syringa : Idioms & Phrases
genus syringa
noun genus of Old World shrubs or low trees having fragrant flowers in showy panicles: lilacs
syringa amurensis japonica
noun small tree of Japan having narrow pointed leaves and creamy-white flowers
Syringa amurensis japonica; Japanese tree lilac.
syringa emodi
noun robust upright shrub of mountains of northern India having oblong-elliptic leaves and pale lilac or white malodorous flowers
Himalayan lilac.
syringa josikaea
noun central European upright shrub having elliptic leaves and upright clusters of lilac or deep violet flowers
Syringa josikaea; Hungarian lilac.
syringa josikea
noun central European upright shrub having elliptic leaves and upright clusters of lilac or deep violet flowers
Syringa josikaea; Hungarian lilac.
syringa persica
noun small densely branching Asiatic shrub having lanceolate leaves and panicles of fragrant lilac flowers
Persian lilac.
syringa reticulata
noun small tree of Japan having narrow pointed leaves and creamy-white flowers
Syringa amurensis japonica; Japanese tree lilac.
syringa villosa
noun lilac of northern China having ovate leaves and profuse early summer rose-lilac flowers
Japanese lilac.
syringa vulgaris
noun large European lilac naturalized in North America having heart-shaped ovate leaves and large panicles of highly fragrant lilac or white flowers
common lilac.