gentry (Also gentries) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to gentry
- aristocracy«
- the Quality«
- gentry«
- landed gentry«
- patrician«
- blue«
- squirearchy«
- nobility«
- noble«
- aristocrat«
- gentility«
- blue blood«
- genteelness«
- breeding«
- yeomanry«
- clergy«
- aristocratic«
- the quality«
- gentle«
- brahmin«
- gentleman«
- blue-blooded«
- male aristocrat«
- squiralty«
- virginia«
- aristocratical«
- female aristocrat«
- shizoku«
- chivalry«
- ragman roll«
- reformation«
- peerage«
- pospolite«
- estate«
- baronet«
- middle age«
- samurai«
- gentrification«
- church«
- raja«
- arm«
- prince«
- gentrice«
- europe«
- royal«
- gentleperson«
- upper class«
- rajah«
- rani«
- franklin«
- knight«
- imperial«
- esquire«
- family«
- education«
- society«
- court guide«
- catholic church«
- grand«
- county family«
- hereditary priestly class«
- princess«
- coat«
- noblesse«
- western ukrainian society«
- baronetage«
- knighthood«
- caste«
- purple«
- baronage«
- brahman«
- august«
- surname«
- sweden«
- celibacy«
- ranee«
- nordic country«
- term gentry«
- nobleman«
- clerical upper class«
- dauphin«
- baltic german«
- noble class«
- england«
- grand duke«
- virginia gentry class«
- noblewoman«
- class«
- sovereign«
- ignobles«
- principality«
- title«
- upper crust«
- plato«
- prince consort«
- compulsory celibacy«
- crown prince«
- absolutism«
- princess royal«
- latvian«
- male monarch«
- wealth«
- king«
- secular estate«
- cavalier«
- mediaeval university«
- maharaja«
- bishop«
- princedom«
- social position«
- female monarch«
- frälse«
- crown princess«
- colony«
- chevalier«
- daimyo«
- maharajah«
- medieval church«
- crowned head«
- concept«
- significant political role«
- dignity«
- livonia«
- queen regnant«
- governorate«
- queen«
- official right«
- princeling«
- ideal«
- emperor«
- estonian«
- monarch«
- indo«
- maharani«
- power«
- ecclesiastical heraldry«
- social ritual«
- status«
- social class«
- archduchess«
- land«
- tzarina«
- term«
- maharanee«
- monastery«
- lordliness«
- christian clergy«
- czaritza«
- noblesse oblige«
- sir«
- clerical position«
- guardian«
- korea«
- influence«
- gentleman farmer«
- military«
- family coat«
- maryland«
- country«
- western europe«
- considerable wealth«
- first family«
- baltic region«
- rise«
- independence«
- estonia«
- archduke«
- person«
- gravitas«
- high middle age«
- tsaritsa«
- virtue«
- tsarina«
- christendom«
- czarina«
- peasantry«
- peeress«
- merchant«
- sword«
- people«
- structure«
- buddhist monk«
- reformed church«
- weorcmen«
- universal european institution«
- undeutsch«
- tripartite fashion«
- traditional british social class«
- term upper class«
- term shìnónggōngshāng«
- term aristocrat«
- strict signification«
- sporadic step«
- spanish hombre gentil«
- sir x y«
- significant native nobility«
- russian nationalist press«
- quality identical«
- protestant north europe«
- privileged military status«
- old french genterie«
- offshoot family«
- nordic – earl«
- modern upper class«
- meritocratic social class system«
- meritocratic scholar«
- medieval church legacy«
- mediaeval tenant«
- mediaeval gentleman«
- mediaeval free city«
- mediaeval catholic tradition«
- manor similar«
- lithuanian national awareness«
- latvian aspect«
- lars petersson latinized«
- kshatriyas/rathaestar«
- krestyanin/smerd«
- japan feudalism«
- invariable translation«
- inheritable privilege«
- indeterminate social status«
- hereditary clerical upper class«
- gentries«
- gebedmen«
- feudal japan«
- farmer lifestyle«
- designation baron«
- courtly love strand«
- confucian scholar gentry«
- class significance«
- christian community—for«
- chinese confucian morality«
- castes—gentry«
- brahmin/athravan«
- baltic german gentry«
- baltic german era«
- baltic german association«
- baltic aristocracy«
- balkans—helped«
- esq«
- baltic«
- lutheran«
- lutheran church«
- upper«
- commoner«
- xiǎorén«
- warlike middle age«
- unlimited sway half«
- term jūnzǐ«
- term esquire«
- term crucial«
- suffix esq«
- single powerful secular government«
- simple spread«
- roman legal structure«
- religious chivalry«
- reformed context«
- privilege entail«
- powerful continent«
- paid retainer«
- original english colonist«
- orderly time«
- old french genterise«
- occupations«
- noble meant«
- narrow social scope«
- monasticae«
- italian gentil uomo«
- informal compliment«
- humble virginia immigrant«
- hereditary tight«
- hereditary land ownership«
- hereditary elitism«
- gentelise«
- feudal partitioning«
- european caste«
- english manorial trapping«
- degreed master«
- clerical«
- century heraldists«
- central ecclesiastical power«
- caste role«
- baronial legacy«
- adeln«
- idea«
- farmer«
- liturgy«
- indian subcontinent«
- charles ii«
- widest connotation«
- sociocultural import«
- province palatinate status«
- print ancient buddhist text«
- priestly dynasty«
- outright serfdom«
- movable metal type printing press«
- medieval christendom«
- latin generosus«
- language family name«
- herr lars«
- herr han«
- geomori«
- fyrdmen«
- french gentilhomme«
- essential superiority«
- correct styling«
- clerical nobility«
- chivalric attitude«
- analogous traditional elite«
- mid-20th century«
- political power«
- volkhvs«
- true intellectual«
- term gentleman«
- strict technical requirement«
- redorer son blason«
- real dynasty«
- ideal career«
- gyllen«
- german adel«
- fundamental social division«
- english interregnum period«
- demiurgi«
- continental sense«
- common naming practice«
- cloth tunic«
- calvinist concept«
- byzantine greek east«
- basic literary skill«
- ukrainian countryside«
- silfver«
- peter cos«
- mediaeval literature«
- mediaeval institution«
- latin gentilis«
- korean monarchy«
- goryeo royal court«
- european coronation ceremony«
- earliest vision«
- classical confucianism«
- era«
- lord«
- tripartite soul«
- spirited element«
- southern gentry«
- polish rival«
- mediaeval world«
- herr olof«
- exemplary person«
- confucian gentleman«
- crusade«
- sense«
- population«
- productivity«
- exception«
- ära«
- swedish clergy«
- lithuanian gentry«
- institutional importance«
- idle pursuit«
- german segment«
- ecclesiastical calling«
- swedish«
- son«
- western ukrainian clergy«
- title dame«
- regular difference«
- protestant northern europe«
- petty person«
- oratores«
- inferior title«
- ecclesiastical address«
- deep political division«
- christian episcopal«
- bellatores«
- honour«
- institution«
- laboratores«
- european feudal system«
- eupatridae«
- curonia«
- class landowner«
- castle city«
- apparent superiority«
- rome«
- category«
- duty«
- vice admiral sir timothy laurence«
- religious hierarch«
- common endeavour«
- formation«
- ukrainian clergy«
- proper surname«
- professional clergy«
- fitzhughs«
- form«
- rank«
- roman empire«
- professional bureaucracy«
- poor nobleman«
- minor aristocracy«
- laurentius petri gothus«
- administrative integration«
- abbot«
- germany«
- mile christi«
- homoioi«
- formal demarcation«
- christian theocracy«
- american gentry«
- soldier«
- authority«
- upper clergy«
- maryland family«
- orthodox brother«
- hanseaten«
- foundational charter«
- feudal tradition«
- entire clergy«
- sovereignty«
- baron«
- voin«
- catholic aristocracy«
- virginia dynasty«
- gentiluomo«
- formal protocol«
- feudal landholder«
- ukrainian catholic priest«
- trifunctional hypothesis«
- psychological structure«
- mediaeval europe«
- courtesy book«
- confucian view«
- substantive title«
- rent income«
- realm«
- male recipient«
- heraldic rule«
- west«
- european feudalism«
- christian basis«
- chinese nobility«
- urban milieu«
- succinct description«
- chesapeake colony«
- gentilhomme«
- central tradition«
- descent«
- wealthier«
- quirites«
- mutual rivalry«
- holy catholic«
- hereditary knighthood«
- thomas innes«
- southern elite«
- professional standing army«
- ehren«
- model«
- specific society«
- grand burgher«
- baltic german nobility«
- secular aspect«
- gentle birth«
- ritual«
- country gentry«
- native aristocracy«
- communal identity«
- army«
- imperial census«
- hereditary caste«
- culture«
- western ukrainian«
- senior family«
- correct performance«
- name«
- religious administration«
- behaviour«
- hrh princess anne«
- earliest university«
- class boundary«
- chattel slave«
- learney«
- confucian society«
- scottish baron«
- gaetano mosca«
- confucianism«
- moral guide«
- laurentius petri«
- imperial exam«
- perioeci«
- milites«
- korean buddhist monk«
- formal mean«
- absolutist monarchy«
- social caste«
- regular fee«
- monarchical power«
- principal estate«
- cultural universal«
captain mark phillips, mount vernon estate, ideal community, woman, third lateran council, scottish laird, classical heritage, british upper class, first estate, hereditary aristocracy, actual money, pope, untitled nobility, second estate, warrior, symbolic capital, paramount concern, nobiles, cecilius calvert, silla period, continental europe, special sense, confucian principle, worker caste, nicene christianity, lower clergy, european, xunzi, confucian ideal, churl, eldest son, rural residence, noble ancestry, colonial american, monk, catholic, european nationality, dumézil, parliamentary purpose, practical form, southern planter, rural virginia, manorialism, time, russian nationalist, arthur charles, priestly family, similar custom, classification, humaneness, european christian, warrior caste, christian rite, colonial family, traditional elite, name(s, italic people, learning, polish szlachta, china, vaishyas, ecclesiastical study, flamen, prayer, marital alliance, european education, george dumézil, settler, single definition, peer, church movement, christianity, ethnic majority, english aristocracy, plebe, elaborate form, legitimate descendant, system, archbishop, legal barrier, british honour system, personal coat, bringers, landed aristocracy, prussian union, helot, ecclesiastical hierarchy, formal writing, court dress, suitable husband, social milieu, free peasant, british, such practice, landed estate, british usage, gregorian reform, fellow christian, definitive proof, lesser nobility, robert grosseteste, british peerage, legacy, english, spiritual discipline, monastic school, latin west, habitus, gentil, medieval society, contemporary reference, clerical celibacy, latinized form, equites, swedish nobility, administrative capacity, fierce attack, british landowner, guide, third estate, humble background, conferral, life, swedish province, paternal ancestor, second son, charles, heraldic device, emperor theodosius, east asia, latin document, social division, most school, samurai class, territorial designation, distinctive element, eastern catholic, villein, privileged class, free citizen, class society, hand, navigable water, religious principle, courtly love, finland, egoism, food storage, roman authority, fundamental idea, early modern europe, gentlewoman, legal consequence, virtual monopoly, original sense, major class, ceremony, ukrainian greek catholic church, social rank, late eighteenth, british system, swedish empire, common parlance, priest, anointing, herding, british origin, goryeo dynasty, social elite, spiritual world, thomas smith, filial piety, additional element, russification, free imperial city, apostolic church, cardinal wolsey, original family, visible sign, democratisation, natural barrier, preeminence, war, greece, reval, osmosis, church hierarchy, abbreviated form, privileged position, östergötland, latin name, political aspect, migration period, male descendant, record keeping, emperor meiji, theocracy, dominant power, german, social stratification, szlachta, divine service, joseph ii, modern japan, citizen, hierarchical structure, herr, old dominion, main division, emperor constantine, thrall, national church, cathedral school, christian value, meiji government, general robert e. lee, nicene creed, catholic clergy, strict sense, local bishop, literary tradition, industrial society, separatism, responsibility, primogeniture, numerous example, intellectual life, holy order, austria, specific region, purveyor, landholding, similar idea, feudal system, courtesy title, union, hanseatic league, first council, power vacuum, tradition, inhabitant, human culture, tax exemption, earliest settler, plantation owner, social environment, income, guarantor, princess anne, caste system, durant, modern system, generation, katana, common occurrence, human soul, class status, fiefdom, foundation, christian doctrine, anglicanism, thessalonica, codification, wealthy merchant, tokugawa ieyasu, urbanisation, tenant farmer, specialisation, free education, western roman empire, eastern orthodox, european society, thomas aquinas, free school, japanese culture, early middle age, political force, land ownership, lutheranism, disrespect, historical background, nature, aristocratic family, local inhabitant, heraldry, scotland, modern age, princely, genteel, polite, lordly, civilized, kingly, majestic, monarchical, highborn, civilised, queenlike, monarchal, kinglike, coroneted, regal, cultivated, titled, queenly, cultured, brahminical, brahminic, baronetize, baronetise, refined, knight of the square flag, knight banneret, knight bachelor, carpet knight, ruling class, duke, marquis, kingship, viscount, marquise, elite group, elite, duchess, queen regent, bachelor, countess, queen consort, tsar, ibn Talal Hussein, mikado, baroness, armiger, marquess, palatine, margrave, kingdom, queen dowager, mesne lord, people in power, dub, thane, grandee, gallant, count, empress, marchioness, dainty, palsgrave, bachelor-at-arms, tzar, lady-in-waiting, sire, tenno, milord, czar, banneret, burgrave, knight-errant, intelligentsia, geisha girl, beau monde, geisha, high society, adult, pick, elegance, chosen, few, smart set, bon ton, leader, shogun, clerisy, grownup, elect, cream, William and Mary, Ferdinand and Isabella, Ragman, Highness, Bart, Cyrus the Younger, Princess of Wales, Prince of Wales, Duke of Edinburgh, Sleeping Beauty, Sir, Rupert, Rex, Princess Diana, Prince Rupert, Prince Philip, Prince Edward, Philip, Lord, Lady Diana Frances Spencer, Lady, Elector, Edward Antony Richard Louis, Edward, Duchesse de Valentinois, Dido, Diane de Poitiers, Diana, Cyrus, 12th century, 13th century, 15th century, 2nd baron baltimore, 6th century ad., 17th century, 19th century, Faisal ibn Abdel Aziz al-Saud, Fahd ibn Abdel Aziz al-Saud, Xerxes the Great, Tarquin the Proud, Scourge of the Gods, Robert the Bruce, Pepin the Short, Mithridates the Great, Knight of the Round Table, King of the Germans, Kamehameha the Great, Justinian the Great, Ivan the Great, Isabella the Catholic, Herod the Great, Frederick the Great, Ferdinand the Great, Ferdinand the Catholic, Ethelred the Unready, Edward the Elder, Darius the Great, Cyrus the Great, Cyrus the Elder, Attila the Hun, Alfred the Great, Shah of Iran, Scourge of God, Queen of England, Principality of Monaco, Philip of Valois, Philip II of Spain, Philip II of Macedon, Mary Queen of Scots, King of Great Britain, King of France, King of England, Ferdinand of Aragon, Emperor of Rome, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Duchess of Ferrara, Juan Carlos Victor Maria de Borbon y Borbon, Xerxes I, Wales, Victor Emanuel III, Victor Emanuel II, Temujin, Templar, Tarquinius Superbus, Tarquinius, Tarquin, St. Olav, St. Olaf, Solomon, Sir Geraint, Shah Jahan, Shah, Seymour, Sennacherib, Saul, Saint Olav, Saint Olaf, Romanov, Romanoff, Roman Emperor, Roger de Mortimer, Robert I, Ras Tafari Makonnen, Ras Tafari, Ramses, Ramesses, Rameses, Queen Isabella, Qin Shi Huang Ti, Pyrrhus, Ptolemy II, Ptolemy I, Prince Charles, Prince Albert, Philip VI, Philip V, Philip II, Philip Augustus, Pepin III, Pepin, Parr, Olav II, Olaf II, Nipponese, Nefertiti, Nebuchadrezzar II, Nebuchadrezzar, Nebuchadnezzar II, Nebuchadnezzar, Napoleon III, Napoleon I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon, Mutsuhito, Muscovy, Mortimer, Montezuma II, Monaco, Mithridates VI, Mithridates, Milady, Michinomiya Hirohito, Messiah, Merovingian, Meiji Tenno, Mary Stuart, Marie Antoinette, Macbeth, Lydia Kamekeha Paki Liliuokalani, Lucrezia Borgia, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, Lordship, Little Corporal, Liliuokalani, Leonidas, Lady Godiva, Lady Emma Hamilton, Kublai Khan, Kublai Kaan, Kubla Khan, Knight Templar, King Hussein, King Ferdinand, Kamehameha I, Kaiser, Justinian I, Justinian, Juan Carlos, Jinghis Khan, Jezebel, Jeroboam I, Jeroboam, Jenghiz Khan, Japanese, Jane Seymour, James IV, James, Ivan III Vasilievich, Ivan III, Isabella I, Isabella, Ikhanaton, Hussein, Husayn, Husain, Howard, Holy Roman Emperor, Hirohito, Hezekiah, Herod, Hammurapi, Hammurabi, Hamilton, Haile Selassie, Gustavus VI, Gustavus V, Gustavus IV, Gustavus III, Gustavus II, Gustavus I, Gustavus Adolphus, Gustavus, Great Elector, Gordius, Godiva, Gilgamesh, Geraint, Genseric, Genghis Khan, Gaiseric, Frederick William IV, Frederick William III, Frederick William II, Frederick William I, Frederick William, Frederick II, Frederick I, Franz Joseph, Franz Josef I, Franz Ferdinand, Francis Joseph I, Francis Joseph, Francis Ferdinand, Ferdinand V, Ferdinand I, Ferdinand, Faruk I, Farouk I, Faisal, Fahd, Ezekias, Ethelred II, Ethelred I, Ethelred, Ethelbert, Esther, Emperor Napoleon III, Egbert, Edwin, Edmund Ironside, Edmund II, Edmund I, Don Juan, David, Darius III, Darius I, Cyrus II, Cymru, Croesus, Clovis I, Clovis, Cleopatra, Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles, Ch'in Shih Huang Ti, Catherine de Medicis, Catherine Parr, Catherine Howard, Carolingian, Carlovingian, Carl XVI Gustav, Carl XVI Gustaf, Capetian, Cambria, Bruce, Borgia, Bonaparte, Boleyn, Black Prince, Attila, Athelstan, Asurbanipal, Assurbanipal, Ashurbanipal, Artaxerxes II, Artaxerxes I, Artaxerxes, Anne Boleyn, Amy Lyon, Amenhotep IV, Alfred, Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel, Albert, Alaric, Akhenaton, Akhenaten, Ahab, Roman mythology, Ryukyuan, Nip, Jap,