cause (Also causing, causes, caused) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to cause
- reason«
- grounds«
- campaign«
- drive«
- crusade«
- effort«
- movement«
- causal agent«
- causal agency«
- case«
- causa«
- lawsuit«
- suit«
- do«
- make«
- get«
- induce«
- have«
- stimulate«
- trigger something«
- made«
- did«
- causing«
- source«
- occasional«
- mean«
- does«
- create«
- tripping«
- activities«
- action«
- cause«
- lost cause«
- first cause«
- cause of death«
- danger«
- trigger«
- effect«
- bring«
- class action«
- provoke«
- factor«
- influence«
- person«
- life principle«
- lead«
- determine«
- move«
- nature«
- political campaign«
- fund-raising effort«
- youth movement«
- women's liberation movement«
- gay liberation movement«
- feminist movement«
- anti-war movement«
- power«
- process«
- let«
- prompt«
- encourage«
- fight«
- force back«
- force«
- push back«
- push«
- individual«
- war«
- aim«
- someone«
- vital principle«
- call forth«
- civil suit«
- shape«
- mold«
- criminal suit«
- set up«
- kick up«
- beat back«
- fate«
- initiate«
- labor«
- fund-raising drive«
- decide«
- catalyst«
- reform«
- fund-raising campaign«
- charm campaign«
- advertising campaign«
- ad campaign«
- somebody«
- incite«
- killer«
- inspire«
- facilitate«
- press«
- inducing«
- occasion«
- engine«
- regulate«
- prime mover«
- soul«
- persuade«
- sue«
- stimulation«
- mortal«
- paternity suit«
- class-action suit«
- youth crusade«
- labour«
- input«
- spawn«
- breed«
- gay lib«
- engender«
- incentive«
- supernatural«
- agent«
- candidacy«
- evoke«
- motivate«
- propel«
- causation«
- compel«
- destiny«
- instigate«
- etiology«
- induction«
- campaigning«
- stimulus«
- pioneer«
- initiation«
- repel«
- bastardy proceeding«
- primum mobile«
- deus ex machina«
- producer«
- feminism«
- tug«
- occult«
- ad blitz«
- antecedent«
- operator«
- solicit«
- consumerism«
- stimulant«
- repulse«
- inducement«
- agitate«
- motivator«
- ram«
- actuate«
- suborn«
- obligate«
- moot«
- electioneering«
- mutagenesis«
- inducer«
- candidature«
- women's lib«
- oblige«
- litigate«
- effectuate«
- aetiology«
- manipulator«
- countersuit«
- impel«
- persuader«
- theurgy«
- result«
- risk«
- threat«
- consequence«
- trigger off«
- significant other«
- pressure«
- common person«
- common man«
- human activity«
- human action«
- bring round«
- bring on«
- bring forth«
- bring around«
- need«
- immune«
- victim«
- legal action«
- action at law«
- produce«
- spark off«
- spark«
- releasing factor«
- intrinsic factor«
- determining factor«
- causal factor«
- control«
- form«
- sort«
- hope«
- found«
- longer«
- attempt«
- wealthy person«
- visually impaired person«
- unwelcome person«
- unusual person«
- unskilled person«
- unfortunate person«
- thin person«
- straight person«
- small person«
- rich person«
- religious person«
- public relations person«
- primitive person«
- person of colour«
- person of color«
- nude person«
- nonreligious person«
- male person«
- literate person«
- large person«
- juvenile person«
- insured person«
- inexperienced person«
- heterosexual person«
- handicapped person«
- good person«
- female person«
- emotional person«
- deceased person«
- deaf person«
- dead person«
- color-blind person«
- clumsy person«
- bereaved person«
- bad person«
- loved one«
- right hander«
- life«
- bad guy«
- lead up«
- carry weight«
- carry through«
- carry out«
- strain«
- kill«
- negative stimulus«
- negative stimulation«
- give«
- liver«
- skin and bones«
- mover and shaker«
- unknown quantity«
- responsibility«
- get up«
- social reformer«
- social dancer«
- issue«
- weight gainer«
- unfortunate«
- dead soul«
- strike up«
- good guy«
- birth«
- muscle builder«
- time«
- substance abuser«
- subject«
- rope in«
- outcome«
- face«
- nerve gas«
- nerve agent«
- reach«
- prompting«
- moral force«
- driving force«
- win over«
- fundamental«
- talk into«
- set about«
- success«
- pattern«
- child«
- positive stimulus«
- hazard«
- trend«
- relative«
- chemical agent«
- infectious agent«
- anti«
- constitute«
- motivation«
- touch off«
- set off«
- act«
- motive«
- drug user«
- drug«
- lightning rod«
- active«
- money handler«
- money dealer«
- drag«
- contributing«
- domestic partner«
- relation«
- sex object«
- biological agent«
- establish«
- precipitate«
- start«
- chat up«
- terror«
- free spirit«
- free agent«
- lethal agent«
- innocent«
- event«
- counter«
- party«
- rush«
- simple«
- energy«
- double«
- suggestion«
- persona non grata«
- driving«
- national«
- plant«
- sending«
- radical«
- stir«
- suspect«
- creation«
- corruption«
- miracle man«
- man jack«
- man«
- fast«
- equal«
- image«
- authority«
- whispering campaign«
- sales campaign«
- public-relations campaign«
- front-porch campaign«
- shame«
- law«
- witness«
- hasten«
- prospect«
- mother hen«
- self«
- cloud seeder«
- litigation«
- assure«
- serve«
- precursor«
- miracle worker«
- motor«
- drift«
- task«
- applied scientist«
- intellectual«
- runaway«
- apply«
- stage«
- project«
- impose«
- leader«
- judicial proceeding«
- thrust«
- sex symbol«
- convince«
- spirit«
- foundation«
- agency«
- candidate«
- engine driver«
- company operator«
- peril«
- advocate«
- releasing hormone«
- ethnic«
- adult«
- sell«
- prepare«
- closer«
- transfer«
- precipitating«
- pick«
- female«
- regulation«
- activate«
- provocation«
- driver«
- male«
- best«
- expert«
- baby buster«
- baby boomer«
- baby«
- sounding board«
- impetus«
- duty«
- convert«
- spouse equivalent«
- spousal equivalent«
- organize«
- worker«
- retardation«
- draw«
- introduction«
- cripple«
- prevail«
- survivor«
- opponent«
- menace«
- squeeze«
- introduce«
- anomaly«
- trip«
- walk«
- wild card«
- ward«
- modern«
- accomplish«
- user«
- computer user«
- friend«
- pace«
- secret«
- telephone operator«
- doom«
- jeopardy«
- dynamic«
- coercion«
- defining«
- gay«
- condemn«
- partner«
- originate«
- mount«
- institution«
- quarter«
- institute«
- machine«
- scientist«
- undertake«
- innovation«
- operate«
- ancient«
- deceased«
- creature«
- implement«
- obligation«
- solvating agent«
- infective agent«
- hypoglycemic agent«
- hypoglycaemic agent«
- bleaching agent«
- blanching agent«
- antimycotic agent«
- antifungal agent«
- sport«
- native«
- shaping«
- loose cannon«
- scourge«
- radio operator«
- primitive«
- fulfill«
- homosexual«
- enforce«
- appointment«
- implementation«
- reinforcement«
- strive«
- coolant«
- kick«
- incitement«
- guinea pig«
- match«
- lover«
- straight«
- regulating«
- gastric antacid«
- tiger«
- dissident«
- reinforcing stimulus«
- front-porch campaigning«
- discriminative stimulus«
- conditioned stimulus«
- feminist«
- hero«
- player«
- railroad engineer«
locomotive engineer, engineer, fighter, neighbor, juvenile, bomber, ouster, stranger, insured, founding, compulsion, precede, arrange, motivating, causality, owner, testator, adversary, spoiler, neutral, undertaking, winner, activating, excite, jack, mouse, powder keg, heterosexual, standoff, actor, tempt, observer, intellect, devise, score, propulsion, thinner, copycat, champion, married, organise, toe, predate, telegraph operator, women's rightist, explorer, bereaved, clamor, manual laborer, slave, forgo, compulsive, asthmatic, peer, nonpartisan, dispose, persuasion, petitioner, tributary, elevator operator, index, execute, expedite, rebuff, traveler, personification, warrior, ruler, endangerment, cue, acquaintance, coerce, designate, creator, fulfil, controller, coward, stressor, proponent, antagonist, switchboard operator, aboriginal, orphan, embodiment, transmitter, charm, lobbyist, protester, coax, collector, reformist, vector, follower, scholar, parameter, reshape, antimicrobial, fiduciary, fugitive, experimenter, snub, philosopher, turner, neighbour, tyrant, amateur, applicant, crusader, repulsion, capitalist, reformer, summons, combatant, visionary, jurisprudence, learner, retardant, slayer, decedent, junior, purport, modifier, deed, reliever, censor, instigation, upshot, initiator, rollback, seduce, actuation, rescuer, divider, riser, creditor, chameleon, appointee, slider, jewel, instigator, opener, forego, dissenter, mestizo, namesake, toil, homo, forerunner, determinant, interpreter, traveller, jumper, signatory, passer, bleach, hustle, jockey, agnostic, toenail, buster, nude, dancer, mediocrity, eliminator, ape, belligerent, blogger, debtor, ostrich, mailer, innovate, facilitation, departed, communicator, gatekeeper, disinfectant, thrower, incline, acquirer, preserver, abomination, aggregator, exponent, planner, juggernaut, subornation, cajole, fungicide, insertional mutagenesis, celebrant, slipper, beard, watcher, contestant, entertainer, nonsmoker, inhabitant, hale, objector, segregate, possessor, mystic, determiner, mutagen, literate, dupe, yielder, yearner, wriggler, worldling, women's liberationist, withholder, wheedler, welcomer, weakener, wanter, voider, virucide, viricide, vermicide, vasoconstrictive, urinator, untier, unraveller, unraveler, unperson, unfastener, undoer, totemist, thirster, third-rater, telephonist, sweet-talk, swayer, surrenderer, succeeder, stooper, stigmatist, sternutatory, squirmer, squinter, squint-eye, spurner, sprawler, socializer, socialiser, snuffler, sniveler, sniffler, sneezer, smotherer, sloucher, slobberer, skidder, six-footer, shortener, shitter, second-rater, scrag, satisfier, saluter, retardent, restrainer, represser, redheader, red-header, recoverer, quickener, propositus, precipitant, powderer, posturer, pisser, perspirer, personate, percipient, percher, pamperer, onanist, nurser, nonworker, nonpartizan, nonparticipant, nondrinker, neglecter, needer, mutilator, musclebuilder, muscle-builder, mollycoddler, misogamist, miscreate, mesomorph, meliorist, masturbator, maimer, machinate, lactogen, lactifuge, invigorator, inveigle, instauration, indweller, individualise, indispose, indigen, impairer, hypnagogue, huddler, hoister, grinner, get-up-and-go, germicide, galvanisation, galactagogue, freewheeler, forgiver, fomentation, first-rater, faddist, extravert, expectorator, excuser, etiologist, essayer, eristic, enlivener, enjoyer, endomorph, emmenagogue, electioneer, effectuation, effecter, ectomorph, dyslectic, drooler, driveller, disincline, disentangler, dilutant, deviser, demander, delayer, degrader, defecator, debitor, contriver, complexifier, compeer, coddler, coaxer, coagulator, chutzpanik, celebrater, carrottop, capturer, blackamoor, beguiler, baulker, balker, bacteriostat, attempter, assimilator, assessee, arrogator, archaist, apprehender, applier, antimycotic, antimicrobic, antiflatulent, antiacid, anti-American, antedate, antecede, allayer, alkalizer, alkaliser, affiant, aetiologist, advisee, abstainer, abjurer, abettal, abator, evocation, personalize, effector, rectifier, realist, blond, contemplative, sphinx, lefty, biohazard, repeater, boomer, adjudicator, suasion, seeker, optimist, coagulant, hugger, wight, kink, stumping, repressor, innovator, motorman, antifungal, pursuer, homunculus, sniffer, admirer, gambler, nonresident, gentile, gem, shaker, determinative, supernumerary, personhood, teratogen, personage, linguist, transsexual, registrant, badger, beholder, picker, gainer, quitter, predetermine, fastener, guesser, adventurer, abetment, commoner, changer, captor, dieter, laborer, individualist, perceiver, enrollee, saver, signer, revenant, personify, dribbler, blonde, bodybuilder, doer, biter, walk-in, selector, searcher, incitation, labourer, outdoorsman, sweater, brainwash, rusher, aborigine, technologist, romanticist, faller, resister, deliverer, righthander, bather, homophile, comforter, waiter, grownup, weasel, survivalist, trailblazer, impulsion, relaxer, reinforcer, counterterrorist, introvert, adoptee, abortifacient, roundhead, imitator, dweller, bullfighter, origination, denizen, emulator, controversialist, cashier, doormat, anorectic, individualize, trier, ladino, steamroller, doubter, induct, struggler, turnoff, southpaw, sentimentalist, diluent, hater, ejector, vasoconstrictor, monolingual, dresser, showman, crawler, waker, wheedle, brunet, achiever, advocator, pressor, differentiator, opposer, battler, occultist, noncompliant, smasher, transferee, nondescript, antacid, charmer, pansexual, testate, right-hander, actuating, tagger, pussycat, yawner, wiggler, whitener, brunette, toreador, elicitation, paladin, left-hander, transvestite, transexual, abstinent, hustings, weakling, malcontent, blarney, stigmatic, creeper, topper, simpleton, tapper, gatherer, telegrapher, groundbreaker, middlebrow, extrovert, bluecoat, scratcher, bedfellow, hoper, baldy, mixed-blood, nonmember, polyglot, celebrator, suer, spitter, outcaste, mitogen, granter, personalise, romper, laugher, galvanization, sensualist, baldpate, autodidact, redhead, turn-on, disputant, stifler, wuss, fleer, muscleman, aper, switchman, greeter, nonperson, look-alike, venturer, scrapper, namer, tempter, mangler, vanisher, discriminator, seeder, knower, grunter, rester, knocker, appreciator, habitant, libber, measurer, destine, palaver, toucher, indigene, pardoner, chooser, termer, snuffer, telegraphist, groaner, winker, kneeler, baldhead, quester, smiler, cross-dresser, sleepyhead, debaser, without cause, with cause, causal, subcause, causative, style of cause, inductive, failure, show cause, inducive, run a risk, root cause, dangerous, risk taker, proximate cause, responsible for, probable cause, responsible, possible, material cause, effective, impact, make common cause, mysterious, unsafe, just cause, efficient, good cause, occur, formal cause, conducive, for cause, impulsive, final cause, contributory, concern, external cause, mystical, special effect, efficient cause, repulsive, sound effect, common cause, persuasive, side effect, causer, etiological, position effect, causeless, placebo effect, cause celebre, actionable, knock-on effect, cause and effect, suasible, sternutative, domino effect, persuasible, coattails effect, motivative, butterfly effect, bandwagon effect, because, facilitatory, errhine, change, convincible, suggest, causes, anorexigenic, turn up the pressure, aetiologic, pressure group, 'cause, efficacious, wreak, effectual, reduce, work, etiologic, stress, wlate, orphic, violent death, wise, aetiological, putting to death, win, persuadable, put to death, whyness, contributive, response, why, wheat weevil, wheal, wave, common law, wager of battle, human relationship, vulnerate, human dynamo, vexatious suit, veterinary medicine, vellicate, shed blood, urgrund, blue blood, unexplained, blood relative, unemploy, blood relation, undo, tendency, uncommitted, ultimate sacrifice, bring oneself, troubleshooter, troublemaker, bring in, triverbial, bring home the bacon, trip up, transvector, translate, transcend, turn up the heat, torture, turn tail, tolt, turn out, tingle, turn on, timelike, turn off, tide, turn in, thrilling, turn down, thrill, turn, therefore, pain in the neck, the dose makes the poison, pain in the ass, terrific, pain, tendency writing, be adrift, teach, worry, take the stump, know nothing, take back, superinduce, exposure, superhero insurance, brain, sunken, clear, school of thought, suicide bomber, means, suck into, man of means, suck in, snuff it, hightail it, stir shit, dangerous undertaking, stem, have got, steel, stalwart, threaten, stale, determined, spurt, adverse witness, spontaneous, immune carrier, spear carrier, somatoform disorder, tall order, somatoform, order, social justice warrior, large order, soc, take to the woods, small wonder, put to sleep, sit, look up to, simmer, live up to, silent agitator, doubt, shameful, make water, make up one's mind, shaft, make relaxed, make headway, selfish, self-perpetuation, raise, self-perpetuating, self-fulfilling prophecy, prove, self-existence, welfare case, scire facias, test case, scene, custody case, sake, charity case, sacrificial lamb, case law, sac, case in point, rule nisi, antitrust case, root, man of action, revert, group action, retrocausality, civil action, render, remind, blow, referendary, reel, activity, rebarbarization, direct, rationalization, trip the light fantastic toe, raise someone's consciousness, trip the light fantastic, radicative, throw in the towel, queasy, the Nazarene, qualificator, snake in the grass, put the fear of God into, put on the line, put down to, neck of the woods, punish, middle of the roader, protagonist, man of the world, man in the street, procatarxis, lay on the line, principle, law of the land, kick the bucket, pour, head for the hills, pot, give-up the ghost, postea, get the picture, polycausal, fly the coop, pock, fall by the wayside, pleasure, drop by the wayside, plea, deliver the goods, play hob with, chuck up the sponge, physico-, buy the farm, philippize, do work, philanthropreneur, do in, do drugs, pathogenesis, do away with, paresthesia, palpitate, help, overdetermined, occasionalism, occasionable, growth hormone-releasing factor, obstructive, objection, decisive factor, non-causality, nocent, ne bis in idem, contribute, naturogenic, survive, multicausative, multicausal, gun control, motrix, control freak, monomaniacal, monogenesis, rare bird, monocausal, come through, misjoinder, come alive, metabolize, come about, mediary, mechanistic, marble, health hazard, maculatory, trouble oneself, loyalize, trouble maker, loyal, trouble, rise, lose, important person, liquor, inflammation, lifestylist, white hope, let someone down gently, great white hope, latent, find, jump, arise, jam, irritate, happen, intriguing, intercausal, young person, inquest, ingerminate, ingenerate, inflationary, infer, unsuccessful person, inebriate, inducible, unpleasant person, ungrateful person, incurve, inchoate, unemployed person, in that, unemotional person, impute, uneducated person, idiopathy, idiopathic, stupid person, hysteria, hellish, sick person, hang, shy person, gratuitously, self-employed person, goal, scholarly person, germinate, retired person, genetic, generator, gel bracelet, professional person, gar, functionalism, poor person, frightful, forwander, forswelt, flag carrier, old person, first mover, filmanthropy, fight the good fight, married person, feigned issue, fanatical, faithful, fairy godmother, fade, influential person, factioneer, incompetent person, explicitation, homeless person, explanatory fiction, holy person, evangelist, eutaxiological, etiopathogenetic, forgetful person, etiopathogenesis, essential tremor, fat person, espousal, erogenous, eccentric person, enthrill, disreputable person, enlist, diseased person, disagreeable person, enchesoun, encheason, deaf-and-dumb person, en-, creative person, colored person, dysteleology, due to, drumbeat, blind person, bisexual person, dreadful, draw together, downweigh, abandoned person, downfall, doubtful, donation, desire, domino, put one over, put one across, dive, number one, disinhibitor, disembody, diagnosable, life scientist, detractor, derivation, dematerialize, bad hat, degenerate, defail, bad egg, decree nisi, benefit, decay, deathly, cryptogenic, cry all the way to the bank, crank, carry off, countor, carry, cosmological argument, cool off, take place, convoke, take over, contributor, take off, take note, concurrent, take issue, concrete term, take in, concause, take flight, compromise, take chances, collective, take account, collapse, take a shit, climatology, take a leak, chouse, take a crap, chilling, take a chance, championship, take a breather, take, kill oneself, kill off, use, stop, still, move around, lay claim, claim, sword of Damocles, soldier of fortune, process of monition, piece of cake, next of kin, master of ceremonies, manner of walking, man of deeds, line of duty, law of nations, labour of love, labor of love, get rid of, drug of abuse, chloride of lime, burden of proof, bird of passage, ball of fire, negative reinforcing stimulus, negative reinforcer, put on, put off, put down, put away, put across, political leader, political dissident, allow, own, generate, give up, give birth, expect, causelessness, know apart, causelessly, know, way, causeful, causee, minor, causedness, spend a penny, caused, draw and quarter, fall out, fall guy, fall, making, fire, think, natural, develop, recover, physical process, want, patient, civic responsibility, drop out, drop dead, drop, connection, type, causator, seek, require, causate, get over, causalism, get off, causable, get married, casus belli, get hitched with, card-carrying, get ahead, carcinogen, calm down, power user, byground, power play, by-cause, buck off, motive power, bring up against, missing link, light, bring about, virus, bond, water pill, blockhole, pass water, blamestorm, chlorine water, public executioner, black box, mental telepathist, beworry, mental energy, bewill, body, social scientist, beget, beflutter, probable, bedaze, tell apart, basophobia, leading, base rate fallacy, destroy, barbarisation, struggle, banner, heavy, backtrace, follow, backcast, remove, awareness ribbon, demand, autogenous, signal, attributionist, assert, low temperature, arson, all arounder, array, hard worker, arborise, appeal, date from, apologist, keep in line, keep back, anger, keep an eye on, analogism, keep, ampliation, allegiance, early bird, chance, reducing agent, adherence, going away, going, accidentalism, little girl, acausally, material witness, material, -facient, die, hold off, hold back, hold, excess, rest, living dead, dead ringer, strike leader, good egg, long shot, long, eliminate, small fry, ease, system administrator, philosophical system, starting time, wake up, wake, better half, better, psychoactive substance, controlled substance, act upon, notice, wipe out, try out, throw out, thin out, swear out, spit out, snuff out, single out, send out, ravel out, pick out, odd man out, measure out, leave out, kick out, gross out, grind out, fork out, forcing out, drum out, crank out, cough out, carrying out, boot out, squeeze for, send for, look for, go for, liege subject, great, walk in, throw in, pull in, phase in, hammer in, drive in, drill in, cash in one's chips, beat in, fight off, fight down, fight back, moderate, detect, strength, escape, number, repeat, represent, organophosphate nerve agent, step down, suicide, commit suicide, watch over, hand over, fork over, break away, break, ignore, beginning, save, quick study, moral obligation, moral hazard, push on, lark about, poor white trash, poor fish, resist, try, emergence, male child, flower child, female child, tell, recovery, blast, measure, achieve, gain ground, gain, wind up, wind, second wind, realize, rejection, endanger, go past, go on, go down on, go back, go away, go, weaken, seize with teeth, hook up with, leaving, poison, leave, positive reinforcing stimulus, positive reinforcer, call, discovery, expose, terrorist, recognize, civil rights worker, civil rights leader, civil rights activist, civil officer, civil leader, civil law, civil engineer, civil authority, medical scientist, food faddist, end user, end man, aftermath, cold, occupational hazard, driven, sexual conquest, mind reader, mind, rate, legal proceeding, legal guardian, legal expert, legal duty, grow, point woman, point man, evolutionary trend, high roller, charge up, charge, pains, limit, section hand, old hand, lone hand, hired hand, hand, operation, contend, cut up, cut, enemy, opposition, sign on, press on, plough on, pass on, lay eyes on, egg on, bear on, electrical engineer, separate, exact, send off, pop off, polish off, pass off, off, knock off, jerk off, jack off, fuck off, freeze off, bump off, air traveller, air traveler, touch, soft touch, speech act, getting, fallout, sign up, sign, rational motive, irrational motive, ethical motive, close up, close down, close, virility drug, street drug, stimulant drug, psychoactive drug, proprietary drug, myotic drug, mydriatic drug, miotic drug, mind-altering drug, medicinal drug, generic drug, fertility drug, diuretic drug, consciousness-altering drug, brand-name drug, anti-impotence drug, adrenergic drug, abortion-inducing drug, repair, relieve oneself, relieve, transmission, arrest, role model, active agent, jeopardize, money changer, leadership, resultant, running away, run away, pass away, precedent, bite, mortality, neglect, mechanical engineer, pull ahead, pull, distinguish, past master, religious mystic, religious leader, religious, excuse, inconvenience oneself, killing, object, hate, interference, day labourer, day laborer, react, criminal prosecution, organization, freedom fighter, leaders, research worker, research, scientific discipline, tier up, tee up, stir up, stand up, spring up, split up, spit up, smash up, pick up, perk up, open up, loosen up, liven up, fork up, dress up, digging up, cough up, carve up, bang up, absorb, relationship, friendly relationship, family relationship, imagine, effectiveness, appetite suppressant, shut down, ram down, mow down, cool down, free lance, offset, receive, assume, formation, alter ego, alter, rule, financial officer, nobody, drive back, date back, sales event, capture, progressive, white man's burden, family, name, communication, dispute, full cousin, timing, send, sweet talk, first lady, first cousin, first, deliver, custody battle, battle, combat, official, childhood, look sharp, keeping, relief, challenge, priority, look, second cousin, commit, party pooper, conduct, medication, psychic energy, disappear, prior, origin, manual labor, labor leader, spring chicken, bomb, impulse, remedy, speed demon, hit, sensation, murder suspect, murder, fix, product, woman, white woman, gay woman, bionic woman, count, robbery suspect, rape suspect, gone, replacement, learn, queer bird, bird watcher, young man, wise man, wild man, white man, wealthy man, sporting man, rich man, ladies' man, holy man, hired man, hatchet man, gay man, feral man, elevator man, cave man, bionic man, backup man, military leader, military law, military engineer, advance, practice, satisfy, grief, impair, lift, run around, working girl, working capital, working, split, complete, headache, pass along, authority figure, determining, supreme authority, gene delivery vector, third house, justice, cow, weapon, telling, tax law, statutory law, shariah law, sharia law, securities law, mercantile law, martial law, law merchant, international law, ecclesiastical law, commercial law, canon law, administrative law, stay, lay witness, hostile witness, expert witness, character witness, hostility, love, launch, plan, post, spin doctor, urge, protest, search, girl wonder, boy wonder, set, trust, engage, consumer, easy mark, waste, permissive waste, rage, vexatious litigation, run, temporary worker, temporary, express mirth, express joy, letter writer, test suit, test driver, test, perceive, reality, divide, offspring, male offspring, female offspring, bear, lady killer, production, travel, dependent, bound, sorrow, clot, succeed, enter, catch one's breath, pathogen, taste, examine, lay, judgment, spiritual leader, spiritual, business traveler, communicate, race driver, watch, roll, soft soap, discover, applied science, assess, undesirable, founding father, father, prosecution, quail at, planet, dampen, medicine, pudding head, head, crowned head, transient, job candidate, job, arouse, discharge, black belt, humanitarian, stage manager, phase, estimate, reluctance, preserve, transmit, dry, extend oneself, choose, puppet leader, nationalist leader, civic leader, live wire, live, dose, fan, night owl, parasite, note, defend, extremist, sex, union member, church member, insulin, march, pursue, spare, neutralize, wait, mystery, inspiration, sacrifice, extra, comfort, seasonal worker, seasonal, arrival, distribution, regain, meet, trade unionist, deciding, locomotive engine, fill, yellow peril, departure, establishment, red, vicinity, execution, pilot, proceedings, militant, catch, annoyance, army engineer, pushing, competition, adult male, adult female, distrust, reject, specify, insurgent, young Turk, differ, steady, odd fish, efficiency expert, efficiency engineer, guess, optimism, possess, running, excitement, desperate, convey, breathe, initiative, fly, diet, flee, profit, independent, open, partisan, foster sister, foster brother, grown, investor, cult, white trash, white Anglo-Saxon Protestant, white, organisation, chlorine dioxide, activation, truck driver, mule driver, livery driver, hack driver, designated driver, bus driver, automobile driver, voice, oppose, rocket scientist, rocket engineer, enforcement, lactogenic hormone, antidiuretic hormone, nationalist, capital, soul mate, best friend, reinforce, throw, computer expert, requirement, line, credit, conservative, fat cat, eradicate, republican, erase, branch, superior, define, marine engineer, filial duty, civic duty, unpaid worker, trained worker, skilled worker, dock worker, top dog, top, shooting, manipulation, compelling, yield, ownership, embrace, register, tool, reward, passenger, character, regular, launching, tip, revolt, secure, irregular, pass, temptation, mother's son, mistrust, refrain, pleasure seeker, dissent, hod carrier, carrier, differentiate, science, engineering science, squeeze play, obsession, anti-TNF compound, calcium hypochlorite, elicit, revive, assumption, youth, cognitive scientist, brother, rebel, byproduct, risky venture, slump, bill sticker, bill poster, precipitation, mail, touching, manual labour, tough, opposite, command, cite, separatist, space cadet, heartbeat, accompanying, successor, shot, exceed, child's play, liberal, wild, technology, opposing, judge, dilute, street fighter, harvest, attraction, familiar, restriction, presiding officer, homeless, overexert oneself, miss, gather, tribal chief, chief, restrict, host, knock, attain, evacuate, road hog, regenerate, elbow grease, sale, cut-rate sale, revolutionary, closed book, author, lady friend, assessment, quit, void, friendship, furor, silent partner, passive resister, agricultural labourer, agricultural laborer, imperative, design, disagree, telephone, class fellow, manipulate, senior citizen, citizen, client, old stager, predispose, perform, fatty, suppose, cool, compare, intimidate, student, shoot, recognise, ugly duckling, sleeping partner, dancing partner, guard, principal investigator, twist, filibuster, employee, joy, welcome, computer scientist, computer programmer, computer guru, computer, achievement, stick, spouse, wheel, rival, limitation, hesitation, eager beaver, tap, endeavor, enjoy, wear, pedal, acquire, restrain, exhibit, slaughter, pulling, linguistic scientist, obstetrical delivery, delivery, odd fellow, purchase, shrinking violet, rock, stoppage, inclination, invention, ensue, efficacy, star, teen, manufacture, wetting agent, surface-active agent, psychotropic agent, oxidizing agent, drying agent, anesthetic agent, anaesthetic agent, adopt, elevator boy, boy scout, boy, observe, model, propose, outset, soften, explore, reassure, ethics, recipient, stifle, prosecute, reader, lip reader, invite, advise, extinguish, scratch, employer, stake, expulsion, bond servant, combine, surrender, thin, dent, coaxial cable, coax cable, cable, disregard, seize, senior, inferior, magic, drawing card, chill, soothe, insistence, bow, contract, prisoner, activist, researcher, unravel, appreciate, quest, lure, guerrilla, modify, fellow traveller, fellow traveler, fellow, incidental, snake, journey, replicate, gauge, foment, sway, sodium hypochlorite, girl, elevator girl, retrieve, martyr, friendly, expel, slavery, copy, devaluation, nicotine, sample, constitution, petition, choke, pretend, exertion, quarrel, accomplishment, walking, creative thinker, anorexia, withhold, fold, massacre, submarine, artillery, stimulating, underwater diver, participating, specialist, wire, worm, drown, lone wolf, interpret, snap, alien, executive, sufferer, shark, hindrance, hopeful, realise, angel, mark, lawmaker, wet blanket, tourist, bed wetter, kissing cousin, cousin, adulthood, hunt, boom, empty, laugh, straight shooter, straight arrow, nazi, contradict, judgement, infancy, govern, ancestor, psychic, sheep, delight, marry, endurance contest, pill roller, pill pusher, prayer, camp follower, salvage, writer, disgust, volunteer, guide, relax, rolling, giant, sovereign, attendant, talent, exit, engineering, booster, spillover, morality, repress, pet, professional, guardian, viewer, doctrine, venture, contemporary, mountain climber, shorten, spoil, favorite, aversive stimulus, sweat, heroic, possession, dear, mortgage holder, disposal, condone, monster, software engineer, naval engineer, mining engineer, metallurgical engineer, automotive engineer, aerospace engineer, aeronautical engineer, overlook, sting, rectify, dwarf, athlete, overwork, ticket, throttle, awaken, fashion designer, fervor, communicating, queen, celebrate, politician, adolescent, competitor, predecessor, commander, grand Turk, assurance, secular, psyche, galvanize, companion, stone, straining, busy bee, anterior, clone, dwell, duplicate, pacemaker, suck, wearer, eyeglass wearer, jeopardise, jumping, monarch, neighborhood, claimant, seed, antagonism, bother, substitute, pedestrian, employ, float, supporter, physiology, disposition, counsel, creep, satellite, chicken, intrigue, grant, protectionist, surplus, simulate, fool, parachute jumper, lord, proceeding, farmer, malformation, smile, lesbian, sap, associate, populist, earn, decree, enmity, founder, sponsor, partnership, mate, walker, rat, reporter, cave dweller, beloved, punishing, ache, outgrowth, stamp collector, sibling, philosophy, bare, whiff, hunting, maker, authorship, investigator, weird, genius, inactivity, tribal sheikh, tribal sheik, bell ringing, constructive eviction, grid, disgrace, concomitant, infliction, powder, bleaching powder, suffocate, clog dancer, sprawl, finish, forge, clothes designer, elder, whale, allay, performing artist, espouse, apprehend, booby, vanish, participant, discriminate, progeny, sitting duck, railroad, brave, summon, messenger, migrant, dig, foreigner, grasp, scrap, acquiring, disarm, meal, amend, transmitting, golden ager, forgive, challenger, contender, colored, stupid, missionary, unionist, disdain, ratify, leaning, saint, plaster saint, master, yen, hurry, recruit, nail, nurse, gamble, pardon, bend, paralytic, citation, intimate, rider, operative, spokesperson, prerequisite, square shooter, square, cleaner, enterprise, constrain, damp, strangle, captain, skilled workman, abstain, destination, gate, lobby, reclaim, virgin, precedence, aberrant, appoint, savage, recoup, dictator, assign, furore, listener, aggressor, demon, imperil, suppressor, solace, murderer, artist, railway locomotive, subversive, crawl, bust,