tern : Idioms & Phrases

Hooded tern

  • . See Fairy bird, under Fairy.
Webster 1913

Marsh tern

  • any tern of the genus Hydrochelidon. They frequent marshes and rivers and feed largely upon insects.
Webster 1913

River tern

  • any tern belonging to Seëna or allied genera which frequent rivers.
Webster 1913

Roseate tern

  • (Zoöl.), an American and European tern (Sterna Dougalli) whose breast is roseate in the breeding season.
Webster 1913

Royal tern

  • (Zoöl.), a large, crested American tern (Sterna maxima).
Webster 1913

Sea tern

  • any tern of the genus Thalasseus. Terns of this genus have very long, pointed wings, and chiefly frequent seas and the mouths of large rivers.
Webster 1913

Sooty tern

  • (Zoöl.), a tern (Sterna fuliginosa) found chiefly in tropical seas.
Webster 1913

Tern flowers

  • (Bot.), flowers growing three and three together.
Webster 1913

Tern leaves

  • (Bot.), leaves arranged in threes, or three by three, or having three in each whorl or set.
Webster 1913

Tern peduncles

  • (Bot.), three peduncles growing together from the same axis.
Webster 1913

Tern schooner

  • (Naut.), a three-masted schooner.
Webster 1913