organ : Idioms & Phrases
- american organ
- Barrel organ
Barrel organ ,Choir organ ,Great organ - bojanus organ
- Cabinet organ
- cell organ
- Choir organ
- contractile organ
- Coupler of an organ
- Echo organ
- electric organ
- electronic organ
- End organ
- erectile organ
- excretory organ
- external organ
- female genital organ
- female internal reproductive organ
- Full organ
- genital organ
- Great organ
- grind organ
- gustatory organ
- hammond organ
- Hand organ
- house organ
- internal organ
- lateral line organ
- male genital organ
- male internal reproductive organ
- Mouth organ
- Olfactory organ
- Organ bird
- organ donor
- Organ fish
- Organ gun
- Organ harmonium
- organ loft
- organ of corti
- Organ of Gorti
- organ of hearing
- organ of speech
- Organ pipe
- Organ point
- organ stop
- organ transplant
- organ-grinder
- Organ-pipe coral
- Pedal organ
- pipe organ
- plant organ
- Reed organ
- reproductive organ
- respiratory organ
- rosenmuller's organ
- secretory organ
- Segmental organs
- Sense organ
- sex organ
- speech organ
- steam organ
- street organ
- taret organ
- target organ
- urinary organ
- vital organ
- vocal organ
american organ
noun a free-reed instrument in which air is drawn in through reeds by suction bellows
Barrel organ
noun a musical instrument that makes music by rotation of a cylinder studded with pegs
barrel organ; hand organ; hurdy gurdy; hurdy-gurdy; grind organ.
- an instrument for producing music by the action of a revolving cylinder. Barrel vault. See under
Vault .
Webster 1913
Barrel organ , Choir organ , Great organ
- etc. See under
Barrel ,Choir , etc.
Webster 1913
bojanus organ
Bo*ja"nus or"gan
(Zoöl.) A glandular organ of bivalve mollusca, serving in part as a kidney.
Webster 1913
Cabinet organ
(Mus.) , an organ of small size, as for a chapel or for domestic use; a reed organ.
Webster 1913
cell organ
noun a specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ
organelle; cell organelle.
- the first organelle to be identified was the nucleus
Choir organ
(Mus.) , one of the three or five distinct organs included in the full organ, each separable from the rest, but all controlled by one performer; a portion of the full organ, complete in itself, and more practicable for ordinary service and in the accompanying of the vocal choir.
Webster 1913
contractile organ
noun a bodily organ that contracts
Coupler of an organ
- a contrivance by which any two or more of the ranks of keys, or keys and pedals, are connected so as to act together when the organ is played.
Webster 1913
Echo organ
(Mus.) , a set organ pipes inclosed in a box so as to produce a soft, distant effect; generally superseded by the swell.
Webster 1913
electric organ
noun (music) an electronic simulation of a pipe organ
electronic organ; electric organ; organ.
electronic organ
noun (music) an electronic simulation of a pipe organ
electronic organ; electric organ; organ.
End organ
noun a specialized structure at the peripheral end of some motor or sensory nerve fibers
(Anat.) , the structure in which a nerve fiber ends, either peripherally or centrally.
Webster 1913
erectile organ
noun an organ containing erectile tissue
excretory organ
noun an organ that separates waste substances from the blood and discharges them
excretory organ.
external organ
noun an organ that is situated on or near the surface of the body
female genital organ
noun external female sex organs
female genitals; female genitalia; fanny.
- in England `fanny' is vulgar slang for female genitals
female internal reproductive organ
noun the reproductive organs of a woman
Full organ
(Mus.) , the organ when all or most stops are out.
Webster 1913
genital organ
noun external sex organ
privates; genitals; private parts; genitalia; crotch.
Great organ
- (Mus.), the largest and loudest of the three parts of a grand organ (the others being the choir organ and the swell, and sometimes the pedal organ or foot keys), It is played upon by a separate keyboard, which has the middle position.
Webster 1913
grind organ
noun a musical instrument that makes music by rotation of a cylinder studded with pegs
barrel organ; hand organ; hurdy gurdy; hurdy-gurdy; grind organ.
gustatory organ
noun an oval sensory end organ on the surface of the tongue
tastebud; taste bud.
hammond organ
noun (music) an electronic simulation of a pipe organ
electronic organ; electric organ; organ.
Hand organ
noun a musical instrument that makes music by rotation of a cylinder studded with pegs
barrel organ; hand organ; hurdy gurdy; hurdy-gurdy; grind organ.
(Mus.) , a barrel organ, operated by a crank turned by hand.
Webster 1913
house organ
noun a periodical published by a business firm for its employees and customers
internal organ
noun a main organ that is situated inside the body
lateral line organ
noun sense organs of fish and amphibians; believed to detect pressure changes in the water
lateral line.
male genital organ
noun external male sex organs
male genitalia; male genitals; family jewels.
male internal reproductive organ
noun the reproductive organs of a man
Mouth organ
noun a small rectangular free-reed instrument having a row of free reeds set back in air holes and played by blowing into the desired hole
harp; mouth harp; harmonica.
- .
(Mus.) (a) Pan's pipes . SeePandean .(b) An harmonicon.
Webster 1913
Olfactory organ
noun the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals
- he has a cold in the nose
(Anat.) , an organ for smelling. In vertebrates the olfactory organs are more or less complicated sacs, situated in the front part of the head and lined with epithelium innervated by the olfactory (or first cranial) nerves, and sensitive to odoriferous particles conveyed to it in the air or in water.
Webster 1913
Organ bird
(Zoöl.) , a Tasmanian crow shrike (Gymnorhina organicum ). It utters discordant notes like those of a hand organ out of tune.
Webster 1913
organ donor
noun someone from whom an organ is taken for transplantation
Organ fish
(Zoöl.) , the drumfish.
Webster 1913
Organ gun
- .
(Mil.) Same asOrgue (b) .
Webster 1913
Organ harmonium
(Mus.) , an harmonium of large capacity and power.
Webster 1913
organ loft
noun a gallery occupied by a church organ
organ of corti
noun the hearing organ of the inner ear; contains receptors that respond to sound waves
Organ of Gorti
(Anat.) , a complicated structure in the cochlea of the ear, including the auditory hair cells, the rods or fibers of Corti, the membrane of Corti, etc. See Note underEar .
Webster 1913
organ of hearing
noun the part of the ear that is responsible for sensations of sound
organ of speech
noun any of the organs involved in speech production
speech organ; organ of speech.
Organ pipe
noun the flues and stops on a pipe organ
pipe; pipework.
- . See
Pipe , n., 1.
Webster 1913
Organ point
(Mus.) , a passage in which the tonic or dominant is sustained continuously by one part, while the other parts move.
Webster 1913
organ stop
noun a graduated set of organ pipes of like tone quality
organ transplant
noun an operation moving an organ from one organism (the donor) to another (the recipient)
transplantation; transplant.
- he had a kidney transplant
- the long-term results of cardiac transplantation are now excellent
- a child had a multiple organ transplant two months ago
noun a street musician who plays a hand organ or hurdy-gurdy
Organ-pipe coral
- .
(Zoöl.) SeeTubipora .
Webster 1913
Pedal organ
(Mus.) , an organ which has pedals or a range of keys moved by the feet; that portion of a full organ which is played with the feet.
Webster 1913
pipe organ
noun wind instrument whose sound is produced by means of pipes arranged in sets supplied with air from a bellows and controlled from a large complex musical keyboard
plant organ
noun a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus
Reed organ
noun a free-reed instrument in which air is forced through the reeds by bellows
harmonium; organ.
(Mus.) , an organ in which the wind acts on a set of free reeds, as the harmonium, melodeon, concertina, etc.
Webster 1913
reproductive organ
noun any organ involved in sexual reproduction
reproductive organ.
respiratory organ
noun any organ involved in the process of respiration
rosenmuller's organ
Ro"sen*mül`ler's or"gan
- Rosenmuller's organ
- Rosenmüller's organ
[So named from its first describer, J. C. Rosenmüller, a German anatomist.] (Anat.) The parovarium.
Webster 1913
secretory organ
noun any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream
gland; secretor; secreter.
Segmental organs
- .
(a) (Anat.) The embryonic excretory organs of vertebrates, consisting primarily of the segmental tubes and segmental ducts .(b) (Zoöl.) The tubular excretory organs, a pair of which often occur in each of several segments in annelids. They serve as renal organs, and often, also, as oviducts and sperm ducts. See Illust. underSipunculacea .
Webster 1913
Sense organ
noun an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation
receptor; sensory receptor.
(Physiol.) , a specially irritable mechanism by which some one natural force or form of energy is enabled to excite sensory nerves; as the eye, ear, an end bulb or tactile corpuscle, etc.
Webster 1913
sex organ
noun any organ involved in sexual reproduction
reproductive organ.
speech organ
noun any of the organs involved in speech production
speech organ; organ of speech.
steam organ
noun a musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles played from a keyboard
street organ
noun a musical instrument that makes music by rotation of a cylinder studded with pegs
barrel organ; hand organ; hurdy gurdy; hurdy-gurdy; grind organ.
taret organ
noun (endocrinology) organ most affected by a particular hormone
target organ
noun (radiology) organ intended to receive the therapeutic dose of a radioactive substance
urinary organ
noun an organ that separates waste substances from the blood and discharges them
excretory organ.
vital organ
noun a bodily organ that is essential for life
vocal organ
noun any of the organs involved in speech production
speech organ; organ of speech.