temporal : Idioms & Phrases

anterior temporal artery

  • noun temporal artery that goes to the anterior part of the cerebral cortex of the temporal lobe
    arteria temporalis anterior.

deep temporal vein

  • noun temporal veins that empty into the pterygoid plexus

intermediate temporal artery

  • noun temporal artery that goes to the middle part of the cerebral cortex of the temporal lobe
    arteria temporalis intermedia.

Lords temporal

  • noun the nobility in France and the peerage in Britain
    second estate.
  • the peers of England; also, sixteen representative peers of Scotland, and twenty-eight representatives of the Irish peerage.
Webster 1913

middle temporal vein

  • noun arises near the eye; joins the superficial temporal veins to form the retromandibular vein


Post-tem"po*ral adjective
Pref. post- + temporal.
  1. (Anat.) Situated back of the temporal bone or the temporal region of the skull; -- applied especially to a bone which usually connects the supraclavicle with the skull in the pectoral arch of fishes. -- n. A post-temporal bone.
Webster 1913

posterior temporal artery

  • noun temporal artery that supplies the posterior part of the cortex of the temporal lobe
    arteria temporalis posterior.

superficial temporal vein

  • noun join the middle temporal vein to empty into the retromandibular vein

temporal arrangement

  • noun arrangement of events in time
    temporal arrangement.

temporal arteritis

  • noun inflammation of the temporal arteries; characterized by headaches and difficulty chewing and (sometimes) visual impairment

temporal artery

  • noun any of the three arteries on either side of the brain supplying the cortex of the temporal lobe

Temporal augment

  • . See the Note under Augment, n.
Webster 1913

Temporal bone

  • noun a thick bone forming the side of the human cranium and encasing the inner ear
    os temporale.
  • a very complex bone situated in the side of the skull of most mammals and containing the organ of hearing. It consists of an expanded squamosal portion above the ear, corresponding to the squamosal and zygoma of the lower vertebrates, and a thickened basal petrosal and mastoid portion, corresponding to the periotic and tympanic bones of the lower vertebrates.
Webster 1913

temporal canthus

  • noun the outer corner of the eye

temporal ccortex

  • noun that part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain lying inside the temples of the head
    temporal ccortex.

temporal gyrus

  • noun any of the convolutions of the outer surface of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum

temporal lobe

  • noun that part of the cerebral cortex in either hemisphere of the brain lying inside the temples of the head
    temporal ccortex.

temporal lobe epilepsy

  • noun epilepsy characterized clinically by impairment of consciousness and amnesia for the episode; often involves purposeful movements of the arms and legs and sometimes hallucinations
    psychomotor epilepsy.

temporal muscle

  • noun muscle extending from the temporal fossa to the coronoid process of the mandible; acts to raise the mandible and close the jaws
    musculus temporalis; temporalis; temporalis muscle.

temporal order

  • noun arrangement of events in time
    temporal arrangement.

temporal property

  • noun a property relating to time

temporal relation

  • noun a relation involving time

temporal role

  • noun the semantic role of the noun phrase that designates the time of the state or action denoted by the verb

temporal vein

  • noun any of several veins draining the temporal region
    vena temporalis.