subject : Idioms & Phrases

liege subject

  • noun a person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
    vassal; feudatory; liegeman; liege.

short subject

  • noun a brief film; often shown prior to showing the feature

subject area

  • noun a branch of knowledge
    discipline; field of study; study; subject area; field; bailiwick; subject.
    • in what discipline is his doctorate?
    • teachers should be well trained in their subject
    • anthropology is the study of human beings

subject case

  • noun the category of nouns serving as the grammatical subject of a verb
    nominative; nominative case.

subject field

  • noun a branch of knowledge
    discipline; field of study; study; subject area; field; bailiwick; subject.
    • in what discipline is his doctorate?
    • teachers should be well trained in their subject
    • anthropology is the study of human beings

subject matter

  • noun what a communication that is about something is about
    content; message; substance.


Sub"ject-mat`ter noun
  1. The matter or thought presented for consideration in some statement or discussion; that which is made the object of thought or study.
    As to the subject-matter, words are always to be understood as having a regard thereto. Blackstone.
    As science makes progress in any subject-matter, poetry recedes from it. J. H. Newman.
Webster 1913

To be at home on any subject

  • to be conversant or familiar with it.
Webster 1913