elect (Also electer, elected, electing, elects) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to elect
- chosen«
- elite«
- election«
- select«
- like«
- elect«
- elected«
- electorate«
- incoming«
- voter«
- selected«
- eligible«
- reelect«
- return«
- elector«
- elective«
- elite group«
- co-opt«
- vote«
- primary election«
- general election«
- designate«
- electoral«
- reelection«
- next«
- succeeding«
- swing voter«
- floating voter«
- crossover voter«
- future«
- pick«
- primary«
- runoff«
- constituent«
- smart set«
- in line«
- in«
- few«
- by-election«
- entitled«
- society«
- high society«
- legal«
- eligibility«
- worthy«
- suitable«
- optional«
- intelligentsia«
- desirable«
- bon ton«
- beau monde«
- nobility«
- cream«
- aristocracy«
- nonappointive«
- inpouring«
- co-optation«
- clerisy«
- inbound«
- crossover«
- inward«
- co-option«
- pensionable«
- bye-election«
- bailable«
- influent«
- floater«
- inflowing«
- electability«
- -elect«
- vote down«
- waywarden«
- right to vote«
- votation«
- bullet vote«
- voice«
- vestry«
- unelected«
- unelectable«
- choose«
- tribune«
- voting«
- tithingman«
- term-limit«
- term out«
- tanistry«
- ballot«
- stannator«
- shop steward«
- take«
- senatorial«
- turn thumbs down«
- senator«
- balloting«
- selectman«
- poll«
- selective«
- voter turnout«
- selection«
- school board«
- sarpanch«
- salvation«
- pick out«
- president-elect«
- ex gratia«
- preelect«
- predilect«
- direct primary«
- predestination«
- precinct committeeman«
- partialist«
- officialdom«
- qualified«
- nonelecting«
- run off«
- nonelected«
- municipal borough«
- sex appeal«
- minority leader«
- midterm election«
- majoritarian democracy«
- suffrage«
- legislative session«
- write in«
- lame duck«
- infralapsarianism«
- get in«
- exploratory committee«
- elects«
- direction«
- electoral district«
- electoral college«
- blue«
- electing«
- futurity«
- patrician«
- electee«
- suitability«
- baronetage«
- peerage«
- gentle«
- noble«
- desirability«
- suitableness«
- nonobligatory«
- nonmandatory«
- marriageability«
- desirableness«
- culturati«
- blue-blooded«
- aristocratical«
- noblesse«
- aristocratic«
- literati«
- samurai«
- knighthood«
- outvote«
- facultative«
- oomph«
- baronage«
- insurability«
- inwardness«
- vote out«
- vote in«
- cumulative vote«
- casting vote«
- block vote«
- write-in candidate«
- nominate«
- referendum«
- multiple voting«
- electable«
- dual mandate«
- opposition«
- decision«
- cooptate«
- secret ballot«
- constituency«
- city council«
- take out«
- chooseling«
- propose«
- time to come«
- capitoulate«
- adlect«
- adopt«
- upcoming«
- -to-be«
- follow«
- choice«
- future day«
- anoint«
- veto«
- pick over«
- determine«
- open primary«
- closed primary«
- panel«
- go«
- forthcoming«
- defeat«
- think of«
- define«
- split ticket«
- plebiscite«
- assign«
- set apart«
- set«
- single out«
- sieve out«
- screen out«
- cull out«
- coming«
- a couple of«
- draw«
- hardly a«
- a few«
- south«
- universal suffrage«
- straight ticket«
- option«
- in store«
- kill«
- east«
- west«
- fix«
- early«
- august«
- write-in«
- sort«
- emerging«
- skim off«
- cream off«
- north«
- magnetic north«
- compass north«
- shoot down«
- screen«
- southeast«
- grand«
- blue blood«
- northeast«
- limit«
- approaching«
- titled«
- specify«
- sift«
- northwest«
- winnow«
- point«
- compass point«
- orientation«
- field«
- suited«
- rising«
- royal«
- dial«
- espouse«
- extract«
- leeward«
- southwest«
- selector«
- empanel«
- sport«
- athletics«
- windward«
- hereafter«
- impanel«
- imperial«
- purple«
- plump«
- fitness«
- convenience«
- princely«
- queenlike«
- monarchal«
- kinglike«
- hand-pick«
- genteelness«
- fittingness«
- fewness«
- coroneted«
- monarchical«
- excerpt«
- appropriateness«
- regal«
- gentry«
- chooser«
- sieve«
- marriageable«
- picker«
- seaward«
- majestic«
- aristocrat«
- well-qualified«
- suffragist«
- proximo«
- nubile«
- suffragette«
- breeding«
- kingly«
- frontage«
- gentility«
- lordly«
- prox«
- sultriness«
- highborn«
- queenly«
- outgoing«
- meet«
- orthogonal opposition«
- diametrical opposition«
- antipodal opposition«
- absentee ballot«
- nominated«
- to windward«
- to leeward«
- decision making«
- willing«
- deciding«
- kingdom come«
- pocket veto«
- people«
- put up«
- put forward«
- opt«
- tomorrow«
- casting«
- face«
- way«
- run around«
- determination«
- just the ticket«
- look«
- west by south«
- west by north«
- southwest by west«
- southwest by south«
- southeast by south«
- southeast by east«
- south by west«
- south by east«
- northwest by west«
- northwest by north«
- northeast by north«
- northeast by east«
- north by west«
- north by east«
- east by south«
- east by north«
- prefer«
- citizen«
- crowned head«
- prospective«
- lark about«
- south southwest«
- south southeast«
- track and field«
- ticket«
- name«
- some«
- cardinal compass point«
- following«
- competent«
- law«
- windward side«
- weather side«
- leeward side«
- east southeast«
- east northeast«
- front«
- terminus ad quem«
- west southwest«
- west northwest«
- sovereign«
- dedicate«
- jury«
- appropriate«
- king«
- team sport«
- stick«
- monarch«
- male monarch«
- female monarch«
- telephone dial«
- adoption«
- conclusion«
- adhere«
- followers«
- upper crust«
- upper class«
- acceptance«
- female aristocrat«
- north northwest«
- north northeast«
- citizenry«
- fit«
- contact sport«
- determining factor«
- determining«
- attitude«
- favorite«
- prince«
- emperor«
- fewer«
- dignity«
- lot«
- prohibit«
- reset«
- negative«
- queen regnant«
- queen«
- primed«
- male aristocrat«
- row«
- polite«
- baronet«
- terminal point«
- bound«
- field sport«
- gymnastic exercise«
- favourite«
- screening«
- assignment«
- quarter«
- riding«
- horseback riding«
- causal factor«
- timing«
- forbid«
- boundary«
- detail«
- mature«
- felicity«
- game«
- athletic game«
- athletic«
- sorting«
- disallow«
- civilized«
- convenient«
- licking«
- exclusive«
- water sport«
- spectator sport«
- outdoor sport«
- blood sport«
- tightrope walking«
- racing«
- quantify«
- cavort«
- determinant«
- civilised«
- mirror-image relation«
- rock climbing«
- gravitas«
- cultivated«
- landed gentry«
- proscribe«
- princess«
- fitting«
- nix«
- brahmin«
- discriminating«
- raja«
- nominative«
- cycling«
- horizontal«
- sampling«
- squirearchy«
- sou'-west«
- sou'-sou'-west«
- sou'-sou'-east«
- sou'-east«
- rollick«
- perpendicularity«
- patness«
- opportuneness«
- numerousness«
- numerosity«
- nor'-west«
- nor'-nor'-west«
- nor'-nor'-east«
- nor'-east«
- lordliness«
- impendency«
- impendence«
- imminentness«
- imminency«
- handiness«
- habitableness«
- funambulism«
- forthcomingness«
- felicitousness«
- excerption«
- enantiomorphism«
- disport«
- by-and-by«
- availableness«
- appositeness«
southeastward, romp, skating, sultry, nobleman, southwestward, bent, brahman, screener, vertical, genteel, determinative, multiplicity, gymnastics, pleasure, northwestward, northeastward, jurisprudence, cultured, judo, determiner, interdict, volition, manana, colouration, availability, offing, skiing, rani, blackball, specification, frisk, rowing, gymnastic, rajah, accessibility, sledding, selectivity, imminence, espousal, habitability, acrobatic, archery, equitation, timeliness, weatherboard, coloration, sensual, antipodal, frolic, gambol, aquatics, nominator, ranee, orthogonality, aptness, lark, acceptation, skylark, appoint, decide, appointed, appointment, will, nomination, call, reject, nominating speech, nominating address, state, accept, representative sampling, cast, ruling class, likely, make up one's mind, make, governed, change of mind, justice, people in power, country people, proportional sampling, resolve, retiring, move, opt out, judge, able, game of chance, embrace, go for, confront, casting lots, law of nations, close at hand, at hand, favored, both, only, resolution, time, run, front end, law of the land, court game, sort out, reason out, out, find out, cop out, intention, find, conclude, decisive factor, decisive, have, private citizen, active citizen, preferred, civil law, judgment, preference, due south, separate, ruler, square up, naming, any, press cutting, press clipping, inclined, express, past, race, making, lead, colour in, color in, exclude, whatever, good, tax law, statutory law, shariah law, sharia law, securities law, military law, mercantile law, martial law, law merchant, international law, ecclesiastical law, common law, commercial law, case law, canon law, administrative law, consent, cut, due east, running, due west, faithful, civilian, settle, play, alone, level best, less, table game, potential, citizenship, reason, spark advance, judgement, alternative, square off, drubbing, redefine, several, written assignment, shape, due north, legal expert, approach, effective, influence, school assignment, bar, newspaper clipping, football game, football, cards, contingent, trim, drawing lots, class, active, card game, settlement, ascertain, precedent, preceding, debacle, mold, restrict, regulate, utmost, judging, rout, competence, capable, jurist, dedication, ride horseback, trouncing, restrain, eclectic method, auto racing, impending, imminent, grappling, reversal, designation, article, freeman, cutting, inner, qualification, verge, genetic screening, turnaround, writing assignment, track, efficient, privileged, color, constitute, inside, quote, classify, discerning, heat barrier, motorcycling, repatriate, competency, tightrope walker, cycle, shogun, zero-sum game, parlour game, parlor game, outdoor game, hockey game, gambling game, child's game, geisha girl, eastward, officiating, car racing, boxing, brink, legion, appointive, sharia, adherence, disciple, confine, speed skating, equestrian sport, maximum, hunt, pet, inconvenient, closure, panelist, inappropriate, definition, adjudicate, numerous, water polo, shariah, circumscribe, horse racing, greyhound racing, camel racing, boat racing, whatsoever, discriminatory, ice hockey, hockey, random sampling, whipping, ski jumping, ski, turnabout, wrestling, colour, lurch, waterloo, shutout, quantification, thrashing, skate, thane, northward, quotation, prohibition, optative, throttle, dune cycling, slaughter, thermal barrier, appreciative, stratified sampling, white-shoe, utterness, untimeliness, unseasonableness, umpirage, tauromachy, swayer, surfriding, surfboarding, simultaneousness, seasonableness, rassling, presentness, preferent, pony-trekking, pastness, pall-mall, outward-bound, officiation, nowness, negativist, multitudinousness, malapropos, impendent, impend, funambulist, freewoman, forbiddance, earliness, countryfolk, colourize, colourise, colorise, cliquishness, clannishness, chrestomathy, assort, acceptive, acceptant, absoluteness, wheel, roller skating, ice skating, whitewash, refereeing, westward, eclectic, citation, swim, simultaneity, geisha, flip-flop, debar, cull, outward, defeatist, tumbling, southward, panellist, bowling, attachment, outbound, perpendicular, pedal, bicycle, bike, emblazon, diacritic, diacritical, workmanlike, crab, sled, preferment, cross-country skiing, motorcycle, swimming, curling, jumping, hunting, clipping, fishing, bullfighting, volitional, fisticuffs, bosom, sleigh, motorbike, inhibition, adherent, knife-edge, tetherball, surfing, clincher, tobogganing, skunk, tardiness, punctuality, schoolwork, acrobatics, bicycling, bobsledding, colorize, adhesion, predilection, analects, sortition, apropos, promptness, lateness, uttermost, heartbreaker, caper, best-loved, cockfighting, skateboarding, starkness, groupthink, pugilism, escapade, claque, walloping, fandom, discriminative, romper, effluent, forepart, eclecticism, exclusiveness, antipodean, sculling, trammel, outflowing, sportfishing, analecta, water-skiing, William and Mary, Ferdinand and Isabella, Shermanesque, Member of Parliament, Lord, Heaven, Elector, Calvinist, Calvinism, Woodhull, Willard, Victoria Clafin Woodhull, Susan Brownell Anthony, Susan B. Anthony, Susan Anthony, Stone, Stanton, Smith, Shaw, SbE, SSE, SEbS, SEbE, SE, Rex, Rankin, Nipponese, NbE, NNE, NEbN, NEbE, NE, Mott, Morris, Mary Ashton Rice Livermore, Lucy Stone, Lucretia Coffin Mott, Livermore, Julia Ward Howe, Julia Evelina Smith, Jeannette Rankin, Japanese, Howe, Highness, Frances Elizabeth Caroline Willard, Esther Morris, Esther Hobart McQuigg Slack Morris, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, EbS, EbN, ESE, ENE, Bart, Anthony, Anna Howard Shaw, Law of Moses, Mosaic law, Islamic law, Ryukyuan, Nip, Jap, Ionian, Haphtorah, Haphtarah, Haftorah, Haftarah, Dorian, Arcado-Cyprians, Aeolian, Achaean,