cree (Also crees) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to cree
- the Cree language«
- windigo«
- plain cree«
- nation«
- saulteaux«
- language«
- assiniboine«
- dialect continuum«
- métis«
- aboriginal«
- first nation«
- willow cree«
- band«
- chief«
- swampy cree«
- saskatchewan«
- alberta«
- payipwāt«
- minahikosis«
- pitikwahanapiwiyin«
- montagnais«
- reserve«
- naskapi«
- papewes«
- treaty«
- wood cree«
- little pine«
- mistahimaskwa«
- ojibwa«
- rocky cree«
- kee«
- montana«
- innu«
- river cree«
- moose cree«
- sīpīwininiwak«
- pesew«
- young dog«
- big bear«
- mistāwasis«
- landless cree«
- historical«
- maskwa«
- muskeg lake«
- plain ojibwa«
- ermineskin«
- maskwacis«
- fort pitt«
- cree indian«
- plain river cree«
- kamdyistowesit«
- fort carlton«
- wāskahikaniwiyiniwak«
- paskwāwiyiniwak«
- house cree«
- asini wachi wi iniwak«
- cypress hill«
- iynu«
- cree language«
- upstream people«
- mistahi«
- actor«
- son«
- canada«
- parkland«
- dialect«
- woodland cree«
- manitoba«
- nakoda«
- leader«
- northwest rebellion«
- sioux«
- lake superior«
- reservation«
- boudreau«
- head chief«
- bison«
- duck lake«
- wīhkasko«
- western woodland cree«
- sīpīwiyiniwak«
- saswaypew«
- sakāwiyiniwak«
- pihew«
- pierre narcisse cayen«
- petequakey«
- paskokopāwiyiniwak«
- mountain lion’«
- moose lake first nation«
- kātēpwēwi«
- küpeyakwüskonam«
- kaseweetin’«
- kamihkosit«
- iyyu«
- ininiwak«
- cree)(historical«
- cree)(also nakoda«
- black powder’«
- beardy’«
- adelaide catherine arcand«
- french«
- kah«
- wāpošwayānak«
- rocky/mountain cree«
- rocky boy cree«
- poundmaker reservation«
- métis leader gabriel dumont«
- bear hill cree«
- war chief«
- sakāwithiniwak«
- red earth cree nation«
- bush cree«
- shoal lake cree nation«
- maskepetoon«
- iyiyiw«
- iyiniw«
- arrow’«
- starblanket«
- grand rapid first nation«
- attikamekw«
- nehiyaw«
- misipawistik cree nation«
- downstream people«
- canoe lake first nation«
- ontario«
- chemawawin cree nation«
- blackfoot«
- tataskweyak cree nation«
- chippewa«
- cross lake first nation«
- big child«
- chippewa cree tribe«
- james smith first nation«
- quebec«
- people«
- iron confederacy«
- piapot«
- kashechewan first nation«
- bison hunting«
- opaskwayak cree nation«
- beardy«
- poundmaker«
- atikamekw«
- brother«
- siksika«
- counsellor«
- fort walsh«
- qu'appelle valley«
- cree people«
- cut knife«
- battle river«
- chipewyan«
- george sutherland«
- north american fur trade«
- northwest territory«
- batoche«
- milk river«
- negotiation«
- battleford«
- labrador«
- st. laurent«
- mixed ancestry«
- north battleford«
- aboriginal language«
- fine day«
- st. boniface«
- neighbour«
- james bay«
- leadership«
- broken arm«
- battle«
- wee«
- peacemaker«
- hudson bay«
- a.k.a«
- tribe«
- indian territory«
- shaman«
- west«
- ‘ poundmaker’«
- ‘ mountain lion’«
- ‘ lucky man’«
- ‘ flash«
- ‘ cut nose’«
- young man chief«
- yaskuttsu«
- wāpiy«
- wood river cree«
- wolf thin legs’«
- wimtchik«
- wife paskus«
- western cree(‘pakisimotan wi iniwak’«
- west rebellion battleford«
- west mixed band«
- wasatnow band«
- war whoop’«
- wapski mahikan«
- wahsatenaw band«
- upper st. maurice river valley«
- une flèche’«
- traditional cree acceptance«
- touchwood hill cree«
- today american cree«
- term kilistinon«
- sucker creek first nation«
- star blanket first nation«
- skunk skin’«
- sister ayamis«
- siksika kainai«
- siksika chief crowfoot«
- sikosew inew«
- significant shaman«
- severn anishinaabe«
- seswepiu«
- sehkosowayanew«
- sayswaypus«
- saskatchewan river region«
- salteaux history«
- sakāwiyiniwak’«
- red pheasant’«
- rabbit skin cree«
- quebec cree speaker difficult«
- pîhtokahânapiwiyin«
- pwātak)(also assiniboine«
- prestige plain cree«
- porcupine’«
- political aboriginal organization«
- piyêsîs«
- piyesew chak«
- pisqua«
- pisiw«
- pheasant rump nakota nation«
- petit pin’«
- petequakey chief«
- people unarmed«
- peayasis«
- pasākanacīwiyiniwak)(also saulteaux«
- pasquah«
- paskwüw«
- paskwa«
- parklands/willow cree«
- papaway’«
- papaway«
- opaskwayak cree first nation reserve«
- okimas-«
- okimahkan«
- okayasiw’«
- ojibwa leader mukitou«
- nīhithaw«
- nēhiyawak«
- nēhiyaw«
- nēhinaw«
- north battleford region«
- ninankawe marival métis ancestry«
- nihk«
- nelson house band«
- neighboring assiniboine«
- nehiraw«
- natimiyininiwak«
- mōstōsis«
- mâskipiton«
- mukitou«
- mrs. universe winner«
- moose cree first nation – moose factory«
- modern dialectal form«
- modern collective autonym«
- mistihui'muskwa«
- mistahimaskwa´s plain river cree«
- miss america pageant titleholder«
- minuskipuihat«
- maskwa wachi«
- makoyi«
- mahkaysis«
- lucky man’«
- lower qu’appelle valley«
- lower qu'appelle valley«
- louis cochin«
- loud voice’«
- level formal structure«
- le atikamekw«
- largest métis settlement«
- largest first nation band«
- largest cree band«
- language exonym kirištino˙«
- ladoucoeur dit desjarlais«
- kā-papāmahcāhkwēw«
- kîskâyiwew«
- kâ mîthistowesit«
- kupeyakwuskonam«
- kiwisünce«
- kisēyin(‘sweet grass’«
- kisēyin«
- kiskiyo«
- keskayiwew('bobtail«
- keskayiwew«
- kapapa machatiwe«
- kanaweyihimitowin«
- kakeesheway«
- kainai camp«
- kahkewistahaw chief«
- ka kichi wi winiwak«
- josephte suzette cardinal«
- james bay cree iyiyiw«
- isidore cayen dit boudreau’«
- isidore cayen dit boudreau«
- ir split lake«
- intelligible cree dialect continuum«
- inland east cree«
- ininiw«
- indians)(also nakoda«
- ililī«
- iiyiyuu«
- iiyiyiu«
- iinuu«
- iii parkland cree«
- hostile blackfoot mon«
- historical)(also iroquois«
- historical nêhiraw«
- historical iriniw«
- historical autonym nēhiraw«
- historical autonym iriniw«
- historical autonym«
- historic métis nation ancestry«
- gros ours«
- green lake band«
- grandin mission«
- grammatical vocabulary«
- golla list cree«
- françois desjarlais«
- form ililiw«
- flying wings’«
- esprit errant’«
- ermine’«
- elder son chak piyesew«
- eastern cypress hill«
- disagreement lodge«
- daystar first nation«
- day political jurisdiction«
- cristenaux«
- cree)(also saulteaux«
- cowessess-«
- coastal east cree«
- cheekuk«
- catholic free rocky cree«
- capote blank«
- canadian métis woman«
- brother wuttunee«
- brother petequakey«
- black sturgeon first nation«
- bison ahchuchhwahauhhatohapit«
- big island lake first nation«
- beaver lake cree nation – lac la biche«
- bay company employee george sutherland«
- attawapiskat first nation – attawapiskat«
- atahkakohp«
- arrow ’s sister nawapukayus«
- armed plain cree«
- apisci«
- algonquian phoneme«
- alexis nakota first nation«
- alexander cayen dit boudreau«
- alexander cayen«
- acahkosa kā-otakohpit«
- absarokee horse«
- samson«
- canadian government«
- ka«
- wuttunee«
- witchekan lake first nation«
- washaw sibi«
- traditional openness«
- star blanket reserve«
- stanley mission band«
- sikakwayan«
- shipi«
- shamattawa cree nation«
- ralph garvin steinhauer«
- qu'appelle cree«
- pierre belanger«
- piapot reserve«
- peter chapman cree nation«
- papamahchakwayo«
- nēhiyawi«
- nēhilaw«
- northern dene woman«
- nehiyaw woman«
- nehilaw«
- neal mcleod«
- mōsonī«
- māmihkiyiniwak«
- mixed first nation«
- mistahimusqua«
- lucky man first nation«
- loon river first nation«
- lac la ronge indian band«
- kîsikaw«
- kookee«
- knisteneaux«
- kisikawasan«
- kiristinon«
- kamiokisihkwew«
- james seenum«
- james robert band«
- indian agent thomas quinn«
- ilnu«
- ilniw«
- ililiw«
- hudson bay cree«
- eenou«
- cristinaux«
- big river first nation«
- beaver river cree«
- battle river region«
- baptiste piche«
- asini wachi nehiyawak«
- anishinaabe clan system«
- amos charles band«
- amiskwacīwiyiniwak«
- amisk sipi wi iniwak«
- ahchuchhwahauhhatohapit«
- ahchacoosacootacoopits«
- speaker«
- western montagnais«
- tyson houseman«
- temporary military commander«
- saddle lake band«
- poundmaker first nation«
- oxford house first nation«
- okemasis first nation«
- ochapowace first nation«
- new post first nation«
- métis descendant«
- muskeg lake first nation«
- louis piche«
- lac la ronge band«
- kapapamahchakwew«
- joseph bighead first nation«
- heart lake first nation«
- goodfish«
- god ’s lake first nation«
- file hill«
- eeyou istchee/baie«
- domed tent«
- chief sweet grass«
- blackfoot camp«
- beaver hill cree«
- atikamekw d'opitciwan«
- alexis piche«
- albany first nation«
- actress«
- wilton littlechild«
- treaty chief«
- saskatchewan river valley«
- sakimay«
- rising’«
- red pheasant«
- plain cree speaker«
- pelican lake first nation«
- peechee«
- pasqua first nation«
- ocean man first nation«
- northern plain cree«
- nitaskinan«
- moosomin first nation«
- montreal lake first nation«
- khl hockey player«
- kehewin cree nation«
- john smith first nation«
- james territory«
- jacques cardinal«
- eeyou«
- eastern montagnais«
- chief wah«
- absaroke«
- lawyer«
- person«
- vain«
- english«
- term métis«
- swan river first nation«
- rocky boy ’s reservation«
- red pheasant reserve«
- plain’«
- peepeekisis first nation«
- nation activist«
- muscowpetung first nation«
- mistawasis first nation«
- maškēkowak«
- manto sipi cree nation«
- louis bull first nation«
- little pine first nation«
- le prairie«
- kahkewistahaw first nation«
- janice acoose«
- island lake first nation«
- delia opekokew«
- connie fife«
- ashley callingbull«
- waterhen lake first nation«
sturgeon lake cree nation, richard throssel, reserve adjacent, red pheasant first nation, pakua, okanese first nation, nitassinan, nekaneet first nation, métis rebellion, makwa sahgaiehcan first nation, lubicon lake indian nation, little black bear first nation, james bay cree hydroelectric conflict, frog lake first nation, dust first nation, day prince albert, cumberland house cree nation, cree territory, conical tent, alfred young man, agreement no, august, york factory first nation, thunderchild first nation, mosakahiken cree nation, marcel colomb first nation, louis bull, iron buffalo, fort mcmurray first nation, chippewa cree, bunibonibee cree nation, asinīskāwiyiniwak, arrow first nation, adjacent reserve, adjacent inland, wuskwi sipihk first nation, war lake first nation, sweetgrass first nation, sapotaweyak cree nation, piwin cree nation, pimicikamak, onion lake cree nation, okichitaw, muskoday, moose factory island, mikisew cree first nation, mathias colomb first nation, little hunter, lean man, edward gamblin, chiniki, caribou hunter, bigstone cree nation, bear ear, lodge, saddle lake cree nation, muskowekwan first nation, montana first nation, missanabie cree first nation, lake cree nation, intertribal marriage, alexander first nation, ahtahkakoop, Cree, Algonquian language, Algonquin, Algonquian, North America, Metis, Atikamekw, Wampanoag, Wahunsonacock, Shawnee, Sauk, Sac, Powhatan, Potawatomi, Penobscot, Passamaquody, Pamlico, Ottawa, Ojibway, Ojibwa, Nanticoke, Mohican, Mikmaq, Micmac, Miami, Menomini, Menominee, Massachusetts, Massachuset, Maleseet, Malecite, Mahican, Kickapoo, Illinois, Fox, Delaware, Conoy, Chippewa, Cheyenne, Blackfoot, Arapahoe, Arapaho, Algonkin, Algonkian, Abnaki, Abenaki, Tecumtha, Tecumseh, Rebecca Rolfe, Pontiac, Pocahontas, Matoaka, Massasoit, Makataimeshekiakiak, Keokuk, Black Hawk,
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