fund (Also fundings, funded, funds, funding) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to fund
- monetary fund«
- store«
- stock«
- investment firm«
- investment trust«
- investment company«
- payment«
- collectively managed fund organization«
- public purse«
- funds«
- funding«
- funded«
- financial support«
- finance«
- pay«
- grant-funded«
- fund«
- trust fund«
- superannuation fund«
- slush fund«
- sinking fund«
- revolving fund«
- pension fund«
- open-end fund«
- mutual fund company«
- mutual fund«
- hedge fund«
- closed-end fund«
- unit investment trust«
- open-end investment company«
- fixed investment trust«
- closed-end investment company«
- financial backing«
- financing«
- petty cash«
- savings«
- unit trust«
- nondiscretionary trust«
- bank deposit«
- stock up«
- seed stock«
- government issue«
- face-amount certificate company«
- support«
- buy in«
- budget«
- deposit«
- put in«
- take over«
- infrastructure«
- military issue«
- issue«
- lay in«
- provision«
- backing«
- carry«
- war chest«
- bankroll«
- stash away«
- stack away«
- salt away«
- hive away«
- base«
- absorb«
- stockpile«
- nest egg«
- stash«
- hoard«
- cache«
- stockist«
- hedgefund«
- stocker«
- grubstake«
- index fund«
- exchange traded fund«
- bank«
- operating budget«
- demand deposit«
- reserve«
- save up«
- roll up«
- pile up«
- hive up«
- lay aside«
- supply«
- save«
- collect«
- back«
- farm animal«
- squirrel away«
- lay away«
- inventory«
- accumulate«
- livestock«
- seed grain«
- storage«
- bin«
- plant«
- seed corn«
- amass«
- compile«
- backlog«
- stocking«
- stockpiling«
- computerize«
- understock«
- restock«
- hive«
- overstock«
- purvey«
- victual«
- computerise«
- investment fund«
- budgetary«
- reserve fund«
- stock fund«
- meir fund«
- fund92«
- gathering fund«
- no-load fund«
- oil pollution damage«
- fund accounting«
- master fund«
- short name«
- depository financial institution«
- load fund«
- investor«
- accounting system«
- income fund«
- sovereign wealth fund«
- pay cash«
- investment vehicle«
- growth fund«
- american rabbi«
- bank building«
- international fund«
- fund of funds«
- pay out«
- feeder fund«
- pay off«
- equity fund«
- international convention«
- public institution«
- banking concern«
- bond fund«
- specific type«
- banking company«
- balanced fund«
- money«
- banking«
- unfunded«
- public sector«
- government«
- unfundable«
- fundraising«
- nonprofit organization«
- armed services«
- compensation«
- reserve account«
- fundholding«
- value«
- funder«
- provide«
- security«
- buy«
- finances«
- resource«
- establishment«
- wire transfer«
- act«
- effort«
- unemployment benefit«
- process«
- underfunded«
- business«
- put up«
- underfund«
- project«
- sponsor«
- underage«
- person«
- repay«
- trouser«
- form«
- contribute«
- treasurer«
- time«
- information processing system«
- transaction«
- tag day«
- bring home the bacon«
- switching«
- scrape up«
- surplus«
- run up«
- superfund«
- sum«
- come up«
- subgrant«
- charge«
- subfund«
- spend«
- subadvisor«
- spendthrift trust«
- see through«
- give back«
- source«
- solvency«
- keep«
- soft money«
- bread and butter«
- rummage sale«
- pull in«
- rubber-chicken dinner«
- set aside«
- rubber«
- return«
- rollover«
- ringfenced«
- free«
- ringfence«
- earnings«
- rest«
- responsibility«
- go Dutch«
- remainder trust«
- political science«
- reintermediation«
- salary«
- quasigovernmental«
- allow«
- public-private partnership«
- public school«
- collection«
- prestimony«
- appropriate«
- potless«
- porkmeister«
- pork barrel«
- fuel level«
- peculium«
- peace dividend«
- kick back«
- paper park«
- data processor«
- overfund«
- subsidize«
- out of pocket«
- commerce«
- organization«
- issuance«
- omnium«
- drop«
- nonfunded«
- compensate«
- war machine«
- mount«
- collecting«
- military machine«
- misappropriation«
- military«
- manubial«
- disburse«
- kiter«
- filing«
- imprest«
- issuing«
- wage«
- grant-in-aid«
- giro«
- bribe«
- refund«
- politics«
- living«
- corrupt«
- issuer«
- repair«
- armed forces«
- electronic computer«
- earmark«
- animal husbandry«
- remuneration«
- payer«
- release«
- computer«
- refinance«
- accumulation«
- redeem«
- chunk«
- lump«
- backer«
- pick«
- patronage«
- livelihood«
- angel«
- defray«
- catch«
- foot«
- backup«
- remit«
- supplying«
- computing machine«
- computing device«
- depositor«
- prefer«
- digest«
- championship«
- scratch«
- seed«
- prepay«
- compilation«
- assembling«
- reissue«
- unfreeze«
- accrual«
- unblock«
- furnish«
- expend«
- compiling«
- subsidise«
- render«
- grease one's palms«
- tithe«
- corral«
- fundraise«
- payee«
- fundless«
- edible«
- sustenance«
- bale«
- recompense«
- scrape«
- victualer«
- remunerator«
- redeposit«
- purveyance«
- provisioner«
- eatable«
- defrayment«
- defrayal«
- comestible«
- accruement«
- aggregation«
- indemnify«
- overpay«
- assemblage«
- commercialism«
- purveyor«
- mercantilism«
- patronize«
- beehive«
- underpay«
- hoarder«
- sutler«
- remunerate«
- pabulum«
- patronise«
- victualler«
- victuals«
- investment«
- fundable«
- conscience money«
- free-rider problem«
- blood money«
- foundationer«
- nondepository financial institution«
- financial«
- financial organization«
- exchequer«
- financial organisation«
- encash«
- financial institution«
- educology«
- draw down«
- dotation«
- cash«
- dole bludger«
- benefit«
- dividend equilisation reserve«
- distribution«
- credit union«
- credit«
- defund«
- defalcate«
- high finance«
- dark money«
- cybercapitalism«
- corporate finance«
- cut off«
- state bank«
- crowdfunding«
- soil bank«
- crowdfund«
- reserve bank«
- cost of money«
- merchant bank«
- common purse«
- member bank«
- collateral«
- lead bank«
- city technology college«
- full service bank«
- capital expenditure«
- food bank«
- burse«
- eye bank«
- bridge loan«
- commercial bank«
- bounce«
- blood bank«
- booster club«
- bed push«
- agent bank«
- logistic assistance«
- bank account«
- program library«
- tax collection«
- appropriation«
- invest«
- antifunding«
- take-home pay«
- accountable«
- strike pay«
- accountability«
- sick pay«
- academy school«
- pay up«
- pay packet«
- pay envelope«
- merit pay«
- combat pay«
- home banking«
- investing«
- initial public offering«
- business enterprise«
- exchange«
- health care delivery«
- care delivery«
- stock issue«
- donation«
- taxpayer«
- contribution«
- thrift institution«
- spending«
- initial offering«
- plunk for«
- plump for«
- support payment«
- logistic support«
- valuation account«
- allowance account«
- token payment«
- regular payment«
- immediate payment«
- final payment«
- down payment«
- deferred payment«
- buy off«
- incentive«
- grant«
- balanced budget«
- deal«
- package«
- commercial enterprise«
- paying«
- valuation reserve«
- military reserve«
- put together«
- put out«
- put«
- expense«
- offer«
- trading«
- use up«
- set up«
- make up«
- eat up«
- drum up«
- beat up«
- back up«
- ante up«
- marketing«
- work out«
- hold on«
- run through«
- expenditure«
- trade«
- carriage trade«
- give«
- partner«
- bring out«
- double time«
- subsidy«
- healthcare delivery«
- generally accepted accounting principles«
- reward«
- set«
commercial, fall, joint, sum total, key, selling, long suit, information, bear, political scientist, wipe out, top out, lay out, fit out, job lot, bush, lump sum, figure, stamp collection, coin collection, bottle collection, art collection, fee splitting, client, trash can, garbage can, tap, step, pool, reimburse, arm, tack together, pull together, number cruncher, gathering, post, data, provider, rally, maintain, ticket, meal ticket, top, extend, law, stamp collecting, index, disbursement, family, internet site, home computer, repayment, allowance, sustain, maintenance, shelter, place, minimum wage, afford, subroutine library, library, recoup, defense team, defense lawyers, defense, water, nuclear club, shell collecting, coin collecting, payoff, restore, hand, web site, site, combination, air power, flood, second, earn, yield, host, supporter, rule book, book, theme, population, living wage, outlay, variety, mass, damages, restitution, lot, tool, subscription, bonus, pump, wanton away, trifle away, piddle away, file away, installment, practical politics, conglomerate, date, block, billing, waste, commit, gather, bribery, crop, leverage, evasion, class, exhibition, premium, royalty, aviation, found, piece, tribute, liquidate, prosecution, mixed bag, website, logistics, fuel, kickback, concentrate, ransom, graft, redemption, tank, fire, mail, digital computer, analogue computer, analog computer, rogue's gallery, recycling bin, findings, indemnity, patron, defence, hit parade, blow, remittance, string, category, parts bin, file, fleet, devote, feed, penny pincher, publish, tout ensemble, ensemble, endorse, guest, archive, reservoir, fueling, exporting, rail, irrigation, equip, expo, treasure trove, treasure, bottom, pour, petting zoo, tenant, feeding, congregation, coal, pack rat, pack, flagging, trash bin, flour bin, ash bin, penalty, supplier, fit, content, satisfaction, upkeep, edge, bed, depot, merchandising, railroad, match, cater, batch, headline, border, trash barrel, calculate, hat, pile, planting, pari-mutuel machine, redress, capitalize, traffic, reservation, server, seat, warehouse, bunch, litter basket, buildup, outfit, parcel, uniform, subsistence, catchment, exposition, heat, canal, flotation, stint, garner, reparation, galaxy, patch, assemble, curtain, universe, glass, ramp, fauna, scant, accrue, bundle, wharf, bottle, eat, importing, glut, rim, tuck, costume, garage, remission, flora, berth, assortment, importation, battery, trademark, amenities, repertory, wardrobe, hallmark, scavenger, procession, amortization, residual, prepayment, mound, biology, acquirer, repertoire, retrofit, gate, predictor, spender, mixture, squander, kern, agglomeration, philately, vegetation, terrace, overpayment, pickup, additive, consume, convoy, oversupply, refueling, deplete, loft, hydrate, compose, indemnification, pantheon, interchange, mythology, e-commerce, motley, node, reckon, clutch, herbarium, presenter, moneymaking, tube, exhaust, ana, creature comforts, sustainment, headquarter, tack, subvention, paymaster, compute, scrooge, cumulus, pittance, statuary, corpus, fret, heap, amortisation, packet, jurisprudence, extragalactic nebula, smorgasbord, articulate, amends, causeway, withdrawer, upholster, underspend, troponymy, troponomy, trinketry, transistorize, transistorise, totalizer, totalizator, totaliser, tither, sustentation, subsidizer, subsidiser, subsidisation, suborner, stylemark, skep, signalize, signalise, sanitate, reposit, remittal, remitment, reflectorize, reflectorise, redeposition, quittance, penny-pinch, numismatology, niggard, nickel-and-dime, misspend, militarise, machicolate, litterbin, litter-basket, indorse, hobnail, expender, ensile, drawee, disburser, cybernate, crenelate, crenel, copper-bottom, constitutionalize, coalhole, coalbin, canalize, canalise, calk, brattice, bewhisker, ashbin, ash-bin, air-cool, air-condition, storehouse, pharmacopoeia, redeemer, renter, rendering, cornice, declassify, cosponsor, exportation, floatation, cypher, collage, subsidization, signage, capitalise, whisker, ply, entrepot, crib, summation, potpourri, expending, geopolitics, underpayment, caption, stipendiary, numismatics, menagerie, rafter, gimmickry, sop, magpie, botany, subtitle, disbursal, miser, hunk, cumulation, salmagundi, collation, biota, ware, nonpayment, cipher, condense, wanton, flinders, totalisator, zoology, grate, conveniences, comforts, mothball, terrasse, realpolitik, ashcan, crenellate, smithereens, innervate, interleave, economize, half-pay, miscellany, outgo, armamentarium, economise, cleat, dado, skimp, militarize, dustbin, caboodle, wastebin, slat, glaze, wive, restitute, alimentation, cumulate, skinflint, churl, toggle, miscellanea, surfeit, trifle, kludge, agglomerate, corbel, cloy, tenantry, alphabetize, conchology, briber, piddle, cumulative, bankable, accumulative, fiscal, expensive, lucrative, acceptable, dishonest, salaried, bribable, appropriable, acquisitive, militaristic, venal, remunerative, compensable, purchasable, corruptible, commercial-grade, investment funds, foreign direct investment, token money, smart money, hush money, sickness benefit, sick benefit, fringe benefit, disability benefit, death benefit, cost-of-living benefit, pension, insurance underwriter, insurance firm, insurance company, private treaty, savings bank, savings and loan association, savings and loan, trust corporation, trust company, trust, foundation, finance company, national bank, central bank, bottle bank, time plan, installment plan, program trading, compiling program, interest expense, loan collection, tax shelter, tax law, tax evasion, paid, portfolio, mutual aid, aid, help, lending institution, colour scheme, color scheme, public library, bond trading, real-estate business, line of business, employee-owned business, discount business, business expense, foreign exchange, stock option, securities firm, publishing firm, brokerage firm, natural resources, labor resources, securities law, workmen's compensation, government activity, relief, deficit spending, compensatory spending, offering, publishing company, fend for, call for, allow for, price support, international logistic support, interdepartmental support, interagency support, inter-service support, integrated logistic support, child support, transfer payment, disability payment, core group, boost, operating cost, cost, international law, market, commission, buy into, buy at, venture, sales incentive, donor, block grant, budget items, short sale, sale, underwrite, brokerage, industry, security deposit, employee-owned enterprise, working capital, capital, installment buying, heat energy, day of the month, cookie jar reserve, dutch auction, valance board, electronic bulletin board, bulletin board system, bulletin board, board, sell, protection, growth, trade expense, personal expense, operating expense, non-cash expense, moving expense, medical expense, lobbying expense, administration, natural resource, broker, bill, weapon system, railway system, heating system, giving, law of the land, insider trading, tote up, tot up, tie up, sum up, stack up, serve up, round up, rig up, pick up, open up, muster up, mix up, kit up, keep up, heap up, gather up, gas up, fix up, even up, dish up, cobble up, burn up, bundle up, bunch up, build up, add up, shareholder, domestic animal, electric charge, direct marketing, take out, take one's lumps, take off, take in, take, encourage, hold over, hold back, hold, ground cover, trade in, slave trade, free trade, fair trade, dividend, donate, service, military service, armed service, keep going, keep back, bring in, law of nations, ways and means, economy, accounting data, rank and file, odds and ends, bait and switch, make, kick in, factor in, chip in, built in bed, manicure set, chess set, run out, run down, commercial message, commercial law, commercial bribery, assist, governance, promote, total parenteral nutrition, total, short selling, holding, saving, long plane, annuity, change, join, union, roll over, carry over, legal expert, advertising, estimate, have got, have, construction, insurer, carry on, treasure house, publishing house, house, clearing house, commitment, turn out, sort out, play out, kit out, factor out, even out, dish out, average out, weapon of mass destruction, tower of strength, string of beads, pillar of strength, piece of furniture, pack of cards, field of operation, deck of cards, article of furniture, job, get one's lumps, get off, get, short covering, further, banker, tourism, even off, gain, meet, strong suit, shop at, disability check, trash collection, rental collection, garbage collection, offset, distribution channel, fair, drug trafficking, drug traffic, survey, building, present, particular date, operation, military operation, retail, gift, keeping, hire, sponsorship, personal computer, staff, motor pool, product, stable, cobble together, add together, conduct, high temperature, underwriter, number, settlement, bond-trading activity, rail technology, raw data, data file, lender, discount, rent, general damages, advance, statutory law, shariah law, sharia law, organic law, military law, mercantile law, martial law, law merchant, fundamental law, ecclesiastical law, common law, civil law, case law, canon law, administrative law, stamp collector, stamp, date stamp, woodwind family, violin family, brass family, harvest home, transportation, separate, crime, production, march, factor, endorsement, spur, award, agriculture, tube-shaped structure, military personnel, reimbursement, leave, transfer, capitalization, acquire, factory farm, water boy, club, core, on/off switch, draw off, burn off, adjustment, military uniform, military police, military man, poker hand, bridge hand, portal site, swap, filing clerk, filing cabinet, criminal offense, criminal offence, sort, excess, power, mobilization, mobilize, lavish, open, preserve, extra, export, field hut, field, sign, liquidation, average, range, stand, introduce, art exhibition, distribute, represent, clear, punitive damages, nominal damages, exemplary damages, compensatory damages, actual damages, right, restoration, rebate, mean, forced feeding, technical, pump priming, frivol away, fritter away, fool away, file cabinet, lease, governing, privy purse, margin, histocompatibility complex, fine, slide rule, friend, depository, recession, equipment, lift, charter, connection, substitution class, retention, letter, stipend, zero, chat room, publishing, solicit, transport, selection, computer science, railroad track, black marketeer, man, publication, withdraw, serve, powder magazine, magazine, electronic transistor, mixed, defend, domesticated animal, draw, add, realize, railway line, railroad line, justice, storage tank, merge, newspaper publisher, newspaper headline, retreat, contrarian, hate mail, fan mail, engage, appointment, garden, mainframe computer, coin collector, mix, resolve, woods, star, air traffic, air conditioning, air conditioner, treat, funeral pyre, fill, awarding, harvest, import, troops, wholesale, publisher, convert, solve, quartet, army hut, bull, drain, vehicle traffic, instrument, fulfill, forest, frequent, syntactic category, grammatical category, spot, arbitrage, merchandise, file server, file clerk, battle fleet, sanitation, inform, bounty, fraction, powder store, suite, kit, horse, box, withhold, retain, storage warehouse, stave, channel, conversion, appoint, sap, refuse, output, deny, assistant, remedy, calculation, wagon train, train, triple, tighten one's belt, wolf pack, catalog, correct, satisfy, smuggling, salvage, combine, intravenous feeding, infant feeding, sex, disk pack, disc pack, surety, collar, dump, denomination, mailing, booster, affluent, foot traffic, shipping, forfeiture, heating plant, heating, feeder, grab bag, trio, shop, pair, turnout, agribusiness, divide, toggle switch, on-off switch, catalogue, parade, guess, nest, stockholder, fishing, integrate, dumping, aggregate, peddling, score, shock, shekels, accommodate, weapon, signal, distributor, printing, arming, computing, nurture, compost pile, choir, deduct, von Neumann machine, calculating machine, retailing, vary, vehicular traffic, slave traffic, pedestrian traffic, commuter traffic, tally, wire, constitution, judge, bracket, sugar, alphabet soup, completing, speculate, garbage pickup, alimony, slip, mobilise, jointing plane, jointer plane, syndication, portal, mobilisation, calculator, complementary, strain, rank, capitalisation, reap, railway, recruiter, precedent, harbor, mercenary, repository, camphor ball, ball, cluster, leveraging, packaging, barter, gauge, champion, depositary, legend, spiral galaxy, brier patch, costume designer, giver, cylindrical lining, cull, telemarketing, spigot, retribution, forfeit, rig, figuring, offense, squandering, glass cutter, atonement, spiral nebula, compound, bondholder, fool, concentration, procure, telescope, wood, manufacture, burn, hook, harvesting, breed, occupancy, mob, paradigm, loot, triad, classical mythology, blend, trash pickup, equipping, rake, amend, overpriced, guarantor, sensory hair, tributary, indexing, mantle, bunker, declassification, stall, shower, caravan, hay bale, harbour, battery charger, extract, shoot, perk, brace, subscriber, acceptor, saver, overhead, plundering, furniture, flotilla, fruit, pearl, payola, fitting, prolong, vending, brush, resale, ratepayer, dear, marshal, mold, depletion, signaling, reposition, honorarium, assorted, materiel, muster, dish, fulfil, bread, deposition, dispenser, warehousing, oyster, quadruple, deck, alms, caller, realise, irrigate, quintet, stack, jam, pimp, nucleus, godfather, shariah, refit, computation, publicizing, splurge, sharia, differential analyzer, offence, dateline, cortege, lettuce, armor, soap, tenancy, shaft, glazer, mainframe, lactation, recharge, approximate, reckoning, throng, cabbage, logjam, lid, fin, tire, quintuple, hut, thread, compiler, sextet, optical condenser, profligate, pier, drumbeat, sampler, flame, rectify, summon, tightwad, classify, blurb, teeth, nugget, pall, regaining, admirer, protagonist, singleton, estimator, computerization, kennel, armament, flux, torrent, drift, helper, browse, munition, clustering, motorcade, differentiate, dough, metadata, warmth, juncture, prodigal, balk, deluge, armour, amortize, headliner, compost heap, innervation, witches' broth, commercialize, counterbalance, multiply, tot, capsule, pander, militarism, overspend, commute, alphabet, digestion, clothe, witches' brew, witch's brew, waterer, warrantor, warranter, warehouser, vibrissa, vendition, variegate, touristry, teleselling, telecommerce, tapster, synset, summate, subvent, stinter, steam-heat, squanderer, spoonfeeding, slipstick, slagheap, simoleons, shmear, shinplaster, septette, seconder, schmeer, roomer, reseat, requital, repositing, repletion, rente, remilitarize, remilitarise, refurnish, ratifier, raree-show, quantise, pinchgut, pelmet, pelf, patronne, omnium-gatherum, octette, nutrify, numismatologist, narcotraffic, mythologise, mythicize, mythicise, mulct, muckhill, muckheap, motorize, motorise, misestimate, mingle-mangle, mechanise, maculation, machicolation, law-breaking, indorser, indorsement, immix, hyperalimentation, guerdon, glassworker, glass-cutter, gallimaufry, figurer, expensiveness, ensilage, edibleness, economiser, dunghill, double-glaze, domiciliate, distributer, deprave, datemark, date-mark, cybernation, crenelle, crenellation, crenelation, costumier, corruptibility, conglobation, congeries, conferrer, confect, comfit, collocate, capsulize, capsulise, brierpatch, birdnest, bird-nest, barratry, assort, articulatio, anthologize, anthologise, amortise, amercement, aliment, aerophilately, accoutre, accouter, acceptableness, patio, dissipation, octet, scrub, dock, sponge, beads, mould, congregate, heater, rearm, hookup, outfitter, snail, nourish, workstation, caterer, indulge, getup, subtract, warmer, clustered, nodule, truss, edit, muzzle, secondment, philatelist, septet, intersection, grudging, meed, spar, valance, condenser, glean, thicket, hawking, horseshoe, exhaustion, hodgepodge, acquaint, leaseholder, filer, outfitting, attic, mooring, moolah, presentment, endorser, consort, junction transistor, junction, coalesce, kale, dissipate, infinitesimal calculus, calculus, inferior, condensation, bootlegging, nought, fuse, charger, clam, stair, amalgam, furnishing, setter, categorize, adorn, dinero, moorage, confuse, commingle, bunk, microcomputer, reservist, meld, configure, centralization, boarder, grasping, subvert, railing, lodger, waster, expiation, commercialized, mishmash, jurist, refuel, suborn, articulation, armada, palimony, pluck, fleck, redound, upholstery, patching, minter, loaner, dalliance, minicomputer, avifauna, conglomeration, collate, regale, garret, fling, gelt, topper, clams, glazier, drape, subpopulation, patroness, serviceman, gutter, chapeau, lucre, swop, scavenge, railhead, granary, nut, shareowner, upholsterer, haplotype, misdirect, wisp, acceptability, butchery, pervert, reckoner, wastefulness, debase, coppice, lessee, demoralize, incline, multiprocessor, declension, dentition, railroading, inundation, midden, transact, bibliotheca, speckle, conjugation, costumer, shrubbery, emolument, flaming, gratify, chaparral, tankage, godparent, melange, jumble, cavalcade, complexion, clump, consumptive, overabundance, extrapolate, pyre, baulk, militarization, brier, groundcover, reassemble, commercialised, scrapheap, coiner, triplet, perquisite, suckling, underlay, boodle, cheapskate, wastrel, simony, remediate, underside, chatroom, encapsulate, wampum, fisc, relegate, profane, battlement, fritter, undergird, rejig, dapple, drapery, militarisation, recessional, abridgment, bushing, confection, schmear, peepshow, abridgement, quintette, commercialise, re-equip, recalculate, numismatist, compositor, trifling, centralisation, woodpile, miscalculate, interpolate, clod, butchering, typographer, brushwood, overcompensation, venality, equipage, wharfage, transistor, tapper, confluent, silage, canalization, undersurface, mechanize, soldiery, ravening, indexer, reseed, copse, thriftiness, ragbag, requite, accrete, hotchpotch, vitiate, quartette, edibility, acquisitiveness, quintuplet, possessive, overfeeding, demoralise, prorate, rentier, farrago, mythologist, lolly, agglomerated, quadruplet, corncrib, sestet, hotness, moneyer, edger, spline, typesetter, conchologist, mythologize, accost, categorise, bestower, tankful, glob, warehouseman, luxuriate, threescore, economizer, jointer, quantize, geostrategy, calkin, grating, canalisation, debauch, gavage, dawdling, sextette, oddments, drench, conflate, vegetate, waste of money, seed money, ransom money, money changer, insurance, commercial credit company, trust busting, sales finance company, consumer finance company, commercial finance company, captive finance company, sperm bank, assistance, raise, vested interest, interest, small loan company, loan shark, loan, withholding tax, tax bracket, income tax bracket, income bracket, nonprofit, teaching aid, pay back, monetary value, endowment, charity, meat-packing business, business line, business deal, mineral resources, land resources, waste of effort, naval campaign, military campaign, campaign hat, campaign, life support, account, guarantee, group, unit cost, reproduction cost, replacement cost, production cost, opportunity cost, marketing cost, handling cost, distribution cost, cost overrun, cost of living, borrowing cost, market place, food market, black market, term of a contract, helping, treasury, economic expert, future date, physical value, part with, part of speech, part, venture capital, auction sale, purchase, addition, great deal, good deal, deal out, software package, dual inline package switch, marriage brokerage, brokerage house, property, cottage industry, profit, gross profit margin, gross profit, risk capital, risk arbitrage, new edition, amount, industrial enterprise, share, operating capital, capital offense, well water, increase, housing, waste of energy, geothermal energy, continue, auction off, auction, price bracket, price, put down, ledger board, soft sell, sell short, sell off, hard sell, second growth, old growth, travel expense, minor expense, incidental expense, corporation law, corporation, rescue equipment, wall unit, central processing unit, own, renewable resource, acquisition, social control, social class, receive, fool's cap, dunce's cap, dunce cap, cap, offer up, weapons system, subway system, life-support system, fuel system, engine cooling system, electrical system, cooling system, top of the line, roll in the hay, office furniture, horse trading, wise up, wash up, using up, trick up, tog up, summing up, stick up, stand up, spit up, pony up, patch up, link up, line up, lift up, hot up, hook up, heat up, gussy up, give up, get up, foot up, fig up, fancy up, dress up, deck up, cough up, call up, domestic dog, domestic cat, cut, positive charge, negative charge, handling charge, electrostatic charge, be intimate, be, work, artistic creation, take home, plus, report, raiser, taking hold, hold down, get hold, cover, establish, create, horse trade, give suck, give notice, give away, reduce, come by, central processor, central heating, selective service, postal service, mail service, build, keep on, keep down, bring home, fraud, waste of time, time signal, harvest time, come upon, come into, come, center, reduction, push, economy of scale, combined operation, leading edge, heart and soul, bow and arrow, make out, make love, sleep in, shovel in, rake in, rail in, partake in, mix in, live in, glass in, fill in, blend in, saw set, livingroom set, diningroom set, bedroom set, run, direct sum, have it off, have it away, have a go at it, get it on, do it, lend, return ticket, synovial joint, fibrous joint, fetlock joint, principal, master key, ignition key, quite a little, move, event planner, borrow, natal day, bet, making known, information gathering, bear witness, voluntary, call attention, turn over, legal philosophy, have sex, have intercourse, tell on, pass on, feed on, count on, butt on, house cat, full house, dog house, adding machine, go against, tucker out, try out, trick out, tog out, squeeze out, shell out, rig out, puzzle out, press out, point out, parcel out, mete out, flood out, figure out, fig out, eke out, dole out, deck out, water of hydration, water of crystallization, water of crystallisation, waste of material, stockholder of record, piece of material, piece of leather, piece of cloth, method of fluxions, line of products, line of merchandise, implements of war, heat of transformation, heat of solution, heat of formation, heat of dissociation, chest of drawers, calculus of variations, accordance of rights, get laid, get back, sleep with, lie with, dispense with, stake, legislation, semantic role, participant role, luck into, distress call, bugle call, tidy sum, idea, broad gauge, volunteer, military volunteer, official, dealing, primary dentition, all clear, regulatory offense, regulatory offence, less, first derivative, turn, terms, write, telephone order, marching order, wealthy person, force, air force officer, air force, slush, close, plant life, high life, simulated military operation, psychological operation, peacekeeping operation, mathematical operation, covert operation, amphibious operation, retail merchant, remainder, full complement, merger, dealer, start, water tap, tap water, portion, takeover arbitrage, oil heater, lamp oil, heating oil, fuel oil, diesel oil, coal oil, specific heat, crow step, corbel step, low quality, vice crime, speculation, send word, send, software product, product line, cutting implement, cutting edge, peacekeeping mission, mission, military mission, labor coach, show, chief justice, chief assistant, bureau, kind, haven, light arm, sleep together, bunch together, generate, high treason, high sign, high hat, high explosive, demand feeding, list, telephone number, phone number, number crunching, viaticus settlement, viatical settlement, activity, win back, carry back, performing arts, card game, train ticket, theatre ticket, theater ticket, season ticket, round-trip ticket, railroad ticket, plane ticket, commutation ticket, bus ticket, airplane ticket, top hat, food additive, food, subsidiary, analysis, reason, contract, staggered head, stagger head, head gate, head, problem solver, statute law, maritime law, marine law, admiralty law, decline, economist, find, launch, record, grammatical case, case, spring water, peacekeeping, home, assess, recover, air transportation, counter, due date, drop line, drop curtain, drop cloth, opening, contributor, sit down, hose down, burn down, boil down, war crime, victimless crime, insure, shore patrol, deductible, artistic production, view, weekend warrior, hunger march, panel heating, fallout shelter, collapsible shelter, multiplier factor, dealings, stay, decide, trader, arms, printing process, mathematical process, rich person, enlisted person, museum, depository library, financier, common, lower berth, lower, personnel, announce, appraisal, form class, coalition, bad, butt against, farm, starting signal, water heater, water glass, water gas, water faucet, water bed, soft water, holy water, hard water, ground water, fresh water, distilled water, bilge water, bath water, supplement, quarter, jump suit, look, times, rake off, rail off, palm off, foist off, fob off, let, military officer, accept, gas heater, gas heat, gas, coal gas, drive, safety rail, safety glass, safety fuse, hand tool, hand calculator, depend, advocate, criminal, talent scout, power tool, try, attempt, consumption, industrial watercourse, advise, getting, settle, natural glass, secretary, forecast, press, curb, lead glass, bit field, wage earner, point, white heat, officer, utility, disposal, wash-hand stand, art, inject, bulk, single bed, obtain, learning, space heater, philanthropist, collective, tool kit, shaping tool, lawn tool, garden tool, know, worker, trained worker, skilled worker, cards, corp, feed upon, enter upon, diversification, suggest, stepped line, answer, minority, barter away, centre, pyramid, artificial intelligence, cabinet, sell-by date, rain date, maturity date, operate, valuable, double bed, rental, presentation, sports equipment, standard gauge, rule, break, size, test equipment, robotics equipment, recording equipment, radiotherapy equipment, photographic equipment, naval equipment, game equipment, electronic equipment, conducting wire, conducting, word class, socio-economic class, red heat, red fire, living accommodations, grow, majority, regular army, administer, reach, hard coal, enter, volume, schedule feeding, explain, balloon seat, heart, ordinary, friendly, desktop publishing, air transport, biological science, agent, refuge, evidence, recruit, husband, gross, piece goods, chamber, warning signal, deduction, naval forces, ground forces, right-hand man, navy man, man Friday, hatchet man, fancy man, integration, electronic signal, reference, model, fashion model, toll, royal flush, damage, link, animal communication, nuclear fuel, fossil fuel, diesel fuel, prove, breast feeding, witness, counting, line, division, justify, poll, aide, introduction, yard goods, hot-water tank, accord, secondary dentition, fire ship, trial judge, brown coal, tell, brand, bell seat, bell cote, bell cot, tip sheet, prompt, produce, faculty, benefactor, nutrition, derived function, convertible, computer programming, computer programing, heavy weapon, couple, coin, nursing, chair, bosun's chair, boatswain's chair, construct, material, combustible material, ground glass, concentrated, soft glass, soft coal, air, veteran soldier, veteran, tourist, platform bed, tender, picture rail, camp bed, decrease, sanctuary, fix, front bench, cable railway, theater prompter, theater curtain, holder, gang, deputy, strike, express, slaughter, draft, troop, acquiring, attack, round, seller, variable, nuclear weapon, submit, marketplace, army, lodging, radio beam, radio beacon, statistics, marriage mart, marriage bed, race, linguistic communication, enroll, ring, programming, split rail, indicator, salt depletion, virgin forest, rain forest, felt hat, wood spirit, win, capitalist, spree, worn spot, tackle, baby tears, baby bed, satellite, artificial satellite, ski jump, jump seat, launder, print, serving, master, battle dress, minimize, alert, sole, sow one's wild oats, ordnance store, grocery store, livingroom suite, diningroom suite,