baste (Also bastes, basted, basting, bastings) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to baste
- basting stitch«
- basting«
- tacking«
- batter«
- clobber«
- tack«
- baste«
- tacker«
- baster«
- cook«
- cooking«
- preparation«
- cookery«
- unbasted«
- vikramgad taluka«
- tar«
- basta«
- roast«
- stitch«
- palghar district«
- roasting«
- sew«
- effective literacy rate«
- braise«
- salt«
- india«
- overcook«
- mark«
- literacy rate«
- sauteing«
- huli-huli chicken«
- maharashtra«
- broil«
- gather«
- demographic«
- braising«
- flour«
- household«
- frying«
- fat«
- census«
- poach«
- cudgel«
- bake«
- butter«
- population«
- grill«
- beat«
- village«
- broiling«
- child«
- baking«
- reference«
- parboil«
- blanch«
- fry«
- basted«
- stewing«
- coddle«
- stew«
- fricassee«
- fusion cooking«
- grilling«
- boiling«
- toasting«
- simmering«
- zap«
- poaching«
- microwave«
- cuisine«
- browning«
- thumbtack«
- prepare«
- souse«
- nuke«
- fix«
- staple gun«
- ready«
- culinary art«
- make«
- steam«
- brown«
- staplegun«
- pressure-cook«
- micro-cook«
- percolation«
- pan roast«
- deglaze«
- moisten«
- oven broil«
- simmer«
- saute«
- stir fry«
- fry cook«
- microwave oven«
- flambe«
- cook up«
- cook out«
- lard«
- griddle«
- sew together«
- scallop«
- barbecue«
- brine«
- toast«
- wash«
- cookie«
- barbecuing«
- flavor«
- fortify«
- poacher«
- percolate«
- crisp«
- append«
- sewing stitch«
- embroidery stitch«
- hibachi«
- whomp up«
- flavour«
- clarify«
- concoct«
- conserve«
- steamer clam«
- soft-shell clam«
- long-neck clam«
- whip up«
- nouvelle cuisine«
- haute cuisine«
- chef«
- tack on«
- carpet tack«
- pickle«
- fryer«
- steamer«
- frizzle«
- roaster«
- cooker«
- hang on«
- dress out«
- dress«
- keep«
- crispen«
- dampen«
- preserve«
- work over«
- truss«
- lace«
- can«
- season«
- barbeque«
- drawing pin«
- put up«
- put on«
- corn«
- frier«
- grille«
- fire«
- gastronomy«
- beat up«
- jug«
- grillwork«
- dim sum«
- tintack«
- shirring«
- shirr«
- seasoner«
- rechauffe«
- pushpin«
- precook«
- pan-fry«
- pan-broil«
- ovenbake«
- grillroom«
- french-fry«
- escallop«
- deep-fry«
- deep-fat-fry«
- cooky«
- brownness«
- alcoholize«
- alcoholise«
- run up«
- devil«
- preserver«
- joint«
- spike«
- tag on«
- pullet«
- tin«
- veal roast«
- standing rib roast«
- rump roast«
- roast veal«
- roast pork«
- roast lamb«
- roast beef«
- rib roast«
- pot roast«
- pork roast«
- lamb roast«
- blade roast«
- beef roast«
- sauce«
- refrigerate«
- moisturize«
- lather«
- soak«
- seasoning«
- broiler«
- roasted«
- chicken stew«
- chicken purloo«
- pastry cook«
- turkey stew«
- oyster stew«
- mulligan stew«
- lobster stew«
- fish stew«
- beef stew«
- savor«
- lambast«
- stuffing«
- mixture«
- flog«
- saltiness«
- moistening«
- douse«
- dehydrate«
- flavoring«
- relish«
- whacking«
- drench«
- hot pot«
- goulash«
- table salt«
- common salt«
- lacing«
- dowse«
- caramel brown«
- caramel«
- licking«
- olive brown«
- zest«
- thresh«
- buttonhole stitch«
- conserves«
- moisture«
- hem«
- infiltration«
- potato chip«
- whipping«
- alcoholic drink«
- hotpot«
- lambaste«
- salad dressing«
- dressing«
- tent stitch«
- slip stitch«
- sewing-machine stitch«
- satin stitch«
- saddle stitch«
- running stitch«
- overhand stitch«
- machine stitch«
- flame stitch«
- fagot stitch«
- faggot stitch«
- chain stitch«
- blanket stitch«
- nip«
- pucker«
- yellowish brown«
- preserves«
- curry«
- bind«
- tuck«
- preservative«
- cross-stitch«
- modify«
- salinity«
- flavouring«
- strap«
- mocha«
- flail«
- chocolate«
- stitcher«
- savour«
- spice up«
- spice«
- belabor«
- tick«
- buff«
- flame«
- whip«
- paddle«
- ragout«
- tailor's tack«
- cookout«
- bargello«
- knock cold«
- sepia«
- popper«
- cordon bleu«
- sop«
- taupe«
- reddish brown«
- cannery«
- tie«
- gulyas«
- lash«
- stitching«
- burgoo«
- strong-arm«
- concoction«
- spank«
- seawater«
- olla podrida«
- smack«
- flaming«
- toaster«
- dampener«
- wet«
- alter«
- tang«
- slash«
- coffee«
- trounce«
- percolator«
- alcohol«
- bigos«
- gros point«
- alcoholic beverage«
- puce«
- overcast«
- knock out«
- tin can«
- steam clean«
- chestnut«
- saltwater«
- ratatouille«
- sewing«
- clearing«
- live steam«
- canister«
- salter«
- lam«
- raw sienna«
- appendage«
- umber«
- burnt umber«
- welt«
- hotchpotch«
- cannister«
- beating«
- burnt sienna«
- thrashing«
- light brown«
- deep brown«
- drubbing«
- whipstitching«
- whipstitch«
- subjoin«
- stitchery«
- slumgullion«
- sapidity«
- retick«
- resinate«
- resew«
- purloo«
- pot-au-feu«
- poilu«
- pistol-whip«
- moisturise«
- moistener«
- lobscuse«
- lobscouse«
- larrup«
- jugful«
- intermixture«
- inebriant«
- humidify«
- hemstitching«
- hemstitch«
- hemming-stitch«
- freeze-dry«
- flavourer«
- flavorer«
- finedraw«
- desiccate«
- belabour«
- backstitch«
- petit point«
- confection«
- cure«
- cane«
- mulligan«
- quilting«
- cast off«
- sewer«
- top round«
- rough up«
- fortification«
- kayo«
- intoxicant«
- cast on«
- chip«
- mahogany«
- clarification«
- change«
- trouncing«
- scouse«
- pottage«
- picot«
- hazel«
- fell«
- dampening«
- thrash«
- wiener roast«
- weenie roast«
- crown roast«
- thicken«
- emulsify«
- cooked«
- mince«
- invert«
- boil«
- untie«
- breast of veal«
- aerate«
- dough«
- socialise«
- fish fry«
- inactivate«
- drizzle«
- demonize«
- fertilize«
- apple butter«
- tenderize«
- sentimentalize«
- flatten«
- liquify«
- dish«
- sublimate«
- synchronize«
- loosen«
- de-emphasize«
- conflate«
- liquefy«
- romanticize«
- personalize«
- rack of lamb«
- socialize«
- brutalize«
- bouillabaisse«
- customise«
- saturate«
- blot out«
- obfuscate«
- deactivate«
- soften«
- incapacitate«
- lubricate«
- turkey stuffing«
- oyster stuffing«
- edit out«
- edit«
- soaking«
- combine«
- fertilise«
- cooking utensil«
- synchronise«
- subdue«
- commingle«
- sanitize«
- add on«
- add«
- chasten«
- darken«
- sanctify«
- recombine«
- glamorize«
- adjust«
- lighten up«
- lighten«
- embellish«
- sharpen«
- cinnamon toast«
- salting«
- colorize«
- customize«
- orange toast«
- deodorize«
- deform«
- shorten«
- coagulate«
- vitalize«
- debauch«
- meld«
- mingle«
- ventilate«
permeate, condense, elevate, transmute, unscramble, externalize, freshen, refrigerator, calcify, contaminate, digitize, stiffen, straighten out, straighten, pressurise, disintegrate, personalise, fasten, depolarize, debase, deaden, demoralise, relax, demonise, tender, equalise, polarize, rationalize, greyish brown, humanize, neutralise, leg of lamb, intensify, confuse, neutralize, aggravate, urbanize, centralize, taste, change taste, pork-and-veal goulash, beef goulash, insulate, fatten up, fatten out, fatten, polarise, ameliorate, mythologize, disable, politicise, glorify, mechanize, decentralise, chill, subvert, digitalize, lemon cheese, blend, cohere, normalize, habituate, obliterate, twice-baked bread, disturb, sink in, immortalize, dissolve, roux, denature, sensitize, lemon curd, reestablish, objectify, refrigerant, decorate, devalue, internationalize, conjoin, professionalize, evaporation, politicize, rationalise, drying up, curing, depersonalize, demoralize, reflate, sweeten, sputter, refresh, affix, industrialise, heat up, heat, internationalise, concentrate, individualize, misdirect, centralise, flesh out, evaporate, oxidize, accustom, beef up, redact, naturalise, oxidise, weal, dry out, dry, tailpiece, digitise, complicate, radicalize, morph, weaponize, professionalise, grayish brown, desensitize, inflate, visualise, normalise, suturing, harmonise, ripen, visualize, pressurize, magnetize, estrange, desiccation, redo, crochet stitch, oyster dressing, lazy daisy stitch, knitting stitch, half cross stitch, feminize, infiltrate, burn down, burn, amalgamate, exacerbate, harmonize, filter, kill, discolor, automate, alienate, refine, deflate, purify, handle, terminate, industrialize, brighten, cool down, cool, bind off, exasperate, animate, drenching, suspend, stain, refrigerating, solemnize, simplify, lessen, jelly, flogging, vitiate, let up, soaker, colly, commercialise, poison, arouse, westernize, equalize, weaken, coalesce, naturalize, humidity, scramble, revolutionise, horsewhip, fuse, temper, dull, civilize, energise, marmalade, profane, democratize, unify, purge, decentralize, sensitise, colour in, colour, solidifying, mix, regenerate, commute, widen, awaken, militarize, supercharge, warm, equate, hardening, disqualify, humanise, grime, waterspout, perplex, remodel, steepen, destabilize, tighten, leash, handgrip, crush, activate, domesticate, cookware, decelerate, merge, shake, sweetening, transpose, sanitise, filling, lashing, prostrate, beautify, assimilate, worsen, hue, cowhide, copper color, color in, color, depress, flare, adorn, undo, inform, flagellation, smut, knot, nationalise, bottom round, hide, amend, break up, break down, break, tie up, destabilise, waken, check, ruck, stabilise, lash together, fawn, blind stitching, set aside, grip, piggyback, blaze, ecru, freeze, goon, rectify, gag, muzzle, whipper, clot, cat, unite, barb, rope, flush, liberalize, keep up, dirty, pall, retard, recommend, maintain, impart, diversify, touch on, touch, crack, hydrate, slapper, dinge, reaper binder, filtration, reconstruct, substitute, supplementation, affect, switch, blister, strengthen, wham, loose, shallow, plump out, plump, clambake, democratise, change over, dehydration, lend, icebox, blazing, applique, water jug, water, dope, pervert, validate, excite, mincemeat, whiskey jug, cut, shoal, salmi, dun, lace up, inseminate, stabilize, knit, change intensity, invalidate, energize, tense, whiplash, mend, rouse, revolutionize, reinstate, hold, ash, make clean, clean, supple, turn back, turn, enable, thug, reclaim, ticking, shade, refrigeration, change integrity, introvert, transform, solidification, capture, gigot, cloudburst, veil, soil, hoodlum, whack, unfit, put, join, tame, bate, contribute, handhold, dismiss, shape, tone down, lift, blur, tailor, match, felled seam, translate, expand, downpour, compensate, elaborate, parallel, bring, jam, stuff, ret, fill up, fill out, fill, draw, exchange, scourge, restore, cause to sleep, tanning, darn, nationalize, extend, topaz, loop, tying, bestow, spanker, improve, cloud, flagellate, farce, louden, make grow, make full, supplement, liberalise, sewing-machine operator, changer, leach, sober, decrease, equal, raise, ease up, ease off, corrupt, birch, zwieback, womanize, whop, westernise, vulgarize, vulgarise, volatilize, volatilise, vivify, vitrify, vitalise, virilize, virilise, vesiculate, verbify, vascularize, vascularise, variegate, vaporise, urbanise, untune, unsubstantialize, unsubstantialise, unsex, unsanctify, uniformize, uniformise, unclutter, uglify, transubstantiate, transitivize, transitivise, transfigure, transaminate, territorialize, territorialise, tenderise, tailor-make, symmetrize, symmetrise, suburbanize, suburbanise, subtilize, subjunction, subjoining, strong-armer, spiritualize, sousing, solvate, solemnise, snuff-colour, snuff-color, slenderize, slenderise, sexualize, sexualise, sentimentalise, sensify, sensibilize, sensibilise, schematize, schematise, saponify, rusticate, romanticise, retie, renormalize, renormalise, refreshen, rarify, rarefy, porkholt, plasticize, plasticise, pelter, paganize, paganise, oxygenize, oxygenise, oxidate, oversew, overcloud, overcasting, outmode, ossify, orientalize, orientalise, opsonize, opalize, opalise, opacify, officialize, officialise, occidentalize, occidentalise, obnubilate, nazify, mythologise, mythicize, mythicise, minify, militarise, meliorate, mechanise, matelote, masculinize, masculinise, magnetise, lyophilize, lyophilise, longbeard, long-beard, lockstitch, liquidize, liquidise, lifehack, laicize, laicise, isomerize, isomerise, ionate, iodinate, intransitivize, intransitivise, inspissate, infrigidation, individualise, indispose, incandesce, immortalise, immix, immaterialize, immaterialise, hydrogenate, humidness, harshen, greybeard, glamourize, glamourise, glamorise, gelatinize, gelatinise, fricandeau, forcemeat, flocculate, feminise, fecundate, externalise, exteriorize, exteriorise, etiolate, etherialise, etherealize, eternize, eternise, eternalize, eternalise, eroticize, envenom, embrittle, effeminize, effeminise, dynamize, dynamise, draggle, domesticize, domesticise, dissonate, dissimilate, disharmonize, disenable, disaffect, digitalise, diabolize, diabolise, devilize, devilise, detransitivize, detransitivise, destress, desensitise, deprave, depolarise, depersonalise, deodourise, deodorise, denaturalize, denaturalise, denationalize, denationalise, demythologize, demythologise, demulsify, demist, demagnetize, demagnetise, dehydrogenate, degauss, defog, decrepitate, deconcentrate, decimalize, decimalise, decarboxylate, deaminize, deaminate, de-emphasise, counterchange, conventionalize, conventionalise, constitutionalize, constitutionalise, confect, communize, communise, commix, comfit, colourize, colourise, colorise, collimate, coarsen, classicize, classicise, civilise, circularize, chowchow, brutalise, bolshevize, bolshevise, blear, bestialize, bestialise, bemire, begrime, bedraggle, bedim, barbarize, barbarise, automatize, automatise, arterialize, arterialise, archaize, archaise, appendicle, antiquate, animize, animise, animalize, animalise, angulate, allegorize, allegorise, alkalinize, alkalinise, alchemize, alchemise, achromatize, achromatise, acetylize, acetylise, acetylate, acerbate, tie-in, premix, obscure, contract, toughie, patch, speed up, speed, reverse, slow down, round down, sluice, develop, blind, right, convert, round off, ornament, delay, ligature, chord, muddy, binder, form, link, accelerate, port, commercialize, tan, alteration, bear upon, bear on, wake up, tier up, sex up, set up, gear up, cry, disorder, spanking, correct, overturn, interchange, clear, mature, damage, wheal, tucker, end, round out, round, blunt, get, think, drop, charge, brick red, even out, replace, enrichment, leather, even, moderate, linkup, torrent, modifier, beige, fuel, tough, better, modification, dizzy, patchwork, bubble, wake, deluge, flux, knockout, copper, shift, set, change of state, land, still, switcher, cord, quilt, increase, empty, full, tier, antique, secure, legitimate, rusk, binding, disarray, gathering, ignition, hood, string, nick, redress, wallop, bellarmine, adjustment, age, alien, wale, thong, grace, humble, void, band, impact, pop, lower, patent, hit, market, punk, reform, proof, camp, improvement, Farmer, Fannie Merritt Farmer, Fannie Farmer, Irish stew, Brunswick stew, Hungarian goulash, French knot, Spanish burgoo, Irish burgoo, Vandyke brown, Venetian red, Saratoga chip, Crock Pot, Melba toast, Brussels biscuit, KO, Islamize, Islamise, Indian red, H2O, Frenchify, Europeanize, Europeanise, Americanize, Americanise,
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