restriction : Idioms & Phrases

restriction endonuclease

  • noun any of the enzymes that cut nucleic acid at specific restriction sites and produce restriction fragments; obtained from bacteria (where they cripple viral invaders); used in recombinant DNA technology
    restriction endonuclease; restriction enzyme.

restriction enzyme

  • noun any of the enzymes that cut nucleic acid at specific restriction sites and produce restriction fragments; obtained from bacteria (where they cripple viral invaders); used in recombinant DNA technology
    restriction endonuclease; restriction enzyme.

restriction fragment

  • noun the fragment of DNA that is produced by cleaving DNA with a restriction enzyme

restriction nuclease

  • noun any of the enzymes that cut nucleic acid at specific restriction sites and produce restriction fragments; obtained from bacteria (where they cripple viral invaders); used in recombinant DNA technology
    restriction endonuclease; restriction enzyme.

restriction site

  • noun the specific sites at which a restriction enzyme will cleave DNA