exact (Also exacts, exacted, exacter, exactest, exacting) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to exact
- demand«
- claim«
- take«
- precise«
- accurate«
- word-for-word«
- true«
- strict«
- spot on«
- sharp«
- rapacious«
- perfect«
- money-grubbing«
- grasping«
- fastidious«
- extortionate«
- exacting«
- demanding«
- correct«
- burdensome«
- acquisitive«
- exact«
- literal«
- mathematical«
- direct«
- call in«
- call«
- right«
- command«
- rigorous«
- photographic«
- verbatim«
- straight«
- word-perfect«
- letter-perfect«
- callable«
- exacter«
- exact air«
- precision«
- actual«
- exactor«
- exact coloring«
- exactness«
- ex'act«
- exactitude«
- proper«
- exactly«
- american independent book«
- demander«
- exactingness«
- exacto«
- preciseness«
- exactingly«
- exact couple«
- exaction«
- clear«
- severity«
- complete«
- dutch software company«
- validity«
- exactable«
- exact edition«
- margin call«
- ideal«
- exact sequence«
- content management platform«
- very«
- zero deflection«
- multivariate calculus«
- correctness«
- van Stockum dust«
- exact differential«
- mathematics«
- valid«
- unexacted«
- xact«
- hardness«
- unexact«
- exact algorithm«
- math«
- on the nose«
- truth«
- real property law«
- rigor«
- on the button«
- exact change«
- harshness«
- due«
- standard«
- spectral sequence«
- stiffness«
- square«
- canadian airline«
- strictness«
- dead on target«
- rightness«
- short«
- exo«
- maths«
- real«
- extortion«
- close«
- satisfy«
- sniper rifle«
- stringency«
- require«
- same exact«
- disambiguation«
- trueness«
- expect«
- rule«
- operation research«
- severeness«
- dead«
- robber baron«
- companies«
- rigourousness«
- want«
- register«
- graph theory«
- rigorousness«
- explicit«
- ratiocination«
- company«
- minuteness«
- ransom«
- computer science«
- inclemency«
- rack-renter«
- music«
- rigour«
- genuine«
- quick-and-dirty«
- studio album«
- ask«
- punctual«
- concept«
- cogency«
- hard«
- puncticular«
- source«
- literalness«
- rough«
- promise«
- produce«
- microscopic«
- fine«
- perturbation theory«
- nice«
- performance«
- narrow«
- payment«
- minute«
- overprecise«
- meticulous«
- overexquisite«
- down pat«
- overexact«
- down«
- impeccable«
- obtain«
- idyllic«
- severe«
- midmost«
- methodical«
- tough«
- kernel«
- idealized«
- inexactly«
- mastered«
- inadequation«
- surgical«
- imprecise«
- importune«
- tight«
- image«
- harsh«
- guisto«
- cold«
- finicky«
- clean«
- fine art«
- falling«
- stringent«
- fact«
- faithful«
- extort«
- flawless«
- excessive«
- inclement«
- exceeding«
- immaculate«
- dun«
- exactment«
- idealised«
- skillful«
- spartan«
- mint«
- abrasive«
- consummate«
- pluperfect«
- faultless«
- high-fidelity«
- veracious«
- unflawed«
- perfectible«
- hard-and-fast«
- finespun«
- denotative«
- hairsplitting«
- dead-on«
- uncorrupted«
- hi-fi«
- undefiled«
- punctilious«
- clamor«
- errorless«
- clamour«
- specific«
- exactify«
- exactification«
- incorrect«
- exacted«
- logical«
- exact same«
- wrong«
- enforce«
- refer«
- effort«
- sure«
- dromion«
- desirable«
- dendrochronology«
- fitting«
- distinct«
- decimate«
- deadweight«
- need«
- dead-nuts«
- careful«
- dead center«
- involve«
- critically«
- critical«
- counterpole«
- collect«
- copying press«
- conforming«
- compel«
- wish«
- call for«
- cloning«
- legal«
- casuist«
- insisting«
- arithmetic«
- care«
- attention«
- legitimate«
- approximate«
- bad«
- accuracy«
- denote«
- binding«
- sound«
- title«
- overdue«
- decent«
- challenge«
- truthful«
- unpleasant«
- validated«
- prospect«
- becoming«
- pressure«
- wishing«
- payable«
- disagreeable«
- collectible«
- clear-cut«
- postulate«
- necessitate«
- invariable«
- reasoned«
- trig«
- utopian«
- kosher«
- out-of-pocket«
- comme il faut«
- receivable«
- unblemished«
- unbroken«
- halal«
- collectable«
- victorian«
- puritanical«
- unsparing«
- requisition«
- blackmail«
- delinquent«
- blackjack«
- effectual«
- decorous«
- unrhetorical«
- unmutilated«
- tight-laced«
- straightlaced«
- square-toed«
- nonindulgent«
- apodictic«
- apodeictic«
- seemly«
- hone«
- cod«
- trenchant«
- clamoring«
- prudish«
- counterclaim«
- prissy«
- prim«
- clean-cut«
- unmarred«
- repayable«
- comely«
- priggish«
- clamouring«
- well-grounded«
- straight-laced«
- strait-laced«
- straitlaced«
- insurance claim«
- applied mathematics«
- applied math«
- pure mathematics«
- mathematician«
- directness«
- blackmailer«
- extortionist«
- straightness«
- extortioner«
- clearcutness«
- the true«
- theory of probability«
- probability theory«
- probability theorist«
- wage claim«
- pay claim«
- number theorist«
- numerical analysis«
- analysis situs«
- set theory«
- group theory«
- mathematical statistician«
- linear programming«
- reality«
- formula«
- clarity«
- statistics«
- requirement«
- perfection«
- expectation«
- scientific discipline«
- geometry«
- insistence«
- completeness«
- infinitesimal calculus«
- calculus«
- ne plus ultra«
- hue and cry«
- von Neumann«
- ultimatum«
- algebra«
- science«
- claimant«
- immediacy«
- topology«
- realism«
- roughness«
- scientist«
- propriety«
- outlook«
- faithfulness«
- trigonometry«
- genuineness«
- fidelity«
- clearness«
- meticulousness«
- idyll«
- word-splitting«
- wanter«
- validness«
- uncloudedness«
- trigonometrician«
- punctiliousness«
- properness«
- pointedness«
- needer«
- meticulosity«
- impeccability«
- immediateness«
- geometrician«
- flawlessness«
- faultlessness«
- downrightness«
- correctitude«
- arithmetician«
- algebraist«
- al-Haytham«
- statistician«
- verity«
- explicitness«
- perfectibility«
- crudeness«
- abrasiveness«
- realness«
- straightforwardness«
- ideality«
- metamathematics«
- scrupulousness«
- geometer«
- calculate«
- certain«
- particular«
- appropriate«
- reference«
- identify«
- detailed«
- unique«
- elaborate«
- necessary«
- immediate«
- lay claim«
- figure«
- name«
- reasonable«
- defined«
- peculiar«
- individual«
- geometric«
- mistaken«
- take in«
- take a firm stand«
- essential«
- work out«
- cost«
- effect«
- return«
- hard to please«
- come back«
- straightforward«
- process«
- apply«
- erroneous«
- wish well«
- compute«
- geometrical«
- twist around«
- twist«
- tangible«
- quality«
- false«
- constant«
- insist«
- limited«
- statistical«
- anticipate«
- draw«
- cry out for«
- cry for«
- trying«
- special«
- desire«
- indirect«
- light«
- algebraic«
- negative«
- hope«
- grim«
- outlined«
- terrible«
- primary«
- recall«
- pretty«
- dream«
- awful«
- pointed«
- like«
- polish up«
- brush up«
- impractical«
- painful«
- requisite«
- finish«
- thorough«
- sad«
- force«
- prosaic«
- sensible«
- hark back«
- press«
state, elaborated, expressed, arithmetical, repetitive, round off, embarrassing, trigonometric, ad hoc, culture, unhappy, poor, invariant, dreadful, stressful, circumstantial, honest, ill, protective, distressing, formulate, painstaking, honorable, well-defined, sorry, round, unsuitable, crude, express, corrective, disciplinary, fearful, open, govern, hellish, optimize, polish, unvarying, austere, mortal, grace, lamentable, hopeless, heuristic, deplorable, reckon, acid, exigent, lousy, unfavorable, bitter, reserve, forbidding, hot, rack, annoying, sincere, atrocious, unfavourable, contiguous, crisp, scrupulous, fallacious, stern, pitiful, blue, bothersome, downright, crystalline, unspeakable, mediocre, existent, vexing, wring, frightful, tart, squeeze, naughty, irritating, blatant, rotten, mortifying, conscientious, pesky, virulent, teasing, chiseled, insistent, abominable, cipher, needy, galling, airy, visionary, sore, rubber, gouge, uncool, windy, optimise, pervert, merciless, horrid, repellent, incompetent, matter-of-fact, knifelike, caustic, nettlesome, slur, dour, unsweet, too-careful, sharp-worded, self-restraining, self-disciplined, self-abnegating, renunciative, renunciant, rebarbative, puritanic, plaguy, plaguey, pestiferous, perfecter, particularised, overcareful, nerve-racking, hard-to-please, god-awful, formularize, formularise, euphemize, euphemise, disciplinal, denotive, convolute, clamant, blow-by-blow, algebraical, afflictive, acerb, aboveboard, icky, unskilled, beastly, cypher, acerbic, crappy, unrefined, shakedown, stinking, acrid, unprocessed, plainspoken, changeless, veridical, misgiving, unsullied, ungrateful, blistering, stinky, studious, nerve-wracking, stainless, particularized, arrogate, cloudless, swingeing, unstained, unclouded, unmerciful, strident, monkish, shitty, repellant, razor-sharp, echt, corky, clamorous, vitriolic, untarnished, untainted, corked, sulfurous, no-good, sophisticate, self-denying, vexatious, pestering, vociferous, sulphurous, definitive, definite, true to, condition, duplicate, difficult, simple, crystal clear, clear up, find, ultimate, relative, sort out, sort, imply, objective, thought, number, historical, be, birth, required, stated, words, realistic, realized, longer, clarify, subject, must, full, transfer, setting, incomplete, exist, take to, case, give tongue to, give, search, optimum, characteristic, pattern, toll, work on, work, absolute, use, authentic, announce, measured, assign, fit, reliable, lack, move, position, whole, consistent, equal, unfortunate, characterize, measure, have, discover, come to, naming, relate, look into, look, set, witness, release, wait, all, making, suspect, needed, decided, touch on, shed light on, bear on, routine, in good taste, good, searching, entire, total, documented, proceed, turn, abstract, being, replicate, factual, inaccurate, graphic, repeat, modern, worse, focus, primitive, request, psychological, ancient, go for, go back, go against, go, line, try, attempt, price, control, linguistic, attack, realised, seek, have-to doe with, quail at, list, man, alive, integral, mapping, locating, closer, straighten out, fleshed out, concrete, job, deliberate, measuring, best, comprehensive, touch, improper, positioning, machine, completed, hiding, lust after, lech after, practice, investigate, meet, works, help, pure, double, rightful, declared, tone, last, through, accomplished, instant, feel like, implicit, attested, supply, criminal, deceased, old, informal, coherent, break, devise, explore, rank, fair, match, pretend, conduct, writing, baby, quest, service, stuff, bag, await, exercise, nutritional, fast, concern, unmistakable, plus, qualify, game, signing, imperfect, vote, play, vivid, sheer, face, male, adult, intact, exhaustive, solid, train, power, ease, training, self, rigid, confident, authenticated, evil, worst, ethnic, broad, neutral, ethical, support, specialized, aid, radical, research, discipline, market, provision, procedural, firm, lawful, dish, illuminate, teaching, innocent, imperative, refine, fancy, elucidate, worth, acute, recite, convert, female, concealing, plain, commit, cleared, hunt, healthy, torture, befitting, architectonic, stranger, computing, school, breach, invent, expert, worship, prudent, national, utter, unequivocal, intelligent, fossil, commission, acting, quarter, documentary, active, grooming, air, dismantling, party, counter, ambition, offensive, circuitous, intellectual, hunting, insured, humor, performing, cautious, indispensable, leading, assist, pertain, liver, inexorable, liquid, pleasant, waste, mourning, unpalatable, readable, trust, playing, transparent, opponent, unreal, engineer, cryptographic, apprehend, romance, native, roundabout, violate, winding, partner, tectonic, twisting, sport, inelegant, tenable, participating, verbalize, unquestionable, specialised, immune, nasty, hardcore, recur, supporting, undamaged, forge, tongue, endeavor, hijack, bona fide, crave, utility, stand-alone, miss, unanimous, keen, married, mouse, expressible, cry, solo, activating, jewel, burst, unsubtle, buzz, personalize, nude, spoil, unforgiving, neighbor, juvenile, amateur, humour, hunger, lucid, doings, supplying, loyal, devote, ruthless, dear, offend, referent, enumerate, fierce, dedicate, decipherable, full-scale, combatant, cashier, referential, mincing, cultivate, aboriginal, morganatic, penetrating, ward, serene, heterosexual, orphan, heartfelt, individualize, slave, homosexual, misconduct, dependable, educate, ape, fugitive, mediate, earnest, literate, thirst, honourable, sin, runaway, impoverished, point-blank, piercing, puncture, gracious, readying, grouping, gay, rambling, anti, diversionary, fingerprinting, fiduciary, contrive, agnostic, meandering, departed, segregate, characterise, beard, primed, exonerated, all-or-nothing, vindicated, prima facie, devious, nondescript, self-contained, courteous, neighbour, wandering, inviolate, translucent, starve, vaporous, relentless, itemize, outlaw, crying, well-founded, nonpartisan, junior, vent, thrifty, contemplative, nonstop, censor, cordial, criminalize, bereaved, behaviorist, compulsive, endeavour, metallurgical, bespeak, askance, sedate, commonsensical, pitiless, veritable, indigent, cryptanalytic, hyaline, fine-tune, diligent, commonsense, semitransparent, transgress, uninjured, unobstructed, playacting, advocate, lust, all-out, look-alike, energizing, needful, blond, blonde, walk-in, unrelenting, whole-souled, welcomer, voider, verbalise, vapourous, unpitying, unfrosted, uncomplete, unappeasable, truehearted, sure-enough, squinter, squint-eyed, scrag, right-down, reduplicate, perspicuous, personate, percipient, nutritionary, nonpartizan, niminy-piminy, necessitous, luculent, lawfully-begotten, itemise, infract, inexplicit, individualise, inculpate, illegalize, illegalise, ill-natured, hyaloid, honest-to-goodness, honest-to-god, highjack, heart-whole, grade-appropriate, gauze-like, full-clad, extravert, exculpated, excogitate, eristic, dyslectic, designative, crystalise, cryptographical, criminate, commonsensible, clear-thinking, civilise, bowelless, asquint, askant, anti-American, all-or-none, agrological, agrologic, agrobiological, agrobiologic, pat, incisive, straining, gentile, peer, destitute, discriminating, forte, belligerent, hale, brunet, metrological, gauzy, begrudge, devout, accuse, barrage, unfaithful, incriminate, commoner, remorseless, penetrative, felonious, out-and-out, staid, personify, displeasing, polyglot, clearheaded, asthmatic, dainty, full-dress, absolved, individualist, metallurgic, counterterrorist, dissident, appellative, cryptologic, hearty, itch, scourge, gossamer, consecrate, sidelong, extensional, unswerving, crystallize, diaphanous, enlighten, see-through, impeach, grownup, capitalist, revenant, introvert, stigmatic, extrovert, twee, coarseness, coerce, brunette, squint, kink, transsexual, personalise, left-handed, crystalize, cripple, supernumerary, stiffening, criminalise, crystallise, cryptological, envy, nonresident, agronomic, allover, abstinent, noncompliant, cutthroat, undeviating, wholehearted, door-to-door, hard-core, full-blown, romanticist, pellucid, agronomical, level-headed, tigerish, poverty-stricken, monolingual, unfeigned, abstemious, limpid, filmy, levelheaded, outcaste, fleer, disobedient, thoroughgoing, dupe, transvestite, cobwebby, behaviourist, squinty, self-confident, civilize, self-assured, homophile, malcontent, testate, Bayes, Hero of Alexandria, John von Neumann, Pierre de Fermat, Pierre Simon de Laplace, Marquis de Laplace, Marquis de Condorcet, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham, William Rowan Hamilton, Wiener, Whitehead, Weil, Vernier, Veblen, Turing, Thomas Bayes, Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Sir Isaac Newton, Riemann, Rene Descartes, Regiomontanus, Pythagoras, Peirce, Paul Vernier, Pascal, Oswald Veblen, Omar Khayyam, Norbert Wiener, Noether, Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, Niels Henrik Abel, Niels Abel, Newton, Neumann, Nathaniel Bowditch, Napier, Muller, Mobius, Minkowski, Markov, Markoff, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Mandelbrot, Lobachevsky, Leopold Kronecker, Leonhard Euler, Leibniz, Leibnitz, Laplace, Kurt Godel, Kronecker, Klein, Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, Karl Gauss, Karl Friedrich Gauss, John Napier, John Bernoulli, Johann Muller, Johann Bernoulli, Jean Bernoulli, Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, James Bernoulli, Jakob Bernoulli, Jacques Bernoulli, Jacobi, Isaac Newton, Ibn al-Haytham, Hipparchus, Hilbert, Heron, Hero, Hermann Minkowski, Hamilton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, Godel, George Boole, Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, Gauss, Galois, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, Fourier, Fermat, Felix Klein, Evariste Galois, Euler, Eratosthenes, Emmy Noether, Diophantus, Descartes, David Hilbert, Condorcet, Bowditch, Boole, Blaise Pascal, Bessel, Bernoulli, Bernhard Riemann, Benoit Mandelbrot, Benjamin Peirce, Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, August Ferdinand Mobius, August F. Mobius, Archimedes, Andrei Markov, Andre Weil, Andre Markoff, Alhazen, Alhacen, Alfred North Whitehead, Alan Turing, Alan Mathison Turing, Abel, Utopian, Riemannian, Pythagorean, Newtonian, Markovian, Leibnizian, Leibnitzian, Laputan, Gaussian, Cartesian, Boolean, Young, White, Virgin, Victorian, Twin, Slav, Ram, Negroid, Negro, Native American, Lodge, Latin, Land, James, Hebrew, Hawking, Gates, Fish, Fahrenheit, Elizabethan, Curl, Crookes, Crab, Caucasian, Bull, Browning, Black, Bell, Balance, African,