uterus : Idioms & Phrases

canalis cervicis uteri

  • noun a spindle-shaped canal extending from the uterus to the vagina
    cervical canal.

cervical glands of the uterus

  • noun mucus-secreting glands in the mucosa of the uterine cervix
    cervical glands of the uterus; cervical glands.

cervix uteri

  • noun necklike opening to the uterus
    cervix; uterine cervix.

descensus uteri

  • noun prolapse of the uterus

glandulae cervicales uteri

  • noun mucus-secreting glands in the mucosa of the uterine cervix
    cervical glands of the uterus; cervical glands.

ligamentum teres uteri

  • noun ligament attached to the uterus on either side in front of and below the opening of the Fallopian tube and passing through the inguinal canal to the labia majora
    ligamentum teres uteri.

round ligament of the uterus

  • noun ligament attached to the uterus on either side in front of and below the opening of the Fallopian tube and passing through the inguinal canal to the labia majora
    ligamentum teres uteri.