pond : Idioms & Phrases

carolina pond fern

  • noun small free-floating aquatic fern from the eastern United States to tropical America; naturalized in western and southern Europe
    Azolla caroliniana; mosquito fern; floating fern.

common pond-skater

  • noun a variety of water strider
    Gerris lacustris.

Mill pond

  • a pond that supplies the water for a mill.
Webster 1913

pond apple

  • noun small evergreen tree of tropical America with edible fruit; used chiefly as grafting stock
    pond apple; Annona glabra.
  • noun ovoid yellow fruit with very fragrant peach-colored flesh; related to custard apples

pond bald cypress

  • noun common cypress of southeastern United States having trunk expanded at base; found in coastal swamps and flooding river bottoms
    Taxodium distichum; swamp cypress; southern cypress; bald cypress.

pond cypress

  • noun smaller than and often included in the closely related Taxodium distichum
    Taxodium ascendens; bald cypress.

Pond hen

  • (Zoöl.), the American coot. See Coot (a).
Webster 1913

Pond lily

  • noun a water lily having large leaves and showy fragrant flowers that float on the water; of temperate and tropical regions
    Nymphaea odorata; fragrant water lily; water nymph.
  • (Bot.), the water lily. See under Water, and Illust. under Nymphæa.
Webster 1913

pond pine

  • noun large three-needled pine of sandy swamps of southeastern United States; needles longer than those of the northern pitch pine
    Pinus serotina.

pond scum

  • noun free-floating freshwater green algae

Pond snail

  • (Zoöl.), any gastropod living in fresh-water ponds or lakes. The most common kinds are air-breathing snails (Pulmonifera) belonging to Limnæa, Physa, Planorbis, and allied genera. The operculated species are pectinibranchs, belonging to Melantho, Valvata, and various other genera.
Webster 1913

Pond spice

  • (Bot.), an American shrub (Tetranthera geniculata) of the Laurel family, with small oval leaves, and axillary clusters of little yellow flowers. The whole plant is spicy. It grows in ponds and swamps from Virginia to Florida.
Webster 1913

Pond tortoise, Pond turtle

  • (Zoöl.), any freshwater tortoise of the family Emydidæ. Numerous species are found in North America.
Webster 1913

pond-apple tree

  • noun small evergreen tree of tropical America with edible fruit; used chiefly as grafting stock
    pond apple; Annona glabra.

pond-scum parasite

  • noun an aquatic fungus of genus Synchytriaceae that is parasitic on pond scum


  • noun long-legged bug that skims about on the surface of water
    water strider; water skater.

yellow pond lily

  • noun common water lily of eastern and central North America, having broad leaves and globe-shaped yellow flowers; in sluggish fresh or slightly brackish water
    cow lily; spatterdock; Nuphar advena.