suspension : Idioms & Phrases

colloidal suspension

  • noun a colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid
    sol; colloidal solution.

Pleas in suspension

  • (Law), pleas which temporarily abate or suspend a suit.
Webster 1913

Points of suspension

  • (Mech.), the points, as in the axis or beam of a balance, at which the weights act, or from which they are suspended.
Webster 1913

Suspension bridge

  • noun a bridge that has a roadway supported by cables that are anchored at both ends
  • a bridge supported by chains, ropes, or wires, which usually pass over high piers or columns at each end, and are secured in the ground beyond.
Webster 1913

Suspension of arms

  • (Mil.), a short truce or cessation of operations agreed on by the commanders of contending armies, as for burying the dead, making proposal for surrender or for peace, etc.
Webster 1913

suspension point

  • noun (usually plural) one of a series of points indicating that something has been omitted or that the sentence is incomplete

Suspension scale

  • a scale in which the platform hangs suspended from the weighing apparatus instead of resting upon it.
Webster 1913

suspension system

  • noun a mechanical system of springs or shock absorbers connecting the wheels and axles to the chassis of a wheeled vehicle