ragweed : Idioms & Phrases
common ragweed
noun annual weed with finely divided foliage and spikes of green flowers; common in North America; introduced elsewhere accidentally
Ambrosia artemisiifolia.
false ragweed
noun tall annual marsh elder common in moist rich soil in central North America that can cause contact dermatitis; produces much pollen that is a major cause of hay fever
burweed marsh elder; Iva xanthifolia.
Great ragweed
noun a coarse annual with some leaves deeply and palmately three-cleft or five-cleft
Ambrosia trifida.
- a coarse American herb (
Ambrosia trifida ), with rough three-lobed opposite leaves.
Webster 1913
perennial ragweed
noun coarse perennial ragweed with creeping roots of dry barren lands of southwestern United States and Mexico
Ambrosia psilostachya; perennial ragweed.
ragweed pollen
noun pollen of the ragweed plant is a common allergen
western ragweed
noun coarse perennial ragweed with creeping roots of dry barren lands of southwestern United States and Mexico
Ambrosia psilostachya; perennial ragweed.