bur (Also burses, burs, burring, burred) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to bur
- burr«
- bur«
- barbed«
- bristled«
- burred«
- beggar-ticks«
- bristle«
- sticker«
- thorn«
- briar«
- horse brier«
- brier«
- greenbrier«
- feeler«
- spine«
- spikelet«
- prickle«
- thorniness«
- spininess«
- pricker«
- horse-brier«
- catbrier«
- bullbrier«
- bristliness«
- barbel«
- seta«
- prickliness«
- armed«
- bur-«
- tribulus«
- spiny«
- tassel«
- harpagophytum«
- prickly«
- prick«
- sticker grass«
- hook«
- burry«
- plant«
- trample«
- bristly«
- pearl«
- animal«
- setose«
- husk«
- burdock«
- setaceous«
- fuller's thistle«
- tire«
- briery«
- fortify«
- briary«
- clothing«
- barbellate«
- clawed«
- irritation«
- thorny«
- burgrass«
- most epizoochorous bur«
- burfish«
- grielum specie«
- fabric fulling«
- epizoochorous bur«
- finger«
- common bur«
- agricultural harvesting machinery«
- xanthium specie«
- beggar tick«
- yellow avens«
- glochidium«
- longspine sandbur«
- glochid«
- -bury«
- grielum humifusum«
- geum canadense«
- chaeta«
- -burgh«
- white avens«
- grielum«
- -burg«
- geum aleppicum«
- -borough«
- leg«
- acanthospermum australe«
- feel«
- stick«
- epizoochory«
- gross injury«
- cosmopolitan weed«
- cenchrus longispinus«
- puncturevine«
- tactile sensation«
- diaspores«
- tactile property«
- expensive damage«
- slit«
- xanthium strumarium«
- bidens pilosa«
- pericarp«
- cocklebur«
- dagger«
- galium aparine«
- scratch«
- loop fastener«
- pricking«
- arctium lappa«
- touch sensation«
- teeth«
- tactual sensation«
- tribulus terrestris«
- touch«
- vehicle tire«
- traditional resource«
- spur«
- foot pad«
- needle«
- infructescence«
- bearing plant«
- incision«
- teasel«
- seed vessel«
- host animal«
- bit«
- caltrop«
- dry fruit«
- dent«
- seed«
- antenna«
- seed dispersal«
- feeling«
- common plant«
- specie«
- cleaver«
- injury«
- special class«
- ostrich«
- bradawl«
- herbivore«
- acantha«
- several specie«
- fingering«
- hoof«
- considerable time«
- take away«
- dispersal«
- take«
- function«
- pointed«
- cactus«
- discomfort«
- withdraw«
- remove«
- fur«
- relevance«
- spike«
- attachment«
- form«
- livestock«
- stem«
- mechanism«
- hair«
- fruit«
- inspiration«
- agent«
- damage«
- equipment«
- aircraft«
- vehicle«
- status«
- branch«
- distance«
- purpose«
- body«
- source«
- spinous«
- thistlelike«
- taloned«
- brushlike«
- bristlelike«
- acanthous«
- acanthoid«
- chaetal«
- ray«
- kris«
- quill«
- barrelled«
- bale out«
- haptic sensation«
- burl«
- appendage«
- gut«
- weed«
- suck out«
- scotch«
- flick«
- dirk«
- shuck«
- muck«
- hollow«
- barreled«
- pinkie«
- tip«
- pinky«
- laden«
- creepiness«
- spade bit«
- degas«
- hull«
- scratch up«
- chip away at«
- chip away«
- scoop up«
- scoop out«
- scoop«
- ream«
- expansive bit«
- chamfer bit«
- stiletto«
- aspirate«
- bodkin«
- skin sensation«
- cutaneous sensation«
- thumb«
- dig«
- leach«
- lade«
- capsule«
- delete«
- scavenge«
- remover«
- little finger«
- delve«
- take up«
- pull up«
- clear up«
- tentacle«
- acute«
- peaked«
- twist bit«
- pilot bit«
- expansion bit«
- drilling bit«
- drill bit«
- countersink bit«
- centre bit«
- center bit«
- ladle«
- index finger«
- index«
- endocarp«
- unveil«
- dredge«
- cream off«
- cream«
- brush«
- pit«
- ring finger«
- middle finger«
- wash out«
- take out«
- pull out«
- lift out«
- knock out«
- get out«
- drive out«
- draw out«
- clear out«
- carve out«
- bail out«
- crumb«
- texture«
- sense«
- unstring«
- unsaddle«
- resect«
- remotion«
- poniard«
- pointedness«
- palpate«
- offsaddle«
- incise«
- hypophysectomize«
- hypophysectomise«
- expectorate«
- exocarp«
- exenterate«
- epilate«
- epicarp«
- enucleate«
- disburden«
- detusk«
- detoxicate«
- desorb«
- descale«
- depilate«
- demineralize«
- demineralise«
- delouse«
- dehorn«
- decorticate«
- decoke«
- decarburize«
- decarburise«
- decarbonize«
- decarbonise«
- decalcify«
- de-ionate«
- de-iodinate«
- counterbore«
- annualry«
- skim off«
- skim«
- wipe off«
- wear off«
- wash off«
- throw off«
- tear off«
- take off«
- shake off«
- pull off«
- draw off«
- cut off«
- clear off«
- cast off«
- carry off«
- bear off«
- stone«
- lift«
- spiked«
- cast«
- spoon«
- defang«
- mesocarp«
- pollex«
- slice«
- sharpened«
- turn over«
- cut into«
- bail«
- crease«
- bear away«
- strip«
- score«
- twist drill«
- wipe away«
- wear away«
- wash away«
- throw away«
- tear away«
- draw away«
- clear away«
- carry away«
- divest«
- draw«
- eviscerate«
- spinal«
- free«
- sharp«
- string«
- circumcise«
- withdrawal«
- countersink«
- scrape«
- amputate«
- disinvest«
- bone«
- kirpan«
- clean«
- unhinge«
- clear«
- condense«
- head«
- discharge«
- forefinger«
- outgrowth«
- harvest«
- cancel«
- scalp«
- drop«
- tusk«
- pull«
- point«
- indent«
- defuse«
- removal«
- scale«
- dislodge«
- pick«
- eliminate«
- winnow«
- wash«
- shell«
- empty«
- shed«
- unpack«
- undock«
- extract«
- unburden«
- dismantle«
- disembowel«
- ablate«
- debone«
- excavate«
- creese«
- process«
- detoxify«
- throw«
- extirpate«
- undress«
- goo«
- gook«
- sluice«
- ala«
- decortication«
- effacement«
- pull in one's horns«
- alveolar ridge«
- alveolar process«
- alveolar arch«
- stub«
- hive off«
- notch«
- enucleation«
- groove«
- slop«
- arista«
- gunk«
- goop«
- cirrus«
- bow out«
- spoonful«
- cecal appendage«
- slough off«
- slough«
- suck«
- tunnel«
- horn«
- gum ridge«
- boll«
- syphon«
- eminence«
- vine«
- stemmer«
- gash«
- pluck«
- excise«
- riddance«
- deletion«
- tail«
- cherry stone«
- receding«
- slash«
- digger«
- glade«
- crawfish out«
- crawfish«
- leaching«
- girdle«
- siliqua«
- pocket«
- mouth«
- slime«
- exfoliate«
- bark«
- ooze«
- rack«
- pod«
- cheque«
- kiss«
- toucher«
- sheller«
- spade«
- tap«
- burrow«
- peach pit«
- crest«
- ablation«
- ridge«
- silique«
- scoop shovel«
- baring«
- toe«
- evisceration«
- rock bit«
- disembowelment«
- seeder«
- siphon off«
- siphon«
- dredger«
- villus«
- skimming«
- check out«
- pare«
- hole«
- amputation«
- dig out«
- moult«
- compression«
- extractor«
- bilocular capsule«
expunge, peel, processus coronoideus, sludge, fibre, open, skimmer, offload, lighten, pick up, deduct, stalk, recede, ditch, surgical incision, autotomy, deactivation, stemming algorithm, roller bit, fishtail bit, core bit, blade bit, worry, apophysis, circumcision, scavenger, subtract, condensing, dip, tubercle, stroke, pseudopod, deaden, emptying, wring out, furrow, skin, fiber, chaff, knot, husking, pull back, move back, draw back, back out, back away, excoriation, stripping, striptease, root word, trochanter, abrasion, gutter, cross out, cross off, grope for, flint, rut, strip down, rub down, roughness, tag, pullback, deforest, wipe out, strike out, squeeze out, score out, rub out, cutting out, bring out, break out, get rid of, cutting off, bowel, pump, shovel, power shovel, rub off, recession, palm, withdrawer, weeder, weed-whacker, voidance, unsheathe, unlade, uncrate, unclothe, uncase, stitchery, sprigger, spiculum, spicule, slub, sequestrate, self-effacement, scoopful, rootle, raggedness, pseudopodium, osteophyte, osculate, odontoid process, metaphysis, mastoidal, incisure, incisura, hypophysectomy, guck, exuviate, exenteration, excrescence, epilator, epilation, enation, drawee, displume, dislodgment, dislodgement, disforest, discase, disafforest, deterge, deplume, deplumate, depilator, depilation, denudate, demodulate, demineralisation, deglycerolize, deglycerolise, declaw, decampment, de-iodination, corrade, caruncula, caruncle, autotomize, autotomise, angulate, amputator, aculeus, aculea, acromial process, abscise, abrase, skim over, pierce, whisk off, strike off, spirit off, haul off, firing off, drawing off, cart off, sequester, impinge on, evacuation, spirit away, dermabrasion, straw, stubble, vermiform appendix, appendix, stump, acrosome, intestine, unveiling, osseous tissue, slicer, papilla, abstraction, catgut, hit, cut, drawing, divert, style, mark, ivory, condyle, strip show, condensation, rinsing, flagellum, collide with, extirpation, resection, clearing, whisk away, pull away, haul away, cart away, detoxification, smoothness, zygomatic process, trowel, retirement, defection, nap, section, run into, theme, mastoid process, mastoid bone, mastoid, excavator, base, thread, bus, transverse process, rout, strike, overdraw, erase, contraction, excision, extraction, stripper, thrust, tuberosity, scrabble, demineralization, trench, drawer, buss, abscission, bare, kill, radical, mining, rinse, sewing, root, milk, drive, epicondyle, digging, denude, decontamination, vermiform process, clear-cut, archeological site, retreat, plant process, press, implement, defusing, snog, adjourn, unbox, desorption, cleansing, obliterate, pterygoid process, seclude, denudation, disengage, coronoid process, cleaning, fetlock, uncovering, cleanup, abandonment, excavation, touching, elimination, desertion, firing, acromion, pulp, styloid process, abrade, retire, unload, tear, olecranon process, olecranon, fimbria, efface, handle, molt, depilatory, disrobe, engage, Spanish needles, Smilax rotundifolia,
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