acre (Also acres) : Related Words Words similar in meaning to acre
- stang«
- pose«
- plantation acre«
- morgen«
- jugerum«
- juger«
- feddan«
- erw«
- demath«
- day's math«
- cyfair«
- cover«
- collop«
- cawny«
- cawney«
- bigha«
- arpent«
- arpen«
- acair«
- virgate«
- rood«
- perch«
- oxgang«
- ochdamh«
- nook«
- lug«
- hundred«
- fardel«
- fall«
- daugh«
- carucate«
- acre«
- acre-foot«
- international acre«
- square measure«
- u survey acre«
- area unit«
- square mile«
- town«
- customary acre«
- territory«
- yoke«
- district«
- yard«
- land«
- port«
- wiseacre«
- territorial dominion«
- dominion«
- unit«
- furlong«
- system«
- ox«
- symbol«
- stong«
- statute«
- square foot«
- standardize«
- survey foot«
- square yard«
- square rod«
- square meter«
- international yard«
- similar«
- square metre«
- rod«
- exact size«
- port city«
- similar unit«
- plowing«
- alternative definition«
- oxen«
- other«
- foot«
- originally«
- quarter«
- now«
- plough«
- north forty«
- rectangle«
- wide association football«
- wide american football field«
- nanoacre«
- west coast norwegian«
- multiacre«
- united state survey acre«
- turkish acre«
- length«
- survey acre«
- statutory value«
- labour«
- roman acre ≈«
- rods2«
- individual«
- official acre«
- hide«
- historical french acre«
- hectare«
- greek acre ≈«
- furlong 220yards«
- fought«
- farundels«
- field«
- considerable local variation similar«
- ferding«
- chain 22yards«
- fedan«
- barbuda australia«
- farthingdale«
- equal«
- dunam«
- duel«
- dimension«
- denoting«
- decare«
- day«
- cubic metre«
- cubic decimetre«
- cubic centimetre«
- caballeria«
- borderland«
- chain«
- area«
- square mile grid«
- acres«
- selion«
- acred«
- forty perch«
- acreage«
- decimel«
- acreable«
- acre's breadth«
- actus quadratus«
- acorn«
- zeugarion«
- u construction«
- survey yard«
- standard american football field«
- french arpent«
- measure«
- tagwerk«
- prescribed shape«
- land tillable«
- square chain«
- ancient measure«
- cheshire acre«
- çift«
- scottish acre«
- stremma«
- spanish customary unit«
- anthropic unit«
- irish acre«
- u survey«
- mendenhall order«
- square plot«
- united state land«
- u customary system«
- pound agreement«
- british weight«
- obsolete scottish unit«
- a4 sheet«
- amount«
- bovates«
- rod length«
- farthingale«
- united state«
- size«
- canadian prairie province«
- mile«
- quarter acre«
- virgates«
- u midwest«
- residential plot«
- customary unit«
- united kingdom«
- inch«
- sufficient accuracy«
- square centimetre«
- zone«
- public land survey system«
- u resident«
- measure act«
- country«
- south asia«
- square«
- international symbol«
- sri lanka«
- carucates«
- variant«
- statute acre«
- modern variant«
- metric unit«
- definition«
- caicos«
- u virgin island«
- historical origin«
- farm«
- metric system«
- st. kitts«
- george iv«
- furrow«
- st. helena«
- difference«
- st. lucia«
- real estate development«
- hundredth«
- northern mariana island«
- narrow strip«
- similar size«
- edward iii«
- british virgin island«
- equivalence«
- grenadine«
- montserrat«
- subunit«
- nevis«
- american samoa«
- cayman island«
- cognate«
- division«
- st. vincent«
- dominica«
- falkland island«
- old english«
- western canada«
- antigua«
- grenada«
- square kilometre«
- approximation«
- western united state«
- belize«
- henry viii«
- multiple«
- samoa«
- churchyard«
- enactment«
- india«
- guam«
- surveyor«
- bahamas«
- queen victoria«
- tract«
- landowner«
- sanskrit«
- myanmar«
- fraction«
- farmland«
- turk«
- synonym«
- math«
- builder«
- ghana«
- nepal«
- measurement«
- commonwealth«
- jamaica«
- dutch«
- bangladesh«
- cent«
- edward«
- pitch«
- middle age«
- marketing«
- soccer«
- conversion«
- phrase«
- latin«
- legacy«
- louisiana«
- variation«
- pakistan«
- estate«
- link«
- metre«
- square inch«
- residential area«
- sq yd«
- sq in«
- column inch«
- residential district«
- market town«
- ghost town«
- cow town«
- boom town«
- barn«
- home port«
- point of entry«
- city district«
- enclave«
- trust territory«
- congressional district«
- border district«
- administrative district«
- township«
- quarter section«
- port of entry«
- capital of Tunisia«
- capital of Thailand«
- capital of Tanzania«
- capital of Suriname«
- capital of Somalia«
- capital of Sierra Leone«
- capital of Seychelles«
- capital of Senegal«
- capital of Qatar«
- capital of Portugal«
- capital of Paraguay«
- capital of Oman«
- capital of Norway«
- capital of Liberia«
- capital of Latvia«
- capital of Ireland«
- capital of Iceland«
- capital of Hawaii«
- capital of Guinea«
- capital of Gambia«
- capital of Finland«
- capital of Estonia«
- capital of Egypt«
- capital of Djibouti«
- capital of Barbados«
- capital of Azerbaijan«
- capital of Argentina«
- treaty port«
- free port«
- transshipment center«
- community«
- associated state«
- march«
- development«
- possession«
- seaport«
- hometown«
- territorial division«
- territorial«
- burg«
- ar«
- line«
- agate line«
- are«
- jurisdiction«
- harbour«
- pole«
- haven«
- harbor«
- cowtown«
- administrative division«
- mandate«
- palatinate«
- mutton quad«
- em quad«
- mandatory«
- trusteeship«
- em«
- protectorate«
- goldfield«
- marchland«
- dessiatine«
- centare«
- entrepot«
- outport«
- suburban area«
- slum area«
- waterfront«
- housing estate«
- reservation«
- enterprise zone«
- combat zone«
- commune«
- city«
- housing development«
- soil«
- suburb«
- reserve«
- tenement district«
- school district«
- red-light district«
- federal district«
- business district«
- turf«
- slum«
- municipality«
- borough«
- downtown«
- border«
- port of call«
- ghetto«
- tenderloin«
- section«
- edge«
- planned community«
- parish«
- state«
- rabbit warren«
- county palatine«
- county«
- prefecture«
- diocese«
- ward«
- province«
- fringe«
- canton«
- coaling station«
- warren«
- suburbia«
- venue«
- bishopric«
- department«
- shire«
- uptown«
- bailiwick«
- precinct«
- abbacy«
- butt«
- outskirt«
- archdeaconry«
- viceroyalty«
- archbishopric«
- off-Broadway«
- patriarchate«
- caliphate«
- corinthian«
- episcopate«
- justiciary«
- exurbia«
- Accho«
- Akko«
- Akka«
- Welsh acre«
- Scottish acre«
- Scots acre«
- Scotch acre«
- Irish acre«
- Acre«
- 4,840square yard«
- AC«
- A.«
- 880yards«
- 640acres«
- 1,000square metre«
- 7,840square yard«
- 69.57yards«
- 66feet × 660feet«
- 43,560square foot«
- 40acre parcel«
- 4,046.87261square metre«
- 4,046.8564224square metre«
- 39.37inches«
- 32,000acres«
- 10,240square yard«
- 1,600squareturkish pace«
- 1,260square metre«
- 0.404687261hectare«
- 0.40468564224hectare«
- 0.016square metre«
- 0.00625acre«
- 0.0015625square mile«
- 50square mile«
- Xapuri«
- 40,000square foot«
- US survey acre«
- 1hectare«
- Scot«
- 1acre«
- North Region«
- 1760yards«
- Greenacre«
- Englishmen«
- English«
- Baha'i Faith«
- Appendix:Weights_and_measures«
- 1square mile«
- 0.9144metres«
- 40acres«
- 160acres«
- 88yards«
- 55yards«
- 22yards«
- St. Mary of Bethlehem«
- Gateway to the West«
- Santa Maria del Tule«
- Rostov on Don«
- Liberian capital«
- Irish capital«
- Hawaiian capital«
- Finnish capital«
- Egyptian capital«
- Angolan capital«
- Algerian capital«
- Santiago de Cuba«
- Santa Maria de Belem«
- Acapulco de Juarez«
- Dar es Salaam«
- Rostov na Donu«
- Yuma«
- Yukon Territory«
- Yukon«
- Yokohama«
- Yellowknife«
- Yakima«
Yafo, Windy City, Wilmington, Williamstown, West Palm Beach, West Malaysia, Wausau, Watertown, Waterloo, Waterford, Walla Walla, Wagram, Wagga Wagga, Virginia, Vienne, Vidalia, Victoria, Vicksburg, Vichy, Viborg, Veracruz, Varna, Vancouver, Valparaiso, Valenciennes, Valdosta, Valdez, Urbana, Tyre, Tyler, Twin Falls, Tuskegee, Tuscaloosa, Tupelo, Tunis, Trondheim, Tripoli, Traverse City, Trablous, Toulon, Tivoli, Timimoun, Timgad, Tibur, Thunder Bay, Thule, Thessaloniki, Thessalonica, Texarkana, Tarabulus Ash-Sham, Tarabulus, Tara, Taos, Tanga, Tampico, Tallinn, Tallin, Talien, Swansea, Susah, Susa, Sur, Superior, Sunderland, Sun Valley, Stratford-upon-Avon, Stratford-on-Avon, Stavanger, Stagirus, Stagira, Stabroek, St. Louis, St. Joseph, St. John's, St. John, St. Cloud, Sousse, Smyrna, Skagway, Sitka, Silver City, Sherman, Shanghai, Seville, Sevilla, Setubal, Semarang, Selma, Sedalia, Savannah, Sault Sainte Marie, Sarawak, Saratoga Springs, Sarasota, Saqqarah, Saqqara, Santos, Santiago, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, San Pablo, San Mateo, San Angelo, Samarang, Salonika, Salonica, Salina, Sakkara, Saint Louis, Saint Joseph, Saint John's, Saint John, Saint Cloud, Saginaw, Sabah, Rutland, Roswell, Rostov, Rock Springs, Rock Island, Rochester, Riga, Reykjavik, Reggane, Redding, Recife, Rapid City, Ragusa, Pusan, Princeton, Prescott, Portsmouth, Porto, Port Sudan, Port Louis, Port Arthur, Poplar Bluff, Pompey, Pocatello, Plzen, Plymouth, Plataea, Pittsfield, Pine Bluff, Pilsen, Pfalz, Petersburg, Pernambuco, Pensacola, Patras, Patrai, Paris, Paramaribo, Para, Papal States, Pango Pango, Panama City, Palo Alto, Palm Beach, Palermo, Palatinate, Pago Pago, Paducah, Oxford, Owensboro, Ottumwa, Oslo, Osaka, Orono, Oran, Oporto, Ogden, Odessa, Odesa, Oakland, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Northern Territory, Northern Marianas, Northern Mariana Islands, North Platte, North Borneo, Norfolk, Nome, Nogales, Nidaros, Newport News, Newport, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle, Newburgh, New London, New Brunswick, Nazareth, Natchez, Natal, Naseby, Napoli, Naples, Nantes, Nanaimo, Nampa, Nagasaki, Nag Hammadi, Muskogee, Muscat, Murmansk, Muncie, Mukalla, Mount Athos, Moulmein, Motown, Motor City, Morristown, Morgan City, Monterey, Montego Bay, Monte Carlo, Monrovia, Monroe, Mombasa, Moline, Mogadishu, Mogadiscio, Mobile, Missoula, Midland, Messina, Meridian, Melbourne, Medford, McAllen, McAlester, Mazatlan, Mawlamyine, Massawa, Masqat, Mason City, Marseilles, Marseille, Marquette, Mariehamn, Maracaibo, Mansfield, Mankato, Malmo, Malaga, Main Street, Maarianhamina, Lushun, Lufkin, Lubavitch, Luanda, Louisiana Purchase, Lothian Region, Los Alamos, Lobito, Liverpool, Lisbon, Lisboa, Limerick, Lexington, Lewiston, Le Havre, Lawton, Lawrence, Latakia, Las Cruces, Laramie, Lander, Lakeland, Lake District, Lagos, Lafayette, La Spezia, La Crosse, Kwangchow, KwaZulu-Natal, Kuangchou, Krung Thep, Korinthos, Kordofan, Konakri, Kobe, Knossos, Klamath Falls, Kisumu, Kingston-upon Hull, Kingston, Key West, Kennewick, Kalamazoo, Kadikoy, Joppa, Jonesboro, Johnson City, Jiddah, Jidda, Jeddah, Jed'dah, Jalalabad, Jaffa, Jackson, Izmir, Ithaca, Interlaken, Inchon, Incheon, Idaho Falls, Hull, Houston, Houghton, Hot Springs, Honolulu, Hong Kong, Hohenlinden, Hodeida, Hobart, Hiroshima, Hippo Regius, Hippo, Hilo, Hibbing, Hershey, Helsinki, Helsingfors, Hefa, Hays, Hattiesburg, Hastings, Harpers Ferry, Harper's Ferry, Hanover, Hannover, Hannibal, Hamilton, Hameln, Hamelin, Hamburg, Haiphong, Haifa, Hagerstown, Guangzhou, Greenville, Great Falls, Grand Island, Gothenburg, Goteborg, Goldsboro, Goeteborg, Gloucester, Glasgow, Ghent, Gettysburg, Georgetown, Gent, Gdansk, Gand, Galway, Galveston, Gallup, Galloway, Gainesville, Gadsden, Freetown, Fredericksburg, Frederick, Fort Smith, Fort Myers, Florence, Flagstaff, Feliz Lusitania, Fayetteville, Farmington, Eureka, Entebbe, Enid, Elmont, El Qahira, El Iskandriyah, El Beda, El Aaium, Eau Claire, Eastern Samoa, East Saint Louis, East Malaysia, Durres, Durban, Durazzo, Dunkirk, Dunkerque, Duluth, Dubuque, Dubrovnik, Dublin, Dubai, Doha, Dodge City, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Djibouti, Djanet, Dhahran, Detroit, Del Rio, Decatur, Daytona Beach, Dawson, Darfur, Danzig, Dalian, Dakar, Dairen, Cuzco, Cusco, Cumana, Council Bluffs, Cotonou, Cork, Corinth, Cooperstown, Concord, Conakry, Columbus, Columbia, Colon, Coeur d'Alene, Cnossus, Cnossos, Clinton, Ciudad Bolivar, Churchill, Christiania, Chittagong, Chicago, Cherbourg, Chemulpo, Chartres, Charleston, Chapel Hill, Champaign, Chalcedon, Chablis, Catalonia, Castries, Castilla, Castile, Casablanca, Cartagena, Carlsbad, Carbondale, Cape Town, Cape Girardeau, Canton, Canterbury, Cannes, Calais, Cairo, Cadiz, Butte, Buenos Aires, Bryan, Brunswick, British West Africa, British East Africa, Bristol, Brindisi, Bridgetown, Bridgeport, Brest, Bremerhaven, Brattleboro, Bozeman, Bowling Green, Boulder, Bordeaux, Boeotia, Bloomington, Blacksburg, Blackpool, Biloxi, Bida, Bethlehem-Judah, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Bethlehem, Bergen, Bennington, Benghazi, Bend, Bemidji, Bellingham, Belem, Beira, Bayt Lahm, Batna, Bath, Basra, Basia, Bartlesville, Barstow, Barranquilla, Barcelona, Banjul, Bangor, Bangkok, Baltimore, Baku, Bahia Blanca, Ayr, Avignon, Austerlitz, Auckland, Attica, Athos, Athens, Asuncion, Aspinwall, Asheville, Arhus, Aragon, Appleton, Anzio, Anvers, Antwerpen, Antwerp, Antofagasta, Antioch, Antalya, Antakya, Antakiya, Annaba, American Samoa, Altoona, Alpena, Algiers, Alexandria, Alborg, Albany, Al-Mukalla, Al-Hudaydah, Al Qahira, Al Ladhiqiyah, Agrigento, Aden, Adalia, Actium, Acragas, Acapulco, Acadia, Abydos, Abilene, Aberdeen, Aberdare, Abadan, Aarhus, Aalst, Aalborg, AS, South of Houston, City of the Angels, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, West End, West Berlin, Wembley, Village, VI, Upper Egypt, United States Virgin Islands, Times Square, Tampa, Soho, SoHo, Seattle, Sarawakian, San Francisco, San Diego, Sabahan, Portland, Pearl Harbor, Palestine, Nob Hill, New York City, New York, New Orleans, Neapolitan, Miami, Macau, Macao, Lower Egypt, Los Angeles, Liverpudlian, Laredo, Khabarovsk, Jacksonville, Hollywood, Hell's Kitchen, Hell's Half Acre, Harlem, Greenwich Village, Greater New York, Glaswegian, Gary, French Polynesia, French Oceania, Faroes, Faroe Islands, Faeroes, Faeroe Islands, Erie, Coney Island, Catalan, Caesarea, Brownsville, British Virgin Islands, Boston Harbor, Bloomsbury, Beacon Hill, Barbary Coast, Athenian, American Virgin Islands,
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