siege : Idioms & Phrases

Siege gun

  • a heavy gun for siege operations.
Webster 1913

siege of orleans

  • noun a long siege of Orleans by the English was relieved by Joan of Arc in 1429

siege of syracuse

  • noun the Roman siege of Syracuse (214-212 BC) was eventually won by the Romans who sacked the city (killing Archimedes)
  • noun the Athenian siege of Syracuse (415-413 BC) was eventually won by Syracuse

siege of vicksburg

  • noun a decisive battle in the American Civil War (1863); after being besieged for nearly seven weeks the Confederates surrendered

siege of yorktown

  • noun in 1781 the British under Cornwallis surrendered after a siege of three weeks by American and French troops; the surrender ended the American Revolution

siege perilous

  • noun the legendary seat at King Arthur's Round Table reserved for the knight who would find the Holy Grail; it was fatal for anyone else to sit in it

Siege train

  • artillery adapted for attacking fortified places.
Webster 1913

To lay siege to

  • . (a) To besiege; to encompass with an army. (b) To beset pertinaciously.
Webster 1913

To raise a siege

  • to relinquish an attempt to take a place by besieging it, or to cause the attempt to be relinquished.
Webster 1913