tomography : Idioms & Phrases

computed axial tomography

  • noun a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis
    computed axial tomography; computed tomography; CAT; computerized axial tomography; CT.

computed tomography

  • noun a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis
    computed axial tomography; computed tomography; CAT; computerized axial tomography; CT.

computerized axial tomography

  • noun a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis
    computed axial tomography; computed tomography; CAT; computerized axial tomography; CT.

computerized axial tomography scanner

  • noun a tomograph that constructs a 3-D model of an object by combining parallel planes
    CAT scanner.

computerized tomography

  • noun a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis
    computed axial tomography; computed tomography; CAT; computerized axial tomography; CT.

positron emission tomography

  • noun using a computerized radiographic technique to examine the metabolic activity in various tissues (especially in the brain)

positron emission tomography scanner

  • noun a tomograph that produces cross-sectional X-rays of metabolic processes in the body
    PET scanner.