husband (Also husbanding, husbands, husbanded) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to husband
- married man«
- hubby«
- economize«
- conserve«
- economise«
- wifebeater«
- wife«
- spouse«
- significant other«
- partner«
- husband«
- house husband«
- family man«
- saving«
- benedict«
- economy«
- cuckold«
- uxoricide«
- economiser«
- benedick«
- househusband«
- retrench«
- thriftiness«
- economizer«
- economy of scale«
- save«
- cheat on«
- economic expert«
- domestic«
- betray«
- economist«
- wander«
- sparing«
- cheat«
- scotch«
- wittol«
- stinter«
- downsizing«
- retrenchment«
- curtailment«
- stinting«
- ship's husband«
- husbandly«
- husbandry«
- careful«
- play around«
- marriage«
- economic«
- fool around«
- husbandman«
- adultery«
- frugal«
- divorce«
- economical«
- stint«
- husbandless«
- polygamy«
- thrifty«
- microeconomic expert«
- husbandage«
- heterosexual marriage«
- husbandable«
- term husband«
- macroeconomic expert«
- male adultery«
- breadwinner«
- ex-husband«
- expectation«
- economic system«
- boyfriend«
- dowry«
- secular«
- wife-in-law«
- married person«
- tighten one's belt«
- widow bewitched«
- male«
- scant«
- widow«
- family«
- thrift«
- wer«
- culture«
- caution«
- war widow«
- civil marriage«
- two-time«
- unmarried«
- legal code«
- saver«
- unhusbanded«
- status«
- penny-pinching«
- uncle-in-law«
- double standard«
- parsimoniousness«
- trophy wife«
- wedding ring«
- microeconomist«
- tiller«
- household«
- frugalness«
- till«
- islam«
- econometrist«
- sexual relation«
- econometrician«
- thirds«
- christianity«
- sororate marriage«
- wealthier spouse«
- son-in-law«
- similar husbandry«
- sisters before misters«
- monogamous culture«
- sister-wife«
- grah shatak«
- sequester«
- contemporary secularized western culture«
- separation«
- child«
- reverse harem«
- valid wedding«
- responsibility«
- spouse equal right«
- punalua«
- old norse hūsbōndi«
- prudent«
- old english hūsbōnda«
- provide«
- middle english huseband«
- polygamize«
- institutionalized role«
- polyandry«
- influential ideal«
- penny-father«
- comprehensive marriage law«
- patrilocality«
- chinese folk religions«
- patrilocal«
- būandi«
- old man«
- būa«
- nurture«
- party«
- niece-in-law«
- rewarding occupation«
- nephew-in-law«
- contemporary status«
- mutual will«
- conjugal home«
- monoandry«
- bōndi«
- monandry«
- polygamous culture«
- military spouse«
- meiji civil code«
- merhusband«
- historical status«
- master«
- hindu husband«
- marry«
- modern jurisdiction«
- married couple«
- islam law«
- maritorious«
- term father«
- maritally«
- mirror stand«
- marital«
- mari complaisant«
- fidelity«
- manager«
- protector«
- manage«
- female adultery«
- spouse(s«
- man«
- right«
- traditional arranged marriage«
- lord and master«
- other cultures«
- levirate marriage«
- offspring«
- levirate«
- premodern time«
- levir«
- economical affair«
- husbando«
- scandalous circumstance«
- institutionalized form«
- mistress«
- husbandlike«
- western culture«
- islamic marital jurisprudence«
- husbanding«
- external symbol«
- husbandhood«
- personal clothing«
- husbander«
- obligation«
- husbanded«
- serial monogamy«
- grave offense«
- actual wedding«
- home father«
- husband-in-law«
- hypergamy«
- hubs«
- equal relationship«
- property settlement«
- householder«
- marital property«
- child(ren«
- house«
- close term«
- hotwife«
- joint property«
- henpecked«
- head«
- external sign«
- half brother-in-law«
- male participant«
- ground«
- many muslim«
- grass widow«
- hindu law«
- grandson-in-law«
- extramarital sex«
- goodman«
- cap«
- goman«
- circumstance«
- golf widow«
- joint family«
- ganancial«
- concubinage«
- modern european history«
- farm«
- divorce law«
- sole provider«
- extradotal«
- dowager«
- frugality«
- bride price«
- domesticated«
- ex«
- marital relationship«
- temporal«
- eternity ring«
- valid reason«
- monetarist«
- public scandal«
- scrimp«
- economically«
- legal consequence«
- skimp«
- dumb cake«
- context«
- macroeconomist«
- ring finger«
- discoverture«
- dower«
- parsimony«
- digamous«
- bigamy«
- cautiousness«
- diandry«
- alimony«
- carefulness«
- deuterogamy«
- crime«
- curtain lecture«
- participle«
- woman of the house«
- cultivate«
- major religion«
- cucquean«
- communist revolution«
- covert baron«
- instance«
- lady of the house«
- consort«
- tradition«
- close«
- conserved«
- ancient roman«
- housewife«
- animal«
- homemaker«
- conjugally«
- woman«
- long«
- co-sister«
- marriage ceremony«
- private enterprise«
- co-brother«
- mate«
- chicks before dicks«
- intimate relationship«
- better half«
- caro sposo«
- family law«
- brother-husband«
- god«
- state socialism«
- bilocal«
- opportunity«
- state capitalism«
- baron«
- wedding ceremony«
- near«
- baa-lamb«
- death«
- free enterprise«
- avunculocal«
- sexual intercourse«
- world«
- anumarana«
- society«
- worldly concern«
- administer«
- biological father«
- earthly concern«
- abandonment«
- life«
- equal right«
- non-market economy«
- encyclopædia britannica«
- mixed economy«
- legal status«
- market economy«
- qur'an«
- laissez-faire economy«
- material«
- earth«
- china«
- providence«
- modernity«
- domesticity«
- modern history«
- skinny«
- sex marriage«
- preserve«
- -andry«
- widower«
- deliberate«
- -androus«
- love«
- mercenary«
- measured«
- enactment«
- cautious«
- hinduism«
- efficiency«
- coma«
- religion«
- painstakingness«
- family home«
- bimetallist«
- catholicism«
- law«
- buddhism«
- streamlined«
- modern time«
- conscientiousness«
- term«
- worldliness«
- breach«
- macroeconomics«
- offense«
- hoarder«
- cultivation«
- econometrics«
- bride«
- microeconomics«
- father«
- monetarism«
- custody«
- industrialism«
- stay«
- domain«
- bond«
- servant«
- gender«
- bible«
- middle age«
- duration«
- profession«
- conservation«
- country«
- patron«
- wedding«
- regard«
- left«
- permission«
- ownership«
- provision«
- teaching«
- conclusion«
- resource«
- estate«
- behalf«
- factor«
- philippine«
- care«
- agriculture«
- relation«
- justice«
- management«
- establishment«
- situation«
- authority«
- republic«
- plant«
- female«
- origin«
- condition«
- honor«
- ability«
- contract«
- force«
- act«
- uk«
- property«
- science«
- money«
- control«
- worldly«
- efficient«
- provident«
- penny-wise«
- housewifely«
- home-style«
- home-loving«
- mundane«
- materialistic«
- terrestrial«
- worldly-minded«
- prospicient«
- longsighted«
- heedful«
- forethoughtful«
- foresightful«
- forehanded«
- farseeing«
- cheeseparing«
- businesslike«
- expeditious«
- penurious«
- parsimonious«
- farsighted«
- cost-effective«
- foresighted«
- cost-efficient«
- high-octane«
- married woman«
- couple«
- hive up«
- squirrel away«
- lay away«
- put down«
- pair«
- managed economy«
- troubled«
- record«
- newlywed«
- particular«
- enter«
- industrialist«
- action«
- elaborate«
- penny pincher«
- capitalist economy«
- pack rat«
- closeness«
- minute«
- scrooge«
- detailed«
- expedition«
- restrained«
- stash«
- timid«
- helpmate«
- prudence«
- bigamist«
- polygamist«
- guarded«
- narrow«
- sophisticated«
- fabian«
- diligence«
- deliberation«
- capitalism«
- dispatch«
- profane«
- miser«
- elaborated«
- copulate«
unhurriedness, tightfistedness, punctiliousness, prospicience, penuriousness, niggardness, niggardliness, niggard, mundaneness, monogynist, minginess, meticulosity, helpmeet, heedfulness, foresightfulness, foresightedness, expeditiousness, hoard, cache, precaution, sophistication, foresight, materialism, meanness, thoroughness, tightness, forethought, magpie, scavenger, slowness, meticulousness, honeymooner, skinflint, monogamist, stringency, churl, strictness, mindfulness, industrialize, farsightedness, despatch, deliberateness, mundanity, prevision, scrupulousness, philistinism, industrialise, bimetallism, honest woman, make love, old lady, first lady, prince consort, crown princess, telling, sleep with, lie with, sex act, have sex, know, set up, ring up, log up, clock up, chalk up, have a go at it, make out, carrying out, sleep together, get laid, get it on, bed, have it away, file away, taking, groom, take, sexual union, sexual congress, have it off, do it, thing, be intimate, course of action, roll in the hay, punch in, clock in, post, photograph, run, choice, keep, spend, associate, lead on, clock on, cover, book, have intercourse, nick, carrying into action, film, political economy, playing, honeymoon, mark, course, social scientist, change, move, buy, play, neglect, opposition, mates, wise, service, arrival, engagement, lay, execution, performance, ruin, recording machine, recording equipment, ride, shoot, passing, mean, drop, intercourse, serve, pick, purchase, carnal knowledge, bridegroom, congress, chronicle, employment, option, register, kindness, reference, effect, match, matron, tape, union, mount, videotape, maintain, hostility, negligence, document, score, economic science, alienation, fetch, pairing, reverence, file, resistance, quality, application, beatification, selection, jazz, achievement, entry, mating, economics, transfusion, interaction, snap, log, accession, salvage, copulation, aggression, accomplishment, breed, prohibition, marchioness, tally, registrar, discretion, viscountess, bang, affiliate, recorder, consultation, polished, deceive, sheikha, competence, monogamy, carelessness, transgression, grudging, emphasizing, manifest, effectiveness, refined, tame, civility, tamed, competency, uxor, ux., sodomise, record-keeper, profaneness, polygynist, polyandrist, pinchgut, monogyny, monogamousness, missis, longsightedness, hypermetropy, hypermetropia, forbiddance, efficaciousness, effectualness, effectuality, discreetness, deflower, coition, battle-ax, assort, mayoress, notch, efficacy, tread, inhibition, cheapskate, screw, fuck, politeness, vampirism, sheika, sodomize, coupling, signora, scavenge, attentiveness, tightwad, expend, bruxism, destabilization, sloppiness, hump, pickings, missus, conjugation, coitus, jumpstart, presbyopia, eff, delude, bonk, destabilisation, circumspection, battle-axe, res gestae, bugger, jump-start, vicereine, inscribe, swordplay, accenting, cozen, nonperformance, effectuate, impelling, hyperopia, stupefaction, effectivity, benignity, accentuation, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth, Friedrich August von Hayek, Woodbury, William Stanley Jevons, William Henry Beveridge, Webb, Wassily Leontief, Ward, Vilfredo Pareto, Veblen, Turgot, Tobin, Tjalling Koopmans, Tjalling Charles Koopmans, Tinbergen, Thorstein Veblen, Thorstein Bunde Veblen, Thomas Robert Malthus, Thomas Malthus, Tawney, Stephen Leacock, Stephen Butler Leacock, Smith, Simon Kuznets, Simon, Sidney Webb, Sidney James Webb, Schumpeter, Richard Henry Tawney, Ricardo, Ragnar Frisch, Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch, Pareto, Myrdal, Monnet, Milton Friedman, Mill, Meade, Marx, Malthus, Leontief, Leacock, Laffer, Kuznets, Koopmans, Keynes, Karl Marx, Karl Gunnar Myrdal, Joseph Schumpeter, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, John Stuart Mill, John Mill, John Maynard Keynes, John Kenneth Galbraith, John Galbraith, Jevons, Jean Monnet, Jan Tinbergen, James Tobin, James Edward Meade, Herbert Alexander Simon, Herbert A. Simon, Herb Simon, Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury, Hayek, Gunnar Myrdal, Galbraith, Frisch, Friedman, First Baron Passfield, First Baron Beveridge, David Ricardo, Beveridge, Barbara Ward, Arthur Laffer, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Adam Smith, Saint Agnes' Eve, Mister Right, Hemera, Favonius, Erebus, Epione, Dear John letter, Caelus, Asclepius, Malthusian, Keynesian, 14th century, Catherine of Aragon, Marquise de Maintenon, Madame de Maintenon, Malthusian theory, Sarah, Ruth, Rebekah, Rebecca, Rachel, Malthusianism, Maintenon, Keynesianism, Hathaway, Francoise d'Aubigne, Earth, Catherine, Bathsheba, Anne Hathaway,