immovable (Also immovables) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to immovable
- real estate«
- real property«
- realty«
- immoveable«
- unmovable«
- stabile«
- immovable«
- immobile«
- demesne«
- landed estate«
- estate«
- land«
- mortmain«
- acres«
- immovableness«
- immovability«
- dead hand«
- leasehold«
- freehold«
- homestead«
- glebe«
- nonmotile«
- fixedness«
- hacienda«
- entail«
- farmstead«
- barony«
- no man's land«
- firmness«
- smallholding«
- fief«
- manor«
- steadiness«
- fixture«
- seigniory«
- fastness«
- plantation«
- tautness«
- seigneury«
- trap«
- fixity«
- tightness«
- pin«
- signory«
- secureness«
- immotile«
- feoff«
- countryseat«
- stiff«
- immobilize«
- orangery«
- immobilise«
- unmoving«
- manorial«
- immobilizing«
- stiffness«
- rigid«
- fixed«
- fiefdom«
- lodgement«
- immobilization«
- granite«
- sureness«
- lodging«
- secure«
- taut«
- stability«
- immobilisation«
- firm«
- unfluctuating«
- stableness«
- nonmoving«
- lodgment«
- immotility«
- set«
- fix«
- frozen«
- freeholder«
- steady«
- tight«
- corp«
- corporation«
- fast«
- unchangeable«
- unchanging«
- obdurate«
- velcro«
- property«
- shell entity«
- stationary«
- attachment«
- rigidity«
- inert«
- fastening«
- microorganism«
- brooch«
- inactive«
- belongings«
- granitic«
- micro-organism«
- bandage«
- motionless«
- clasp«
- latch«
- girth«
- immobility«
- garter«
- flinty«
- wire«
- cinch«
- manor house«
- holdfast«
- chock«
- squatter«
- rooted«
- fastener«
- geosynchronous«
- clamp«
- static«
- picket«
- cleat«
- hang«
- homesteader«
- nester«
- bind«
- crank«
- wedge«
- stupefaction«
- buckle«
- becalmed«
- belay«
- lodge«
- flint«
- cramp«
- toggle«
- geostationary«
- rivet«
- hasp«
- zipper«
- strap«
- moor«
- deposit«
- anchor«
- ground«
- noose«
- staple«
- small cap«
- stitch«
- tack«
- empire«
- cement«
- zip«
- belt«
- button«
- private corporation«
- large cap«
- conglomerate«
- grout«
- leaded«
- stable«
- bight«
- sitting«
- stake«
- unadjustable«
- stock-still«
- stationariness«
- rigidness«
- joggle«
- bitt«
- close corporation«
- stick«
- lock«
- closed corporation«
- stony«
- berth«
- palsy«
- hook«
- tense«
- cable«
- privately held corporation«
- closely held corporation«
- fixing«
- bar«
- holding«
- rig«
- clinch«
- spike«
- yeoman«
- tie«
- still«
- chain«
- sure«
- shell corporation«
- taped«
- string«
- stay«
- joint«
- brad«
- fasten«
- paralyze«
- paralyse«
- stupefy«
- stun«
- hang up«
- entrench«
- sew together«
- sew«
- rope up«
- drop anchor«
- cast anchor«
- zip up«
- intrench«
- coapt«
- lock up«
- tie up«
- run up«
- unalterable«
- artifact«
- padlock«
- artefact«
- inflexible«
- public property«
- private property«
- personal property«
- intellectual property«
- community property«
- church property«
- worldly possessions«
- worldly goods«
- worldly belongings«
- tangible possession«
- inflexibility«
- constancy«
- mortal«
- broach«
- soldering«
- landholding«
- lynchpin«
- earthing«
- locking«
- stillness«
- changeless«
- dowel pin«
- dowel«
- monad«
- stockholdings«
- carabiner«
- carved in stone«
- heartless«
- linchpin«
- ligature«
- hanger«
- hardhearted«
- binding«
- spindle«
- personal estate«
- plumbing fixture«
- door latch«
- clench«
- lease«
- rental«
- grounding«
- bonding«
- articulation«
- protist«
- juncture«
- mooring line«
- mooring«
- riveting machine«
- endocarp«
- backbone«
- corrugated fastener«
- inertness«
- lighting fixture«
- bathroom fixture«
- stockholding«
- sealing wax«
- press stud«
- clothespin«
- fixation«
- zip fastener«
- snap fastener«
- slide fastener«
- paper fastener«
- heirloom«
- tenseness«
- pucker«
- truss«
- welding«
- intestinal flora«
- toggle bolt«
- nut and bolt«
- bolt«
- microbe«
- personalty«
- screw«
- knot«
- junction«
- salvage«
- mainstay«
- pathogen«
- material possession«
- lifelessness«
- docking«
- cramp iron«
- riveter«
- inaction«
- twine«
- wiggle nail«
- nail«
- eyelet«
- spirituality«
- lasting«
- wealth«
- stabilized«
- supporter«
- baster«
- clothes peg«
- inactivity«
- stitching«
- sewing«
- linkage«
- stapler«
- paralysis«
- grommet«
- lockup«
- rope«
- stapling machine«
- stone«
- set in stone«
- gag«
- ground tackle«
- anchorage ground«
- slip noose«
- running noose«
- wall hanging«
- hanging«
- reaper binder«
- individual«
- sling«
- person«
- staple gun«
- wharf«
- motion«
- lace«
- trade-in«
- anchorage«
- publishing empire«
- clothes pin«
- dockage«
- hem«
- leash«
- bacterium«
- snap ring«
- tie-in«
- claw«
- publishing conglomerate«
- microflora«
- family business«
- moorage«
- things«
- tacker«
- thumbtack«
- link«
- slip«
- unchangingness«
- unchangeableness«
- unchangeability«
- tensity«
- stitchery«
- staplegun«
- spiritualty«
- rootage«
- rivetter«
- rateables«
- ratables«
- protoctist«
- protistan«
- overstrung«
- motionlessness«
- moneron«
- moneran«
- inflexibleness«
- inactiveness«
- hereditament«
- hemstitch«
- grummet«
- doweling«
- cringle«
- cottar«
- commonage«
- changelessness«
- breastpin«
- bondable«
- bindable«
- bellyband«
- backstitch«
- someone«
- cotter«
- muzzle«
- tension«
- lashing«
- stopping«
- overcast«
- trust«
- cord«
- post«
- soul«
- hook and eye«
- tying up«
- tying«
- pale«
- fillet«
- gather«
- lash«
- hold«
- loop«
- tuck«
- stabilised«
- keystone«
- bond«
- bandaging«
- somebody«
- letting«
- tick«
- tier up«
- bacteria«
- binder«
- stitcher«
- baste«
- have«
- germ«
- bollard«
- pit«
- fell«
- seal«
- sewer«
- soap dish«
- linkup«
- snap«
- tier«
- sound«
- catch«
- karabiner«
- bug«
- locker«
- join«
- dressing«
- clip«
- band«
- virus«
- confirmed«
- immutable«
- movable«
- introvert«
- ornament«
- invariance«
- animate being«
- extrovert«
- anachronism«
- sex object«
- personage«
- survivalist«
- sublease«
- abomination«
- personal chattel«
- chattel«
- topper«
- outdoorsman«
- individualist«
- unwelcome person«
- adversary«
- possessor«
- adventurer«
- agnostic«
- outcaste«
- attachable«
- weakling«
- imitator«
- sphere«
- autodidact«
- affix«
- passive trust«
- optimist«
- fiduciary«
- plaything«
- intellectual«
- primitive person«
- primitive«
- gambler«
- bedfellow«
- artifactual«
- modifier«
- inset«
- nonreligious person«
- homunculus«
- quiver«
- compulsive«
- effector«
ornamentation, acquirer, personification, realist, brute, middlebrow, resister, gatekeeper, doormat, decedent, dweller, implied trust, malcontent, exponent, stinker, indigene, gem, pursuer, grantor trust, appreciator, decoration, opposer, righthander, adoptee, occultist, duplicate, sublet, antagonist, immutability, asthmatic, combatant, bodybuilder, signatory, ejector, testator, nondescript, inhabitant, denizen, jut, perpetual motion, substance abuser, tether, anomaly, entertainer, transvestite, nonresident, showman, intellect, color-blind person, padding, cushioning, protozoan, spouse equivalent, grownup, pansexual, spousal equivalent, slipper, ecclesiastical benefice, controversialist, hinge, tagger, collector, aborigine, sex symbol, admirer, unskilled person, paving material, paving, romanticist, infix, registrant, southpaw, abstinent, experimenter, visionary, instrumentality, right-hander, dormant, planner, homosexual, squeaker, advocator, tyrant, insured person, insured, net estate, life estate, gross estate, estate for life, limber, mover and shaker, lefty, differentiator, revenant, sphinx, stifler, look-alike, bather, persona non grata, inter vivos trust, grunter, jewel, ready-made, doer, spoiler, discretionary trust, slider, transsexual, mystification, yoke, car rental, creature, fabric, deliverer, knower, divider, simpleton, relation, trembling, legal jointure, jointure, infective, belligerent, lifeless, charitable trust, quivering, testamentary trust, unfortunate person, unfortunate, capitalist, muscleman, noncompliant, preserver, sentimentalist, spendthrift trust, celebrant, charmer, left-hander, permanent, traveler, traveller, redhead, vector, desuetude, contemplative, personal effects, objector, struggler, crawler, signer, vibration, supernumerary, yawner, disputant, stigmatic, adjudicator, fleer, dribbler, heterosexual person, heterosexual, fugitive, cross-dresser, muscle builder, right hander, emotional person, dissenter, irreversibility, abeyance, rent, microbial, debtor, ancient, hater, manipulator, self, dresser, gatherer, creditor, dormancy, immune, doubter, observer, calcification, bluecoat, nonperson, knocker, doldrums, structure, temporality, benefice, precession, proponent, kink, greeter, polyglot, scourge, technologist, beholder, visually impaired person, antiquity, flat solid, religious person, slayer, slave, commoner, quiescence, clobber, groaner, transexual, romper, surface, clumsy person, harness, nude person, nude, battler, follower, mediocrity, float, marker, true bacteria, arbovirus, sensualist, sort, changeability, quitter, appointee, discriminator, baldy, spitter, cripple, fauna, palpitation, material, building material, transferee, smiler, stranger, achiever, probiotic flora, flora, opponent, mount, affixation, mangler, strip, equal, glue, brunette, jumper, kneeler, seeker, relative, biter, acquaintance, legionella, peg, chameleon, free agent, pavement, repeater, captor, quester, threat, stagnancy, runaway, bacterial, bullfighter, mixed-blood, bereaved person, bereaved, blind trust, layer, deceased person, deceased, communicator, handicapped person, cone, warrior, nonsmoker, beast, trade, constant, wealthy person, unusual person, shakiness, loose cannon, significant other, tempter, faller, excavation, free spirit, mailer, venturer, deep freeze, curb, innocent, personhood, pudding stone, scrapper, authority, walk-in, stasis, coward, simple, hoper, textile, pathogenic, philosopher, creeper, testate, shaking, extinction, blonde, saddle, alga, thin person, straight person, small person, rich person, public relations person, person of colour, person of color, male person, literate person, large person, juvenile person, inexperienced person, good person, female person, deaf person, dead person, common person, bad person, hitch, orphan, holding pattern, reliever, superbug, perceiver, user, drug user, computer user, trustee account, installation, dupe, ostrich, tag, rectifier, brunet, searcher, rent-a-car, thing, applicant, owner, social dancer, wuss, soggy, eubacteria, riser, copycat, roundhead, money dealer, seeder, cloud seeder, wiggler, mestizo, ruler, salve, aboriginal, emulator, nonpartisan, probiotic bacterium, stagnation, archaebacteria, controller, active trust, active, insert, prospect, radical, ring, fighter, creator, move, lover, neighbour, shaker, dancer, sluggish, stuff, blogger, cloth, subject, chooser, comforter, weight gainer, weight, counterterrorist, partner, domestic partner, probiotic microflora, amateur, victim, direct trust, suspect, contestant, forerunner, image, neighbor, ouster, ethnic, common man, baldhead, living trust, survivor, construction, square, thrower, machine, effects, rusher, genus Francisella, genus Calymmatobacterium, innateness, tackle, waker, censor, toy, buster, baby buster, restoration, smasher, lightning rod, skin and bones, terror, enrollee, namer, snuffer, transfer, you-drive, yielder, yearner, wriggler, worldling, withholder, welcomer, wanter, voider, urinator, untier, unraveller, unraveler, unperson, unfastener, unexchangeability, undoer, unalterability, u-drive, totemist, thirster, third-rater, temporalty, swayer, surrenderer, succeeder, stooper, stigmatist, squirmer, squinter, squint-eye, spurner, sprawler, socializer, socialiser, snuffler, sniveler, sniffler, sneezer, smotherer, sloucher, slobberer, skidder, six-footer, shitter, self-drive, second-rater, scrag, saluter, restrainer, redheader, red-header, quiescency, pus-forming bacteria, protozoon, propositus, powderer, posturer, pisser, perspirer, percipient, percher, penicillin-resistant bacteria, pamperer, onanist, nurser, nonworker, nonpartizan, nonparticipant, nondrinker, nitrobacterium, neglecter, needer, mutilator, musclebuilder, muscle-builder, morbific, mollycoddler, misogamist, microbic, mesomorph, masturbator, maimer, invariableness, invariability, indweller, indigen, immutableness, huddler, grinner, gonococcus, germy, freewheeler, forgiver, first-rater, faddist, extravert, expectorator, excuser, eubacterium, essayer, eristic, enjoyer, endomorph, electroplate, effecter, ectomorph, dyslectic, drooler, driveller, disentangler, diplococcus, deviser, demander, delayer, degrader, defecator, debitor, contriver, complexifier, compeer, coddler, chutzpanik, changeableness, celebrater, carrottop, capturer, blackamoor, beguiler, baulker, balker, bacteroidal, bacteroid, bacterioidal, bacterioid, attempter, assimilator, assessee, artefactual, arrogator, archeobacteria, archaist, archaeobacteria, archaebacterium, arborvirus, apprehender, applier, anti-American, anergy, allayer, affiant, advisee, acidophile, acidophil, abstainer, absoluteness, abjurer, abator, weasel, sounding board, native, tapper, algae, baldpate, hire car, nonmember, witness, tumor virus, voting trust, trust account, savings bank trust, savings account trust, public trust, express trust, scratcher, rod, precursor, face, torpid, linguist, covering, interpreter, dissident, gainer, sweater, player, hugger, watcher, article, vanisher, halt, cashier, dead soul, blond, instrumentation, plant life, life, actor, laugher, way, gay, married, bacteriophage, suspension, block, check, explorer, debaser, rester, killer, applied scientist, ladino, practice of medicine, counter, sleepyhead, money handler, money, convert, neutral, viral, protester, segregate, granter, miracle worker, miracle man, literate, shut up, keep, ape, double, friend, wight, measurer, advocate, loved one, homophile, phage, man jack, man, gentile, waiter, namesake, winker, carry, let, good guy, bad guy, national, party, toucher, creation, learner, anti, stock, opener, monolingual, changer, sheet, departed, case, closer, save, stoppage, probiotic, mother hen, celebrator, arrest, aper, selector, scholar, sport, candidate, tape, stockpile, flow, bed, modern, habitant, bear, homo, guesser, appointment, stop, extra, success, longer, opening, animal virus, animal, straight, toreador, winner, bomber, trier, worker, hope, peer, child, couple, dieter, supplement, mouse, picker, female, track, leader, tiger, match, male, plant virus, plant, mark, slow virus, facility, birth, label, paste, decker, scientist, best, pardoner, aggregator, expert, combined, quality, guinea pig, termer, adult, sniffer, rest, line, liver, pussycat, passer, boomer, baby boomer, project, engineer, juvenile, ward, lemon, junior, quarter, medicine, stream, turner, beard, bell, baby, Crown land, Freddie Mac, Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Fannie Mae, FNMA, FDIC, Boy Scouts of America, Velcro, White person, Black person, White, Water Bearer, Virgo, Virgin, Victorian, Twin, Totten trust, Taurus, Slav, Scorpion, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Ram, Pisces, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Negroid, Negro, Native American, Lion, Libra, Leo, Legionella pneumophilia, Latin, Jew, Jat, Israelite, Hebrew, Goat, Gemini, Francisella, Fish, Elizabethan, Crab, Clifford trust, Caucasian, Capricorn, Cancer, Calymmatobacterium, Bull, Black, Balance, Aries, Archer, Aquarius, Amerindian, Americana, African,