give (Also giving, given, gived, gives, gave, givings, givees) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to give
- spring«
- springiness«
- afford«
- yield«
- pay«
- make«
- hold«
- throw«
- have«
- present«
- gift«
- devote«
- generate«
- return«
- render«
- leave«
- pass on«
- impart«
- establish«
- sacrifice«
- turn over«
- reach«
- hand«
- pass«
- commit«
- consecrate«
- dedicate«
- apply«
- grant«
- ease up«
- give way«
- move over«
- feed«
- chip in«
- contribute«
- kick in«
- collapse«
- founder«
- break«
- cave in«
- fall in«
- open«
- transfer«
- supply«
- predict«
- philanthropic«
- move«
- guess«
- greenlight«
- granted«
- giving«
- given«
- get«
- flex«
- estimate«
- donate«
- depict«
- confer«
- cede«
- bend«
- assignment«
- allow«
- allot«
- give«
- give up«
- give suck«
- give out«
- give away«
- take«
- let«
- allow for«
- go off«
- provide«
- offer«
- turn in«
- will«
- shell out«
- pass out«
- parcel out«
- mete out«
- hand out«
- fork out«
- dole out«
- dish out«
- deal out«
- spit up«
- pony up«
- open up«
- fork up«
- cough up«
- hand over«
- part with«
- dispense with«
- free«
- lot«
- extend«
- support«
- deal«
- deliver«
- handing over«
- fork over«
- deed over«
- part«
- drive home«
- raffle off«
- introduce«
- lend«
- slide down«
- spare«
- issue«
- opening«
- commitment«
- submit«
- treat«
- trust«
- release«
- concede«
- live«
- convey«
- cast«
- surrender«
- distribute«
- resign«
- bank«
- passage«
- contribution«
- slip«
- combine«
- loan«
- rent«
- loyalty«
- range«
- relinquish«
- repay«
- tip«
- inject«
- accord«
- lunch«
- fee«
- production«
- generation«
- award«
- proceeds«
- administer«
- vow«
- forfeit«
- furnish«
- sneak«
- tender«
- fan«
- donation«
- lease«
- quote«
- donor«
- allegiance«
- sink«
- feeding«
- deposit«
- dispense«
- fruit«
- breakfast«
- bestow«
- suck«
- crash«
- surface«
- output«
- dedication«
- devotion«
- nurse«
- crop«
- lover«
- payoff«
- cater«
- corn«
- rendering«
- entrust«
- slump«
- bequeath«
- dine«
- fodder«
- endow«
- mitt«
- infect«
- subscriber«
- pacify«
- buckle«
- flop«
- contributor«
- vest«
- giver«
- forfeiture«
- confide«
- nourish«
- raffle«
- tread«
- imparting«
- consecration«
- pasture«
- graze«
- heap«
- rededicate«
- paw«
- breastfeed«
- buff«
- takings«
- feeder«
- presenter«
- proffer«
- scavenge«
- ply«
- veneration«
- idolatry«
- undernourish«
- spoonfeed«
- self-feeder«
- overfeed«
- nutrify«
- malnourish«
- impartation«
- force-feed«
- enfeoff«
- conferrer«
- bottlefeed«
- aliment«
- regurgitate«
- crumple«
- devotee«
- suckle«
- conveyance«
- slop«
- manus«
- implode«
- grantee«
- porta«
- lactate«
- swill«
- dower«
- requite«
- orifice«
- bung«
- intrust«
- subsidence«
- granter«
- cultism«
- bestower«
- alimentation«
- wet-nurse«
- give thanks«
- give in«
- give back«
- take a hop«
- put up«
- put across«
- subscribe to«
- come out«
- come on«
- come down«
- bring in«
- bring home the bacon«
- help«
- keep«
- go down«
- go Dutch«
- turn up«
- good deal«
- say«
- see through«
- promise«
- top out«
- rent out«
- portion out«
- plump out«
- pay out«
- hire out«
- flesh out«
- fit out«
- fill out«
- fatten out«
- farm out«
- right hand«
- right«
- look«
- pay off«
- pay cash«
- order«
- yield up«
- stock up«
- show up«
- serve up«
- fix up«
- fatten up«
- divvy up«
- dish up«
- letting«
- quite a little«
- left hand«
- hand down«
- kick back«
- feed back«
- sign away«
- meet«
- have got«
- buy in«
- buy«
- free lunch«
- financial support«
- step«
- great deal«
- sell«
- offering«
- sign over«
- mean«
- term of a contract«
- end«
- bread and butter«
- plenty«
- spend«
- forced feeding«
- pension off«
- serve«
- intend«
- advance«
- show«
- pick«
- public security«
- power«
- suggest«
- key«
- bush«
- left«
- prefer«
- throw overboard«
- pass along«
- ease«
- remember«
- life«
- knuckle under«
- buckle under«
- top«
- confidence«
- enjoy«
- satisfy«
- charge«
- worship of man«
- accordance of rights«
- pledge«
- fit«
- legal transfer«
- legal guardian«
- feed in«
- suggestion«
- financial backing«
- backing«
- financial aid«
- economic aid«
- aid«
- drop«
- thank«
- fill«
- love«
- invest«
- fall«
- soft spot«
- combination«
- funding«
- law«
- gift horse«
- match«
- baby's room«
- banking company«
- edge«
- leverage«
- board«
- letter«
- bear«
- eat«
- date«
- tap«
- party spirit«
- dinner party«
- depository financial institution«
- faith«
- fund«
- endowment fund«
- banking concern«
- fulfill«
- staff«
- assurance«
- bride price«
- food«
- provision«
- sustain«
- commission«
- hint«
- peace treaty«
- peace«
- partner«
- communicate«
- sight«
- economic rent«
- payment«
- bottom«
- total parenteral nutrition«
- joint«
- land«
- grazing land«
- express«
- salary«
- fire«
- bank deposit«
- bank building«
- bounce«
- compensate«
- assign«
- committee«
- living«
- capitalize«
- spirit«
- portion«
- application«
- arm«
- picking«
- water«
- sponsor«
- bound«
- ticket«
- finance«
- presentation«
- forgo«
- dinner«
- tool«
- concession«
- accommodate«
- waive«
- stock«
- rebound«
- dining car«
- buffet car«
- tidy sum«
- breathe«
- fuel«
- wage«
- heat«
- seat«
- empower«
- scant«
- repair«
- pension«
- shelter«
- combining«
- delivery«
- distribution«
- earnings«
- waiver«
- bail«
- charity«
- mass«
- redeem«
- devise«
- theme«
- hat«
- prize«
- refund«
- lease giver«
- performing arts«
- legacy«
- foot«
- bribe«
- pump«
- fat«
- banking«
- uniform«
- horse«
- conceding«
- oath«
- external orifice«
- intravenous feeding«
- infant feeding«
- breast feeding«
- meat hooks«
- restoration«
- subsidize«
- equip«
- mouth«
- bed«
- nursing«
- border«
- articulate«
- nurture«
- proposition«
- mess«
- grass«
- procure«
- accordance«
- outfit«
- provider«
- repayment«
- subscribe«
- glass«
dish, indulge, flash, supplying, harvest, fulfil, mountain, flood, patch, restitution, enrichment, corrupt, shower, yielding, endowment, gate, batch, berth, allowance, rental, nutrition, pour, allocation, pile, forego, transmission, rail, swearing, affirmation, supplier, succumb, entail, flock, relay, payback, pot, subscription, electrical distributor, lender, dispensation, testament, dining compartment, capitalise, handover, livelihood, index, regaining, fist, clenched fist, headline, curtain, dealer, costume, ceding, stint, discharge, rim, diligence, distributor, stack, commend, vent, breaker, relegate, infection, hooks, coal, ramp, relinquishing, slew, tube, luncheon, mint, sustenance, railroad, expend, canal, drift, descend, pander, disburse, trustee, ordain, alms, remit, dowry, fret, remuneration, surf, peck, resilience, grazing, nourishment, defray, bouncing, grease one's palms, giveaway, raft, debacle, obligate, inscription, nursery, resubmit, nanny, recompense, patronize, maize, sucking, allotment, forage, enlistment, os, spate, quotation, nutrient, rafter, breakers, consign, overpay, subtitle, largesse, sucker, bequest, fatten, recoil, retrofit, glaze, regent, largess, prepay, caption, glut, skimp, diner, apportion, plump, tipper, subside, grate, subsidise, tithe, recommit, compounding, contagion, lea, indemnify, elastic, fiasco, pimp, livery, suction, gratify, jurisprudence, apportioning, payer, terrace, kern, resiliency, hydrate, philanthropist, wad, yielder, word-worship, woman-worship, verbolatry, upholster, underquote, trustingness, trustfulness, transistorize, transistorise, topolatry, thaumatolatry, symbololatry, symbolatry, symbol-worship, surrenderer, subsidizer, subsidiser, sprightliness, spoonfeeding, signalize, signalise, sanitate, resile, requital, remunerator, reflectorize, reflectorise, redeposit, reallot, quittance, pourboire, porta hepatis, place-worship, pigwash, pigswill, offerer, nutriment, miracle-worship, make-peace, machicolate, lordolatry, introitus, insufflate, indue, hyperalimentation, hobnail, hobbyism, gyneolatry, gynaeolatry, grammatolatry, freebee, fontanel, fetich, fee-tail, endue, eatage, dowery, distributer, derequisition, defrayment, defrayal, crenelate, crenel, copper-bottom, constitutionalize, canalize, canalise, calk, brattice, blastopore, bibliolatry, bewhisker, bestowment, bakshish, bakshis, backsheesh, bacchant, anthropolatry, amorist, almsgiver, alms-giving, air-cool, air-condition, aerophile, acquittance, abnegator, nourishing, ricochet, peacemaker, sublet, depositor, evince, whisker, freebie, innervate, implosion, gratuity, oversupply, wharf, toggle, caterer, gutter, sublease, causeway, inscribe, benefice, apportionment, ordinate, lactation, interpose, cornice, computerize, uterine cervix, cervix uteri, cervix, scavenger, fetish, aortic orifice, pacifier, regale, vouchsafe, cession, hatful, renter, reverberate, conveyor, assignation, grantor, dispenser, dado, payee, oblation, canker, anus, pacification, aficionado, tiffin, loaner, drench, crenellate, parceling, enfranchise, rededication, rima, surfeit, suckling, headquarter, liveliness, ley, cleat, pasturage, bestowal, underpay, remunerate, alphabetize, urethral orifice, relinquishment, conciliator, lessor, overfeeding, conveyer, deliverer, spiracle, bounciness, patronise, underlay, pastureland, slat, passel, groupie, malnourishment, victuals, offeror, settlor, computerise, parcelling, purvey, mickle, stoma, baksheesh, conferral, wive, fenestra, cloy, allocator, conferment, almsgiving, interleave, lagniappe, nursemaid, corbel, communalism, dejeuner, grazier, bacchanal, slops, enfeoffment, maulers, altruist, trustor, victual, terrasse, undernourishment, naris, cardia, gavage, muckle, fontanelle, metalhead, pylorus, reconciler, ȝiven, balkan beat box album, lively, give voice, american rock band cold, resilient, give vent, bad plus album, bouncy, artist leann rime, springy, disambiguation, above, soft science fiction, infectious, -en, balkan beat box, nutritious, gave, yiven, bad plus, yive, lois lowry, morbific, take up, ep, lendable, take over, american country, alimentative, take off, alimental, take in, yeven, places, bankable, yaf, music, votive, studio album, pathogenic, make up, view, denmark, allegiant, make peace, upyield, album, idolatrous, unproviding, song, infective, giving up, ungiving, town, distributive, giving medication, ungiven, underthink, nutritive, alimentary, put to death, trade in, put over, put, thanksgiver, get off, thanksgive, get down, get across, ten, sweetener, surname, such-and-such, bring, specific, let go of, solidus, let go, slightly, singing, shift, go through, shameful, go, service, hold on, reward, hold dear, resentful, rename, find, relate, offer up, regive, reciprocate, receipt, turn out, reattribute, public hearing, prone, prest, clear, premiate, spray can, preferential, aerosol can, send a message, philanthropy, particular, call loan, own, call for, outgive, wipe out, onerosity, on-loan, start out, offer affordances, nongiving, set out, new-model, name, misgiving, misgive, massacre, muster out, lead, lave, lay out, large-handed, kit out, keepsake, jus, inverse, interpellate, interchange, in light of, illustrate, hand in, burst out, gyue, stand for, grudge, care for, time loan, grant-in-aid, double time, gradient, take-home pay, givingness, strike pay, sick pay, pay up, pay packet, pay envelope, merit pay, combat pay, stay, full service bank, answer, use up, suck up, spirit up, sop up, soak up, set up, pick up, kit up, gobble up, gas up, fill up, eat up, chock up, ante up, poker hand, bridge hand, cut back, ceding back, back, wanton away, trifle away, piddle away, draw, change, place, create, buy off, support payment, logistic support, guarantee, prize money, conscience money, blood money, new deal, gives, save, set off, set forth, givenness, set aside, giveness, set, sell short, sell off, law of the land, fenestra of the vestibule, fenestra of the cochlea, day of the month, paint a picture, work, start, sign, direct loan, immediate payment, join, carry on, carry, talk, lead bank, assure, maintain, touch, benefit, end product, helping, political action committee, run through, real estate loan, earn, land grant, home territory, home range, home loan, home equity loan, home equity credit, home banking, face, appropriate, polish off, palm off, on/off switch, foist off, fob off, bound off, auction off, recognize, wedding present, birthday present, cash advance, point, represent, request, particular date, long plane, pick at, public assistance, public, realize, aim, paying, feed on, day nursery, day care center, health care delivery, care delivery, power breakfast, true glottis, wolf down, wash down, rope down, roll down, garbage down, down payment, down, climb down, cascade down, bolt down, message, wealthy person, rich person, rain check, check, working capital, manna from heaven, givee, meaning, givable, speak, giv'n, produce, gimme, final payment, acknowledge, left hander, incentive, geuen, geue, generous, approach, feed upon, course, bid, information processing system, frist, confidential information, forthgive, forleten, cash, foregive, font name, engift, duke, drive, doromania, animate being, donnée, donary, donable, disposed, state bank, demise, cover, debt, dation in payment, holding, dation, electric charge, dana, currently, word of honor, crystallize, piece of furniture, courtesy of, law of nations, counterchange, article of furniture, considering, congee, hire car, hire, charitarian, center, legal expert, broadcast, personal loan, bounty, beteem, travel, beteach, case law, betalk, administration, demand loan, demand feeding, bepower, demand deposit, benefaction, suck in, bename, sleep in, belawgive, shovel in, begreet, pitch in, begift, live in, baptismal name, dig in, clue in, auxiliary, built in bed, assumed, card game, arranged, statement, amount, correct, foreign aid, peck at, man, fancy man, business lunch, bill, logistic assistance, investment trust, purchase, blow, collective security, house, emphasize, appoint, installment credit, equity credit line, credit union, credit, political donation, political contribution, spot, regular payment, restore, granting immunity, engage, broad bean, high temperature, high tea, railway line, railroad line, select committee, protection, tax law, statutory law, shariah law, sharia law, securities law, organic law, military law, mercantile law, martial law, law merchant, international law, fundamental law, ecclesiastical law, common law, commercial law, civil law, canon law, administrative law, planning commission, wedding gift, philanthropic gift, birthday gift, word, musical performance, investment company, conduct, spending, toggle switch, on-off switch, valance board, regain, shoot, expense, advise, common land, tax shelter, date stamp, ground rent, kick, monetary fund, fast food, rich, round window, pitch, minimum wage, weapon system, railway system, heating system, compensation, propose, playing, union, finish, comfort food, piece, news bulletin, found, field corn, snap, door prize, soul food, miraculous food, food product, finger food, recover, zoning commission, fairness commission, election commission, blue ribbon commission, standing committee, sharing, revenue sharing, participation loan, participation financing, loan participation, appointment, social welfare, social club, assert, insurance premium, intent, table, dining table, heat energy, energy, penalty, black marketeer, railroad track, obligation, investment firm, token payment, deferred payment, signal, cards, judge, green corn, justice, light, financing, talent, acting, trade, steer, alter, schedule feeding, reserve bank, merchant bank, member bank, commercial bank, bank loan, agent bank, club, project, absorb, connection, steering committee, finance committee, ethics committee, blue ribbon committee, mix, selling, net, false glottis, living wage, welfare, quit, mortgage loan, loan shark, installment loan, consumer loan, skip, rack rent, peppercorn rent, garner, exchange, star, smile, capital, provisions, society, property, hook, data processor, rail technology, water boy, bonus, air conditioning, air conditioner, execute, natural endowment, spell, meal ticket, stress, constitution, quest, precedent, enthusiasm, marketing, equipment, reserve, panel, ethics panel, exert, drink, spread, satisfaction, pack, stretch, unite, gap, taxpayer, jury, sow one's wild oats, issuing, retrieve, facial expression, expression, reader, modify, thrift institution, clue, car rental, immunity, lump sum, fee splitting, electronic computer, computer, scholarship, import, spur, merge, recognise, communication, swear, appease, engagement, allocate, imply, store, realise, significance, warrant, dance, healthcare delivery, tube-shaped structure, verify, breath, loving, serving, oval window, charter, phrase, aspect, catching, defer, wind, feedback, delegation, weapon, excess, medium, culture medium, tribute, dress, substance, animal, passion, bow, premium, auction, trace, franchise, newspaper headline, decline, exemption, sensory hair, remainder, stable, fare, jointing plane, jointer plane, solicit, performing artist, performing, transmit, fitting, reconcile, humor, computing device, undercut, consume, aggregate, meal, gentle, volunteer, intimate, maintenance, horse bean, damages, cultivate, eating, slinger ring, sweet corn plant, plant, heating plant, trim, integration, affirm, reimburse, renounce, seed, computing machine, formulate, wield, confusion, waste, placate, instrument, electronic transistor, nasogastric feeding, amends, dry nurse, gravitational collapse, sweet corn, profession, beloved, recoup, leap, signify, alert, milk, blend, truce, faculty, subsidy, wine, enrich, aerosol bomb, soak, plastic, ransom, continental breakfast, sugar corn, bless, dear, dispose, turnout, oral fissure, oral cavity, mixing, glass cutter, reap, rubber band, elastic band, dancing, lapse, slide, extradition, stall, retail, left-handed pitcher, dump, commissioner, wolf, memorial, mixture, symbolize, depart, settling, dip, redemption, stave, attachment, trusting, wire, billing, royalty, quell, leniency, topple, consolidation, cylindrical lining, wet nurse, accommodation, backlash, squander, plight, strain, warmth, recession, signaling, affluent, evoke, seller, amenities, inventory, redress, exhaust, pluck, compound, jam, refinance, clip, lodge, pep, dunk, canker sore, resell, kit, allay, avalanche, liquidate, collar, wholesale, assigning, honey, glean, parole, supporter, pawn, legend, fulfillment, belongings, emphasise, cow pasture, assuage, dive, heating, treasure, harbor, bye, costume designer, cherish, guild, enjoyment, infected, accent, plunge, installment, mollify, spray, communicating, earmark, overture, expenditure, ram, creature comforts, creature, furniture, ghost, residual, relegation, scuttle, breed, performer, fatty tissue, adipose tissue, railway, bankroll, battery charger, utter, soap dispenser, fellowship, vendor, beneficiary, browse, feast, fusion, comforts, armor, pounce, incompetent cervix, devour, wheat germ, commons, patron, vitamin, depose, bunker, beam, banquet, indulgence, stockpile, balk, spit, bolt, muzzle, purport, warmer, mob, issuance, server, gratification, unification, scalp, logistics, ordinance, leaping, uniting, clothe, pig, dock, precipitate, accede, brisk, implant, warranty, sharia, lid, crease, ginger, irrigation, generator, sanitation, meld, vigor, fuse, stigma, ordination, tenant, rake, beast, subcommittee, mantle, propagate, fueling, accentuate, prune, beverage, recharge, cull, blending, swan, descent, sow one's oats, menace, pinning, refuel, monopolize, flame, alphabet, delegating, handout, shaft, floppy, spanking, juncture, humour, cram, kosher, fealty, articulation, rig, spree, bribery, arming, disbursement, drip, harbour, adorn, hay, popcorn, parcel, puree, exuberance, tumble, gobble, refueling, mince, graft, glottis vera, rationing, reservoir, pampering, exude, waiter, adore, indemnity, lefty, anterior naris, anterior fontanelle, edible, prostitute, conciliation, equipping, ecclesiastical benefice, jackpot, aerosol container, fin, upkeep, indulging, dateline, symbolise, plunk, stocking, descendant, remembrance, relegating, vulvar slit, pudendal slit, commemoration, armistice, delicacy, subsistence, conveniences, merchandising, cascade, taint, syndicate, zakat, buoyancy, tributary, remission, armour, leveraging, outlay, throng, redistribution, nibble, harmonize, brute, communicator, junction transistor, junction, punctuate, patio, deplete, potable, rattling, plank, posterior naris, furnishing, lop, shariah, recruiter, bootleg, prepayment, allude, conservancy, politburo, underside, pittance, upholstery, marketer, benefactor, yolk, drape, glazer, restock, swoop, elasticity, incline, beak, heater, drinkable, deluge, alight, reparation, pudendal cleavage, torrent, refit, pier, armament, rearm, expending, flaming, dearest, helper, materiel, vigour, snip, fauna, raven, trusty, sneer, petit dejeuner, coalesce, advert, quench, indexing, kennel, insinuate, nutritionist, lefthander, dismount, altruism, hock, horseshoe, you-drive, withdrawer, wetnurse, waterer, warrantee, vitellus, victualer, vibrissa, viands, verbalise, unhorse, understock, underspend, u-drive, tither, tapster, sustentation, suggester, subsidisation, suborner, stodge, stockist, stinter, steam-heat, spue, spiritize, spiritise, sphenoidal fontanel, sphenoid fontanel, share-out, self-drive, satisfier, rima vulvae, rima vocalis, rima vestibuli, rima respiratoria, rima pudendi, rima glottidis, reseat, repletion, remittal, remitment, refurnish, redeposition, reallotment, purveyance, ptyalize, ptyalise, provisioner, pertness, peppiness, penny-pinch, pelmet, pawer, partaker, pandar, ordainer, nutritiveness, nutritiousness, nickel-and-dime, negociate, nebuliser, motorize, motorise, misspend, misdeal, mechanise, maculation, machicolation, locomote, lenify, kickshaw, jounce, jampack, irrepressibility, interspersion, interspersal, intermixture, inspirit, inhalator, ingesta, immix, high-spiritedness, haymow, guttle, gruntle, gluttonize, gluttonise, glottis spuria, glassworker, glass-cutter, gastrogavage, fruitage, fress, fenestra vestibuli, fenestra cochleae, expender, enjoyer, eatable, drawee, double-glaze, domiciliate, dishful, disburser, devisee, depone, deaccession, datemark, date-mark, cytostome, cupule, crenelle, crenellation, crenelation, costumier, consigner, conglobation, commixture, comestible, bunghole, bottom-feeder, beanfeast, atomiser, articulatio, alienor, alcoholize, adumbrate, accoutre, accouter, abnegate, charger, bunk, selflessness, pall, acquirer, plop, sop, auctioneer, railing, ventilate, elan, patching, foodstuff, spew, presidium, innervation, connote, stover, kickback, inhaler, reallocation, nostril, betrothal, ware, verbalize, fulfilment, grating, monopolise, trafficker, flux, credulity, spar, aerosol, ponce, underpayment, blubber, remittance, trifle, amortization, jurist, economize, moneymaking, sustainment, eater, goody, reapportionment, patrimony, transistor, alfalfa, temperance, pathogen, harmonise, dietitian, fenestra rotunda, sanctify, lenience, recombination, outfitting, spigot, overabundance, shylock, cease-fire, urogenital cleft, pudendal cleft, conjugation, truss, esprit, southpaw, slake, munition, mooring, imbibe, carom, slither, dainty, redeemer, purveyor, dispensary, conciliate, vestry, indemnification, headliner, fleck, amity, stair, wanton, manna, slurp, appanage, alacrity, vim, trough, undersell, bespeak, spender, foreswear, typify, intimation, clawback, cosponsor, descendent, imperforate anus, dote, re-equip, fetishize, accost, amortisation, overpayment, rappel, gild, pensioner, admixture, arse, underprice, rima oris, surfboard, deputation, diffusing, remount, outfitter, commingle, aver, prolapse, topper, jointer, sprayer, enfranchisement, ruminate, repercussion, transfuse, ebullience, conflate, rejig, avow, spline, valance, feeler, inundation, paymaster, fatness, economise, sharer, digitalize, chantry, stipendiary, newsbreak, nib, speckle, getup, subvention, tapper, restitute, drapery, vender, baulk, donee, neb, newsflash, pensionary, half-pay, railroading, pecker, asshole, mammy, moneylender, calkin, subsiding, subsidization, grubstake, upholsterer, appeaser, dietician, conglomeration, micronutrient, permeating, overstock, nebulizer, glazier, humoring, delectation, nurturance, commissariat, proposer, hallow, mechanize, repast, hatchway, troth, costumer, outturn, abseil, jointure, signification, fenestra ovalis, jauntiness, reenlistment, blowhole, confluent, disbursal, consignor, muscularity, traineeship, avoirdupois, bailee, sphenoid fontanelle, pawnbroker, dapple, breeziness, chapeau, procurer, indexer, panderer, atomizer, battlement, left-hander, hotness, smartness, playacting, undersurface, moorage, consignee, airiness, rent-a-car, piddle, edger, cultist, pabulum, bushing, sutler, canalization, outgo, briskness, arsehole, briber, wharfage, usurer, provender, sphenoidal fontanelle, apanage, fetishist, roll-on, equipage, terpsichore, chyme, insufflation, affixation, victualler, bailment, praesidium, pledger, saltation, amah, canalisation, bailor, give tongue to, take the stand, take the air, take place, take out, take one's lumps, take on, take down, take back, make over, make out, make love, make grow, make full, make clean, make a motion, put together, put out, put in, put forward, put down, put behind bars, put away, get up, get one's lumps, get laid, get it on, get dressed, get around, get about, right to vote, live up to, cause to sleep, come up, come round, come in, come around, come about, come, bring out, bring forth, bring down, bring back, let up, let out, let loose, let down, even up, even out, even off, even, keep up, keep going, keep back, have a go at it, go up, go past, go out, go on, go forward, go forth, go for, go by, go bad, go away, go around, go across, do it, do, ask round, ask over, ask out, ask in, ask, hold over, hold back, try out, try, turn on, turn back, turn, living will, better, move up, move on, move back, move around, good Samaritan, good, accept, step on it, have it off, have it away, all clear, seek, hope, return ticket, all fours, going away, going, distress call, call attention, call, bugle call, lose, work out, trick out, tog out, throw out, swear out, straighten out, stick out, squeeze out, spread out, spit out, sell out, sally out, run out, round out, rip out, rig out, ration out, point out, play out, mellow out, invite out, flood out, flip out, fig out, fan out, fall out, edit out, dry out, deck out, cough out, conk out, churn out, buy out, bounce out, blurt out, blunder out, blubber out, blot out, blaze out, fend for, fall for, estate for life, tell, man of means, asking, think, know, follow, time signal, time plan, harvest time, human right, picture taking, making, receive, be intimate, be adrift, be, decide, well water, side order, marching order, full house, full faith and credit, full, wipe up, warm up, wake up, trick up, tog up, tie up, summing up, string up, sponge up, spice up, speed up, speak up, soaking up, sex up, sell up, roll up, pull up stakes, point up, pile up, patch up, mop up, mix up, matte up, mat up, link up, lighten up, ice up, hot up, heat up, gussy up, gear up, freshen up, fold up, fig up, felt up, fancy up, dummy up, dress up, deck up, climb up, clap up, buy up, burn up, build up, break up, beef up, back up, raise, choice of words, choice morsel, judicial decision, hand tool, pull back, fall back, draw back, buy back, back talk, yap away, yack away, tuck away, stash away, stack away, salt away, pull away, hive away, frivol away, fritter away, fool away, draw off, change taste, change surface, change state, change shape, change posture, change over, change of location, change magnitude, change intensity, change integrity, change form, change by reversal, push, rest, sleep with, lie with, ready, break into, break down, break dancing, break dance, buy into, buy food, hard water, hard coal, use immunity, use, price support, life support, international logistic support, interdepartmental support, interagency support, inter-service support, integrated logistic support, child support, continue, soft money, smart money, seed money, hush money, hearth money, things, step dancing, crow step, corbel step, business deal, set phrase, set down, saw set, effort, prove, thank offering, have sex, have intercourse, woman of the street, trip the light fantastic toe, trip the light fantastic, roll in the hay, pleading in the alternative, justice of the peace, roll over, pass over, ice over, grass over, glaze over, glass over, frost over, carry over, ensure, thought, wait, work animal, body of work, obtain, feel, high sign, play down, play, retain, stage direct, direct, someone, talk of, talk about, deny, rhetorical question, lead glass, here, cut down, cut, still, touch on, soft touch, sickness benefit, sick benefit, retirement benefit, fringe benefit, disability benefit, death benefit, cost-of-living benefit, secure, thing, spaghetti and meatballs, savings and loan association, savings and loan, pork and beans, occupational safety and health act, ham and eggs, fish and chips, chicken and rice, bubble and squeak, bow and arrow, black and white, bait and switch, bacon and eggs, lay claim, claim, first stomach, idea, plan, installment plan, run down, run, real property, real estate, desire, block grant, ram home, press home, home computer, home, harvest home, fail, bringing, lift off, lift, tip off, swear off, shoot one's mouth off, round off, roar off, rail off, pass off, mouth off, lip off, ease off, drop off, cool off, burn off, beg off, sense, result, job, federal job safety law, respect, appeal board, appeal, government issue, government activity, government, peace of mind, mind reader, leaving, long whist, special pleading, special, future date, second joint, second banana, dumb show, stock option, public prosecutor, public property, public discussion, notary public, civil wrong, refuse, focus, slice into, paid, keeping, enter, challenge, prepare, excuse, rattle on, rabbit on, march on, laying on of hands, drone on, catch on, butt on, bear on, add on, add, assume, seem, natal day, care, power tool, power of attorney, motive power, electrical power, electric power, subject matter, become flat, five hundred, slice through, true statement, true, tone down, strike down, slow down, sit down, round down, flump down, cool down, burn down, bear down, throw together, tack together, sleep together, slap together, fudge together, clap together, manage, urge, improve, form, happen, interest expense, interest, master key, ignition key, operating cost, cost, person, holy person, retirement check, disability check, working girl, equal, short whist, wash-hand stand, stand in, stand, permit, begin, vote, lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, butt against, speak in tongues, position, fall behind, individual, invite, acquire, proposal, travel by, pass by, sales incentive, somebody, experience, bear upon, specific heat, watch glass, reduce, pass around, felt hat, felt, main course, country club, buyout bid, private treaty, private property, private, life estate, petty cash, cash in, defend, pheasant under glass, impose, access, top hat, secret approval, stock issue, military issue, appear, young man, young, read, written agreement, agreement, starting signal, develop, state, emotional state, convert, catch, measure, abandon, positive charge, negative charge, electrostatic charge, weapon of mass destruction, water of hydration, water of crystallization, water of crystallisation, tower of strength, rule of law, round of drinks, practice of medicine, practice of law, pillar of strength, piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land, nodes of Ranvier, letters of administration, lady of pleasure, implements of war, heat of transformation, heat of solution, heat of formation, heat of dissociation, execution of instrument, elasticity of shear, due process of law, deed of trust, deed of conveyance, chest of drawers, board of selectmen, board of education, board of directors, board of appeals, bill of sale, response, sit, turning, side dish, effect, legal separation, legal proceeding, legal philosophy, legal opinion, legal jointure, legal instrument, legal document, legal brief, personal property, personal expense, personal estate, travel rapidly, travel purposefully, travel along, term, inform, talking, explanation, demand, ordinary, presence, tuck in, sink in, rail in, partake in, mix in, lay in, glass in, fill in, colour in, color in, blend in, pursue, balance, poker game, game equipment, game, value statement, mathematical statement, cautious statement, leading edge, teaching aid, mutual aid, steal, enabling legislation, walk, account, expand, proof, affect, telephone number, phone number, number cruncher, number, comment, drop line, drop curtain, drop cloth, handle, recommend, large, wealthy man, straight man, rich man, holy man, stage business, manufacturing business, business loan, business expense, business, declare, fish stick, increase, replace, indication, adopt, fine, purpose, clean, delay, subject, unit trust, unit investment trust, trust fund, trust deed, trust busting, nondiscretionary trust, fixed investment trust, visit, cause, preserve, confirm, contact, separate, saving, security staff, security deposit, security, transfer payment, assist, promote, dog house, solid, double bed,