radiata : Idioms & Phrases
macaca radiata
noun Indian macaque with a bonnet-like tuft of hair
crown monkey; bonnet macaque; capped macaque; bonnet monkey.
pinus radiata
noun tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3, a dense crown, and dark brown deeply fissured bark
Monterey pine.
raja radiata
noun cold-water bottom fish with spines on the back; to 40 inches
thorny skate.
vigna radiata
noun erect bushy annual widely cultivated in warm regions of India and Indonesia and United States for forage and especially its edible seeds; chief source of bean sprouts used in Chinese cookery; sometimes placed in genus Phaseolus
mung; golden gram; mung bean; green gram; Phaseolus aureus.
Zona radiata
NL. (Biol.) , a radiately striated membrane situated next the yolk of an ovum, or separated from it by a very delicate membrane only.