demoralise, disqualify, lubricate, rationalise, disintegrate, thwart, pressurise, revolutionize, commercialize, visualise, rectify, breathe, commingle, slowing, ventilate, perplex, radicalize, romanticize, baffle, straighten out, straighten, reducing, beautify, lend, impart, destroy, illumine, de-emphasize, decrease, clarify, desensitize, trampling, energise, impress, retouch, blacken out, westernize, inflect, pressurize, condense, thrive, amend, decentralize, infest, mechanize, flourish, compress, curdle, suspend, civilize, ease up, ease off, reconstruct, aerate, cohere, segregate, catalyze, countenance, loosen up, sputter, revive, puncture, revolutionise, internationalize, pasteurize, customise, stress, demonize, fluctuate, expand, occur, pummel, deadening, disengage, sensitize, sanitize, politicise, impact, acidify, decentralise, liquify, crystallize, integrate, secularize, socialize, untie, fuse, demonise, precipitate, crystalize, conceive, weaponize, ache, depolarize, temper, socialise, synchronise, contaminating, treat, flatten out, flatten, fasten, protrude, debauch, excite, react, softening, personalise, interpolate, acclimatize, accustom, hemorrhage, malfunction, catalyse, refine, roughen, lose weight, misfire, diversify, raise, centralise, deodorize, recommend, harmonise, militarize, increase, habituate, jaundice, disorder, externalize, sensitise, dissolve, extend, narrowing, neutralise, unify, anguish, perish, resolve, toughen, immobilise, delay, equalize, decease, concentrate, digitize, miscarry, tenderize, fertilize, clot, discharge, emulsify, urbanize, coagulate, hardening, specialise, conflate, unwind, legitimate, distress, equilibrate, obey, estrange, nationalize, correct, digitalize, burn up, burn out, taper off, taper, inseminate, overturn, humanise, fatten up, fatten out, fatten, curing, invade, domesticate, explode, happen, redress, culminate, rouse, vary, come to, crumple, acclimatise, suffering, redo, liberate, change intensity, mythologize, crystallise, overgrow, meld, make grow, make full, make clean, fade out, fade away, vacillate, polymerize, mingle, implode, redact, decompose, cushion, bleeding, clothe, mortifying, furl, squeeze, caramelize, faulting, skew, stiffening, nationalise, kneecap, sanitise, merge, amalgamate, fit out, easing, bludgeon, ebb, magnetize, naturalise, relapse, unfold, darkening, get worse, reinstate, motor, lift, slow down, droop, prosper, annihilating, irradiate, destruct, edit out, edit, better, supple, ablate, supercharge, copulate, blind, blow up, blow out, ferment, whiten, gain, internationalise, wangle, encrust, melt off, slack, piggyback, detonate, stroke, fix, subdue, focus, respire, unfurl, tease, touch on, touch, reclaim, change taste, change over, subdivide, gloss, pervert, bite, dissembling, freezing, skimming, blackening, sink, combine, equalise, snuff it, sweeten, plug, warming, forbidding, expire, decorate, specialize, torturing, take root, take place, take apart, ooze, tame, thrust, bottleneck, ripen, bring, digitise, shimmer, morph, try, calm down, calm, lower, glow, grieve, whack, gerrymander, image, grazing, let up, equal, invert, level off, level, poke, speed up, speed, misconduct, wilt, contact, profane, curl, fizzle, mistake, adorn, embarrassing, think, receding, hide, capture, cool it, gussy up, bump, mince, prostrate, dizzy, lighting, devastating, acquiring, tiller, work up, work, devising, poison, tear into, tear, ravaging, nip, stop, prepare, bayonet, play, grooming, unite, anneal, naturalize, chill out, chill, macerate, blot out, weather, add, azure, rumple, flesh out, steady down, steady, bear upon, appear, remodel, fertilise, waken, turn up, turn the tide, turn the tables, turn back, bow, croak, tone down, tone, crinkle, birth, even out, even, kindle, buckle, dismiss, view, coalesce, rot, unroll, sound, matting, grace, occasion, right, decline, fashioning, kindling, align, formatting, martyr, hunch over, hunch forward, hunch, simmer down, simmer, resign, wash up, wash out, smooth, making, shape, citrate, break open, break loose, break in, break away, coupling, parallel, molder, void, shake, lighter, shut, become, qualify, wrap up, decompress, meet, beef up, awake, motion, barb, mould, update, mating, complexion, go wrong, buffer, fitting, fly high, leave office, twinkle, see, flare up, replace, cut off, cut, shaving, purge, stretch out, stretch, crop, whang, pigment, fate, test, sport, instance, clear, scatter, get up, get into, blanch, heating, trend, burst forth, burst, bug out, cudgel, step down, blunt, clean, knock down, hock, flip-flop, slide down, tumble, come out, come off, come away, come alive, come about, tender, obscure, fragment, foil, kick the bucket, kick, return, segment, light up, switch over, switch, pass out, pass off, pass away, lave, start, moderate, redden, slump, heat up, heat, go up, go through, go on, go off, go down, market, colouring, wake up, wake, cash in one's chips, proof, smut, wrinkle, rig out, blush, bilk, slug, tense up, tense, calve, cry, wallop, buy the farm, fat, flash, submit, run dry, sour, malt, substitute, bead, sparkling, transition, blend, lying, trouble, set aside, wrinkled, beginning, stock, sex up, fancy up, tinge, bubble, still, pommel, put on, put, case, cloud up, cloud over, growing, kink, escape, deck up, deck out, crick, swig, carve up, sit up, sit down, sit, sauce, ornament, disperse, open up, open, heave, thump, give-up the ghost, size, sober, full, reform, drop out, drop down, drop dead, wonder, veil, garment, set on fire, bear on, point, pod, ready, look, smack, set aflame, bulge out, bulge, flame up, settle down, close, end, ending, clap, exchange, lie down, lie, clump, rack, land, quit, cooking, stand up, uprise, hap, mellowing, patent, feather, crank, spike, marking, flux, plane, fall out, fall down, sprout, pitch into, swipe, thwack, queer, apparel, getting, fill up, fill out, fill, turning, pinch, tack, chord, punch, tangle with, chip off, fire up, introvert, root, bore, withering, set afire, pelt, stun, port, firing, womanize, westernise, vulgarize, vulgarise, volatilize, volatilise, vivify, vitalise, virilize, virilise, verbify, variegate, urbanise, untune, unsubstantialize, unsubstantialise, unsex, unsanctify, uniformize, uniformise, unhallow, underdress, uncurl, unclutter, unbend, uglify, tribulate, transubstantiate, transmogrify, transitivize, transitivise, transfigure, tinct, thrombose, territorialize, territorialise, tenderise, teethe, tauten, syncopate, symmetrize, symmetrise, subtilize, spiritualize, sorb, solvate, solemnise, slenderize, slenderise, sexualize, sexualise, sentimentalise, sensify, sensibilize, sensibilise, secularise, schematize, schematise, rusticate, rubricate, romanticise, rigidify, retrovert, resublime, renormalize, renormalise, readapt, re-assume, rarify, rarefy, putrefy, purpurate, prink, poniard, polymerise, polychromize, polychromise, pinkify, pervaporate, permute, pasteurise, parti-color, paganize, paganise, oxygenize, oxygenise, overstrain, overdress, overcloud, overboil, outmode, ossify, orientalize, orientalise, opsonize, opalize, opalise, officialize, officialise, occidentalize, occidentalise, obnubilate, nigrify, nazify, mythologise, mythicize, mythicise, misfunction, minify, militarise, meliorate, melanize, melanise, mechanise, masculinize, masculinise, martyrize, martyrise, marbleize, marbleise, magnetise, liquidize, liquidise, lifehack, laicize, laicise, jellify, ionate, iodinate, intransitivize, intransitivise, inspissate, individualise, indispose, incurvate, incrust, incarnadine, immortalise, immix, immaterialize, immaterialise, illume, hydrogenate, homogenise, harshen, handcolour, handcolor, habilitate, granulate, glamourize, glamourise, glamorise, gasify, fustigate, fragmentize, fragmentise, focalize, focalise, fecundate, face-harden, externalise, exteriorize, exteriorise, etiolate, etherify, etherialise, etherealize, eternize, eternise, eternalize, eternalise, esterify, eroticize, envenom, enkindle, enclothe, empurple, embrown, embrittle, emaciate, effeminize, effeminise, dynamize, dynamise, dry-rot, domesticize, domesticise, dissonate, dissever, disjoin, disharmonize, disenable, discerp, disaffect, digitalise, diabolize, diabolise, devilize, devilise, detransitivize, detransitivise, desynchronize, desynchronise, destress, desensitise, deprave, depolarise, depersonalise, deodourise, deodorise, denitrify, denaturalize, denaturalise, denationalize, denationalise, demythologize, demythologise, demulsify, demist, demagnetize, demagnetise, deliquesce, dehydrogenate, degauss, defog, deflagrate, deconsecrate, deconcentrate, decimalize, decimalise, deaminize, deaminate, de-emphasise, dandify, crystalise, cross-fertilize, cross-fertilise, cross-dress, counterchange, convolve, convolute, conventionalize, conventionalise, constringe, constitutionalize, constitutionalise, constellate, conglobe, conglobate, commutate, communize, communise, commix, collimate, coarsen, classicize, classicise, civilise, circularize, chondrify, catabolize, catabolise, carnify, carburize, carburise, carbonize, carbonise, caramelise, brecciate, bolshevize, bolshevise, blear, blackwash, bestialize, bestialise, benficiate, bedim, becalm, basify, automatize, automatise, aurify, attemper, arterialize, arterialise, archaize, archaise, antiquate, animize, animise, angulate, allegorize, allegorise, alkalize, alkalise, alkalify, alcoholize, alcoholise, alchemize, alchemise, aggrieve, aerify, achromatize, achromatise, acetify, acerbate, curve, crushing, face, dress up, dress down, sandbag, scotch, labor, lay into, trick up, tog up, spice up, soup up, set up, line up, hot up, hop up, gear up, fig up, bundle up, bunch up, blaze up, conk, striking, dado, slim down, slim, sting, finish, leap, sliver, twine, aline, attire, biff, thin, hump, wet, lam into, lace into, phase, coloring, elaborate, verdigris, round down, gun down, splinter, clothes, grooving, match, grain, encounter, snap, print, flush, set off, round off, pop off, partition off, press, fig out, blistering, dye, score, trick out, dusk, overrun, swat, queen, flake, disarray, channel, cast, folding, split, hue, crush, stool, pouch, fudge, mate, blench, nock, alternate, grass, draw, lace, clabber, interchange, tint, compact, imprint, surprise, garb, rusted, bundle, hitting, bitter, slog, dawning, back, moulder, flop, head, scramble, batter, alien, set ablaze, set, zonk out, tog out, round out, pop out, plump out, black out, fake, crust, ash, raiment, bald, welt, partition, exit, humble, buff, hook, pole, cluster, jelly, tan, dressing, shot, pupate, fledge, plump, age, don, bat, club, loose, coke, blasting, cook, cream, mix, coal, leaf, pairing, pound, rap, buffet, rifling, pale, spice, firm, louden, spring, string, jam, labour, daze, marvel, empty, grey, tog, crease, couple, round, dinge, polychrome, disjoint, square, white, yellow, cosh, pop, knap, mill, antique, avalanche, box, purple, wham, crimson, motley, gray, blue, silver, green, camp, bean, brown, bronze, bunch, DWAI, Americanize, Americanise, Islamize, Islamise, Frenchify, Europeanize, Europeanise,