antic (Also antics) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to antic
- caper«
- joke«
- trick«
- put-on«
- prank«
- clown around«
- clown«
- fantastic«
- grotesque«
- fantastical«
- antic«
- goofball«
- buffoonery«
- frivolity«
- jokester«
- drollery«
- trickster«
- buffoon«
- clowning«
- prankster«
- practical joker«
- joker«
- grotesquerie«
- strange«
- merry andrew«
- harlequinade«
- grotesqueness«
- dirty trick«
- funniness«
- goof«
- practical joke«
- comedy«
- cut-up«
- unusual«
- japery«
- grotesquery«
- tricker«
- hoaxer«
- comical«
- zany«
- shtick«
- eery«
- laughable«
- amusing«
- eerie«
- goofy«
- strangeness«
- mirthful«
- risible«
- sappy«
- wacky«
- schtick«
- singular«
- funny«
- peculiar«
- comic«
- quaint«
- unfamiliarity«
- monstrous«
- weird«
- harlequin«
- boob«
- rummy«
- silly«
- freaky«
- jocularity«
- whacky«
- odd«
- gothic«
- play tricks«
- jest«
- cockamamie«
- curious«
- jape«
- play a trick on«
- laugh«
- jester«
- play a joke on«
- crazy«
- blunder«
- frivolous«
- motley fool«
- exotic«
- sin«
- hotfoot«
- hoax«
- snipe hunt«
- fool«
- queer«
- unusualness«
- shtik«
- schtik«
- pull someone's leg«
- oddish«
- flim-flam«
- cockamamy«
- pull a fast one on«
- drop the ball«
- gag«
- rag«
- whiteface«
- fob«
- fox«
- rum«
- other«
- shine«
- scan line«
- postic«
- display list«
- perform«
- mode line«
- ongang«
- color clock«
- clownish«
- mimic«
- screen memory«
- make a fool of«
- byte«
- incongruous«
- display«
- silliness«
- display list interrupt«
- giddy«
- gargoyle«
- vertical blank«
- frolic«
- bit«
- dido«
- mode«
- buffoonish«
- antic mode«
- caricature«
- dli«
- jocular«
- dli routine«
- guile«
- screen«
- merriment«
- hscrol«
- bizarre«
- vertical blank interrupt«
- antiquity«
- map mode«
- ctia/gtia«
- antique«
- lm modifier«
- eccentricity«
- antiquated«
- double line resolution«
- playfulness«
- horizontal scrolling«
- antiquary«
- register«
- pmbase«
- antiquarian«
- graphic mode«
- character«
- airheaded«
- antics«
- region«
- instruction«
- humorous«
- shadow register«
- atari«
- bunko game«
- anticness«
- nmien«
- bunko«
- anticky«
- player/missile graphic«
- anticker«
- data«
- quirkiness«
- anticize«
- vertical scroll«
- flippant«
- antically«
- hardware register«
- weirdness«
- ancient«
- memory«
- absurdity«
- absurd«
- address«
- trickery«
- sad sack«
- dma«
- pixel«
- bumbler«
- cpu«
- funny story«
- vertical scrolling«
- funny remark«
- starting address«
- hilarity«
- character glyph«
- v bit set«
- unfamiliar«
- fine scrolling«
- quaintness«
- background color«
- eeriness«
- value«
- vbi«
- pratfall«
- blank line«
- curiosity«
- scan line tall«
- outlandishness«
- missile dma«
- load memory scan«
- lm address«
- peculiarity«
- botch«
- line«
- quirk«
- operating system«
- interrupt«
- single line resolution«
- oddity«
- dmactl«
- jesting«
- antic mode f«
- jump«
- confidence game«
- blank scan line«
- con game«
- routine«
- bunco game«
- color«
- update«
- mode instruction«
- ugly«
- glee«
- information«
- quip«
- vvblki«
- visual joke«
- rti instruction«
- playfield mode instruction«
- bizarreness«
- playfield display«
- exoticism«
- map mode instruction«
- lm modifier address«
- flighty«
- antic mode line«
- idle«
- modifier«
- character mode«
- trivial«
- maskable interrupt«
- vertical fine scrolling«
- fun«
- vdelay«
- scatterbrained«
- player/missile data«
- frivolousness«
- sprite«
- computer«
- flyaway«
- playfield mode«
- scream«
- playfield graphic«
- ram.«
- program«
- shaggy dog story«
- screen data«
- view port«
- slickness«
- screen display«
- gtia«
- foolish«
- playfield«
- bozo«
- text«
- shadow«
- target address«
- pun«
- electron beam«
- bottom«
- accumulator«
- hustle«
- y register content«
- monstrosity«
- vcount«
- jackass«
- scrolling region«
- dumbbell«
- player/missile dma«
- dodger«
- o vertical blank«
- modern lcd tv«
- mode line instruction«
- con«
- display list instruction«
- display list execution«
- otherness«
- d01chex/53276dec«
- chbase«
- blank mode line instruction«
- antic jump instruction«
- confidence trick«
- antic dlist register«
- curio«
- one-liner«
- output«
- freak«
- memory map«
- pinhead«
- vertical fine«
- humbug«
- re pixel wide«
- player/missile object«
- belly laugh«
- horizontal fine scrolling«
- in-joke«
- colpf2«
- howler«
- colbk«
- humourous«
- buffer line«
- graphic«
- system shadow register«
- distinctness«
- modifier bit«
- sight gag«
- antic text mode«
- start«
- v bit«
- bungler«
- text mode«
- mirth«
- page flipping«
- express mirth«
- horizontal scroll«
- foreignness«
- antic chip«
- sick joke«
- interrupt routine«
- raster«
- ethnic joke«
- dlis«
- dirty joke«
- color register«
- blue joke«
- register value«
- chicanery«
- singularity«
- base address«
- original value«
- dizzy«
- immediate«
- joking«
- display mode«
- video hardware«
- express joy«
- scanline«
- comedian«
- missile«
- skulduggery«
- memory requirement«
- freakishness«
- non«
- pleasantry«
- user program«
- vscrol register«
- flimflam«
- vscrol«
- teras«
- video inverse«
- rarity«
- video blank bit«
- vertical scrolling region«
- bunco«
- vertical blank interrupt routine«
- vdslst address«
- subsequent interrupt«
- good story«
- single mode line«
- dirty story«
- single line resolution p/m graphic«
- blue story«
- shadow register sdlstl/sdlsth«
- light«
- scrolling process«
- lightheaded«
- screen memory byte«
- register dlistl/dlisth«
- dummy«
- playfield width«
- fraudulence«
- playfield graphic mode«
- skullduggery«
- playfield graphic data«
- sting«
- playfield dma«
- shenanigan«
- playfield character«
- fathead«
- player/missile memory«
- separateness«
- player/missile byte pattern«
- player dma«
- optical magnifier«
- arse around«
- operating system shadow«
- monster«
- o vbi routine«
- abnormality«
- o graphic mode«
- flub«
- multiple dlis«
- lm option«
- hanky panky«
- lm instruction modifier«
- fool around«
- light pen/light gun trigger«
- light pen/light gun input device«
- light pen/light gun«
- bloomer«
- interrupt update vdslst«
- riot«
- hscrol value«
- grafm register«
- fumbler«
- glyph byte«
- waggery«
- fine scrolling limit«
- expected scan line«
- thigh-slapper«
- entire gtia pixel«
- stumbler«
- double line resolution p/m graphic«
- slyboots«
- dma timing consistent«
- sidesplitter«
- dli modifier«
- dli bit«
- display list text«
- risibility«
- color clock range«
- coarse scroll«
- character mode instruction«
- oddment«
- byte/character«
- blank mode line«
- mirthfulness«
- blank mode instruction«
- lusus naturae«
- atari function«
- light-minded«
- antic graphic mode«
- light-headed«
- antic display list interrupt«
- leg-pulling«
- antic display list«
- leg-pull«
- alternate gtia color interpretation«
- jocose«
- hardware«
- jiggery-pokery«
- scrolling«
- descender«
- hocus-pocus«
- effect«
- head-in-the-clouds«
- unexpected result«
- nmi«
- gleefulness«
- buffer«
- ghostliness«
- vertical overscan«
- gagwriter«
- vertical fine scroll«
- gagster«
- vertical coarse scrolling«
- gagman«
- screen byte«
- fuckup«
- normal color interpretation«
- foul-up«
- mode f display«
- inherent hardware capability«
- featherbrained«
- horizontal fine scroll«
- fatuousness«
- gtia color interpretation mode«
- fatuity«
- glyph data«
- exotism«
- exploitable behavior«
- exoticness«
- ctia/gtia chip«
- empty-headed«
- color clock pixel«
- dupery«
- colbk.«
- curiousness«
- bit7«
comicality, dma address, clownlike, player/missile, botcher, machine language routine, blunderer, horizontal blank interrupt, gtia mode, display cycle, corruption, screen ram, unknown, direct update, wow, xe model, fast one, jump target, butcher, diversion, cuckoo, dope, crotchet, snooker, recreation, wile, twat, gyp, chicane, boo-boo, blooper, horse around, goose, bungle, boner, queerness, fraud, booby, droll, ornery, earnestness, idiotic, ironical, vacuous, unlovely, offbeat, whimsy, quirky, wordplay, inane, farcical, wry, off-the-wall, fatuous, ironic, hideous, repulsive, jovial, slapstick, cantankerous, uproarious, escapade, ugliness, nonsensical, pathetic, hilarious, uncanny, freakish, tragicomic, wit, witty, wily, joyful, outre, commedia dell'arte, epigram, ghostly, crafty, eccentric, gleeful, mindless, dopey, lightness, foolishness, crotchety, capricious, apparitional, tongue-in-cheek, asinine, outlandish, ghostlike, unsightly, unearthly, ludicrous, facetious, harebrained, sense of humour, humour, fond, ill-conceived, punning, collectible, jerky, kinky, oddness, sense of humor, humor, craziness, cockeyed, giddiness, preposterous, unfamiliar with, fallacious, arbitrariness, spectral, dodgy, flippancy, standup comedian, roar, botch up, unaccustomed, indulgence, laugher, cunning, escapism, melodrama, ridiculous, game, disfigured, deceitful, seriocomic, bantering, guffaw, derisory, chuckle, hornswoggle, sly, jubilant, elated, farce comedy, farce, seriousness, tomfoolery, romp, poke fun, make fun, amuse, spectacle, out-of-the-way, superficial, slicker, recreate, sidesplitting, slang, waggish, spoil, cackle, madness, festivity, gonzo, pastime, witticism, lunacy, unskillful, unacquainted with, unacquainted, wisecrack, merry, tragicomedy, laugh loudly, jest at, travesty, amusement, flaky, laugh softly, ridicule, bobble, levity, capriciousness, nightlife, giggle, sport, laugh at, insane, mishandle, sincerity, cheater, collectable, gaffe, dark comedy, fuck up, chortle, dodge, guy, misguided, play, child's play, slick, convulse, remarkable, foul up, howl, comedienne, uncommon, flakey, showpiece, rook, fraudulent, sitcom, jolly, fumble, sidestep, distinguishable, situation comedy, low comedy, high comedy, black comedy, clanger, knickknack, whatnot, faux pas, victimize, unique, elude, laughter, gip, screaming, eurhythmics, foolery, alien, spiritual, bric-a-brac, muck up, goosey, lightheadedness, gambol, shaft, bollocks up, bollocks, unwise, sting operation, louse up, night life, terpsichore, athletics, collector's item, extraordinary, misstep, celebration, fluff, fudge, folly, foxy, pursuit, roast, gaming, snicker, muff, distinct, piece de resistance, wittiness, whimsicality, whimsey, way-out, unpicturesque, trip-up, tricksy, tragicomical, solecism, short-change, serious-mindedness, seriocomical, seriocomedy, scrofulous, scatty, rattlepated, rattlebrained, phantasmal, paronomasia, nobble, nicknack, mulct, merriness, lightsomeness, light-mindedness, knickknackery, knavish, jugglery, jocundity, jocund, jocosity, jocoseness, ill-favoured, ill-favored, humorousness, guileful, goosy, gooselike, goldbrick, gaucherie, fugly, flightiness, far-out, evil-looking, eurhythmy, dopy, disport, chouse, cachinnate, butcherly, botchy, bollix up, bollix, bodge, bellylaugh, beguiler, befool, anserine, alienism, alienage, recreational, evade, different, stumble, dry, snafu, leviathan, bull, scam, snigger, jockey, killing, put one over, put one across, rib, dancing, ball up, cheat, entertainment, trip up, slip up, screw up, mess up, crack up, break up, eurythmy, diddle, bray, parry, tricky, take in, blackguard, blow, dance, bathing, put on, put off, dupe, saltation, deceiver, divert, screw, gambling, circumvent, titter, eurythmics, skirt, crack, lark, sally, trip, mad, defraud, eldritch, interest, escape, literature, top banana, separate, slip, rare, gull, foreign, gay, duck, swindle, cod, bumble, hedge, whimsical, artful, histrionic, glib, epigrammatic, pinball game, pinball, melodramatic, facile, escapist, impulsive, mischievousness, caustic remark, disembodied spirit, pseudo, gymnastic exercise, gymnastic, ridiculousness, joyous, avocation, unpredictability, inanity, imitation, gaudiness, crankiness, sarcasm, orneriness, impertinence, repartee, imposter, wickedness, unattractive, glibness, acrobatic, impishness, undignified, aphoristic, flirtation, teasing, pungency, ostensible, craftiness, outlander, solemnity, bellowing, jubilance, sounding, pleasing, shallowness, ironist, roughhouse, earnest, trip the light fantastic toe, trip the light fantastic, joviality, dotty, grumpiness, imprudent, supernatural, ill-advised, impersonation, juggle, convulsive, unconventional, toying, video game, party game, mind game, guessing game, game of chance, gambling game, computer game, athletic game, frisk, vacuity, extrinsic, inadvisable, somberness, sporting life, apparition, contrivance, satire, edutainment, businesslike, solemn, familiarity, unpredictable, flirt, team sport, athletic, impostor, dispassion, tease, shiftiness, role player, irony, jeu d'esprit, wiliness, screwball, serious-minded, ribbing, secular games, awkward, festive, eyesore, choreography, cartoon, esprit de l'escalier, archness, graveness, contrariness, sincere, obscurantist, pas de trois, disgust, exultation, thoughtful, rashness, snort, displeasing, imitator, grifter, dreamer, derision, victimization, unattractiveness, skylark, dilettante, dishonest, hideousness, dork, arbitrary, especial, extravaganza, adagio, deceitfulness, feria, ceremonial dance, senselessness, skating, yowl, gymnastics, flakiness, ribaldry, jubilation, soberness, phony, garishness, perkiness, slyness, figurehead, unnatural, joyfulness, bellow, betray, wishful thinker, dalliance, humorist, spectator sport, miscue, seeming, pointlessness, betrayer, screwup, jerk, sober, goliath, archery, nominal head, stupid, spoiling, satirize, beauty, slipperiness, mindlessness, dryness, jollity, embezzler, extraterrestrial being, extraterrestrial, impolitic, kink, superficiality, water sport, outdoor sport, field sport, contact sport, blood sport, hedging, conviviality, laugh off, laugh away, holler, ritual dancing, ritual dance, repel, exceptional, circumvention, dabble, half-baked, phrase, debunk, vileness, faker, horseplay, fall guy, kid, friskiness, spectre, entertain, mot, bon mot, word play, punster, phantom, agon, sketch, pretender, spirit, mug, behemoth, hypocrite, rejoice, abnormal, quibble, playing, by-line, satirist, gravity, distraction, trickiness, soft touch, hedger, heedlessness, phoney, forger, tchotchke, hoofing, cavort, wag, clang, hollering, triumph, rip off, roaring, stratagem, hollo, joy, pas seul, variation, pas de deux, judo, stranger, racing, decoy, counterfeiter, deceit, hobby, horseback riding, dishonorable, pas de quatre, bad hat, gala affair, gage, chump, sobriety, card, festal, coquetry, flirting, straw man, front man, foreigner, splash around, literary, satirise, charlatan, liar, pavan, hare and hounds, punt, dodging, deride, colossus, sideline, howling, exult, paddle, ducks and drakes, saraband, fake, skiing, aquatics, sap, merrymaking, cycling, repulse, victimisation, wager, spoilage, moonstruck, beguile, clangor, unskilled, lunatic, traitor, impersonator, sucker, fireman, diverting, mambo, behave, refreshment, swindler, ha-ha, apparent, observe, avoidance, red-carpet, victory celebration, rowing, hoodwink, shallow, troublemaker, foreign-born, duet, riding, sledding, beg, looking, fete, scammer, show, specter, revolt, ghost, delude, treasure hunt, lark about, using, steerer, waggishness, vacuousness, utterer, usualness, unwonted, unwiseness, unskillfulness, unsightliness, unpleasingness, unplayful, unnaturalized, unnaturalised, unintegrated, uncommonness, unadvised, unadvisable, two-timer, tshatshke, tsatske, troubler, tramontane, tomfool, titterer, terpsichorean, tergiversator, tantalization, take-in, stultify, strawman, staidness, sportiveness, spare-time activity, sombreness, solemness, softheaded, slip-up, sliminess, skin-deep, shammer, sexcapade, severalty, sedateness, sciolistic, sauciness, saphead, sandbagger, saltate, rollick, ring-around-the-rosy, ring-around-a-rosy, ring-a-rosy, ridiculer, repulsiveness, rariora, puckishness, pseud, prisoner's base, prevaricator, phantasma, pertness, peculator, parapraxis, nauch, misleader, mishegoss, mishegaas, mischief-maker, militainment, mess-up, meshugaas, lousiness, loathsomeness, jubilancy, joyousness, jolliness, jollification, ill-natured, horselaugh, holloa, hee-haw, giggler, funambulism, fucked-up, frolicsomeness, foxiness, four-flusher, finagler, fantasm, falsifier, facetiousness, exuberate, equivocator, double-dealer, double-crosser, dissimulator, dissembler, dispassionateness, discreteness, dilettantish, dilettanteish, defrauder, defalcator, daftness, cussedness, crotchetiness, cozenage, committedness, cockup, chiseller, chiseler, chachka, cachinnation, beguilement, ballup, balls-up, asininity, apothegmatic, amusive, adventive, absurdness, humourist, rig, pull the leg of, back, gaga, slam dancing, slam dance, sun bathing, run around, ululation, holla, bath, prosecute, knock, pavane, toe dancing, step dancing, stage dancing, social dancing, break dancing, bathe, gross out, deceive, topper, track and field, expose, toe dance, rascality, do, skank, muggins, red carpet, patsy, scheme, nonnative, short, front, evasion, lead astray, mountebank, equitation, wild, haw-haw, trouble maker, celebrate, throw, phantasm, mark, special, wangler, shunning, lampoon, nautch dance, break dance, sea bathing, lead on, bet on, exploitation, commitment, doctor, naturalized, pursue, segregated, medical specialty, bluffer, differ, turning away, nautch, jubilate, bite, blowout, courante, paper chase, gamble, jamboree, bet, festival, giant, sham, craft, stake, keep, chisel, engage, rock climbing, catch, big, victim, tightrope walking, particular, serious, large, fortune hunter, act, imported, cozen, noncitizen, gouger, gala, row, medicine, established, house, danse macabre, exasperating, ingratiating, playful, homely, maddening, unprepossessing, clunky, gaudy, satiric, ungainly, fandango, brassy, swagger, sarcastic, flashy, bluster, garish, prettiness, flirtatious, ecstatic, meretricious, pungent, sporty, trashy, admirable, animate, melancholy, ineptness, tawdry, graceless, act reflexively, vamp, clumsy, disconcerting, gawky, picturesqueness, sedate, rhapsodic, indiscretion, freshen up, freshen, hallucination, refresh, offensive activity, glamor, gratifying, charming, ineptitude, charades, loveliness, ungraceful, delightful, banter, sendup, off-putting, ante, thoughtfulness, jazzy, unwieldy, dissembling, revelry, delusion, cuteness, interlude, observant, flash, enraptured, coquettish, pachinko, improvident, glamour, clumsiness, unheard-of, satirical, staid, ill-considered, awkwardness, crank, danse du ventre, contra danse, grind, comic strip, somber, handsomeness, infuriating, involution, acrobatics, purposeful, simulate, pulchritude, sombre, quicken, crackpot, shell game, outdoor game, hockey game, head game, football game, court game, baseball game, banking game, showy, celebratory, bullfighting, discourtesy, rage, attractiveness, firebrand, offense, daydream, embellish, mockery, injudicious, avocational, fictitious, sobering, dally, shoot craps, craps, spoof, flamenco, dabbler, ornament, fictive, rapturous, jinks, high jinks, wally, taunt, unmask, tacky, visual aspect, bullshit, usual, instigator, interloper, hijinks, piffle, beautician, romanticize, parody, cartoon strip, hobbyist, deceptive, swash, impractical, shortsighted, fisticuffs, pitching, quickstep, football, stodginess, commonness, pretended, familiar, cakewalk, sideshow, unmapped, weighty, unexplored, charade, tatty, foolish woman, roller skating, twit, ice hockey, hockey, medicate, fiesta, ceremonial occasion, ceremonial, heel, speed skating, ice skating, agitator, beauteous, fabulous, laboured, revel, stuffiness, repudiation, make merry, outward, twist, perfecta, mortal, feign, name dropper, glory, teaser, skate, illusion, cartoonist, pursuance, trespasser, daily double, interesting, intermezzo, excited, beautify, fan tan, tetherball, parlay, slowness, wanton, two-step, pyrrhic, shimmy, raw beauty, minx, lindy hop, lindy, tarantella, jitterbug, trait, skateboarding, dice, underplay, impersonate, reanimate, cross-country skiing, gambler, mash, debunking, optimise, jig, equestrian sport, variant, shill, careless, gaiety, ringer, dissemble, cha-cha, cuckold, unpleasing, optimize, offence, psychotic belief, neuropsychiatry, racket, flip, transcend, mock, plain, roulette, fab, good looks, punter, pursuer, sports medicine, chat up, bobsledding, fall over backwards, bend over backwards, real, transgress, fruitcake, bathtub, samba, tango, manipulate, presentation, podiatry, biting, exacta, unmasking, undiscovered, habanera, carnival, loud, falsify, mock-heroic, trifle, swell, unbeknown, act involuntarily, prettify, delicious, sentimentalize, hellion, dissimulation, overstep, adorn, law-abiding, virtual reality, tub, bathing tub, injury, romance, vexing, tantalize, jive, upsetting, bettor, pharmacological medicine, sweet, loudmouth, takeoff, pugilism, grievous, communicate, cabaret, feast, labored, baseball, demo, whoop it up, wrestling, ass, sled, dawdle, rumba, unknown quantity, uncharted, devil, apache devil dance, motorcycling, offend, imprudence, phrasal, appearance, pester, renovate, unbeknownst, puff up, decorate, job, horse racing, greyhound racing, car racing, camel racing, boat racing, auto racing, snap, conga, wassail, high jinx, strained, deception, parimutuel, apache dance, ride horseback, wangle, rash, talk through one's hat, assume, heller, inexpedient, rapt, misleading, presume, bastard, pretend, easy, celebrator, revivify, internal medicine, bike, boogie, cycle, mourn, make happy, counterfeit, sleigh, rhumba, gynecology, funnies, coquette, error, victimise, materia medica, foment, gynaecology, give-and-take, menace, ride, dishonesty, bump, nude dancing, dream, nipping, politick, shoddy, psychopathology, dune cycling, toy, professional dancer, nosology, lottery, bop, encounter, new, leaping, burlesque, sculling, bathroom, rejection, modern dance, false, misrepresent, drawing, mosh, motorbike, possession, diagnostics, stomp, lose it, pharmacology, demonstration, bicycle, surfing, declare, bogus, clog, pitch, obstetrics, grace, odontology, wander, toss, funfair, ensnare, otolaryngology, assumed, intruder, grappling, urogenital medicine, boxing, waltz around, waltz, haematology, tobogganing, bacteriology, soul, cockfighting, caricaturist, someone, prosthetics, disco, philander, hoof, paediatrics, make as if, wheel, urology, entrap, unidentified, eisteddfod, space medicine, act as, road show, ice show, floor show, dog show, bebop, entertainer, solemnize, therapeutics, sell, parodist, dermatology, ghost dance, tumbling, presentment, ramp, forensic pathology, forensic medicine, general medicine, social dancer, dancer, ballet, cast, bather, otorhinolaryngology, psychological medicine, woolgather, wagerer, vulgarize, vulgarise, vivify, vexer, vamper, unpresentable, uncloak, tocology, thimblerig, tauromachy, tarantelle, tapdance, tantalise, swiz, surfriding, surfboarding, subfusc, stultification, stargaze, spelaeology, solemnise, solemnisation, sheepshearing, shapelessness, sentimentize, sentimentise, sentimentalise, sciolist, sciolism, rhinolaryngology, resplendency, resplendence, refreshen, rassling, raree-show, raillery, pyramiding, provoker, proctology, prickteaser, pony-trekking, pleasingness, pasquinade, overserious, morosoph, mordacious, meshuggener, meshuggeneh, maladroitness, lampooner, knavery, jollify, intercommunicate, instigant, insaneness, injudiciousness, infract, inciter, inadvisability, ill-judged, hygienics, horseshow, funambulist, frivol, footle, fomenter, floorshow, flibbertigibbet, fantan, fancify, extraordinariness, exquisiteness, everydayness, entr'acte, delusory, delusive, country-dance, cosmetician, contredanse, contradance, commonplaceness, comeliness, chiropody, chartless, celebrater, break-dance, blusterer, bemock, beleaguer, befooling, beauteousness, badgerer, backslap, backchat, apparentness, apparency, annoyer, angiology, allergology, aesculapian, holdout, thrash, sauce, water polo, foxtrot, another, anesthesiology, running, frame, good, strip, misrepresentation, superfecta, drama, solid, go against, go past, polka, swim, bounce, kick, leap, undiagnosed, slam, sun dance, run, little-known, cheap, midwifery, mistake, putz, motorcycle, ophthalmology, gypsy dancing, pedal, hellhound, tap dancing, folk dancing, belly dancing, ballroom dancing, quack, rioter, some other, cheat on, position, person, accident surgery, ski jumping, ski, catching, seem, disturber, revive, set up, loosen up, double up, demonstrate, observance, heavy, deck, square dance, of import, dance of death, sportfishing, difference, film festival, take on, jazz festival, exhibit, cardiology, one-step, golfing, bolero, otherwise, belly dance, make whoopie, make, better, fault, somebody, barbed, freeze, thoracic medicine, repair, relax, dentistry, hematology, gavotte, endocrinology, tantra, cheating, solemnization, rheumatology, ballroom dance, track, ape, host, bait, folk dance, traumatology, circus, cancan, wooden, celebrant, geriatrics, psychiatry, war dance, tap dance, snake dance, rain dance, concert dance, active, fucker, break down, pass, bicycling, water-skiing, mistreatment, showing, place bet, bowling, commemorate, biomedicine, ceremony, breach, otology, follow, rally, nephrology, see, get away, jumping, clinical neurology, leader, pediatrics, spring, epidemiology, prosecution, speleology, pharmaceutics, stooge, hygiene, race, dental medicine, break, grave, nut case, nut, virology, sutra, emergency medicine, individual, neurology, romper, oncology, immunology, close, gastroenterology, nuclear medicine, hugger mugger, appear, commit, swimming, receive, opposite, present, tap, bug, practice, hunting, heckler, exceed, crib, tightrope walker, pharmacy, coquet, committed, meet, consideration, participation, involvement, badger, violate, gimcrack, top, bound, storm, veterinary medicine, fairness, cook, important, affect, pedology, party, hunt, fair, common, tropical medicine, pediatric medicine, gerontology, razz, engagement, cover, forge, raise, crab, fishing, roll, medical, stakes, shark, shag, investment, butterfly, April fool, Weary Willie, Kelly, Emmett Kelly, 4k boundary, 1k boundary, 2k boundary, Zeppo, Yiddish, William Claude Dukenfield, W. C. Fields, Steve Martin, Stan Laurel, Sir Harry MacLennan Lauder, Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, Sidney Caesar, Sid Caesar, Oliver Hardy, Nathan Birnbaum, Moore, Marx, Martin, Leslie Townes Hope, Leonard Marx, Laurel, Lauder, Keaton, Julius Marx, Joseph Francis Keaton, Jimmy Durante, Jack Benny, Hope, Hill, Herbert Marx, Harry Lauder, Harpo, Hardy, Groucho, Gilbertian, George Burns, Fields, Durante, Dudley Stuart John Moore, Dudley Moore, Chico, Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin, Caesar, Buster Keaton, Burns, Bob Hope, Benny Hill, Benny, Benjamin Kubelsky, Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel, Arthur Marx, Alfred Hawthorne, West, Tucker, Sophie Tucker, Sanskrit literature, Mae West, Ludi Saeculares, Lucille Ball, Imogene Coca, Gracie Allen, Gracie, Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen, Coca, Ball, Allen, American football game, American football, William Penn Adair Rogers, Will Rogers, Wild West Show, Thurber, Swift, Stephen Leacock, Stephen Butler Leacock, Shaw, Saturnalia, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Rogers, Robert Charles Benchley, Robert Benchley, Ringgold Wilmer Lardner, Ring Lardner, Ramayana, Rabelais, Pythian Games, Purana, Olympic Games, Olympian Games, Oktoberfest, OB, Nemean Games, Marquis, Mark Twain, Lear, Leacock, Lardner, Kwanzaa, Kwanza, Kamasutra, Juvenal, Josh Billings, Jonathan Swift, James Thurber, James Grover Thurber, Isthmian Games, Henry Wheeler Shaw, Hastinapura, Francois Rabelais, Edward Lear, Donald Robert Perry Marquis, Don Marquis, Dionysia, Decimus Junius Juvenalis, Dean Swift, Clemens, Charleston, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Benchley, Bacchanalia,