swamp : Idioms & Phrases

mexican swamp cypress

  • noun cypress of river valleys of Mexican highlands
    Taxodium mucronatum; Montezuma cypress.

mountain swamp gum

  • noun medium-sized swamp gum of New South Wales and Victoria
    Eucalyptus camphora.

okefenokee swamp

  • noun a large swampy area of northeast Florida and southeast Georgia

swamp ash

  • noun small ash of swampy areas of southeastern United States
    Fraxinus caroliniana.

swamp azalea

  • noun shrub growing in swamps throughout the eastern United States and having small white to pinkish flowers resembling honeysuckle
    Rhododendron viscosum; white honeysuckle; swamp azalea.

swamp bay

  • noun shrub or small tree having rather small fragrant white flowers; abundant in southeastern United States
    sweet bay; swamp bay; Magnolia virginiana.

swamp birch

  • noun birch of western United States resembling the paper birch but having brownish bark
    Western paper birch; Betula fontinalis; mountain birch; Western birch; water birch.

swamp blackberry

  • noun of eastern North America
    swamp blackberry; Rubus hispidus.

Swamp blackbird

  • . (Zoöl.) See Redwing (b).
Webster 1913

swamp blueberry

  • noun high-growing deciduous shrub of eastern North America bearing edible blueish to blackish berries with a distinct bloom; source of most cultivated blueberries
    tall bilberry; Vaccinium corymbosum; high-bush blueberry.

swamp buggy

  • noun an amphibious vehicle typically having four-wheel drive and a raised body
    marsh buggy.

Swamp cabbage

  • (Bot.), skunk cabbage.
Webster 1913

swamp candleberry

  • noun deciduous aromatic shrub of eastern North America with grey-green wax-coated berries
    Myrica pensylvanica; waxberry; bayberry; candleberry.

swamp candles

  • noun North American plant with spikes of yellow flowers, found in wet places
    Lysimachia terrestris.

swamp chestnut oak

  • noun medium to large deciduous tree of moist areas of southeastern United States similar to the basket oak
    Quercus michauxii.

swamp cottonwood

  • noun North American poplar with large rounded scalloped leaves and brownish bark and wood
    black cottonwood; Populus heterophylla; swamp cottonwood; downy poplar.

swamp cypress

  • noun common cypress of southeastern United States having trunk expanded at base; found in coastal swamps and flooding river bottoms
    Taxodium distichum; pond bald cypress; southern cypress; bald cypress.

Swamp deer

  • (Zoöl.), an Asiatic deer (Rucervus Duvaucelli) of India.
Webster 1913

swamp dewberry

  • noun of eastern North America
    swamp blackberry; Rubus hispidus.

swamp fever

  • noun an infectious disease cause by leptospira and transmitted to humans from domestic animals; characterized by jaundice and fever

swamp fly honeysuckle

  • noun a variety of fly honeysuckle

swamp gum

  • noun medium-sized tree of southern Australia
    Eucalypt ovata.

swamp hare

  • noun a wood rabbit of southeastern United States swamps and lowlands
    canecutter; Sylvilagus aquaticus; swamp hare.

Swamp hen

  • . (Zoöl.) (a) An Australian azure-breasted bird (Porphyrio bellus); called also goollema. (b) An Australian water crake, or rail (Porzana Tabuensis); called also little swamp hen. (c) The European purple gallinule.
Webster 1913

swamp hickory

  • noun hickory of the eastern United States having a leaves with 7 or 9 leaflets and thin-shelled very bitter nuts
    bitternut; Carya cordiformis; bitter hickory; bitter pignut; bitternut hickory.

Swamp honeysuckle

  • noun shrub growing in swamps throughout the eastern United States and having small white to pinkish flowers resembling honeysuckle
    Rhododendron viscosum; white honeysuckle; swamp azalea.
  • (Bot.), an American shrub (Azalea, ∨ Rhododendron, viscosa) growing in swampy places, with fragrant flowers of a white color, or white tinged with rose; called also swamp pink.
Webster 1913

Swamp hook

  • a hook and chain used by lumbermen in handling logs. Cf. Cant hook.
Webster 1913

swamp horsetail

  • noun Eurasia; northern North America to Virginia
    Equisetum fluviatile; water horsetail.

Swamp itch

  • . (Med.) See Prairie itch, under Prairie.
Webster 1913

Swamp laurel

  • noun laurel of bogs of northwestern United States having small purple flowers and pale leaves that are glaucous beneath
    Kalmia polifolia; bog kalmia; bog laurel.
  • noun shrub or small tree having rather small fragrant white flowers; abundant in southeastern United States
    sweet bay; swamp bay; Magnolia virginiana.
  • (Bot.), a shrub (Kalmia glauca) having small leaves with the lower surface glaucous.
Webster 1913

swamp lily

  • noun North American herbaceous perennial of wet places having slender curled racemes of small white flowers
    lizard's-tail; water dragon; Saururus cernuus.

swamp locust

  • noun honey locust of swamps and bottomlands of southern United States having short oval pods; yields dark heavy wood
    Gleditsia aquatica; water locust.

swamp mallow

  • noun showy shrub of salt marshes of the eastern United States having large rose-colored flowers
    common rose mallow; rose mallow; Hibiscus moscheutos; swamp mallow.

Swamp maple

  • noun maple of eastern and central America; five-lobed leaves turn scarlet and yellow in autumn
    Acer rubrum; scarlet maple; red maple.
  • (Bot.), red maple. See Maple.
Webster 1913

swamp milkweed

  • noun densely branching perennial of the eastern United States with white to crimson or purple flowers
    Asclepias incarnata.

Swamp oak

  • noun Australian leafless shrub resembling broom and having small yellow flowers
    Viminaria denudata; Viminaria juncea.
  • noun fast-growing medium to large pyramidal deciduous tree of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada having deeply pinnatifid leaves that turn bright red in autumn; thrives in damp soil
    pin oak; Quercus palustris.
  • noun large deciduous oak of the eastern United States with a flaky bark and leaves that have fewer lobes than other white oaks; yields heavy strong wood used in construction; thrives in wet soil
    Quercus bicolor; swamp oak.
  • (Bot.), a name given to several kinds of oak which grow in swampy places, as swamp Spanish oak (Quercus palustris), swamp white oak (Q. bicolor), swamp post oak (Q. lyrata).
Webster 1913

Swamp ore

  • (Min.), big ore; limonite.
Webster 1913

Swamp partridge

  • (Zoöl.), any one of several Australian game birds of the genera Synoicus and Excalfatoria, allied to the European partridges.
Webster 1913

swamp pine

  • noun any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine

swamp plant

  • noun a semiaquatic plant that grows in soft wet land; most are monocots: sedge, sphagnum, grasses, cattails, etc; possibly heath
    marsh plant; bog plant.

swamp poplar

  • noun North American poplar with large rounded scalloped leaves and brownish bark and wood
    black cottonwood; Populus heterophylla; swamp cottonwood; downy poplar.

swamp rabbit

  • noun a wood rabbit of marshy coastal areas from North Carolina to Florida
    marsh hare; Sylvilagus palustris.
  • noun a wood rabbit of southeastern United States swamps and lowlands
    canecutter; Sylvilagus aquaticus; swamp hare.

swamp red oak

  • noun large round-topped deciduous tree with spreading branches having narrow falcate leaves with deeply sinuate lobes and wood similar to that of northern red oaks; New Jersey to Illinois and southward
    turkey oak; Quercus falcata; southern red oak.

Swamp robin

  • (Zoöl.), the chewink.
Webster 1913

swamp rose mallow

  • noun showy shrub of salt marshes of the eastern United States having large rose-colored flowers
    common rose mallow; rose mallow; Hibiscus moscheutos; swamp mallow.

Swamp sassafras

  • (Bot.), a small North American tree of the genus Magnolia (M. glauca) with aromatic leaves and fragrant creamy-white blossoms; called also sweet bay.
Webster 1913

Swamp sparrow

  • noun North American finch of marshy area
    Melospiza georgiana.
  • (Zoöl.), a common North American sparrow (Melospiza Georgiana, or M. palustris), closely resembling the song sparrow. It lives in low, swampy places.
Webster 1913

swamp sunflower

  • noun sunflower of eastern North America having narrow leaves and found in bogs
    Helianthus angustifolius.

swamp white oak

  • noun large deciduous oak of the eastern United States with a flaky bark and leaves that have fewer lobes than other white oaks; yields heavy strong wood used in construction; thrives in wet soil
    Quercus bicolor; swamp oak.

Swamp willow

  • noun North American shrubby willow having dark bark and linear leaves growing close to streams and lakes
    Salix nigra; black willow.
  • . (Bot.) See Pussy willow, under Pussy.
Webster 1913