proportion : Idioms & Phrases

Arithmetical proportion

  • . See Proportion.
Webster 1913

case-fatality proportion

  • noun the number of cases of a disease ending in death divided by the number of cases of the disease; usually expressed as a percentage or as the number of deaths per 1000 cases

case-to-infection proportion

  • noun the number of cases of a disease divided by the number of infections with the agent that causes the disease
    case-to-infection ratio.

Composition of proportion

  • (Math.), an arrangement of four proportionals so that the sum of the arrangement of four proportionals so that the sum of the third and fourth to the fourth.
Webster 1913

Continued proportion

  • (Math.), a proportion composed of two or more equal ratios, in which the consequent of each preceding ratio is the same with the antecedent of the folowing one; as, 4 : 8 : 8 : 16 :: 16 : 32.
Webster 1913

Continued proportion, Inverse proportion, etc.

  • See under Continued, Inverse, etc.
Webster 1913

Discrete proportion

  • proportion where the ratio of the means is different from that of either couplet; as, 3:6::8:16, 3 bearing the same proportion to 6 as 8 does to 16. But 3 is not to 6 as 6 to 8. It is thus opposed to continued or continual proportion; as, 3:6::12:24.
Webster 1913

Distributive proportion

  • . (Math.) See Fellowship.
Webster 1913

Duplicate proportionratio

  • (Math.), the proportion or ratio of squares. Thus, in geometrical proportion, the first term to the third is said to be in a duplicate ratio of the first to the second, or as its square is to the square of the second. Thus, in 2, 4, 8, 16, the ratio of 2 to 8 is a duplicate of that of 2 to 4, or as the square of 2 is to the square of 4.
Webster 1913

Geometrical progression, proportion, ratio

  • . See under Progression, Proportion and Ratio.
Webster 1913

Harmonic proportion

  • . See under Proportion.
Webster 1913

Harmonical, ∨ Musical, proportion

  • a relation of three or four quantities, such that the first is to the last as the difference between the first two is to the difference between the last two; thus, 2, 3, 6, are in harmonical proportion; for 2 is to 6 as 1 to 3. Thus, 24, 16, 12, 9, are harmonical, for 24:9::8:3.
Webster 1913


  • adjective satellite lacking pleasing proportions

In proportion

  • according as; to the degree that. "In proportion as they are metaphysically true, they are morally and politically false."
Webster 1913

Inverse, ∨ Reciprocal, proportion

  • an equality between a direct ratio and a reciprocal ratio; thus, 4 : 2 : : ⅓ : ⅙, or 4 : 2 : : 3 : 6, inversely.
Webster 1913

law of constant proportion

  • noun (chemistry) law stating that every pure substance always contains the same elements combined in the same proportions by weight
    law of constant proportion.

Law of definite proportions

  • noun (chemistry) law stating that every pure substance always contains the same elements combined in the same proportions by weight
    law of constant proportion.
  • (Chem.), the essential law of chemical combination that every definite compound always contains the same elements in the same proportions by weight; and, if two or more elements form more than one compound with each other, the relative proportions of each are fixed. Compare Law of multiple proportions, under Multiple.
Webster 1913

law of equivalent proportions

  • noun (chemistry) law stating that the proportions in which two elements separately combine with a third element are also the proportions in which they combine together
    law of equivalent proportions.

Law of multiple proportion

  • (Chem.), the generalization that when the same elements unite in more than one proportion, forming two or more different compounds, the higher proportions of the elements in such compounds are simple multiplies of the lowest proportion, or the proportions are connected by some simple common factor; thus, iron and oxygen unite in the proportions FeO, Fe2O3, Fe3O4, in which compounds, considering the oxygen, 3 and 4 are simple multiplies of 1. Called also the Law of Dalton, from its discoverer.
Webster 1913

law of multiple proportions

  • noun (chemistry) law stating that when two elements can combine to form more than one compound the amounts of one of them that combines with a fixed amount of the other will exhibit a simple multiple relation
    Dalton's law.

law of reciprocal proportions

  • noun (chemistry) law stating that the proportions in which two elements separately combine with a third element are also the proportions in which they combine together
    law of equivalent proportions.

Reciprocal proportion

  • (Math.), a proportion such that, of four terms taken in order, the first has to the second the same ratio which the fourth has to the third, or the first has to the second the same ratio which the reciprocal of the third has to the reciprocal of the fourth. Thus, 2:5: :20:8 form a reciprocal proportion, because 2:5: :120:18.
Webster 1913

Terms of a proportion

  • (Math.), the four members of which it is composed.
Webster 1913


  • adjective satellite of pleasing proportions